Go to file
Michail Vourlakos 534592e9dc fix #412,fix for groupDialog in plasma 5.8
app remove clearing cache
containment do not update iconSize automatically
docs Set theme jekyll-theme-architect
icons Improving readability of CMakeLists
liblattedock fix , support a modifier action
plasmoid fix #412,fix for groupDialog in plasma 5.8
po Update it.po
shell fix , visibility mode and options
.gitignore gitignore update
CHANGELOG.md update to 0.6.0
CMakeLists.txt update to 0.6.0
Definitions.cmake Improving readability of CMakeLists
INSTALLATION.md Added missing libraries that fixes issues , and ()
LICENSE Wrong license version
Locale.cmake Improving readability of CMakeLists
README.md Update README.md
astylerc --delete-empty-lines decrease the legibility
clean.sh script for clean the directories
formatter.sh update file mode. +x
install.sh we can pass a build type to install.sh
uninstall.sh set +x mode



Latte is a dock based on plasma frameworks that provides an elegant and intuitive experience for your tasks and plasmoids. It animates its contents by using parabolic zoom effect and trys to be there only when it is needed.

"Art in Coffee"


Please run ./install.sh script. After the installation has completed successfully, you can execute latte-dock or search Latte Dock on your menu of applications.



ArchLinux AUR


We recommend that you use at least Plasma 5.8.0

development packages for:

 Qt5Core >= 5.6.0
 Qt5Gui >= 5.6.0
 Qt5Dbus >= 5.6.0

 KF5Plasma >= 5.26.0
 KF5PlasmaQuick >= 5.26.0
 KF5Activities >= 5.26.0
 KF5CoreAddons >= 5.26.0
 KF5DBusAddons >= 5.26.0
 KF5Declarative >= 5.26.0
 KF5Wayland >= 5.26.0
 KF5Package >= 5.26.0
 KF5XmlGui >= 5.26.0
 KF5IconThemes >= 5.26.0
 KF5I18n >= 5.26.0
 KF5Notifications >= 5.26.0
 KF5Archive >= 5.26.0

 For X11 support:
    KF5WindowSystem >= 5.26.0
    Qt5X11Extras >= 5.6.0


Varlesh: Logos and Icons.