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1085 lines
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1085 lines
40 KiB
* Copyright 2016 Smith AR <>
* Michail Vourlakos <>
* This file is part of Latte-Dock
* Latte-Dock is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* Latte-Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0
import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0
import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore
import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents
import org.kde.kquickcontrolsaddons 2.0
import org.kde.latte.core 0.2 as LatteCore
import org.kde.latte.components 1.0 as LatteComponents
import "colorizer" as Colorizer
import "communicator" as Communicator
import "indicator" as Indicator
import "../debugger" as Debugger
Item {
id: appletItem
visible: false
width: isInternalViewSplitter && !root.inConfigureAppletsMode ? 0 : computeWidth
height: isInternalViewSplitter && !root.inConfigureAppletsMode ? 0 : computeHeight
//any applets that exceed their limits should not take events from their surrounding applets
clip: !isSeparator && !
signal mousePressed(int x, int y, int button);
signal mouseReleased(int x, int y, int button);
property bool animationsEnabled: true
property bool parabolicEffectIsSupported: true
property bool canShowAppletNumberBadge: !isSeparator && !isHidden && !isLattePlasmoid
&& !isSpacer && !isInternalViewSplitter
readonly property bool canFillThickness: applet && applet.hasOwnProperty("constraintHints") && (applet.constraintHints & PlasmaCore.Types.CanFillArea);
readonly property color highlightColor: theme.buttonFocusColor
//! Fill Applet(s)
property bool inFillCalculations: false //temp record, is used in calculations for fillWidth,fillHeight applets
property bool isAutoFillApplet: isRequestingFill
property bool isRequestingFill: {
if (!applet || !applet.Layout)
return false;
if (((root.isHorizontal && applet.Layout.fillWidth===true)
|| (root.isVertical && applet.Layout.fillHeight===true))
&& (!isHidden)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
property int maxAutoFillLength: -1 //it is used in calculations for fillWidth,fillHeight applets
property int minAutoFillLength: -1 //it is used in calculations for fillWidth,fillHeight applets
readonly property bool inConfigureAppletsDragging: root.dragOverlay
&& root.dragOverlay.currentApplet
&& root.dragOverlay.pressed
property bool userBlocksColorizing: false
property bool appletBlocksColorizing: !communicator.requires.latteSideColoringEnabled
property bool appletBlocksParabolicEffect: communicator.requires.parabolicEffectLocked
property bool lockZoom: false
property bool isActive: (isExpanded
&& applet.pluginName !== root.plasmoidName
&& applet.pluginName !== "org.kde.activeWindowControl"
&& applet.pluginName !== "org.kde.plasma.appmenu")
property bool isExpanded: false
property bool isHidden: !root.inConfigureAppletsMode
&& ((applet && applet.status === PlasmaCore.Types.HiddenStatus ) || isInternalViewSplitter)
property bool isInternalViewSplitter: (internalSplitterId > 0)
property bool isLattePlasmoid: latteApplet !== null
property bool isZoomed: false
property bool isSeparator: applet && (applet.pluginName === "audoban.applet.separator"
|| applet.pluginName === "org.kde.latte.separator")
property bool isSpacer: applet && (applet.pluginName === "org.kde.latte.spacer")
property bool isSystray: applet && (applet.pluginName === "org.kde.plasma.systemtray" || applet.pluginName === "org.nomad.systemtray" )
property bool firstChildOfStartLayout: index === appletItem.layouter.startLayout.firstVisibleIndex
property bool firstChildOfMainLayout: index === appletItem.layouter.mainLayout.firstVisibleIndex
property bool lastChildOfMainLayout: index === appletItem.layouter.mainLayout.lastVisibleIndex
property bool lastChildOfEndLayout: index === appletItem.layouter.endLayout.lastVisibleIndex
readonly property bool atScreenEdge: {
if (appletItem.myView.alignment === LatteCore.Types.Center) {
return false;
if (appletItem.myView.alignment === LatteCore.Types.Justify) {
//! Justify case
if (root.maxLengthPerCentage!==100 || plasmoid.configuration.offset!==0) {
return false;
if (root.isHorizontal) {
if (firstChildOfStartLayout) {
return latteView && latteView.x === latteView.screenGeometry.x;
} else if (lastChildOfEndLayout) {
return latteView && ((latteView.x + latteView.width) === (latteView.screenGeometry.x + latteView.screenGeometry.width));
} else {
if (firstChildOfStartLayout) {
return latteView && latteView.y === latteView.screenGeometry.y;
} else if (lastChildOfEndLayout) {
return latteView && ((latteView.y + latteView.height) === (latteView.screenGeometry.y + latteView.screenGeometry.height));
return false;
if (appletItem.myView.alignment === LatteCore.Types.Left && plasmoid.configuration.offset===0) {
//! Left case
return firstChildOfMainLayout;
} else if (appletItem.myView.alignment === LatteCore.Types.Right && plasmoid.configuration.offset===0) {
//! Right case
return lastChildOfMainLayout;
if (appletItem.myView.alignment === LatteCore.Types.Top && plasmoid.configuration.offset===0) {
return firstChildOfMainLayout && latteView && latteView.y === latteView.screenGeometry.y;
} else if (appletItem.myView.alignment === LatteCore.Types.Bottom && plasmoid.configuration.offset===0) {
return lastChildOfMainLayout && latteView && ((latteView.y + latteView.height) === (latteView.screenGeometry.y + latteView.screenGeometry.height));
return false;
//applet is in starting edge
property bool firstAppletInContainer: (index >=0) &&
((index === layouter.startLayout.firstVisibleIndex)
|| (index === layouter.mainLayout.firstVisibleIndex)
|| (index === layouter.endLayout.firstVisibleIndex))
//applet is in ending edge
property bool lastAppletInContainer: (index >=0) &&
((index === layouter.startLayout.lastVisibleIndex)
|| (index === layouter.mainLayout.lastVisibleIndex)
|| (index === layouter.endLayout.lastVisibleIndex))
readonly property bool acceptMouseEvents: applet
&& !isLattePlasmoid
&& !originalAppletBehavior
&& parabolicEffectIsSupported
&& !appletItem.isSeparator
&& !communicator.requires.parabolicEffectLocked
//! This property is an effort in order to group behaviors into one property. This property is responsible to enable/disable
//! Applets OnTop MouseArea which is used for ParabolicEffect and ThinTooltips. For Latte panels things
//! are pretty straight, the original plasma behavior is replicated so parabolic effect and thin tooltips are disabled.
//! For Latte docks things are a bit more complicated. Applets that can not support parabolic effect inside docks
//! are presenting their original plasma behavior and also applets that even though can be zoomed user has
//! chosed to lock its parabolic effect.
readonly property bool originalAppletBehavior: root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel
|| !parabolicEffectIsSupported
|| (root.behaveAsDockWithMask && !parabolicEffectIsSupported)
|| (root.behaveAsDockWithMask && parabolicEffectIsSupported && lockZoom)
readonly property bool isSquare: parabolicEffectIsSupported
readonly property bool screenEdgeMarginSupported: communicator.requires.screenEdgeMarginSupported
property int animationTime: appletItem.animations.speedFactor.normal * (1.2*appletItem.animations.duration.small)
property int index: -1
property int maxWidth: root.isHorizontal ? root.height : root.width
property int maxHeight: root.isHorizontal ? root.height : root.width
property int internalSplitterId: 0
property int previousIndex: -1
property int spacersMaxSize: Math.max(0,Math.ceil(0.55 * metrics.iconSize) - metrics.totals.lengthEdges)
property int status: applet ? applet.status : -1
//! some metrics
readonly property int appletMinimumLength: _wrapper.appletMinimumLength
readonly property int appletPreferredLength: _wrapper.appletPreferredLength
readonly property int appletMaximumLength: _wrapper.appletMaximumLength
//! separators tracking
readonly property bool tailAppletIsSeparator: {
if (isSeparator || index<0) {
return false;
var tail = index - 1;
while(tail>=0 && indexer.hidden.indexOf(tail)>=0) {
//! when a tail applet contains sub-indexing and does not influence
//! tracking is considered hidden
tail = tail - 1;
if (tail >= 0 && indexer.clients.indexOf(tail)>=0) {
//! tail applet contains items sub-indexing
var tailBridge = indexer.getClientBridge(tail);
if (tailBridge && tailBridge.client) {
return tailBridge.client.lastHeadItemIsSeparator;
// tail applet is normal
return (indexer.separators.indexOf(tail)>=0);
readonly property bool headAppletIsSeparator: {
if (isSeparator || index<0) {
return false;
var head = index + 1;
while(head>=0 && indexer.hidden.indexOf(head)>=0) {
//! when a head applet contains sub-indexing and does not influence
//! tracking is considered hidden
head = head + 1;
if (head >= 0 && indexer.clients.indexOf(head)>=0) {
//! head applet contains items sub-indexing
var headBridge = indexer.getClientBridge(head);
if (headBridge && headBridge.client) {
return headBridge.client.firstTailItemIsSeparator;
// head applet is normal
return (indexer.separators.indexOf(head)>=0);
//! local margins
readonly property bool parabolicEffectMarginsEnabled: appletItem.parabolic.factor.zoom>1 && !originalAppletBehavior && !communicator.parabolicEffectIsSupported
property int lengthAppletPadding: metrics.fraction.lengthAppletPadding === -1 || parabolicEffectMarginsEnabled ?
metrics.padding.length : metrics.padding.lengthApplet
property int lengthAppletFullMargin: 0
property int lengthAppletFullMargins: 2 * lengthAppletFullMargin
property int internalWidthMargins: {
if (root.isVertical) {
return metrics.totals.thicknessEdges;
return 2 * lengthAppletPadding;
property int internalHeightMargins: {
if (root.isHorizontal) {
return root.metrics.totals.thicknessEdges;
return 2 * lengthAppletPadding;
readonly property string pluginName: isInternalViewSplitter ? "org.kde.latte.splitter" : (applet ? applet.pluginName : "")
//! are set by the indicator
property int iconOffsetX: 0
property int iconOffsetY: 0
property real computeWidth: root.isVertical ? wrapper.width :
property real computeHeight: root.isVertical ? hiddenSpacerLeft.height + wrapper.height + hiddenSpacerRight.height :
property Item applet: null
property Item latteApplet: applet && (applet.pluginName === root.plasmoidName) ?
(applet.children[0] ? applet.children[0] : null) : null
property Item latteStyleApplet: applet && ((applet.pluginName === "org.kde.latte.spacer") || (applet.pluginName === "org.kde.latte.separator")) ?
(applet.children[0] ? applet.children[0] : null) : null
property Item appletWrapper: applet && (applet.pluginName === root.plasmoidName )? wrapper : wrapper.wrapperContainer
property Item tooltipVisualParent: titleTooltipParent
readonly property alias communicator: _communicator
readonly property alias wrapper: _wrapper
readonly property alias restoreAnimation: _restoreAnimation
property Item animations: null
property Item debug: null
property Item indexer: null
property Item launchers: null
property Item layouter: null
property Item layouts: null
property Item metrics: null
property Item myView: null
property Item parabolic: null
property Item shortcuts: null
property Item userRequests: null
property bool containsMouse: ( && parabolicAreaLoader.item.containsMouse) || (isLattePlasmoid && latteApplet.containsMouse)
property bool pressed: viewSignalsConnector.pressed || clickedAnimation.running
//// BEGIN :: Animate Applet when a new applet is dragged in the view
//when the applet moves caused by its resize, don't animate.
//this is completely heuristic, but looks way less "jumpy"
property bool movingForResize: false
property int oldX: x
property int oldY: y
onXChanged: {
if (root.isVertical) {
if (movingForResize) {
movingForResize = false;
} else if (inDraggingOverAppletOrOutOfContainment) {
var draggingAppletInConfigure = root.dragOverlay && root.dragOverlay.currentApplet;
var isCurrentAppletInDragging = draggingAppletInConfigure && (root.dragOverlay.currentApplet === appletItem);
var dropApplet = root.dragInfo.entered && root.dragInfo.isPlasmoid
if ((isCurrentAppletInDragging || !draggingAppletInConfigure) && !dropApplet) {
if (!root.isVertical) {
translation.x = oldX - x;
translation.y = 0;
} else {
translation.y = oldY - y;
translation.x = 0;
translAnim.running = true
if (!root.isVertical) {
oldX = x;
oldY = 0;
} else {
oldY = y;
oldX = 0;
onYChanged: {
if (root.isHorizontal) {
if (movingForResize) {
movingForResize = false;
} else if (inDraggingOverAppletOrOutOfContainment) {
var draggingAppletInConfigure = root.dragOverlay && root.dragOverlay.currentApplet;
var isCurrentAppletInDragging = draggingAppletInConfigure && (root.dragOverlay.currentApplet === appletItem);
var dropApplet = root.dragInfo.entered && root.dragInfo.isPlasmoid
if ((isCurrentAppletInDragging || !draggingAppletInConfigure) && !dropApplet) {
if (!root.isVertical) {
translation.x = oldX - x;
translation.y = 0;
} else {
translation.y = oldY - y;
translation.x = 0;
translAnim.running = true;
if (!root.isVertical) {
oldX = x;
oldY = 0;
} else {
oldY = y;
oldX = 0;
transform: Translate {
id: translation
NumberAnimation {
id: translAnim
duration: appletItem.animations.duration.large
easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad
target: translation
properties: "x,y"
to: 0
Behavior on lengthAppletPadding {
NumberAnimation {
duration: 0.8 * appletItem.animations.duration.proposed
easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
//// END :: Animate Applet when a new applet is dragged in the view
/// BEGIN functions
function activateAppletForNeutralAreas(mouse){
//if the event is at the active indicator or spacers area then try to expand the applet,
//unfortunately for other applets there is no other way to activate them yet
//for example the icon-only applets
var choords = mapToItem(appletItem.appletWrapper, mouse.x, mouse.y);
var wrapperContainsMouse = choords.x>=0 && choords.y>=0 && choords.x<appletItem.appletWrapper.width && choords.y<appletItem.appletWrapper.height;
var appletItemContainsMouse = mouse.x>=0 && mouse.y>=0 && mouse.x<width && mouse.y<height;
//console.log(" APPLET :: " + mouse.x + " _ " + mouse.y);
//console.log(" WRAPPER :: " + choords.x + " _ " + choords.y);
var inThicknessNeutralArea = !wrapperContainsMouse && (appletItem.metrics.margin.screenEdge>0);
var appletNeutralAreaEnabled = !(inThicknessNeutralArea && root.dragActiveWindowEnabled);
if (appletItemContainsMouse && !wrapperContainsMouse && appletNeutralAreaEnabled) {
} else {
function checkIndex(){
index = -1;
for(var i=0; i<appletItem.layouter.startLayout.count; ++i){
var child = layoutsContainer.startLayout.children[i];
if (child === appletItem){
index = layoutsContainer.startLayout.beginIndex + i;
for(var i=0; i<appletItem.layouter.mainLayout.count; ++i){
var child = layoutsContainer.mainLayout.children[i];
if (child === appletItem){
index = layoutsContainer.mainLayout.beginIndex + i;
for(var i=0; i<appletItem.layouter.endLayout.count; ++i){
var child = layoutsContainer.endLayout.children[i];
if (child === appletItem){
//create a very high index in order to not need to exchange hovering messages
//between layoutsContainer.mainLayout and layoutsContainer.endLayout
index = layoutsContainer.endLayout.beginIndex + i;
if(index===layoutsContainer.startLayout.beginIndex || index===layoutsContainer.mainLayout.beginIndex || index===layoutsContainer.endLayout.beginIndex)
latteApplet.disableLeftSpacer = false;
latteApplet.disableLeftSpacer = true;
if( index === layoutsContainer.startLayout.beginIndex + appletItem.layouter.startLayout.count - 1
|| index===layoutsContainer.mainLayout.beginIndex + appletItem.layouter.mainLayout.count - 1
|| index === layoutsContainer.endLayout.beginIndex + appletItem.layouter.endLayout.count - 1)
latteApplet.disableRightSpacer = false;
latteApplet.disableRightSpacer = true;
//this functions gets the signal from the plasmoid, it can be used for signal items
//outside the LatteApplet Plasmoid
//property int debCounter: 0;
function sltClearZoom(){
if (communicator.parabolicEffectIsSupported) {
} else {
function updateParabolicEffectIsSupported(){
//! Reduce calculations and give the time to applet to adjust to prevent binding loops
id: parabolicEffectIsSupportedTimer
interval: 100
onTriggered: {
if (wrapper.zoomScale !== 1) {
if (appletItem.isLattePlasmoid) {
appletItem.parabolicEffectIsSupported = true;
var maxSize = 1.5 * appletItem.metrics.iconSize;
var maxForMinimumSize = 1.5 * appletItem.metrics.iconSize;
if ( isSystray
|| appletItem.isAutoFillApplet
|| (((applet && root.isHorizontal && (applet.width > maxSize || applet.Layout.minimumWidth > maxForMinimumSize))
|| (applet && root.isVertical && (applet.height > maxSize || applet.Layout.minimumHeight > maxForMinimumSize)))
&& !appletItem.isSpacer) ) {
appletItem.parabolicEffectIsSupported = false;
} else {
appletItem.parabolicEffectIsSupported = true;
function slotDestroyInternalViewSplitters() {
if (isInternalViewSplitter) {
//! pos in global root positioning
function containsPos(pos) {
var relPos = root.mapToItem(appletItem,pos.x, pos.y);
if (relPos.x>=0 && relPos.x<=width && relPos.y>=0 && relPos.y<=height)
return true;
return false;
///END functions
//BEGIN connections
onAppletChanged: {
if (!applet) {
onIndexChanged: {
if (appletItem.latteApplet) {
root.latteAppletPos = index;
if (index>-1) {
previousIndex = index;
onIsExpandedChanged: {
if (isExpanded) {
onIsSystrayChanged: {
onLatteAppletChanged: {
root.latteApplet = appletItem.latteApplet;
root.latteAppletContainer = appletItem;
root.latteAppletPos = index;
appletItem.latteApplet.latteView = root;
appletItem.latteApplet.forceHidePanel = true;
onIsAutoFillAppletChanged: updateParabolicEffectIsSupported();
Component.onCompleted: {
Component.onDestruction: {
if(root.latteAppletPos>=0 && root.latteAppletPos === index){
root.latteApplet = null;
root.latteAppletContainer = null;
root.latteAppletPos = -1;
if (appletItem.latteApplet) {
//! Bindings
Binding {
//! is used to aboid loop binding warnings on startup
target: appletItem
property: "lengthAppletFullMargin"
when: !communicator.inStartup
value: lengthAppletPadding + metrics.margin.length;
//! Connections
target: appletItem.shortcuts
onSglActivateEntryAtIndex: {
if (!appletItem.shortcuts.unifiedGlobalShortcuts) {
var visibleIndex = appletItem.indexer.visibleIndex(appletItem.index);
if (visibleIndex === entryIndex && !communicator.positionShortcutsAreSupported) {
onSglNewInstanceForEntryAtIndex: {
if (!appletItem.shortcuts.unifiedGlobalShortcuts) {
var visibleIndex = appletItem.indexer.visibleIndex(appletItem.index);
if (visibleIndex === entryIndex && !communicator.positionShortcutsAreSupported) {
Connections {
id: viewSignalsConnector
target: root.latteView ? root.latteView : null
enabled: !appletItem.isLattePlasmoid && !appletItem.isSeparator && !appletItem.isSpacer && !appletItem.isHidden
property bool pressed: false
property bool blockWheel: false
onMousePressed: {
if (appletItem.containsPos(pos)) {
viewSignalsConnector.pressed = true;
var local = appletItem.mapFromItem(root, pos.x, pos.y);
appletItem.mousePressed(local.x, local.y, button);
onMouseReleased: {
if (appletItem.containsPos(pos)) {
viewSignalsConnector.pressed = false;
var local = appletItem.mapFromItem(root, pos.x, pos.y);
appletItem.mouseReleased(local.x, local.y, button);
onWheelScrolled: {
if (!appletItem.applet || !root.mouseWheelActions || viewSignalsConnector.blockWheel || !appletItem.myView.isShownFully) {
blockWheel = true;
if (appletItem.containsPos(pos) && root.latteView.extendedInterface.appletIsExpandable( {
var angle = angleDelta.y / 8;
var expanded = root.latteView.extendedInterface.appletIsExpanded(;
if ((angle > 12 && !expanded) /*positive direction*/
|| (angle < -12 && expanded) /*negative direction*/) {
Connections {
target: root.latteView ? root.latteView.extendedInterface : null
enabled: !appletItem.isLattePlasmoid && !appletItem.isSeparator && !appletItem.isSpacer && !appletItem.isHidden
onExpandedAppletStateChanged: {
if (latteView.extendedInterface.hasExpandedApplet && appletItem.applet) {
appletItem.isExpanded = latteView.extendedInterface.appletIsExpandable(
&& latteView.extendedInterface.appletIsExpanded(;
} else {
appletItem.isExpanded = false;
///END connections
//! It is used for any communication needed with the underlying applet
id: _communicator
/* Rectangle{
anchors.fill: parent
color: "transparent"
border.color: "green"
border.width: 1
//! Main Applet Shown Area
id: appletFlow
width: appletItem.computeWidth
height: appletItem.computeHeight
// a hidden spacer for the first element to add stability
// IMPORTANT: hidden spacers must be tested on vertical !!!
HiddenSpacer{id: hiddenSpacerLeft}
Item {
width: wrapper.width
height: wrapper.height
id: indicatorBridge
//! InConfigureApplets visual paddings
Loader {
anchors.fill: _wrapper
active: root.inConfigureAppletsMode && !isInternalViewSplitter
sourceComponent: PaddingsInConfigureApplets{
color: appletItem.highlightColor
//! Indicator Back Layer
id: indicatorBackLayer
level: Indicator.LevelOptions {
id: backLevelOptions
isBackground: true
bridge: indicatorBridge
Binding {
target: appletItem
property: "iconOffsetX"
value: backLevelOptions.requested.iconOffsetX
Binding {
target: appletItem
property: "iconOffsetY"
value: backLevelOptions.requested.iconOffsetY
anchors.fill: parent
active: appletItem.debug.graphicsEnabled &&
sourceComponent: Rectangle{
color: "transparent"
border.width: 1
border.color: "purple"
opacity: 0.4
id: _wrapper
id: titleTooltipParent
metrics: appletItem.metrics
parabolic: appletItem.parabolic
//! The Applet Colorizer
Colorizer.Applet {
id: appletColorizer
anchors.fill: parent
opacity: mustBeShown ? 1 : 0
readonly property bool mustBeShown: colorizerManager.mustBeShown
&& !appletItem.userBlocksColorizing
&& !appletItem.appletBlocksColorizing
&& !appletItem.isInternalViewSplitter
Behavior on opacity {
NumberAnimation {
duration: 1.2 * appletItem.animations.duration.proposed
easing.type: Easing.OutCubic
//! Indicator Front Layer
id: indicatorFrontLayer
level: Indicator.LevelOptions {
isForeground: true
bridge: indicatorBridge
//! Applet Shortcut Visual Badge
Item {
id: shortcutBadgeContainer
width: {
if (root.isHorizontal) {
return appletItem.metrics.iconSize * wrapper.zoomScale
} else {
return badgeThickness;
height: {
if (root.isHorizontal) {
return badgeThickness;
} else {
return appletItem.metrics.iconSize * wrapper.zoomScale
readonly property int badgeThickness: {
if (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge
|| plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge) {
return ((appletItem.metrics.iconSize + appletItem.metrics.margin.thickness) * wrapper.zoomScale) + appletItem.metrics.margin.screenEdge;
return ((appletItem.metrics.iconSize + appletItem.metrics.margin.thickness) * wrapper.zoomScale);
anchors.fill: parent
name: "horizontal"
when: plasmoid.formFactor === PlasmaCore.Types.Horizontal
target: shortcutBadgeContainer;
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; anchors.verticalCenter: undefined;
anchors.right: undefined; anchors.left: undefined; undefined; anchors.bottom: parent.bottom;
name: "vertical"
when: plasmoid.formFactor === PlasmaCore.Types.Vertical
target: shortcutBadgeContainer;
anchors.horizontalCenter: undefined; anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter;
anchors.right: parent.right; anchors.left: undefined; undefined; anchors.bottom: undefined;
// a hidden spacer on the right for the last item to add stability
HiddenSpacer{id: hiddenSpacerRight; rightSpacer: true}
}// Flow with hidden spacers inside
//Busy Indicator
PlasmaComponents.BusyIndicator {
z: 1000
visible: applet && applet.busy
running: visible
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: Math.min(parent.width, parent.height)
height: width
Loader {
id: parabolicAreaLoader
width: root.isHorizontal ? appletItem.width : appletItem.metrics.mask.thickness.zoomedForItems
height: root.isHorizontal ? appletItem.metrics.mask.thickness.zoomedForItems : appletItem.height
//! must be enabled even for applets that are hidden in order to forward
//! parabolic effect messages properly to surrounding plasma applets
active: appletItem.parabolic.isEnabled && (!lockZoom || isHidden)
sourceComponent: ParabolicArea{}
name: "top"
when: plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge
target: parabolicAreaLoader
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; anchors.verticalCenter: undefined;
anchors.right: undefined; anchors.left: undefined;; anchors.bottom: undefined;
name: "left"
when: plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge
target: parabolicAreaLoader
anchors.horizontalCenter: undefined; anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter;
anchors.right: undefined; anchors.left: parent.left; undefined; anchors.bottom: undefined;
name: "right"
when: plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge
target: parabolicAreaLoader
anchors.horizontalCenter: undefined; anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter;
anchors.right: parent.right; anchors.left: undefined; undefined; anchors.bottom: undefined;
name: "bottom"
when: plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge
target: parabolicAreaLoader
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; anchors.verticalCenter: undefined;
anchors.right: undefined; anchors.left: undefined; undefined; anchors.bottom: parent.bottom;
//! Debug Elements
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.left: parent.left
active: appletItem.debug.layouterEnabled
sourceComponent: Debugger.Tag{
label.text: (root.isHorizontal ? appletItem.width : appletItem.height) + labeltext
label.color: appletItem.isAutoFillApplet ? "green" : "white"
readonly property string labeltext: {
if (appletItem.isAutoFillApplet) {
return " || max_fill:"+appletItem.maxAutoFillLength + " / min_fill:"+appletItem.minAutoFillLength;
return "";
//! A timer is needed in order to handle also touchpads that probably
//! send too many signals very fast. This way the signals per sec are limited.
//! The user needs to have a steady normal scroll in order to not
//! notice a annoying delay
id: scrollDelayer
interval: 500
onTriggered: viewSignalsConnector.blockWheel = false;
//BEGIN states
states: [
State {
name: "left"
when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge)
AnchorChanges {
target: appletFlow
anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:undefined; left:parent.left; right:undefined;}
State {
name: "right"
when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge)
AnchorChanges {
target: appletFlow
anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:undefined; left:undefined; right:parent.right;}
State {
name: "bottom"
when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge)
AnchorChanges {
target: appletFlow
anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:undefined; right:undefined;}
State {
name: "top"
when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge)
AnchorChanges {
target: appletFlow
anchors{; bottom:undefined; left:undefined; right:undefined;}
//END states
//BEGIN animations
///////Restore Zoom Animation/////
id: _restoreAnimation
PropertyAnimation {
target: wrapper
property: "zoomScale"
to: 1
duration: 3 * appletItem.animationTime
easing.type: Easing.InCubic
/////Clicked Animation/////
id: clickedAnimation
alwaysRunToEnd: true
running: appletItem.isSquare && !originalAppletBehavior && appletItem.pressed
&& (appletItem.animations.speedFactor.current > 0) && !
PropertyAnimation {
target: wrapper.clickedEffect
property: "brightness"
to: -0.35
duration: appletItem.animations.duration.large
easing.type: Easing.OutQuad
PropertyAnimation {
target: wrapper.clickedEffect
property: "brightness"
to: 0
duration: appletItem.animations.duration.large
easing.type: Easing.OutQuad
//END animations