Go to file
Michail Vourlakos e56478fb8a publish tasks geometries only for current layout
--this is used mainly from Multiple Layouts in order
to publish tasks geometries only those plasmoids that
belong to the current layout
app improve currentLayoutName for Multiple Layouts
applets SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
containment add managedLayout to dockView
icons Improving readability of CMakeLists
liblattedock add variable layoutsMemoryUsage for layoutManager
plasmoid publish tasks geometries only for current layout
shell add more MultipleLayouts code
.gitignore add ignore autosave files for the commits
CHANGELOG.md update Changelog for v0.7.3
CMakeLists.txt update to v0.7.76
COPYING add LGPL which is used by some files and rename LICENSE to COPYING which is more common in KDE
COPYING.LIB add LGPL which is used by some files and rename LICENSE to COPYING which is more common in KDE
Definitions.cmake Improving readability of CMakeLists
INSTALLATION.md fix , add new dependency
README.md fix #807,download window for Latte Layouts
TRANSLATORS Update de.po ()
astylerc --delete-empty-lines decrease the legibility
formatter.sh update file mode. +x
install.sh add ENABLE_MAKE_UNIQUE flag for older gcc versions
uninstall.sh set +x mode



Latte is a dock based on plasma frameworks that provides an elegant and intuitive experience for your tasks and plasmoids. It animates its contents by using parabolic zoom effect and trys to be there only when it is needed.

"Art in Coffee"

Click here to lend your support to: Latte Dock and make a donation at pledgie.com !




We recommend that you use at least Plasma 5.9.0

development packages for:

 Qt5Core >= 5.7.0
 Qt5Gui >= 5.7.0
 Qt5Dbus >= 5.7.0

 KF5Plasma >= 5.29.0
 KF5PlasmaQuick >= 5.29.0
 KF5Activities >= 5.29.0
 KF5CoreAddons >= 5.29.0
 KF5DBusAddons >= 5.29.0
 KF5Declarative >= 5.29.0
 KF5Wayland >= 5.29.0
 KF5Package >= 5.29.0
 KF5XmlGui >= 5.29.0
 KF5IconThemes >= 5.29.0
 KF5I18n >= 5.29.0
 KF5Notifications >= 5.29.0
 KF5NewStuff >= 5.29.0
 KF5Archive >= 5.29.0
 KF5GlobalAccel >= 5.29.0
 KF5Crash >= 5.29.0

 For X11 support:
    KF5WindowSystem >= 5.29.0
    Qt5X11Extras >= 5.7.0

From repositories




Arch Linux


Void Linux

See the installation instruction for others Linux distribution or development build

Run Latte-Dock

Latte is now ready to be used by executing latte-dock or Latte Dock in applications menu.


Varlesh: Logos and Icons.