Go to file
audoban 61942cd76c Fixed mode on startup
app Fixed mode on startup
containment disable zoom on userconfiguring
icons renamed nowdock plasmoid to latte one
liblattedock formatted.
plasmoid update various messages to Latte Dock
po renamed nowdock plasmoid to latte one
shell update the package
.gitignore gitignore update
CMakeLists.txt Added X11Extras dependence
LICENSE initial commit for Latte !!!
README.md Update README.md
astylerc initial commit for Latte !!!
clean.sh script for clean the directories
containment.metadata.desktop.template update to latte containment
formatter.sh update file mode. +x
install.sh initial commit for Latte !!!
latte-dock.desktop.template added translations for corona
plasmoid.metadata.desktop.template renamed nowdock plasmoid to latte one
shell.metadata.desktop.template update shell to latte shell
uninstall.sh initial commit for Latte !!!



Latte is a dock based on plasma frameworks that provides an elegant and intuitive experience for your tasks and plasmoids. It animates its contents by using parabolic zoom effect and trys to be there only when it is needed.

"Art in Coffee"


####installation script####

  • sh install.sh

Latte is now ready to be used by executing latte-dock



  • Plasma >= 5.8.0

development packages for:

 Qt5Core >= 5.6.0
 Qt5Qml >= 5.6.0
 Qt5Quick >= 5.6.0

 KF5Plasma >= 5.25.0
 KF5PlasmaQuick >= 5.25.0
 KF5WindowSystem >= 5.25.0
 KF5KDELibs4Support >= 5.25.0
 KF5CoreAddons >= 5.25.0


Varlesh: Logos and Icons.