/* * Copyright 2016 Smith AR <audoban@openmailbox.org> * Michail Vourlakos <mvourlakos@gmail.com> * * This file is part of Latte-Dock * * Latte-Dock is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Latte-Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents import org.kde.plasma.private.taskmanager 0.1 as TaskManagerApplet import org.kde.kquickcontrolsaddons 2.0 as KQuickControlAddons //I am using KQuickControlAddons.QIconItem even though onExit it triggers the following error //QObject::~QObject: Timers cannot be stopped from another thread //but it increases performance almost to double during animation Item{ id: centralItem width: wrapper.regulatorWidth height: wrapper.regulatorHeight //big interval to show shadows only after all the crappy adds and removes of tasks //have happened property bool firstDrawed: true property bool toBeDestroyed: false // three intervals in order to create the necessarty buffers from the // PlasmaCore.IconItem, one big interval for the first creation of the // plasmoid, a second one for the first creation of a task and a small one // for simple updates. // This is done before especially on initialization stage some visuals // are not ready and empty buffers are created //property int firstDrawedInterval: root.initializationStep ? 2000 : 1000 // property int shadowInterval: firstDrawed ? firstDrawedInterval : 250 property int shadowInterval: firstDrawed ? 1000 : 250 property int shadowSize : Math.ceil(root.iconSize / 10) readonly property bool smartLauncherEnabled: ((mainItemContainer.isStartup === false) && (root.smartLaunchersEnabled)) readonly property variant iconDecoration: decoration property QtObject buffers: null property QtObject smartLauncherItem: null /* Rectangle{ anchors.fill: parent border.width: 1 border.color: "green" color: "transparent" } */ Connections{ target: root onZoomFactorChanged: updateImages() onIconSizeChanged: updateImages() onEnableShadowsChanged: updateImages() } onIconDecorationChanged: { updateImages(); } Rectangle{ id: draggedRectangle width: iconImageBuffer.width+1 height: iconImageBuffer.height+1 anchors.centerIn: iconImageBuffer opacity: 0 radius: 3 anchors.margins: 5 property color tempColor: theme.highlightColor color: tempColor border.width: 1 border.color: theme.highlightColor onTempColorChanged: tempColor.a = 0.35; } //temporary buffers containing the normal Image icon and the zoomed Image icon // Image{id:zoomedImage; visible:false} // Image{id:normalImage; visible:false} Image{ id:shadowedImage anchors.centerIn:iconImageBuffer // anchors.horizontalCenter: iconImageBuffer.horizontalCenter //anchors.verticalCenter: iconImageBuffer.verticalCenter width:iconImageBuffer.width+2*shadowSize height:iconImageBuffer.height+2*shadowSize //visible: plasmoid.configuration.showShadows visible: false states: State { name: "reparented" ParentChange { target: shadowedImage; parent: root; } } //Corize to use when a window is removed.... /* Colorize{ id: removeImageColorizer source: parent anchors.fill: parent enabled: false visible: false hue: 0 saturation: 0 lightness: 0 }*/ } /* Rectangle{ anchors.fill: iconImageBuffer border.width: 1 border.color: "red" color: "transparent" }*/ KQuickControlAddons.QIconItem{ id: iconImageBuffer // anchors.centerIn: parent width: Math.round(newTempSize) //+ 2*centralItem.shadowSize height: Math.round(width) icon: decoration property int zoomedSize: root.zoomFactor * root.iconSize property real basicScalingWidth : wrapper.inTempScaling ? (root.iconSize * wrapper.scaleWidth) : root.iconSize * wrapper.scale property real basicScalingHeight : wrapper.inTempScaling ? (root.iconSize * wrapper.scaleHeight) : root.iconSize * wrapper.scale property real newTempSize: (wrapper.opacity == 1) ? Math.min(basicScalingWidth, basicScalingHeight) : Math.max(basicScalingWidth, basicScalingHeight) ///states for launcher animation states: [ State{ name: "*" when: !launcherAnimation.running && !newWindowAnimation.running AnchorChanges{ target:iconImageBuffer; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter; anchors.right: undefined; anchors.left: undefined; anchors.top: undefined; anchors.bottom: undefined; } }, State{ name: "animating" when: launcherAnimation.running || newWindowAnimation.running AnchorChanges{ target:iconImageBuffer; anchors.horizontalCenter: undefined; anchors.verticalCenter: undefined; anchors.right: root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftPositioned ? parent.right : undefined; anchors.left: root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.RightPositioned ? parent.left : undefined; anchors.top: root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomPositioned ? parent.top : undefined; anchors.bottom: root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.TopPositioned ? parent.bottom : undefined; } } ] ///transitions, basic for the anchor changes transitions: [ Transition{ from: "animating" to: "*" AnchorAnimation { duration: 1.5*root.durationTime*units.longDuration } } ] } ///Shadow in tasks Loader{ anchors.fill: iconImageBuffer active: root.enableShadows sourceComponent: DropShadow{ anchors.fill: parent color: "#ff080808" samples: 2 * radius source: iconImageBuffer radius: centralItem.shadowSize verticalOffset: 2 } } VisualAddItem{ id: dropFilesVisual anchors.fill: iconImageBuffer visible: opacity == 0 ? false : true opacity: root.dropNewLauncher && !mouseHandler.onlyLaunchers && (root.dragSource == null) && (mouseHandler.hoveredItem === mainItemContainer) ? 1 : 0 } BrightnessContrast{ id:hoveredImage opacity: mainItemContainer.containsMouse ? 1 : 0 anchors.fill: iconImageBuffer brightness: 0.25 source: iconImageBuffer Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: root.durationTime*units.longDuration } } } BrightnessContrast { id: brightnessTaskEffect anchors.fill: iconImageBuffer source: iconImageBuffer visible: clickedAnimation.running } Colorize{ id: stateColorizer source: iconImageBuffer anchors.fill: iconImageBuffer //visible: false opacity:0 hue:0 saturation:0 lightness:0 } //Something to show until the buffers are updated //KQuickControlAddons.QIconItem{ /* PlasmaCore.IconItem{ id: iconImageBackground //property real relatedSize: root.iconSize * ( (doubleSize - 7) / doubleSize ); // width: (visible) ? relatedSize * wrapper.scale : root.iconSize width: (visible) ? root.iconSize * wrapper.scale : root.iconSize height: width anchors.centerIn: parent // state: wrapper.containsMouse ? KQuickControlAddons.QIconItem.ActiveState : KQuickControlAddons.QIconItem.DefaultState // icon: decoration active: wrapper.containsMouse enabled: true source: decoration usesPlasmaTheme: false visible: ((iconImageBuffer.opacity == 1) && (root.enableShadows)) ? false : true Component{ id:hideBackTimer Timer{ id:hideBackgroundTimer repeat:false interval: centralItem.shadowInterval onTriggered: { // iconImageBackground.visible = false; iconImageBuffer.opacity = 1; hideBackgroundTimer.destroy(); // iconImageBuffer.visible = false; } Component.onCompleted: hideBackgroundTimer.start(); } } }*/ Loader{ id:defaultWithShadow //sourceComponent: imageBufferingComponent sourceComponent: TaskIconBuffers{} active: mainItemContainer.isStartup ? false : true } Loader { anchors.fill: iconImageBuffer asynchronous: true source: "TaskProgressOverlay.qml" active: (centralItem.smartLauncherEnabled && centralItem.smartLauncherItem && centralItem.smartLauncherItem.progressVisible) } ///////Activate animation///// SequentialAnimation{ id: clickedAnimation property bool pressed: mainItemContainer.pressed property int speed: root.durationTime*units.longDuration ParallelAnimation{ PropertyAnimation { target: brightnessTaskEffect property: "brightness" to: -0.5 duration: clickedAnimation.speed easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } PropertyAnimation { target: wrapper property: "scale" to: root.taskInAnimation ? 0.9 : wrapper.scale - (root.zoomFactor - 1) / 2 duration: clickedAnimation.speed easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } } ParallelAnimation{ PropertyAnimation { target: brightnessTaskEffect property: "brightness" to: 0 duration: clickedAnimation.speed easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } PropertyAnimation { target: wrapper property: "scale" to: root.taskInAnimation ? 1 : root.zoomFactor duration: clickedAnimation.speed easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } } onPressedChanged: { if( (pressed)&& ((mainItemContainer.lastButtonClicked == Qt.LeftButton)||(mainItemContainer.lastButtonClicked == Qt.MidButton)) ){ mainItemContainer.animationStarted(); start(); } } onStopped: { if( !mainItemContainer.isDragged){ mainItemContainer.animationEnded(); checkListHovered.startDuration(6*units.longDuration); } } } Component.onCompleted: { if (smartLauncherEnabled && !smartLauncherItem) { var smartLauncher = Qt.createQmlObject( " import org.kde.plasma.private.taskmanager 0.1 as TaskManagerApplet; TaskManagerApplet.SmartLauncherItem { }", centralItem); smartLauncher.launcherUrl = Qt.binding(function() { return model.LauncherUrlWithoutIcon; }); smartLauncherItem = smartLauncher; } } Component.onDestruction: { centralItem.toBeDestroyed = true; if(shadowedImage && shadowedImage.source) shadowedImage.source.destroy(); if(removingAnimation.removingItem) removingAnimation.removingItem.destroy(); gc(); } ////end of activate animation//// ////bouncing task, e.g. on launcher activating and when a new window is ////added in a group task SequentialAnimation{ id:launcherAnimation property bool launchedAlready: false property int speed: root.durationTime * 0.8 * units.longDuration SequentialAnimation{ ParallelAnimation{ PropertyAnimation { target: wrapper property: (icList.orientation == Qt.Vertical) ? "tempScaleWidth" : "tempScaleHeight" to: root.zoomFactor duration: launcherAnimation.speed easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } PropertyAnimation { target: wrapper property: (icList.orientation == Qt.Horizontal) ? "tempScaleWidth" : "tempScaleHeight" to: 1 duration: launcherAnimation.speed easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } } PropertyAnimation { target: wrapper property: (icList.orientation == Qt.Vertical) ? "tempScaleWidth" : "tempScaleHeight" to: 1 duration: 3*root.durationTime*launcherAnimation.speed easing.type: Easing.OutBounce } ParallelAnimation{ PropertyAnimation { target: wrapper property: (icList.orientation == Qt.Vertical) ? "tempScaleHeight" : "tempScaleWidth" to: 1 duration: root.durationTime*launcherAnimation.speed easing.type: Easing.OutBounce } PropertyAnimation { target: wrapper property: "scale" to: 1 duration: root.durationTime*launcherAnimation.speed easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } } } onStopped: { //wrapper.scale = 1; /* if ( root.noTasksInAnimation>0 ) { root.noTasksInAnimation--; } if ( root.animations>0 ) { root.animations--; }*/ //console.log ("Nooo 2: "+root.noTasksInAnimation + " - "+root.animations); clearAnimationsSignals(); mainItemContainer.setBlockingAnimation(false); mainItemContainer.animationEnded(); mainItemContainer.launcherAction(); } function clearAnimationsSignals() { if ( launchedAlready && root.noTasksInAnimation>0 ) { root.noTasksInAnimation--; } if ( launchedAlready ) { root.signalAnimationsNeedThickness(-1); } launchedAlready = false; } function init(){ //console.log ("Nooo 1 : "+root.noTasksInAnimation); if(!launchedAlready) { launchedAlready = true; root.signalAnimationsNeedThickness(1); root.noTasksInAnimation++; mainItemContainer.setBlockingAnimation(true); } wrapper.tempScaleWidth = wrapper.scale; wrapper.tempScaleHeight = wrapper.scale; icList.hoveredIndex = -1; } function bounceLauncher(){ if(root.zoomFactor > 1){ mainItemContainer.animationStarted(); init(); start(); } else stopped(); } Component.onCompleted: { wrapper.runLauncherAnimation.connect(bounceLauncher); } Component.onDestruction: { clearAnimationsSignals(); } } /////////////////// end of launcher animation ////////////////// new window and needs attention animation SequentialAnimation{ id:newWindowAnimation property int speed: root.durationTime*units.longDuration property bool isDemandingAttention: (IsDemandingAttention === true) ? true : false property bool entered: mainItemContainer.mouseEntered property bool needsThicknessSent: false //flag to check if the signal for thickness was sent SequentialAnimation{ ParallelAnimation{ PropertyAnimation { target: wrapper property: (icList.orientation == Qt.Vertical) ? "tempScaleWidth" : "tempScaleHeight" to: 1 + (0.6 * (root.zoomFactor-1)) duration: newWindowAnimation.speed easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } PropertyAnimation { target: wrapper property: (icList.orientation == Qt.Horizontal) ? "tempScaleWidth" : "tempScaleHeight" to: 1 duration: newWindowAnimation.speed easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } } PropertyAnimation { target: wrapper property: (icList.orientation == Qt.Vertical) ? "tempScaleWidth" : "tempScaleHeight" to: 1 duration: 3*root.durationTime*newWindowAnimation.speed easing.type: Easing.OutBounce } } function clear(){ loops = 1; newWindowAnimation.stop(); // iconImageBuffer.anchors.centerIn = iconImageBuffer.parent; wrapper.tempScaleWidth = 1; wrapper.tempScaleHeight = 1; } onStopped: { sendEndOfNeedThicknessAnimation(); clear(); } onIsDemandingAttentionChanged: { if( (!isDemandingAttention)&&(running)){ clear(); // wrapper.animationEnded(); } else if(isDemandingAttention){ bounceNewWindow(); } } function sendEndOfNeedThicknessAnimation(){ if (needsThicknessSent) { needsThicknessSent = false; root.signalAnimationsNeedThickness(-1); } } function init(){ wrapper.tempScaleWidth = wrapper.scale; wrapper.tempScaleHeight = wrapper.scale; if(!isDemandingAttention) loops = 2; else loops = 20; if (!needsThicknessSent) { needsThicknessSent = true; root.signalAnimationsNeedThickness(1); } // icList.hoveredIndex = -1; } function bounceNewWindow(){ newWindowAnimation.init(); start(); } Component.onCompleted: { mainItemContainer.groupWindowAdded.connect(bounceNewWindow); } Component.onDestruction: { sendEndOfNeedThicknessAnimation(); } } /////Removing a Window from a group//// Item{ id:removingAnimation function init(){ var relavantPoint if(plasmoid.configuration.showShadows) relavantPoint = root.mapFromItem(shadowedImage,0,0); else relavantPoint = root.mapFromItem(iconImageBuffer,0,0); var removingItem = removeTaskComponent.createObject(root); removingItem.x = relavantPoint.x; removingItem.y = relavantPoint.y; removingItem.start(); } function removeTask(){ if(centralItem.firstDrawed && !centralItem.toBeDestroyed && mainItemContainer.buffersAreReady && plasmoid.configuration.showShadows && windowSystem.compositingActive){ removingAnimation.init(); } } Component.onCompleted: { mainItemContainer.groupWindowRemoved.connect(removeTask); } ///////////// Component for animating removing window from group Component { id: removeTaskComponent Item{ id: removeTask width: plasmoid.configuration.showShadows ? shadowedImage.width : iconImageBuffer.width height: plasmoid.configuration.showShadows ? shadowedImage.height : iconImageBuffer.height //parent: panel visible: false Image { id: tempRemoveIcon source: plasmoid.configuration.showShadows ? shadowedImage.source : iconImageBuffer.source anchors.fill: parent } Colorize{ source: tempRemoveIcon anchors.fill: tempRemoveIcon hue: 0 saturation: 0 lightness: 0 } ParallelAnimation{ id: componentRemoveAnimation property int speed: 2*root.durationTime*units.longDuration property Item removingItem: parent property int toPoint: 0 PropertyAnimation { target: removeTask property: "opacity" to: 0 duration: componentRemoveAnimation.speed easing.type: Easing.InQuad } PropertyAnimation { target: removeTask property: (icList.orientation == Qt.Horizontal) ? "y" : "x" to: componentRemoveAnimation.toPoint duration: componentRemoveAnimation.speed easing.type: Easing.InQuad } onStopped: { removeTask.destroy(); gc(); } } function start(){ var tempPoint = 0; if(icList.orientation == Qt.Horizontal) tempPoint = y; else tempPoint = x; if( (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomPositioned) || (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.RightPositioned) ){ componentRemoveAnimation.toPoint = tempPoint + root.iconSize; } else{ componentRemoveAnimation.toPoint = tempPoint - root.iconSize; } visible = true; componentRemoveAnimation.start(); } } } } //////////// States //////////////////// states: [ State{ name: "*" when: !mainItemContainer.isDragged }, State{ name: "isDragged" when: ( (mainItemContainer.isDragged) && (!root.editMode) ) // PropertyChanges { target: clickedAnimation; running:false } PropertyChanges { target: wrapper; scale:1 + ((root.zoomFactor - 1) / 2)} } ] //////////// Transitions ////////////// transitions: [ Transition{ id: isDraggedTransition to: "isDragged" property int speed: root.durationTime*units.longDuration SequentialAnimation{ ParallelAnimation{ PropertyAnimation { target: draggedRectangle property: "opacity" to: 1 duration: isDraggedTransition.speed easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } PropertyAnimation { target: iconImageBuffer property: "opacity" to: 0 duration: isDraggedTransition.speed easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } PropertyAnimation { target: stateColorizer property: "opacity" to: 1 duration: isDraggedTransition.speed easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } } } onRunningChanged: { if(running){ mainItemContainer.animationStarted(); //root.animations++; root.updateScale(index-1, 1, 0); root.updateScale(index+1, 1, 0); } } }, Transition{ id: defaultTransition from: "isDragged" to: "*" property int speed: root.durationTime*units.longDuration SequentialAnimation{ ParallelAnimation{ PropertyAnimation { target: draggedRectangle property: "opacity" to: 0 duration: defaultTransition.speed easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } PropertyAnimation { target: iconImageBuffer property: "opacity" to: 1 duration: defaultTransition.speed easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } PropertyAnimation { target: stateColorizer property: "opacity" to: 0 duration: isDraggedTransition.speed easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } } PropertyAnimation { target: wrapper property: "scale" to: 1; duration: isDraggedTransition.speed easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } } onRunningChanged: { if(!running){ var halfZoom = 1 + ((root.zoomFactor - 1) / 2); root.updateScale(index-1, halfZoom, 0); root.updateScale(index+1, halfZoom, 0); mainItemContainer.animationEnded(); // root.animations--; } } } ] ////////////////////////// function updateImages(){ if(root){ if(defaultWithShadow.item){ defaultWithShadow.item.updateImage(); } } } }// Icon Item