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Smith AR 2c6ddbdc7d Update README.md
app fix #54,dock is shown when applet needs attention
containment on zoom factor change reposition blue board
icons update CMakeLists and removed unused dependences
liblattedock move iconitem from app to plugin
plasmoid fix #51,protect add task animation more
po cleanup shell translations
shell maximum background width
.gitignore gitignore update
CMakeLists.txt revert version to 0.5.90
INSTALLATION.md INSTALLATION file added with instructions for Kubuntu 16.10 ()
LICENSE initial commit for Latte !!!
README.md Update README.md
astylerc initial commit for Latte !!!
clean.sh script for clean the directories
containment.metadata.desktop.template update to latte containment
formatter.sh update file mode. +x
install.sh we can pass a build type to install.sh
latte-dock.desktop.template No sufficient Category definition
plasmoid.metadata.desktop.template renamed nowdock plasmoid to latte one
shell.metadata.desktop.template update shell to latte shell
uninstall.sh update comments



Latte is a dock based on plasma frameworks that provides an elegant and intuitive experience for your tasks and plasmoids. It animates its contents by using parabolic zoom effect and trys to be there only when it is needed.

"Art in Coffee"


Please run ./install.sh script. After the installation has completed successfully, you can execute latte-dock or search Latte Dock on your menu of applications.



We recommend that you use at least Plasma 5.8.0

development packages for:

 Qt5Core >= 5.6.0
 Qt5X11Extras >= 5.6.0

 KF5Plasma >= 5.26.0
 KF5PlasmaQuick >= 5.26.0
 KF5Activities >= 5.26.0
 KF5CoreAddons >= 5.26.0
 KF5DBusAddons >= 5.26.0
 KF5Declarative >= 5.26.0
 KF5Package >= 5.26.0
 KF5XmlGui >= 5.26.0
 KF5I18n >= 5.26.0
 KF5IconThemes >= 5.26.0
 KF5WindowSystem >= 5.26.0


Varlesh: Logos and Icons.