/* * Copyright 2016 Smith AR * Michail Vourlakos * * This file is part of Latte-Dock * * Latte-Dock is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Latte-Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import QtQuick 2.1 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore import org.kde.plasma.extras 2.0 as PlasmaExtras import org.kde.latte.core 0.2 as LatteCore Window{ width: mainGrid.width + 10 height: Math.min(mainGrid.height+10, Screen.height - metrics.mask.thickness.maxNormalForItems) visible: true title: "#debugwindow#" property string space:" : " PlasmaExtras.ScrollArea { id: scrollArea anchors.fill: parent verticalScrollBarPolicy: Qt.ScrollBarAsNeeded horizontalScrollBarPolicy: Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff flickableItem.flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick Grid{ id:mainGrid columns: 2 Text{ text: "Name"+space } Text{ text: latteView ? latteView.name : "___" } Text{ text: "Screen id"+space } Text{ text: latteView && latteView.positioner ? latteView.positioner.currentScreenName : "___" } Text{ text: "Screen Geometry"+space } Text{ text: { if (latteView && latteView.screenGeometry){ return latteView.screenGeometry.x+","+latteView.screenGeometry.y+ " "+latteView.screenGeometry.width+"x"+latteView.screenGeometry.height; } else { return "_,_ _x_"; } } } Text{ text: "Window Geometry"+space } Text{ text: { if (latteView) { return latteView.x + "," + latteView.y + " "+latteView.width+ "x"+latteView.height; } else { return "_,_ _x_"; } } } Text{ text: "On Primary"+space } Text{ text: { if (latteView && latteView.onPrimary) return "Yes"; else return "No"; } } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: "Contents Width"+space } Text{ text: layoutsContainer.contentsWidth } Text{ text: "Contents Height"+space } Text{ text: layoutsContainer.contentsHeight } Text{ text: "Max Length"+space } Text{ text: root.maxLengthPerCentage +"%" } Text{ text: "Max Length (pixels)"+space } Text{ text: root.maxLength } Text{ text: "Min Length"+space } Text{ text: root.minLengthPerCentage +"%" } Text{ text: "Min Length (pixels)"+space } Text{ text: root.minLength } Text{ text: "Offset (pixels)"+space } Text{ text: root.offset } Text{ text: "Mask"+space } Text{ text: { if (latteView && latteView.effects && latteView.effects.mask) { return latteView.effects.mask.x +", "+ latteView.effects.mask.y+" "+latteView.effects.mask.width+"x"+latteView.effects.mask.height; } else { return "_,_ _x_"; } } } Text{ text: "Input "+space } Text{ text: { if (latteView && latteView.effects && latteView.effects.inputMask) { return latteView.effects.inputMask.x +", "+ latteView.effects.inputMask.y+" "+latteView.effects.inputMask.width+"x"+latteView.effects.inputMask.height; } else { return "_,_ _x_"; } } } Text{ text: "Local Geometry"+space } Text{ text: { if (latteView && latteView.localGeometry) { return latteView.localGeometry.x + ", " + latteView.localGeometry.y + " " + latteView.localGeometry.width + "x" + latteView.localGeometry.height; } else { return "_,_ _x_"; } } } Text{ text: "Absolute Geometry"+space } Text{ text: { if (latteView && latteView.absoluteGeometry) { return latteView.absoluteGeometry.x + ", " + latteView.absoluteGeometry.y + " " + latteView.absoluteGeometry.width + "x" + latteView.absoluteGeometry.height; } else { return "_,_ _x_"; } } } Text{ text: "Draw Effects"+space } Text{ text: { if (latteView && latteView.effects && latteView.effects.drawEffects) return "Yes"; else return "No"; } } Text{ text: "Effects Area"+space } Text{ text: { if (latteView && latteView.effects && latteView.effects.rect) { return latteView.effects.rect.x + ", " + latteView.effects.rect.y + " " +latteView.effects.rect.width + "x" + latteView.effects.rect.height; } else { return "_,_ _x_"; } } } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: "Is Hidden (flag)"+space } Text{ text: { if (latteView && latteView.visibility && latteView.visibility.isHidden) return "Yes"; else return "No"; } } Text{ text: "Contains Mouse (flag)"+space } Text{ text: { if (latteView && latteView.visibility && latteView.visibility.containsMouse) return "Yes"; else return "No"; } } Text{ text: "Edit Mode"+space } Text{ text: { if (root.editMode) return "Yes"; else return "No"; } } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: "Location"+space } Text{ text: { switch(plasmoid.location){ case PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge: return "Left Edge"; break; case PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge: return "Right Edge"; break; case PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge: return "Top Edge"; break; case PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge: return "Bottom Edge"; break; } return " : " + plasmoid.location; } } Text{ text: "Alignment"+space } Text{ text: { switch(plasmoid.configuration.alignment){ case LatteCore.Types.Left: return "Left"; break; case LatteCore.Types.Right: return "Right"; break; case LatteCore.Types.Center: return "Center"; break; case LatteCore.Types.Top: return "Top"; break; case LatteCore.Types.Bottom: return "Bottom"; break; case LatteCore.Types.Justify: return "Justify"; break; } return " : " + plasmoid.configuration.alignment; } } Text{ text: "Visibility"+space } Text{ text: { if (!latteView || !latteView.visibility) return ""; switch(latteView.visibility.mode){ case LatteCore.Types.AlwaysVisible: return "Always Visible"; break; case LatteCore.Types.AutoHide: return "Auto Hide"; break; case LatteCore.Types.DodgeActive: return "Dodge Active"; break; case LatteCore.Types.DodgeMaximized: return "Dodge Maximized"; break; case LatteCore.Types.DodgeAllWindows: return "Dodge All Windows"; break; case LatteCore.Types.DodgeAllWindows: return "Dodge All Windows"; break; case LatteCore.Types.WindowsGoBelow: return "Windows Go Below"; break; case LatteCore.Types.WindowsCanCover: return "Windows Can Cover"; break; case LatteCore.Types.WindowsAlwaysCover: return "Windows Always Cover"; break; case LatteCore.Types.SidebarOnDemand: return "OnDemand Sidebar"; break; case LatteCore.Types.SidebarAutoHide: return "AutoHide Sidebar"; break; case LatteCore.Types.NormalWindow: return "Normal Window"; break; case LatteCore.Types.None: return "None"; break; } return " : " + latteView.visibility.mode; } } Text{ text: "Zoom Factor"+space } Text{ text: parabolic.factor.zoom } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: "Icon Size (current)"+space } Text{ text: metrics.iconSize } Text{ text: "Icon Size (user)"+space } Text{ text: plasmoid.configuration.iconSize } Text{ text: "Icon Size (portion)"+space } Text{ text: metrics.portionIconSize } Text{ text: "Icon Size (auto decrease), Enabled"+space } Text{ text: { if (autosize.isActive) return "Yes"; else return "No"; } } Text{ text: "Icon Size (auto decrease)"+space } Text{ text: autosize.iconSize } Text{ text: "Length Padding (pixels)"+space } Text{ text: metrics.padding.length } Text{ text: "Length Margin (pixels)"+space } Text{ text: metrics.margin.length } Text{ text: "Thickness Margin"+space } Text{ text: metrics.margin.thickness } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: "Show Panel Background (user)"+space } Text{ text: { if (plasmoid.configuration.useThemePanel) return "Yes"; else return "No"; } } Text{ text: "Force Transparent Panel (auto)"+space } Text{ text: { if (root.forceTransparentPanel) return "Yes"; else return "No"; } } Text{ text: "Background Length"+space } Text{ text: background.totals.visualLength } Text{ text: "Background Thickness(user)"+space } Text{ text: plasmoid.configuration.panelSize + "%" } Text{ text: "Background Thickness(auto)"+space } Text{ text: background.totals.visualThickness } Text{ text: "Background Opacity"+space } Text{ text: (root.myView.backgroundOpacity * 100) + "%" } Text{ text: "Background Shadows Active"+space } Text{ text: { if (root.panelShadowsActive) return "Yes"; else return "No"; } } Text{ text: "Background Shadow"+space } Text{ text: background.shadows.headThickness } Text{ text: "Background Head Thickness Padding"+space } Text{ text: background.paddings.headThickness } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: "Mask - Normal Thickness"+space } Text{ text: metrics.mask.thickness.normal } Text{ text: "Thickness Uses Panel Size"+space } Text{ text: background.isGreaterThanItemThickness } Text{ text: "Behave As Plasma Panel"+space } Text{ text: { if (root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel) return "Yes"; else return "No"; } } Text{ text: "Draw Shadows (external)"+space } Text{ text: { if (root.drawShadowsExternal) return "Yes"; else return "No"; } } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: "Applet Hovered"+space } Text{ text: "--"//layoutsContainer.hoveredIndex } Text{ text: "In Normal State"+space } Text{ text: visibilityManager.inNormalState } Text{ text: "Animations Both Axis"+space } Text{ text: animations.needBothAxis.count } Text{ text: "Animations Only Length"+space } Text{ text: animations.needLength.count } Text{ text: "Animations Need Thickness"+space } Text{ text: animations.needThickness.count } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: "Start Layout Shown Applets"+space } Text{ text: layouter.startLayout.shownApplets } Text{ text: "Start Layout Applets (with fill)"+space } Text{ text: layouter.startLayout.fillApplets } Text{ text: "Start Layout Size (no fill applets)"+space } Text{ text: layouter.startLayout.sizeWithNoFillApplets+" px." } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: "Main Layout Shown Applets"+space } Text{ text: layouter.mainLayout.shownApplets } Text{ text: "Main Layout Applets (with fill)"+space } Text{ text: layouter.mainLayout.fillApplets } Text{ text: "Main Layout Size (no fill applets)"+space } Text{ text: layouter.mainLayout.sizeWithNoFillApplets+" px." } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: "End Layout Shown Applets"+space } Text{ text: layouter.endLayout.shownApplets } Text{ text: "End Layout Applets (with fill)"+space } Text{ text: layouter.endLayout.fillApplets } Text{ text: "End Layout Size (no fill applets)"+space } Text{ text: layouter.endLayout.sizeWithNoFillApplets+" px." } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: "Animations ZoomFactor" + space } Text{ text: animations.requirements.zoomFactor } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: " ----------- " } Text{ text: "Applets need Windows Tracking"+space } Text{ text: visibilityManager.appletsTrackingWindowsCount } Text{ text: "Last Active Window Current Screen (id)"+space } Text{ text: latteView && latteView.windowsTracker && latteView.windowsTracker.currentScreen.lastActiveWindow && latteView.windowsTracker.currentScreen.lastActiveWindow.isValid ? latteView.windowsTracker.currentScreen.lastActiveWindow.winId : "--" } Text{ text: "Last Active Window Current Screen (title)"+space } Text{ text: latteView && latteView.windowsTracker && latteView.windowsTracker.currentScreen.lastActiveWindow && latteView.windowsTracker.currentScreen.lastActiveWindow.isValid ? latteView.windowsTracker.currentScreen.lastActiveWindow.display : "--" elide: Text.ElideRight } Text{ text: "Last Active Window All Screens (id)"+space } Text{ text: latteView && latteView.windowsTracker && latteView.windowsTracker.allScreens.lastActiveWindow && latteView.windowsTracker.allScreens.lastActiveWindow.isValid ? latteView.windowsTracker.allScreens.lastActiveWindow.winId : "--" } Text{ text: "Last Active Window All Screens (title)"+space } Text{ text: latteView && latteView.windowsTracker && latteView.windowsTracker.allScreens.lastActiveWindow && latteView.windowsTracker.allScreens.lastActiveWindow.isValid ? latteView.windowsTracker.allScreens.lastActiveWindow.display : "--" elide: Text.ElideRight } } } }