/* * Copyright 2019 Michail Vourlakos * * This file is part of Latte-Dock * * Latte-Dock is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Latte-Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import QtQuick 2.7 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0 import org.kde.latte 0.2 as Latte import "loaders" as Loaders Loader { id: environmentLoader sourceComponent: MouseArea{ id: mainArea width: { if (root.isHorizontal) { return useAllLayouts ? root.maxLength : root.realPanelLength; } else { return root.isHovered ? (root.iconSize + root.thickMargins)*root.zoomFactor : (root.iconSize + root.thickMargins) } } height: { if (root.isVertical) { return useAllLayouts ? root.maxLength : root.realPanelLength; } else { return root.isHovered ? (root.iconSize + root.thickMargins)*root.zoomFactor : (root.iconSize + root.thickMargins) } } hoverEnabled: true readonly property bool useAllLayouts: panelUserSetAlignment === Latte.Types.Justify && !root.inConfigureAppletsMode property int lastPressX: -1 property int lastPressY: -1 onContainsMouseChanged: { if (root.mouseInHoverableArea()) { root.stopCheckRestoreZoomTimer(); } else { root.initializeHoveredIndexes(); root.startCheckRestoreZoomTimer() } } onPressed: { if (latteView.windowsTracker.activeWindowCanBeDragged()) { lastPressX = mouse.x; lastPressY = mouse.y; dragWindowTimer.start(); } } onReleased: { lastPressX = -1; lastPressY = -1; } onPositionChanged: { var stepX = Math.abs(lastPressX-mouse.x); var stepY = Math.abs(lastPressY-mouse.y); var threshold = 5; var tryDrag = mainArea.pressed && (stepX>threshold || stepY>threshold); if ( tryDrag && latteView.windowsTracker.activeWindowCanBeDragged()) { dragWindowTimer.stop(); activateDragging(); } } onDoubleClicked: { dragWindowTimer.stop(); restoreGrabberTimer.stop(); latteView.windowsTracker.requestToggleMaximizeForActiveWindow(); //tasksModel.requestToggleMaximized(tasksModel.activeTask); } onWheel: { var delta = 0; if (wheel.angleDelta.y>=0 && wheel.angleDelta.x>=0) { delta = Math.max(wheel.angleDelta.y, wheel.angleDelta.x); } else { delta = Math.min(wheel.angleDelta.y, wheel.angleDelta.x); } var angle = delta / 8; if (angle>10) { if (pagerLoader.active) { var next; if (pagerLoader.item.model.currentPage === pagerLoader.item.count - 1){ next = 0; } else { next = Math.min(pagerLoader.item.model.currentPage + 1, pagerLoader.item.count - 1); } if (pagerLoader.item.count > 1){ //console.log("+++ changing from: " + pagerLoader.item.model.currentPage + " to ::: " + next); pagerLoader.item.model.changePage(next); } } else if (tasksLoader.active) { tasksLoader.item.activateNextPrevTask(true); } } else if (angle<-10) { if (pagerLoader.active) { var prev; if (pagerLoader.item.model.currentPage === 0){ prev = pagerLoader.item.count - 1; } else { prev = Math.max(pagerLoader.item.model.currentPage - 1, 0); } if (pagerLoader.item.count > 1){ //console.log("--- changing from: " + pagerLoader.item.model.currentPage + " to ::: " + prev); pagerLoader.item.model.changePage(prev); } } else if (tasksLoader.active) { tasksLoader.item.activateNextPrevTask(false); } } } Loaders.Pager{ id: pagerLoader } Loaders.Tasks{ id: tasksLoader } function activateDragging(){ latteView.disableGrabItemBehavior(); latteView.windowsTracker.requestMoveActiveWindow(mainArea.mouseX, mainArea.mouseY); restoreGrabberTimer.start(); } //! Timers Timer { id: dragWindowTimer interval: 500 onTriggered: { if (mainArea.pressed && latteView.windowsTracker.activeWindowCanBeDragged()) { mainArea.activateDragging(); } } } Timer { id: restoreGrabberTimer interval: 50 onTriggered: { latteView.restoreGrabItemBehavior(); mainArea.lastPressX = -1; mainArea.lastPressY = -1; } } states:[ State { name: "bottom" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge) AnchorChanges { target: mainArea anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:undefined; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:parent.horizontalCenter; verticalCenter:undefined} } }, State { name: "top" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge) AnchorChanges { target: mainArea anchors{ top:parent.top; bottom:undefined; left:undefined; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:parent.horizontalCenter; verticalCenter:undefined} } }, State { name: "left" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge) AnchorChanges { target: mainArea anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:undefined; left:parent.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:parent.verticalCenter} } }, State { name: "right" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge) AnchorChanges { target: mainArea anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:undefined; left:undefined; right:parent.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:parent.verticalCenter} } } ] } states:[ State { name: "bottom" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge) AnchorChanges { target: environmentLoader anchors{ top:undefined; bottom: _mainLayout.bottom; left:undefined; right:undefined; horizontalCenter: _mainLayout.horizontalCenter; verticalCenter:undefined} } }, State { name: "top" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge) AnchorChanges { target: environmentLoader anchors{ top: _mainLayout.top; bottom:undefined; left:undefined; right:undefined; horizontalCenter: _mainLayout.horizontalCenter; verticalCenter:undefined} } }, State { name: "left" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge) AnchorChanges { target: environmentLoader anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:undefined; left: _mainLayout.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter: _mainLayout.verticalCenter} } }, State { name: "right" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge) AnchorChanges { target: environmentLoader anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:undefined; left:undefined; right: _mainLayout.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter: _mainLayout.verticalCenter} } } ] }