# Contributing
Checkout [MAINTAINING.md ](./MAINTAINING.md ) for common maintaining tasks.
## A brief explanation on the source code structure
This repository contains source code only for Monaco Editor Languages, the core editor source lives in the [vscode repository ](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode ).
| repository | npm module | explanation |
| ----------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| [vscode ](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode ) | [monaco-editor-core ](https://www.npmjs.com/package/monaco-editor-core ) | editor core functionality (language agnostic) is shipped out of vscode. |
| [monaco-editor ](https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor ) | [monaco-editor ](https://www.npmjs.com/package/monaco-editor ) | the Monaco Editor. |
## Contributing a new tokenizer / a new language
- create `$/src/basic-languages/{myLang}/{myLang}.contribution.ts`
- create `$/src/basic-languages/{myLang}/{myLang}.ts`
- create `$/src/basic-languages/{myLang}/{myLang}.test.ts`
- edit `$/src/basic-languages/monaco.contribution.ts` and register your new language
import './{myLang}/{myLang}.contribution';
## Running the editor from source
You need to have all the build setup of VS Code to be able to build the Monaco Editor.
- Install all the [prerequisites ](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/wiki/How-to-Contribute#prerequisites )
# clone vscode-loc repository for localized string resources
/src> git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-loc
# clone VS Code repository
/src> git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vscode
/src> cd vscode
# install npm deps for vscode
/src/vscode> yarn
# start the compiler in the background
/src/vscode> yarn watch
- For the monaco editor test pages:
# clone monaco-editor (note the folders must be siblings!)
/src> git clone https://github.com/microsoft/monaco-editor
# install npm deps for monaco-editor
/src/monaco-editor> npm install .
# compile and bundle all plugins
/src/monaco-editor> npm run release
# start a local http server in the background
/src/monaco-editor> npm run simpleserver
Open [http://localhost:8080/monaco-editor/test/manual/?editor=src ](http://localhost:8080/monaco-editor/test/manual/?editor=src ) to run.
## Running the editor tests
# create a local release
/src/monaco-editor> npm run release
# run unit tests
/src/monaco-editor> npm run test
# compile the webpack plugin
/src/monaco-editor> npm run compile --prefix webpack-plugin
# package using the webpack plugin
/src/monaco-editor> npm run smoketest --prefix webpack-plugin
# run the smoketest
/src/monaco-editor> npm run smoketest-debug
> Tip: All folders must be cloned as siblings.
> Tip: When running the test pages, use the control panel in the top right corner to switch between running from source, running from npm or running from the local release:
## Running the website locally
> Note: The website is published automatically when pushing to the `master` branch.
# create a local release
/src/monaco-editor> npm run release
# build the website
/src/monaco-editor> npm run build-website
# start local webserver
/src/monaco-editor> npm run simpleserver
# open http://localhost:8080/monaco-editor-website/