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225 lines
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SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019 Michail Vourlakos <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
// local
#include <coretypes.h>
#include "abstractlayout.h"
#include "../data/errordata.h"
#include "../data/viewdata.h"
#include "../data/viewstable.h"
// Qt
#include <QObject>
#include <QQuickView>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QScreen>
// Plasma
#include <Plasma/Plasma>
namespace Plasma {
class Applet;
class Containment;
class Types;
namespace Latte {
class Corona;
class ScreenPool;
class View;
namespace Latte {
namespace Layout {
//! This is views map in the following structure:
typedef QHash<QString, QHash<Plasma::Types::Location, QList<uint>>> ViewsMap;
class GenericLayout : public AbstractLayout
Q_PROPERTY(int viewsCount READ viewsCount NOTIFY viewsCountChanged)
GenericLayout(QObject *parent, QString layoutFile, QString assignedName = QString());
~GenericLayout() override;
QString background() const override;
QString textColor() const override;
virtual const QStringList appliedActivities() = 0; // to move at an interface
virtual bool initCorona();
void importToCorona();
bool initContainments();
void setCorona(Latte::Corona *corona);
bool isActive() const; //! is loaded and running
virtual bool isCurrent();
bool isWritable() const;
bool hasCorona() const;
virtual int viewsCount(int screen) const;
virtual int viewsCount(QScreen *screen) const;
virtual int viewsCount() const;
Type type() const override;
Latte::Corona *corona() const;
QStringList unloadedContainmentsIds();
virtual Types::ViewType latteViewType(uint containmentId) const;
const QList<Plasma::Containment *> *containments() const;
bool contains(Plasma::Containment *containment) const;
bool containsView(const int &containmentId) const;
int screenForContainment(Plasma::Containment *containment);
Latte::View *highestPriorityView();
Latte::View *viewForContainment(uint id) const;
Latte::View *viewForContainment(Plasma::Containment *containment) const;
Plasma::Containment *containmentForId(uint id) const;
QList<Plasma::Containment *> subContainmentsOf(uint id) const;
static bool viewAtLowerScreenPriority(Latte::View *test, Latte::View *base, QScreen *primaryScreen);
static bool viewAtLowerEdgePriority(Latte::View *test, Latte::View *base);
static QList<Latte::View *> sortedLatteViews(QList<Latte::View *> views, QScreen *primaryScreen);
QList<Latte::View *> sortedLatteViews();
virtual QList<Latte::View *> viewsWithPlasmaShortcuts();
virtual QList<Latte::View *> latteViews();
virtual QList<Latte::View *> onlyOriginalViews();
ViewsMap validViewsMap();
virtual void syncLatteViewsToScreens();
void syncToLayoutFile(bool removeLayoutId = false);
void lock(); //! make it only read-only
void renameLayout(QString newName);
virtual void unloadContainments();
void unloadLatteViews();
void unlock(); //! make it writable which it should be the default
virtual void setLastConfigViewFor(Latte::View *view);
virtual Latte::View *lastConfigViewFor();
//! this function needs the layout to have first set the corona through setCorona() function
virtual void addView(Plasma::Containment *containment);
void recreateView(Plasma::Containment *containment, bool delayed = true);
bool hasLatteView(Plasma::Containment *containment);
bool newView(const QString &templateName);
Data::View newView(const Latte::Data::View &nextViewData);
void removeView(const Latte::Data::View &viewData);
void updateView(const Latte::Data::View &viewData);
QString storedView(const int &containmentId); //returns temp filepath containing all view data
void removeOrphanedSubContainment(const int &containmentId);
//! Available edges for specific view in that screen
virtual QList<Plasma::Types::Location> availableEdgesForView(QScreen *scr, Latte::View *forView) const;
//! All free edges in that screen
virtual QList<Plasma::Types::Location> freeEdges(QScreen *scr) const;
virtual QList<Plasma::Types::Location> freeEdges(int screen) const;
//! Bind this latteView and its relevant containments(including subcontainments)
//! to this layout. It is used for moving a Latte::View from layout to layout)
void assignToLayout(Latte::View *latteView, QList<Plasma::Containment *> containments);
//! Unassign that latteView from this layout (this is used for moving a latteView
//! from layout to layout) and returns all the containments relevant to
//! that latteView
QList<Plasma::Containment *> unassignFromLayout(Plasma::Containment *latteContainment);
QList<int> viewsExplicitScreens();
Latte::Data::ViewsTable viewsTable() const;
//! errors/warnings
Data::ErrorsList errors() const;
Data::WarningsList warnings() const;
public slots:
Q_INVOKABLE int viewsWithTasks() const;
virtual Q_INVOKABLE QList<int> qmlFreeEdges(int screen) const; //change <Plasma::Types::Location> to <int> types
void toggleHiddenState(QString viewName, QString screenName, Plasma::Types::Location edge);
void activitiesChanged(); // to move at an interface
void viewsCountChanged();
void viewEdgeChanged();
//! used from ConfigView(s) in order to be informed which is one should be shown
void lastConfigViewForChanged(Latte::View *view);
//! used from LatteView(s) in order to exist only one each time that has the highest priority
//! to use the global shortcuts activations
void preferredViewForShortcutsChanged(Latte::View *view);
void updateLastUsedActivity();
Latte::Corona *m_corona{nullptr};
QList<Plasma::Containment *> m_containments;
QHash<const Plasma::Containment *, Latte::View *> m_latteViews;
QHash<const Plasma::Containment *, Latte::View *> m_waitingLatteViews;
private slots:
void addContainment(Plasma::Containment *containment);
void appletCreated(Plasma::Applet *applet);
void destroyedChanged(bool destroyed);
void containmentDestroyed(QObject *cont);
void onLastConfigViewChangedFrom(Latte::View *view);
//! It can be used in order for LatteViews to not be created automatically when
//! their corresponding containments are created e.g. copyView functionality
bool blockAutomaticLatteViewCreation() const;
void setBlockAutomaticLatteViewCreation(bool block);
bool explicitDockOccupyEdge(int screen, Plasma::Types::Location location) const;
bool primaryDockOccupyEdge(Plasma::Types::Location location) const;
bool viewDataAtLowerEdgePriority(const Latte::Data::View &test, const Latte::Data::View &base) const;
bool viewDataAtLowerScreenPriority(const Latte::Data::View &test, const Latte::Data::View &base) const;
bool viewDataAtLowerStatePriority(const Latte::Data::View &test, const Latte::Data::View &base) const;
bool mapContainsId(const ViewsMap *map, uint viewId) const;
QString mapScreenName(const ViewsMap *map, uint viewId) const;
QList<int> subContainmentsOf(Plasma::Containment *containment) const;
QList<Latte::Data::View> sortedViewsData(const QList<Latte::Data::View> &viewsData);
void destroyContainment(Plasma::Containment *containment);
bool m_blockAutomaticLatteViewCreation{false};
bool m_hasInitializedContainments{false};
QPointer<Latte::View> m_lastConfigViewFor;
QStringList m_unloadedContainmentsIds;
//! try to avoid crashes from recreating the same views all the time
QList<const Plasma::Containment *> m_viewsToRecreate;
//! Containments that are pending screen/state updates
Latte::Data::ViewsTable m_pendingContainmentUpdates;
friend class Latte::View;