You cannot select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
91 lines
3.4 KiB
91 lines
3.4 KiB
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Michail Vourlakos <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0
import org.kde.latte.components 1.0 as LatteComponents
id: shorcutBadge
active: abilityItem.abilities.shortcuts.showPositionShortcutBadges && !abilityItem.isSeparator && !abilityItem.isHidden && abilityItem.abilities.shortcuts.isEnabled
asynchronous: true
visible: badgeString !== ""
property int fixedIndex:-1
readonly property int maxFixedIndex: abilityItem.abilities.shortcuts.badges.length
readonly property real textColorBrightness: colorBrightness(theme.textColor)
readonly property string badgeString: (shorcutBadge.fixedIndex>=1 && shorcutBadge.fixedIndex<=maxFixedIndex) ?
abilityItem.abilities.shortcuts.badges[shorcutBadge.fixedIndex-1] : ""
readonly property color lightTextColor: textColorBrightness > 127.5 ? theme.textColor : theme.backgroundColor
onActiveChanged: updateShorcutIndex();
Connections {
target: abilityItem
onItemIndexChanged: shortcutBadge.updateShorcutIndex();
function updateShorcutIndex() {
if ( && abilityItem.abilities.shortcuts.showPositionShortcutBadges) {
fixedIndex = abilityItem.abilities.shortcuts.shortcutIndex(abilityItem.itemIndex);
} else {
fixedIndex = -1;
function colorBrightness(color) {
return colorBrightnessFromRGB(color.r * 255, color.g * 255, color.b * 255);
// formula for brightness according to:
function colorBrightnessFromRGB(r, g, b) {
return (r * 299 + g * 587 + b * 114) / 1000
sourceComponent: Item{
anchors.fill: taskNumber
active: abilityItem.abilities.myView.itemShadow.isEnabled
&& abilityItem.abilities.environment.isGraphicsSystemAccelerated
sourceComponent: DropShadow{
color: abilityItem.abilities.myView.itemShadow.shadowColor
fast: true
samples: 2 * radius
source: taskNumber
radius: abilityItem.abilities.myView.itemShadow.size/2
verticalOffset: 2
LatteComponents.BadgeText {
id: taskNumber
// when iconSize < 48, height is always = 24, height / iconSize > 50%
// we prefer center aligned badges to top-left aligned ones
property bool centerInParent: abilityItem.abilities.metrics.iconSize < 48
anchors.left: centerInParent? undefined : parent.left
| centerInParent? undefined :
anchors.centerIn: centerInParent? parent : undefined
minimumWidth: 0.4 * (abilityItem.parabolicItem.zoom * abilityItem.abilities.metrics.iconSize)
height: Math.max(24, 0.4 * (abilityItem.parabolicItem.zoom * abilityItem.abilities.metrics.iconSize))
style3d: abilityItem.abilities.myView.badgesIn3DStyle
textValue: shorcutBadge.badgeString
borderColor: shortcutBadge.lightTextColor
showNumber: false
showText: true
proportion: 0
radiusPerCentage: 100