You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

105 lines
3.4 KiB

SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Michail Vourlakos <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include "namedelegate.h"
// local
#include "../viewsmodel.h"
#include "../../generic/generictools.h"
#include "../../generic/genericviewtools.h"
#include "../../../data/screendata.h"
#include "../../../data/viewdata.h"
// KDE
#include <KLocalizedString>
namespace Latte {
namespace Settings {
namespace View {
namespace Delegate {
NameDelegate::NameDelegate(QObject *parent)
: QStyledItemDelegate(parent)
void NameDelegate::updateEditorGeometry(QWidget *editor, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
editor->setGeometry(Latte::remainedFromScreenDrawing(option, false));
void NameDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const
QStyleOptionViewItem myOptions = option;
//! Remove the focus dotted lines
myOptions.state = (myOptions.state & ~QStyle::State_HasFocus);
myOptions.text = index.model()->data(index, Qt::DisplayRole).toString();
myOptions.displayAlignment = static_cast<Qt::Alignment>(index.model()->data(index, Qt::TextAlignmentRole).toInt());
bool isEmpty = myOptions.text.isEmpty();
bool isActive =;
bool isMoveOrigin =;
bool isChanged = ( ||;
bool hasErrors =;
bool hasWarnings =;
Latte::Data::Screen screen =<Latte::Data::Screen>();
Latte::Data::View view =<Latte::Data::View>();
float textopacity = 1.0;
if (isEmpty) {
myOptions.text = "&lt; " + i18n("optional") + " &gt;";
textopacity = 0.5;
if (isActive) {
myOptions.text = "<b>" + myOptions.text + "</b>";
if (isChanged || isMoveOrigin) {
myOptions.text = "<i>" + myOptions.text + "</i>";
if (isMoveOrigin) {
textopacity = 0.25;
Latte::drawBackground(painter, option);
// draw changes indicator
QRect remainedrect = Latte::remainedFromChangesIndicator(option);
if (isChanged) {
Latte::drawChangesIndicator(painter, option);
myOptions.rect = remainedrect;
// draw errors/warnings
if (hasErrors || hasWarnings) {
remainedrect = Latte::remainedFromIcon(myOptions, Qt::AlignRight, -1, 2);
if (hasErrors) {
Latte::drawIcon(painter, myOptions, "data-error", Qt::AlignRight, -1, 2);
} else if (hasWarnings) {
Latte::drawIcon(painter, myOptions, "data-warning", Qt::AlignRight, -1, 2);
myOptions.rect = remainedrect;
// draw screen icon
int maxiconsize = -1; //disabled
remainedrect = Latte::remainedFromScreenDrawing(myOptions, screen.isScreensGroup(), maxiconsize);
QRect availableScreenRect = Latte::drawScreen(painter, myOptions, screen.isScreensGroup(), screen.geometry, maxiconsize, textopacity);
Latte::drawView(painter, myOptions, view, availableScreenRect, textopacity);
myOptions.rect = remainedrect;
Latte::drawFormattedText(painter, myOptions, textopacity);