You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

195 lines
5.8 KiB

* Copyright 2017 Smith AR <>
* Michail Vourlakos <>
* This file is part of Latte-Dock
* Latte-Dock is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Latte-Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
// local
#include "../lattecorona.h"
#include "../liblatte2/types.h"
// Qt
#include <QObject>
#include <QAbstractItemModel>
#include <QHash>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QQmlListProperty>
#include <QScreen>
// KDE
#include <KConfigGroup>
#include <KSharedConfig>
namespace Latte {
class LayoutManager;
//! This class holds all the settings that are universally available
//! independent of layouts
class UniversalSettings : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(bool autostart READ autostart WRITE setAutostart NOTIFY autostartChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool showInfoWindow READ showInfoWindow WRITE setShowInfoWindow NOTIFY showInfoWindowChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString currentLayoutName READ currentLayoutName WRITE setCurrentLayoutName NOTIFY currentLayoutNameChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList badgesForActivate READ badgesForActivate NOTIFY badgesForActivateChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QStringList launchers READ launchers WRITE setLaunchers NOTIFY launchersChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(Latte::Types::MouseSensitivity mouseSensitivity READ mouseSensitivity WRITE setMouseSensitivity NOTIFY mouseSensitivityChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QQmlListProperty<QScreen> screens READ screens)
UniversalSettings(KSharedConfig::Ptr config, QObject *parent = nullptr);
~UniversalSettings() override;
void load();
bool autostart() const;
void setAutostart(bool state);
bool canDisableBorders() const;
void setCanDisableBorders(bool enable);
bool metaForwardedToLatte() const;
void forwardMetaToLatte(bool forward);
bool showInfoWindow() const;
void setShowInfoWindow(bool show);
int version() const;
void setVersion(int ver);
int screenTrackerInterval() const;
void setScreenTrackerInterval(int duration);
QString currentLayoutName() const;
void setCurrentLayoutName(QString layoutName);
QString lastNonAssignedLayoutName() const;
void setLastNonAssignedLayoutName(QString layoutName);
QSize downloadWindowSize() const;
void setDownloadWindowSize(QSize size);
QSize layoutsWindowSize() const;
void setLayoutsWindowSize(QSize size);
QStringList badgesForActivate() const;
QStringList layoutsColumnWidths() const;
void setLayoutsColumnWidths(QStringList widths);
QStringList launchers() const;
void setLaunchers(QStringList launcherList);
Types::MouseSensitivity mouseSensitivity() const;
void setMouseSensitivity(Types::MouseSensitivity sensitivity);
QQmlListProperty<QScreen> screens();
static int countScreens(QQmlListProperty<QScreen> *property); //! is needed by screens()
static QScreen *atScreens(QQmlListProperty<QScreen> *property, int index); //! is needed by screens()
void clearAllAppletShortcuts();
public slots:
Q_INVOKABLE QString splitterIconPath();
Q_INVOKABLE QString trademarkIconPath();
Q_INVOKABLE QString appletShortcutBadge(int appletId);
void autostartChanged();
void badgesForActivateChanged();
void canDisableBordersChanged();
void currentLayoutNameChanged();
void downloadWindowSizeChanged();
void lastNonAssignedLayoutNameChanged();
void layoutsColumnWidthsChanged();
void layoutsWindowSizeChanged();
void launchersChanged();
void layoutsMemoryUsageChanged();
void mouseSensitivityChanged();
void screenTrackerIntervalChanged();
void showInfoWindowChanged();
void versionChanged();
private slots:
void loadConfig();
void saveConfig();
void shortcutsFileChanged(const QString &file);
void cleanupSettings();
void initGlobalShortcutsWatcher();
//! access user set global shortcuts for activate entries
void parseGlobalShortcuts();
bool kwin_metaForwardedToLatte() const;
void kwin_forwardMetaToLatte(bool forward);
Types::LayoutsMemoryUsage layoutsMemoryUsage() const;
void setLayoutsMemoryUsage(Types::LayoutsMemoryUsage layoutsMemoryUsage);
QString shortcutToBadge(QStringList shortcutRecords);
bool m_canDisableBorders{false};
bool m_showInfoWindow{true};
//when there isnt a version it is an old universal file
int m_version{1};
int m_screenTrackerInterval{2500};
QString m_currentLayoutName;
QString m_lastNonAssignedLayoutName;
QSize m_downloadWindowSize{800, 550};
QSize m_layoutsWindowSize{700, 450};
QStringList m_badgesForActivate{"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "z", "x", "c", "v", "b", "n", "m", ",", "."};
QStringList m_layoutsColumnWidths;
QStringList m_launchers;
//! shortcuts assigned to applets through plasma infrastructure
//! <applet id, shortcut>
QHash<int, QString> m_appletShortcuts;
Types::LayoutsMemoryUsage m_memoryUsage;
Types::MouseSensitivity m_mouseSensitivity{Types::HighSensitivity};
QPointer<Latte::Corona> m_corona;
KConfigGroup m_universalGroup;
KSharedConfig::Ptr m_config;
KSharedConfig::Ptr m_shortcutsConfigPtr;
friend class LayoutManager;
friend class Latte::Corona;