/* * Copyright 2018 Michail Vourlakos <mvourlakos@gmail.com> * * This file is part of Latte-Dock * * Latte-Dock is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Latte-Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "effects.h" // local #include <config-latte.h> #include <coretypes.h> #include "panelshadows_p.h" #include "view.h" #include "../lattecorona.h" #include "../wm/abstractwindowinterface.h" // Qt #include <QRegion> // KDE #include <KWindowEffects> #include <KWindowSystem> namespace Latte { namespace ViewPart { Effects::Effects(Latte::View *parent) : QObject(parent), m_view(parent) { m_corona = qobject_cast<Latte::Corona *>(m_view->corona()); init(); } Effects::~Effects() { } void Effects::init() { connect(this, &Effects::backgroundOpacityChanged, this, &Effects::updateEffects); connect(this, &Effects::backgroundCornersMaskChanged, this, &Effects::updateEffects); connect(this, &Effects::backgroundRadiusEnabledChanged, this, &Effects::updateEffects); connect(this, &Effects::drawEffectsChanged, this, &Effects::updateEffects); connect(this, &Effects::enabledBordersChanged, this, &Effects::updateEffects); connect(this, &Effects::rectChanged, this, &Effects::updateEffects); connect(this, &Effects::backgroundCornersMaskChanged, this, &Effects::updateMask); connect(this, &Effects::backgroundRadiusEnabledChanged, this, &Effects::updateMask); connect(this, &Effects::subtractedMaskRegionsChanged, this, &Effects::updateMask); connect(this, &Effects::unitedMaskRegionsChanged, this, &Effects::updateMask); connect(m_view, &QQuickWindow::widthChanged, this, &Effects::updateMask); connect(m_view, &QQuickWindow::heightChanged, this, &Effects::updateMask); connect(m_view, &Latte::View::behaveAsPlasmaPanelChanged, this, &Effects::updateMask); connect(KWindowSystem::self(), &KWindowSystem::compositingChanged, this, &Effects::updateMask); connect(this, &Effects::rectChanged, this, [&]() { if (!KWindowSystem::compositingActive() && !m_view->behaveAsPlasmaPanel()) { setMask(m_rect); } }); connect(this, &Effects::backgroundRadiusChanged, this, &Effects::updateBackgroundCorners); connect(this, &Effects::drawShadowsChanged, this, [&]() { if (m_view->behaveAsPlasmaPanel()) { updateEnabledBorders(); } }); connect(this, &Effects::backgroundAllCornersChanged, this, &Effects::updateEnabledBorders); connect(m_view, &Latte::View::alignmentChanged, this, &Effects::updateEnabledBorders); connect(m_view, &Latte::View::maxLengthChanged, this, &Effects::updateEnabledBorders); connect(m_view, &Latte::View::offsetChanged, this, &Effects::updateEnabledBorders); connect(m_view, &Latte::View::screenEdgeMarginEnabledChanged, this, &Effects::updateEnabledBorders); connect(m_view, &Latte::View::behaveAsPlasmaPanelChanged, this, &Effects::updateEffects); connect(this, &Effects::drawShadowsChanged, this, &Effects::updateShadows); connect(m_view, &Latte::View::behaveAsPlasmaPanelChanged, this, &Effects::updateShadows); connect(m_view, &Latte::View::configWindowGeometryChanged, this, &Effects::updateMask); connect(&m_theme, &Plasma::Theme::themeChanged, this, [&]() { auto background = m_background; m_background = new Plasma::FrameSvg(this); if (background) { background->deleteLater(); } if (m_background->imagePath() != "widgets/panel-background") { m_background->setImagePath(QStringLiteral("widgets/panel-background")); } updateBackgroundContrastValues(); updateEffects(); }); } bool Effects::animationsBlocked() const { return m_animationsBlocked; } void Effects::setAnimationsBlocked(bool blocked) { if (m_animationsBlocked == blocked) { return; } m_animationsBlocked = blocked; emit animationsBlockedChanged(); } bool Effects::backgroundAllCorners() const { return m_backgroundAllCorners; } void Effects::setBackgroundAllCorners(bool allcorners) { if (m_backgroundAllCorners == allcorners) { return; } m_backgroundAllCorners = allcorners; emit backgroundAllCornersChanged(); } bool Effects::backgroundRadiusEnabled() const { return m_backgroundRadiusEnabled; } void Effects::setBackgroundRadiusEnabled(bool enabled) { if (m_backgroundRadiusEnabled == enabled) { return; } m_backgroundRadiusEnabled = enabled; emit backgroundRadiusEnabledChanged(); } bool Effects::drawShadows() const { return m_drawShadows; } void Effects::setDrawShadows(bool draw) { if (m_drawShadows == draw) { return; } m_drawShadows = draw; emit drawShadowsChanged(); } bool Effects::drawEffects() const { return m_drawEffects; } void Effects::setDrawEffects(bool draw) { if (m_drawEffects == draw) { return; } m_drawEffects = draw; emit drawEffectsChanged(); } void Effects::setForceBottomBorder(bool draw) { if (m_forceBottomBorder == draw) { return; } m_forceBottomBorder = draw; updateEnabledBorders(); } void Effects::setForceTopBorder(bool draw) { if (m_forceTopBorder == draw) { return; } m_forceTopBorder = draw; updateEnabledBorders(); } int Effects::backgroundRadius() { return m_backgroundRadius; } void Effects::setBackgroundRadius(const int &radius) { if (m_backgroundRadius == radius) { return; } m_backgroundRadius = radius; emit backgroundRadiusChanged(); } float Effects::backgroundOpacity() const { return m_backgroundOpacity; } void Effects::setBackgroundOpacity(float opacity) { if (m_backgroundOpacity == opacity) { return; } m_backgroundOpacity = opacity; updateBackgroundContrastValues(); emit backgroundOpacityChanged(); } int Effects::editShadow() const { return m_editShadow; } void Effects::setEditShadow(int shadow) { if (m_editShadow == shadow) { return; } m_editShadow = shadow; emit editShadowChanged(); } int Effects::innerShadow() const { return m_innerShadow; } void Effects::setInnerShadow(int shadow) { if (m_innerShadow == shadow) return; m_innerShadow = shadow; emit innerShadowChanged(); } QRect Effects::rect() const { return m_rect; } void Effects::setRect(QRect area) { if (m_rect == area) { return; } m_rect = area; emit rectChanged(); } QRect Effects::mask() const { return m_mask; } void Effects::setMask(QRect area) { if (m_mask == area) return; m_mask = area; updateMask(); // qDebug() << "dock mask set:" << m_mask; emit maskChanged(); } QRect Effects::inputMask() const { return m_inputMask; } void Effects::setInputMask(QRect area) { if (m_inputMask == area) { return; } m_inputMask = area; if (KWindowSystem::isPlatformX11()) { m_corona->wm()->setInputMask(m_view, area); } else { //under wayland mask() is providing the Input Area m_view->setMask(area); } emit inputMaskChanged(); } void Effects::forceMaskRedraw() { if (m_background) { delete m_background; } m_background = new Plasma::FrameSvg(this); m_background->setImagePath(QStringLiteral("widgets/panel-background")); m_background->setEnabledBorders(m_enabledBorders); updateMask(); } void Effects::setSubtractedMaskRegion(const QString ®ionid, const QRegion ®ion) { if (m_subtractedMaskRegions.contains(regionid) && m_subtractedMaskRegions[regionid] == region) { return; } m_subtractedMaskRegions[regionid] = region; emit subtractedMaskRegionsChanged(); } void Effects::removeSubtractedMaskRegion(const QString ®ionid) { if (!m_subtractedMaskRegions.contains(regionid)) { return; } m_subtractedMaskRegions.remove(regionid); emit subtractedMaskRegionsChanged(); } void Effects::setUnitedMaskRegion(const QString ®ionid, const QRegion ®ion) { if (m_unitedMaskRegions.contains(regionid) && m_unitedMaskRegions[regionid] == region) { return; } m_unitedMaskRegions[regionid] = region; emit unitedMaskRegionsChanged(); } void Effects::removeUnitedMaskRegion(const QString ®ionid) { if (!m_unitedMaskRegions.contains(regionid)) { return; } m_unitedMaskRegions.remove(regionid); emit unitedMaskRegionsChanged(); } QRegion Effects::customMask(const QRect &rect) { QRegion result = rect; int dx = rect.right() - m_cornersMaskRegion.topLeft.boundingRect().width() + 1; int dy = rect.bottom() - m_cornersMaskRegion.topLeft.boundingRect().height() + 1; if (m_hasTopLeftCorner) { QRegion tl = m_cornersMaskRegion.topLeft; tl.translate(rect.x(), rect.y()); result = result.subtracted(tl); } if (m_hasTopRightCorner) { QRegion tr = m_cornersMaskRegion.topRight; tr.translate(rect.x() + dx, rect.y()); result = result.subtracted(tr); } if (m_hasBottomRightCorner) { QRegion br = m_cornersMaskRegion.bottomRight; br.translate(rect.x() + dx, rect.y() + dy); result = result.subtracted(br); } if (m_hasBottomLeftCorner) { QRegion bl = m_cornersMaskRegion.bottomLeft; bl.translate(rect.x(), rect.y() + dy); result = result.subtracted(bl); } return result; } QRegion Effects::maskCombinedRegion() { QRegion region = m_mask; for(auto subregion : m_subtractedMaskRegions) { region = region.subtracted(subregion); } for(auto subregion : m_unitedMaskRegions) { region = region.united(subregion); } return region; } void Effects::updateBackgroundCorners() { if (m_backgroundRadius<=0) { return; } m_corona->themeExtended()->cornersMask(m_backgroundRadius); m_cornersMaskRegion = m_corona->themeExtended()->cornersMask(m_backgroundRadius); emit backgroundCornersMaskChanged(); } void Effects::updateMask() { if (KWindowSystem::compositingActive()) { if (KWindowSystem::isPlatformX11()) { if (m_view->behaveAsPlasmaPanel()) { // set as NULL in order for plasma framrworks to identify NULL Mask properly m_view->setMask(QRect(-1, -1, 0, 0)); } else { m_view->setMask(QRect(0, 0, m_view->width(), m_view->height())); } } else { // under wayland do nothing } } else { QRegion fixedMask; QRect maskRect = m_view->behaveAsPlasmaPanel() ? QRect(0,0, m_view->width(), m_view->height()) : m_mask; if (m_backgroundRadiusEnabled) { //! CustomBackground way fixedMask = customMask(QRect(0,0,maskRect.width(), maskRect.height())); } else { //! Plasma::Theme way //! this is used when compositing is disabled and provides //! the correct way for the mask to be painted in order for //! rounded corners to be shown correctly //! the enabledBorders check was added because there was cases //! that the mask region wasn't calculated correctly after location changes if (!m_background) { if (m_background && m_background->enabledBorders() != m_enabledBorders) { delete m_background; } m_background = new Plasma::FrameSvg(this); } if (m_background->imagePath() != "widgets/panel-background") { m_background->setImagePath(QStringLiteral("widgets/panel-background")); } m_background->setEnabledBorders(m_enabledBorders); m_background->resizeFrame(maskRect.size()); fixedMask = m_background->mask(); } fixedMask.translate(maskRect.x(), maskRect.y()); //! fix for KF5.32 that return empty QRegion's for the mask if (fixedMask.isEmpty()) { fixedMask = QRegion(maskRect); } m_view->setMask(fixedMask); } } void Effects::clearShadows() { PanelShadows::self()->removeWindow(m_view); } void Effects::updateShadows() { if (m_view->behaveAsPlasmaPanel() && drawShadows()) { PanelShadows::self()->addWindow(m_view, enabledBorders()); } else { PanelShadows::self()->removeWindow(m_view); } } void Effects::updateEffects() { //! Don't apply any effect before the wayland surface is created under wayland //! https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=392890 if (KWindowSystem::isPlatformWayland() && !m_view->surface()) { return; } bool clearEffects{true}; if (m_drawEffects) { if (!m_view->behaveAsPlasmaPanel()) { if (!m_rect.isNull() && !m_rect.isEmpty()) { QRegion backMask; if (m_backgroundRadiusEnabled) { //! CustomBackground way backMask = customMask(QRect(0,0,m_rect.width(), m_rect.height())); } else { //! Plasma::Theme way //! this is used when compositing is disabled and provides //! the correct way for the mask to be painted in order for //! rounded corners to be shown correctly if (!m_background) { m_background = new Plasma::FrameSvg(this); } if (m_background->imagePath() != "widgets/panel-background") { m_background->setImagePath(QStringLiteral("widgets/panel-background")); } m_background->setEnabledBorders(m_enabledBorders); m_background->resizeFrame(m_rect.size()); backMask = m_background->mask(); } //! adjust mask coordinates based on local coordinates int fX = m_rect.x(); int fY = m_rect.y(); #if KF5_VERSION_MINOR >= 65 //! Latte is now using GtkFrameExtents so Effects geometries must be adjusted //! windows that use GtkFrameExtents and apply Effects on them they take GtkFrameExtents //! as granted if (KWindowSystem::isPlatformX11()) { if (m_view->location() == Plasma::Types::BottomEdge) { fY = qMax(0, fY - m_view->headThicknessGap()); } else if (m_view->location() == Plasma::Types::RightEdge) { fX = qMax(0, fX - m_view->headThicknessGap()); } } #endif //! There are cases that mask is NULL even though it should not //! Example: SidebarOnDemand from v0.10 that BEHAVEASPLASMAPANEL in EditMode //! switching multiple times between inConfigureAppletsMode and LiveEditMode //! is such a case QRegion fixedMask; if (!backMask.isNull()) { fixedMask = backMask; fixedMask.translate(fX, fY); } else { fixedMask = QRect(fX, fY, m_rect.width(), m_rect.height()); } if (!fixedMask.isEmpty()) { clearEffects = false; KWindowEffects::enableBlurBehind(m_view->winId(), true, fixedMask); KWindowEffects::enableBackgroundContrast(m_view->winId(), m_theme.backgroundContrastEnabled(), m_backEffectContrast, m_backEffectIntesity, m_backEffectSaturation, fixedMask); } } } else { //! BEHAVEASPLASMAPANEL case clearEffects = false; KWindowEffects::enableBlurBehind(m_view->winId(), true); KWindowEffects::enableBackgroundContrast(m_view->winId(), m_theme.backgroundContrastEnabled(), m_backEffectContrast, m_backEffectIntesity, m_backEffectSaturation); } } if (clearEffects) { KWindowEffects::enableBlurBehind(m_view->winId(), false); KWindowEffects::enableBackgroundContrast(m_view->winId(), false); } } //!BEGIN draw panel shadows outside the dock window Plasma::FrameSvg::EnabledBorders Effects::enabledBorders() const { return m_enabledBorders; } qreal Effects::currentMidValue(const qreal &max, const qreal &factor, const qreal &min) const { if (max==min || factor==0) { return min; } qreal space = 0; qreal distance = 0; if (max<min) { space = min-max; distance = factor*space; return 1-distance; } else { space = max-min; distance = factor*space; return 1+distance; } } void Effects::updateBackgroundContrastValues() { if (!m_theme.backgroundContrastEnabled()) { m_backEffectContrast = 1; m_backEffectIntesity = 1; m_backEffectSaturation = 1; return; } m_backEffectContrast = currentMidValue(m_theme.backgroundContrast(), m_backgroundOpacity, 1); m_backEffectIntesity = currentMidValue(m_theme.backgroundIntensity(), m_backgroundOpacity, 1); m_backEffectSaturation = currentMidValue(m_theme.backgroundSaturation(), m_backgroundOpacity, 1); } void Effects::updateEnabledBorders() { if (!m_view->screen()) { return; } Plasma::FrameSvg::EnabledBorders borders = Plasma::FrameSvg::AllBorders; if (!m_view->screenEdgeMarginEnabled() && !m_backgroundAllCorners) { switch (m_view->location()) { case Plasma::Types::TopEdge: borders &= ~Plasma::FrameSvg::TopBorder; break; case Plasma::Types::LeftEdge: borders &= ~Plasma::FrameSvg::LeftBorder; break; case Plasma::Types::RightEdge: borders &= ~Plasma::FrameSvg::RightBorder; break; case Plasma::Types::BottomEdge: borders &= ~Plasma::FrameSvg::BottomBorder; break; default: break; } } if (!m_backgroundAllCorners) { if ((m_view->location() == Plasma::Types::LeftEdge || m_view->location() == Plasma::Types::RightEdge)) { if (m_view->maxLength() == 1 && m_view->alignment() == Latte::Types::Justify) { if (!m_forceTopBorder) { borders &= ~Plasma::FrameSvg::TopBorder; } if (!m_forceBottomBorder) { borders &= ~Plasma::FrameSvg::BottomBorder; } } if (m_view->alignment() == Latte::Types::Top && !m_forceTopBorder && m_view->offset() == 0) { borders &= ~Plasma::FrameSvg::TopBorder; } if (m_view->alignment() == Latte::Types::Bottom && !m_forceBottomBorder && m_view->offset() == 0) { borders &= ~Plasma::FrameSvg::BottomBorder; } } if (m_view->location() == Plasma::Types::TopEdge || m_view->location() == Plasma::Types::BottomEdge) { if (m_view->maxLength() == 1 && m_view->alignment() == Latte::Types::Justify) { borders &= ~Plasma::FrameSvg::LeftBorder; borders &= ~Plasma::FrameSvg::RightBorder; } if (m_view->alignment() == Latte::Types::Left && m_view->offset() == 0) { borders &= ~Plasma::FrameSvg::LeftBorder; } if (m_view->alignment() == Latte::Types::Right && m_view->offset() == 0) { borders &= ~Plasma::FrameSvg::RightBorder; } } } m_hasTopLeftCorner = (borders == Plasma::FrameSvg::AllBorders) || ((borders & Plasma::FrameSvg::TopBorder) && (borders & Plasma::FrameSvg::LeftBorder)); m_hasTopRightCorner = (borders == Plasma::FrameSvg::AllBorders) || ((borders & Plasma::FrameSvg::TopBorder) && (borders & Plasma::FrameSvg::RightBorder)); m_hasBottomLeftCorner = (borders == Plasma::FrameSvg::AllBorders) || ((borders & Plasma::FrameSvg::BottomBorder) && (borders & Plasma::FrameSvg::LeftBorder)); m_hasBottomRightCorner = (borders == Plasma::FrameSvg::AllBorders) || ((borders & Plasma::FrameSvg::BottomBorder) && (borders & Plasma::FrameSvg::RightBorder)); if (m_enabledBorders != borders) { m_enabledBorders = borders; emit enabledBordersChanged(); } if (!m_view->behaveAsPlasmaPanel() || !m_drawShadows) { PanelShadows::self()->removeWindow(m_view); } else { PanelShadows::self()->setEnabledBorders(m_view, borders); } } //!END draw panel shadows outside the dock window } }