/* * Copyright 2016 Smith AR * Michail Vourlakos * * This file is part of Latte-Dock * * Latte-Dock is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Latte-Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import QtQuick 2.1 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0 import org.kde.latte.core 0.2 as LatteCore import org.kde.latte.private.containment 0.1 as LatteContainment Item{ id: manager anchors.fill: parent property QtObject window property bool isFloatingInClientSide: !root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel && screenEdgeMarginEnabled && !root.floatingInternalGapIsForced && !inSlidingIn && !inSlidingOut property int animationSpeed: LatteCore.WindowSystem.compositingActive ? (root.editMode ? 400 : animations.speedFactor.current * 1.62 * animations.duration.large) : 0 property bool inClientSideScreenEdgeSliding: root.behaveAsDockWithMask && hideThickScreenGap property bool inNormalState: ((animations.needBothAxis.count === 0) && (animations.needLength.count === 0)) || (latteView && latteView.visibility.isHidden && !latteView.visibility.containsMouse && animations.needThickness.count === 0) property bool inRelocationAnimation: latteView && latteView.positioner && latteView.positioner.inRelocationAnimation property bool inSlidingIn: false //necessary because of its init structure property alias inSlidingOut: slidingAnimationAutoHiddenOut.running property bool inRelocationHiding: false readonly property bool isSinkedEventEnabled: !(parabolic.isEnabled && (animations.needBothAxis.count>0 || animations.needLength.count>0)) && myView.isShownFully property int length: root.isVertical ? Screen.height : Screen.width //screenGeometry.height : screenGeometry.width property int slidingOutToPos: { if (root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel) { var edgeMargin = screenEdgeMarginEnabled ? plasmoid.configuration.screenEdgeMargin : 0 root.isHorizontal ? root.height + edgeMargin - 1 : root.width + edgeMargin - 1; } else { var topOrLeftEdge = ((plasmoid.location===PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge)||(plasmoid.location===PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge)); return (topOrLeftEdge ? -metrics.mask.thickness.normal : metrics.mask.thickness.normal); } } //! when Latte behaves as Plasma panel property int thicknessAsPanel: metrics.totals.thickness property Item layouts: null property bool updateIsEnabled: autosize.inCalculatedIconSize && !inSlidingIn && !inSlidingOut && !inRelocationHiding Connections{ target: background.totals onVisualLengthChanged: updateMaskArea(); onVisualThicknessChanged: updateMaskArea(); } Connections{ target: background.shadows onHeadThicknessChanged: updateMaskArea(); } Connections{ target: latteView ? latteView : null onXChanged: updateMaskArea(); onYChanged: updateMaskArea() onWidthChanged: updateMaskArea(); onHeightChanged: updateMaskArea(); } Connections{ target: animations.needBothAxis onCountChanged: updateMaskArea(); } Connections{ target: animations.needLength onCountChanged: updateMaskArea(); } Connections{ target: animations.needThickness onCountChanged: updateMaskArea(); } Connections{ target: layoutsManager onCurrentLayoutIsSwitching: { if (LatteCore.WindowSystem.compositingActive && latteView && latteView.layout && latteView.layout.name === layoutName) { parabolic.sglClearZoom(); } } } Connections { target: metrics.mask.thickness onMaxZoomedChanged: updateMaskArea() } Connections { target: root.myView onInRelocationAnimationChanged: { if (!root.myView.inRelocationAnimation) { manager.updateMaskArea(); } } } Connections { target: latteView ? latteView.effects : null onRectChanged: manager.updateMaskArea() } Connections{ target: themeExtended ? themeExtended : null onThemeChanged: latteView.effects.forceMaskRedraw(); } Connections { target: LatteCore.WindowSystem onCompositingActiveChanged: { manager.updateMaskArea(); } } onIsFloatingInClientSideChanged: updateMaskArea(); onInNormalStateChanged: { if (inNormalState) { updateMaskArea(); } } onInSlidingInChanged: { if (latteView && !inSlidingIn && latteView.positioner.inRelocationShowing) { latteView.positioner.inRelocationShowing = false; } } onUpdateIsEnabledChanged: { if (updateIsEnabled) { updateMaskArea(); } } function slotContainsMouseChanged() { if(latteView.visibility.containsMouse && latteView.visibility.mode !== LatteCore.Types.SidebarOnDemand) { updateMaskArea(); if (slidingAnimationAutoHiddenOut.running && !inRelocationHiding) { slotMustBeShown(); } } } function slotMustBeShown() { //! WindowsCanCover case if (latteView && latteView.visibility.mode === LatteCore.Types.WindowsCanCover) { latteView.visibility.setViewOnFrontLayer(); return; } if (!latteView.visibility.isHidden && latteView.positioner.inSlideAnimation) { // Do not update when Positioner mid-slide animation takes place, for example: // 1. Latte panel is hiding its floating gap for maximized window // 2. the user clicks on an applet popup. // 3. Applet popups showing/hiding are triggering hidingIsBlockedChanged() signals. // 4. hidingIsBlockedChanged() signals create mustBeShown events when visibility::hidingIsBlocked() is not enabled. return; } //! Normal Dodge/AutoHide case if (!slidingAnimationAutoHiddenIn.running && !inRelocationHiding && (latteView.visibility.isHidden || slidingAnimationAutoHiddenOut.running /*it is not already shown or is trying to hide*/)){ slidingAnimationAutoHiddenIn.init(); } } function slotMustBeHide() { if (inSlidingIn && !inRelocationHiding) { /*consider hiding after sliding in has finished*/ return; } if (latteView && latteView.visibility.mode === LatteCore.Types.WindowsCanCover) { latteView.visibility.setViewOnBackLayer(); return; } //! Normal Dodge/AutoHide case if (!slidingAnimationAutoHiddenOut.running && !latteView.visibility.blockHiding && (!latteView.visibility.containsMouse || latteView.visibility.mode === LatteCore.Types.SidebarOnDemand /*for SidebarOnDemand mouse should be ignored on hiding*/) && (!latteView.visibility.isHidden || slidingAnimationAutoHiddenIn.running /*it is not already hidden or is trying to show*/)) { slidingAnimationAutoHiddenOut.init(); } } //! functions used for sliding out/in during location/screen changes function slotHideDockDuringLocationChange() { inRelocationHiding = true; if(!slidingAnimationAutoHiddenOut.running) { slidingAnimationAutoHiddenOut.init(); } } function slotShowDockAfterLocationChange() { slidingAnimationAutoHiddenIn.init(); } function sendHideDockDuringLocationChangeFinished(){ latteView.positioner.hidingForRelocationFinished(); } function sendSlidingOutAnimationEnded() { latteView.visibility.hide(); latteView.visibility.isHidden = true; if (debug.maskEnabled) { console.log("hiding animation ended..."); } sendHideDockDuringLocationChangeFinished(); } ///test maskArea function updateMaskArea() { if (!latteView || !root.viewIsAvailable) { return; } var localX = 0; var localY = 0; // debug maskArea criteria if (debug.maskEnabled) { console.log(animations.needBothAxis.count + ", " + animations.needLength.count + ", " + animations.needThickness.count + ", " + latteView.visibility.isHidden); } //console.log("reached updating geometry ::: "+dock.maskArea); if (!latteView.visibility.isHidden && updateIsEnabled && inNormalState) { //! Important: Local Geometry must not be updated when view ISHIDDEN //! because it breaks Dodge(s) modes in such case var localGeometry = Qt.rect(0, 0, root.width, root.height); //the shadows size must be removed from the maskArea //before updating the localDockGeometry if (!latteView.behaveAsPlasmaPanel) { var cleanThickness = metrics.totals.thickness; var edgeMargin = metrics.mask.screenEdge; if (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge) { localGeometry.x = latteView.effects.rect.x; // from effects area localGeometry.width = latteView.effects.rect.width; // from effects area localGeometry.y = edgeMargin; localGeometry.height = cleanThickness; } else if (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge) { localGeometry.x = latteView.effects.rect.x; // from effects area localGeometry.width = latteView.effects.rect.width; // from effects area localGeometry.y = root.height - cleanThickness - edgeMargin; localGeometry.height = cleanThickness; } else if (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge) { localGeometry.y = latteView.effects.rect.y; // from effects area localGeometry.height = latteView.effects.rect.height; // from effects area localGeometry.x = edgeMargin; localGeometry.width = cleanThickness; } else if (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge) { localGeometry.y = latteView.effects.rect.y; // from effects area localGeometry.height = latteView.effects.rect.height; // from effects area localGeometry.x = root.width - cleanThickness - edgeMargin; localGeometry.width = cleanThickness; } //set the boundaries for latteView local geometry //qBound = qMax(min, qMin(value, max)). localGeometry.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(localGeometry.x, latteView.width)); localGeometry.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(localGeometry.y, latteView.height)); localGeometry.width = Math.min(localGeometry.width, latteView.width); localGeometry.height = Math.min(localGeometry.height, latteView.height); } //console.log("update geometry ::: "+localGeometry); latteView.localGeometry = localGeometry; } //! Input Mask if (updateIsEnabled) { var animated = (animations.needBothAxis.count>0); if (!LatteCore.WindowSystem.compositingActive || animated || latteView.behaveAsPlasmaPanel) { //! clear input mask latteView.effects.inputMask = Qt.rect(0, 0, -1, -1); } else { var floatingInternalGapAcceptsInput = behaveAsDockWithMask && floatingInternalGapIsForced; var inputThickness; if (latteView.visibility.isHidden) { inputThickness = metrics.mask.thickness.hidden; } else if (root.hasFloatingGapInputEventsDisabled) { inputThickness = metrics.totals.thickness; } else { inputThickness = metrics.mask.screenEdge + metrics.totals.thickness; } var subtractedScreenEdge = root.hasFloatingGapInputEventsDisabled && !latteView.visibility.isHidden ? metrics.mask.screenEdge : 0; var inputGeometry = Qt.rect(0, 0, root.width, root.height); //!use view.localGeometry for length properties if (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge) { inputGeometry.x = latteView.localGeometry.x; inputGeometry.y = subtractedScreenEdge; inputGeometry.width = latteView.localGeometry.width; inputGeometry.height = inputThickness ; } else if (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge) { inputGeometry.x = latteView.localGeometry.x; inputGeometry.y = root.height - inputThickness - subtractedScreenEdge; inputGeometry.width = latteView.localGeometry.width; inputGeometry.height = inputThickness; } else if (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge) { inputGeometry.x = subtractedScreenEdge; inputGeometry.y = latteView.localGeometry.y; inputGeometry.width = inputThickness; inputGeometry.height = latteView.localGeometry.height; } else if (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge) { inputGeometry.x = root.width - inputThickness - subtractedScreenEdge; inputGeometry.y = latteView.localGeometry.y; inputGeometry.width = inputThickness; inputGeometry.height = latteView.localGeometry.height; } //set the boundaries for latteView local geometry //qBound = qMax(min, qMin(value, max)). inputGeometry.x = Math.max(0, Math.min(inputGeometry.x, latteView.width)); inputGeometry.y = Math.max(0, Math.min(inputGeometry.y, latteView.height)); inputGeometry.width = Math.min(inputGeometry.width, latteView.width); inputGeometry.height = Math.min(inputGeometry.height, latteView.height); if (latteView.visibility.isSidebar() && latteView.visibility.isHidden) { //! this way we make sure than no input is accepted anywhere inputGeometry = Qt.rect(-1, -1, 1, 1); } latteView.effects.inputMask = inputGeometry; } } } Loader{ anchors.fill: parent active: debug.graphicsEnabled sourceComponent: Item{ anchors.fill:parent Rectangle{ id: windowBackground anchors.fill: parent border.color: "red" border.width: 1 color: "transparent" } Rectangle{ x: latteView ? latteView.effects.mask.x : -1 y: latteView ? latteView.effects.mask.y : -1 height: latteView ? latteView.effects.mask.height : 0 width: latteView ? latteView.effects.mask.width : 0 border.color: "green" border.width: 1 color: "transparent" } } } /***Hiding/Showing Animations*****/ //////////////// Animations - Slide In - Out SequentialAnimation{ id: slidingAnimationAutoHiddenOut PropertyAnimation { target: !root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel ? layoutsContainer : latteView.positioner property: !root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel ? (root.isVertical ? "x" : "y") : "slideOffset" to: { if (root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel) { return slidingOutToPos; } if (LatteCore.WindowSystem.compositingActive) { return slidingOutToPos; } else { if ((plasmoid.location===PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge)||(plasmoid.location===PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge)) { return slidingOutToPos + 1; } else { return slidingOutToPos - 1; } } } duration: manager.animationSpeed easing.type: Easing.InQuad } ScriptAction{ script: { latteView.visibility.isHidden = true; if (root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel && latteView.positioner.slideOffset !== 0) { //! hide real panels when they slide-out latteView.visibility.hide(); } } } onStarted: { if (debug.maskEnabled) { console.log("hiding animation started..."); } } onStopped: { //! Trying to move the ending part of the signals at the end of editing animation if (!manager.inRelocationHiding) { manager.updateMaskArea(); } else { if (!root.editMode) { manager.sendSlidingOutAnimationEnded(); } } latteView.visibility.slideOutFinished(); } function init() { if (manager.inRelocationAnimation || !latteView.visibility.blockHiding) { start(); } } } SequentialAnimation{ id: slidingAnimationAutoHiddenIn PauseAnimation{ duration: manager.inRelocationHiding && animations.active ? 500 : 0 } PropertyAnimation { target: !root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel ? layoutsContainer : latteView.positioner property: !root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel ? (root.isVertical ? "x" : "y") : "slideOffset" to: 0 duration: manager.animationSpeed easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } ScriptAction{ script: { // deprecated // root.inStartup = false; } } onStarted: { latteView.visibility.show(); if (debug.maskEnabled) { console.log("showing animation started..."); } } onStopped: { inSlidingIn = false; if (manager.inRelocationHiding) { manager.inRelocationHiding = false; autosize.updateIconSize(); } manager.inRelocationHiding = false; autosize.updateIconSize(); if (debug.maskEnabled) { console.log("showing animation ended..."); } latteView.visibility.slideInFinished(); //! this is needed in order to update dock absolute geometry correctly in the end AND //! when a floating dock is sliding-in through masking techniques updateMaskArea(); } function init() { if (!root.viewIsAvailable) { return; } inSlidingIn = true; if (slidingAnimationAutoHiddenOut.running) { slidingAnimationAutoHiddenOut.stop(); } latteView.visibility.isHidden = false; updateMaskArea(); start(); } } //! Slides Animations for FLOATING+BEHAVEASPLASMAPANEL when //! HIDETHICKSCREENCAP dynamically is enabled/disabled SequentialAnimation{ id: slidingInRealFloating PropertyAnimation { target: latteView ? latteView.positioner : null property: "slideOffset" to: 0 duration: manager.animationSpeed easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } ScriptAction{ script: { latteView.positioner.inSlideAnimation = false; } } onStopped: latteView.positioner.inSlideAnimation = false; } SequentialAnimation{ id: slidingOutRealFloating ScriptAction{ script: { latteView.positioner.inSlideAnimation = true; } } PropertyAnimation { target: latteView ? latteView.positioner : null property: "slideOffset" to: plasmoid.configuration.screenEdgeMargin duration: manager.animationSpeed easing.type: Easing.InQuad } } Connections { target: root onHideThickScreenGapChanged: { if (!latteView || !root.viewIsAvailable) { return; } if (root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel && !latteView.visibility.isHidden && !inSlidingIn && !inSlidingOut && !inStartup) { slideInOutRealFloating(); } } onInStartupChanged: { //! used for positioning properly real floating panels when there is a maximized window if (root.hideThickScreenGap && !inStartup && latteView.positioner.slideOffset===0) { if (root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel && !latteView.visibility.isHidden) { slideInOutRealFloating(); } } } function slideInOutRealFloating() { if (root.hideThickScreenGap) { slidingInRealFloating.stop(); slidingOutRealFloating.start(); } else { slidingOutRealFloating.stop(); slidingInRealFloating.start(); } } } }