Michail Vourlakos 0ea41820d0 autostart Latte earlier
--this way Latte is given the time to publish
its appmenu if available and normal applications
should follow afterwards

dbus support wallpaper slideshows
indicator update indicators runtime
layout add report error message for unknown screens
layouts Fix minor EBN issues
package simplify CMakeLists
packageplugins SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
plasma Fix minor EBN issues
settings Try to fix build with Clang (take 2)
shortcuts improve settings windows shown trigerring behavior
view remove obsolete draggingStarted signals/slots
wm remove obsolete draggingStarted signals/slots
CMakeLists.txt move View::WindowsTracker to own directory
FakeTarget.cmake FakeTarget moved to app/
alternativeshelper.cpp add headers comments for all c++ files
alternativeshelper.h add headers comments for all c++ files
config-latte.h.cmake support kdeclarative both <5.45 and >=5.45
infoview.cpp support kdeclarative both <5.45 and >=5.45
infoview.h refactor:rename DockCorona to Latte::Corona
latte-indicators.knsrc SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
latte-layouts.knsrc SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
lattecorona.cpp rename trackerwindows to windowstracker
lattecorona.h REFACTOR:add WindowSystem namespace
lattedock.notifyrc SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
main.cpp Get rid of deprecated setHidden()
org.kde.latte-dock.appdata.xml.cmake Fix project_license tag
org.kde.latte-dock.desktop.cmake autostart Latte earlier
screenpool.cpp Views Report Information for inactive layouts
screenpool.h improve Screens Report