Michail Vourlakos ba08038bc0 add Latte/Indicator type and improve metadata
dbus support wallpaper slideshows
indicator add Latte/Indicator type and improve metadata
layout multi-screen: find view::screen id in better way
package support wallpaper slideshows
packageplugins add Latte/Indicator type and improve metadata
plasma add outline width option in Preferences
settings dont disable Ok button at Latte Preferences window
shortcuts IMPORTANT: All new Indicators architecture
view add Latte/Indicator type and improve metadata
wm add debug message for windows default color scheme
CMakeLists.txt add Latte/Indicator type and improve metadata
FakeTarget.cmake FakeTarget moved to app/
alternativeshelper.cpp add headers comments for all c++ files
alternativeshelper.h add headers comments for all c++ files
config-latte.h.cmake update README links and titles
importer.cpp IMPORTANT: All new Indicators architecture
importer.h IMPORTANT: All new Indicators architecture
infoview.cpp refactor:rename dock term to view term
infoview.h refactor:rename DockCorona to Latte::Corona
latte-indicators.knsrc add Latte/Indicator type and improve metadata
latte-layouts.knsrc SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
lattecorona.cpp IMPORTANT: All new Indicators architecture
lattecorona.h IMPORTANT: All new Indicators architecture
lattedock.notifyrc SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
launcherssignals.cpp fix publishing launchersSignals in qml
launcherssignals.h fix publishing launchersSignals in qml
layoutmanager.cpp create latte dir if missing when loading presets
layoutmanager.h refactor:cleanup globalshortcuts
main.cpp remove deprecated bug address
org.kde.latte-dock.appdata.xml.cmake GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction)
org.kde.latte-dock.desktop.cmake SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
schemecolors.cpp discover standard paths independent of distro
schemecolors.h add headers comments for all c++ files
screenpool.cpp add headers comments for all c++ files
screenpool.h add headers comments for all c++ files