Michail Vourlakos 745b9ea075 dont apply too early blur effect
dont delay the corona destruction under wayland
because that creates a crash with kwin effects

BUG: 392890
dbus expose contextMenu data through dbus
dock dont apply too early blur effect
layoutsDelegates always update background for colors/backs
packageplugins/shell compress svg files
plasmaquick avoid white spaces with astyle
CMakeLists.txt Support KWin Edges mechanism
FakeTarget.cmake FakeTarget moved to app/ include translations of the dock folder
abstractwindowinterface.cpp fix #889,dont crash on applcation exit
abstractwindowinterface.h Support KWin Edges mechanism
alternativeshelper.cpp code formatted
alternativeshelper.h code formatted
config-latte.h.cmake update README links and titles
dockcorona.cpp dont apply too early blur effect
dockcorona.h use recreateDock directly
globalshortcuts.cpp reduce hide dock and applets numbers interval
globalshortcuts.h delay execution of activating entrys when hidden
importer.cpp fix dependencies and references
importer.h update header files and move files around
infoview.cpp fix #889,dont crash on applcation exit
infoview.h support Activities setting for InfoView
latte-layouts.knsrc SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
lattedock.notifyrc SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
launcherssignals.cpp Use a new architecture for internal separators
launcherssignals.h Use a new architecture for internal separators
layout.cpp update lastUsedActivity in Single Layout mode
layout.h fix #905,smart colorize transparent panels
layoutmanager.cpp use recreateDock directly
layoutmanager.h use recreateDock directly
main.cpp update README links and titles
org.kde.latte-dock.appdata.xml.cmake GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction)
org.kde.latte-dock.desktop.cmake SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
screenpool.cpp update header files and move files around
screenpool.h update header files and move files around
settingsdialog.cpp expose screen Tracker interval value
settingsdialog.h improve button states at Layouts Editor
settingsdialog.ui increase maximum value of screen tracker
sortedactivitiesmodel.cpp improve all luminance calculations
sortedactivitiesmodel.h fix #905,smart colorize transparent panels
universalsettings.cpp expose screen Tracker interval value
universalsettings.h expose screen Tracker interval value
waylandinterface.cpp Support KWin Edges mechanism
waylandinterface.h Support KWin Edges mechanism
windowinfowrap.cpp , AbstractWindowInterface is now a shared resource
windowinfowrap.h fix #810,support smart/dynamic background
xwindowinterface.cpp Support KWin Edges mechanism
xwindowinterface.h Support KWin Edges mechanism