*  Copyright 2019  Michail Vourlakos <mvourlakos@gmail.com>
*  This file is part of Latte-Dock
*  Latte-Dock is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
*  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
*  published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
*  the License, or (at your option) any later version.
*  Latte-Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  GNU General Public License for more details.
*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "genericlayout.h"

// local
#include "abstractlayout.h"
#include "storage.h"
#include "../lattecorona.h"
#include "../screenpool.h"
#include "../layouts/importer.h"
#include "../layouts/manager.h"
#include "../layouts/synchronizer.h"
#include "../shortcuts/shortcutstracker.h"
#include "../view/view.h"
#include "../view/positioner.h"

// Qt
#include <QDebug>
#include <QScreen>

// Plasma
#include <Plasma>
#include <Plasma/Applet>
#include <Plasma/Containment>

// KDE
#include <KConfigGroup>

namespace Latte {
namespace Layout {

GenericLayout::GenericLayout(QObject *parent, QString layoutFile, QString assignedName)
    : AbstractLayout (parent, layoutFile, assignedName),
      m_storage(new Storage(this))


Type GenericLayout::type() const
    return Type::Generic;

void GenericLayout::unloadContainments()
    if (!m_corona) {

    //!disconnect signals in order to avoid crashes when the layout is unloading
    disconnect(this, &GenericLayout::viewsCountChanged, m_corona, &Plasma::Corona::availableScreenRectChanged);
    disconnect(this, &GenericLayout::viewsCountChanged, m_corona, &Plasma::Corona::availableScreenRegionChanged);
    disconnect(m_corona->activityConsumer(), &KActivities::Consumer::currentActivityChanged, this, &GenericLayout::updateLastUsedActivity);

    qDebug() << "Layout - " + name() + " unload: containments ... size ::: " << m_containments.size()
             << " ,latteViews in memory ::: " << m_latteViews.size()
             << " ,hidden latteViews in memory :::  " << m_waitingLatteViews.size();

    for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {

    for (const auto view : m_waitingLatteViews) {


    QList<Plasma::Containment *> systrays;

    //!identify systrays and unload them first
    for (const auto containment : m_containments) {
        if (Plasma::Applet *parentApplet = qobject_cast<Plasma::Applet *>(containment->parent())) {

    while (!systrays.isEmpty()) {
        Plasma::Containment *systray = systrays.at(0);
        m_unloadedContainmentsIds << QString::number(systray->id());
        delete systray;

    while (!m_containments.isEmpty()) {
        Plasma::Containment *containment = m_containments.at(0);
        m_unloadedContainmentsIds << QString::number(containment->id());
        delete containment;

void GenericLayout::unloadLatteViews()
    if (!m_corona) {

    qDebug() << "Layout - " + name() + " unload: latteViews ... size: " << m_latteViews.size();


bool GenericLayout::blockAutomaticLatteViewCreation() const
    return m_blockAutomaticLatteViewCreation;

void GenericLayout::setBlockAutomaticLatteViewCreation(bool block)
    if (m_blockAutomaticLatteViewCreation == block) {

    m_blockAutomaticLatteViewCreation = block;

bool GenericLayout::isActive() const
    if (!m_corona) {
        return false;

    GenericLayout *generic = m_corona->layoutsManager()->synchronizer()->layout(m_layoutName);

    if (generic) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

bool GenericLayout::isCurrent() const
    if (!m_corona) {
        return false;

    return name() == m_corona->layoutsManager()->currentLayoutName();

int GenericLayout::viewsCount(int screen) const
    if (!m_corona) {
        return 0;

    QScreen *scr = m_corona->screenPool()->screenForId(screen);

    int views{0};

    for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
        if (view && view->screen() == scr && !view->containment()->destroyed()) {

    return views;

int GenericLayout::viewsCount(QScreen *screen) const
    if (!m_corona) {
        return 0;

    int views{0};

    for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
        if (view && view->screen() == screen && !view->containment()->destroyed()) {

    return views;

int GenericLayout::viewsCount() const
    if (!m_corona) {
        return 0;

    int views{0};

    for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
        if (view && view->containment() && !view->containment()->destroyed()) {

    return views;

QList<int> GenericLayout::qmlFreeEdges(int screen) const
    if (!m_corona) {
        const QList<int> emptyEdges;
        return emptyEdges;

    const auto edges = freeEdges(screen);
    QList<int> edgesInt;

    for (const Plasma::Types::Location &edge : edges) {

    return edgesInt;

QList<Plasma::Types::Location> GenericLayout::freeEdges(QScreen *scr) const
    using Plasma::Types;
    QList<Types::Location> edges{Types::BottomEdge, Types::LeftEdge,
                Types::TopEdge, Types::RightEdge};

    if (!m_corona) {
        return edges;

    for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
        if (view && view->positioner()->currentScreenName() == scr->name()) {

    return edges;

QList<Plasma::Types::Location> GenericLayout::freeEdges(int screen) const
    using Plasma::Types;
    QList<Types::Location> edges{Types::BottomEdge, Types::LeftEdge,
                Types::TopEdge, Types::RightEdge};

    if (!m_corona) {
        return edges;

    QScreen *scr = m_corona->screenPool()->screenForId(screen);

    for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
        if (view && scr && view->positioner()->currentScreenName() == scr->name()) {

    return edges;

int GenericLayout::viewsWithTasks() const
    if (!m_corona) {
        return 0;

    int result = 0;

    for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
        if (view->tasksPresent()) {

    return result;

QStringList GenericLayout::unloadedContainmentsIds()
    return m_unloadedContainmentsIds;

Latte::Corona *GenericLayout::corona()
    return m_corona;

Types::ViewType GenericLayout::latteViewType(int containmentId) const
    for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
        if (view->containment() && view->containment()->id() == containmentId) {
            return view->type();

    return Types::DockView;

Latte::View *GenericLayout::highestPriorityView()
    QList<Latte::View *> views = sortedLatteViews();

    return (views.count() > 0 ? views[0] : nullptr);

Latte::View *GenericLayout::viewForContainment(const Plasma::Containment *containment)
    if (m_latteViews.contains(containment)) {
        return m_latteViews[containment];

    return nullptr;

QList<Latte::View *> GenericLayout::latteViews()
    return m_latteViews.values();

QList<Latte::View *> GenericLayout::sortedLatteViews(QList<Latte::View *> views)
    QList<Latte::View *> sortedViews = views.isEmpty() ? latteViews() : views;

    qDebug() << " -------- ";

    for (int i = 0; i < sortedViews.count(); ++i) {
        qDebug() << i << ". " << sortedViews[i]->screen()->name() << " - " << sortedViews[i]->location();

    //! sort the views based on screens and edges priorities
    //! views on primary screen have higher priority and
    //! for views in the same screen the priority goes to
    //! Bottom,Left,Top,Right
    for (int i = 0; i < sortedViews.size(); ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < sortedViews.size() - i - 1; ++j) {
            if (viewAtLowerScreenPriority(sortedViews[j], sortedViews[j + 1])
                    || (sortedViews[j]->screen() == sortedViews[j + 1]->screen()
                        && viewAtLowerEdgePriority(sortedViews[j], sortedViews[j + 1]))) {
                Latte::View *temp = sortedViews[j + 1];
                sortedViews[j + 1] = sortedViews[j];
                sortedViews[j] = temp;

    Latte::View *highestPriorityView{nullptr};

    for (int i = 0; i < sortedViews.size(); ++i) {
        if (sortedViews[i]->isPreferredForShortcuts()) {
            highestPriorityView = sortedViews[i];

    if (highestPriorityView) {

    qDebug() << " -------- sorted -----";

    for (int i = 0; i < sortedViews.count(); ++i) {
        qDebug() << i << ". " << sortedViews[i]->isPreferredForShortcuts() << " - " << sortedViews[i]->screen()->name() << " - " << sortedViews[i]->location();

    return sortedViews;

bool GenericLayout::viewAtLowerScreenPriority(Latte::View *test, Latte::View *base)
    if (!base || ! test) {
        return true;

    if (base->screen() == test->screen()) {
        return false;
    } else if (base->screen() != qGuiApp->primaryScreen() && test->screen() == qGuiApp->primaryScreen()) {
        return false;
    } else if (base->screen() == qGuiApp->primaryScreen() && test->screen() != qGuiApp->primaryScreen()) {
        return true;
    } else {
        int basePriority = -1;
        int testPriority = -1;

        for (int i = 0; i < qGuiApp->screens().count(); ++i) {
            if (base->screen() == qGuiApp->screens()[i]) {
                basePriority = i;

            if (test->screen() == qGuiApp->screens()[i]) {
                testPriority = i;

        if (testPriority <= basePriority) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;


    qDebug() << "viewAtLowerScreenPriority : shouldn't had reached here...";
    return false;

bool GenericLayout::viewAtLowerEdgePriority(Latte::View *test, Latte::View *base)
    if (!base || ! test) {
        return true;

    QList<Plasma::Types::Location> edges{Plasma::Types::RightEdge, Plasma::Types::TopEdge,
                Plasma::Types::LeftEdge, Plasma::Types::BottomEdge};

    int testPriority = -1;
    int basePriority = -1;

    for (int i = 0; i < edges.count(); ++i) {
        if (edges[i] == base->location()) {
            basePriority = i;

        if (edges[i] == test->location()) {
            testPriority = i;

    if (testPriority < basePriority)
        return true;
        return false;

const QList<Plasma::Containment *> *GenericLayout::containments()
    return &m_containments;

QList<Latte::View *> GenericLayout::viewsWithPlasmaShortcuts()
    QList<Latte::View *> views;

    if (!m_corona) {
        return views;

    QList<int> appletsWithShortcuts = m_corona->globalShortcuts()->shortcutsTracker()->appletsWithPlasmaShortcuts();

    for (const auto &appletId : appletsWithShortcuts) {
        for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
            bool found{false};
            for (const auto applet : view->containment()->applets()) {
                if (appletId == applet->id()) {
                    if (!views.contains(view)) {
                        found = true;

            if (found) {

    return views;

//! Containments Actions
void GenericLayout::addContainment(Plasma::Containment *containment)
    if (!containment || m_containments.contains(containment)) {

    bool containmentInLayout{false};

    if (m_corona->layoutsManager()->memoryUsage() == Types::SingleLayout) {
        containmentInLayout = true;
    } else if (m_corona->layoutsManager()->memoryUsage() == Types::MultipleLayouts) {
        QString layoutId = containment->config().readEntry("layoutId", QString());

        if (!layoutId.isEmpty() && (layoutId == m_layoutName)) {
            containmentInLayout = true;

    if (containmentInLayout) {
        if (!blockAutomaticLatteViewCreation()) {
        } else {
            qDebug() << "delaying LatteView creation for containment :: " << containment->id();

        connect(containment, &QObject::destroyed, this, &GenericLayout::containmentDestroyed);

void GenericLayout::appletCreated(Plasma::Applet *applet)
    //! In Multiple Layout the orphaned systrays must be assigned to layouts
    //! when the user adds them
    KConfigGroup appletSettings = applet->containment()->config().group("Applets").group(QString::number(applet->id())).group("Configuration");

    int systrayId = appletSettings.readEntry("SystrayContainmentId", -1);

    if (systrayId != -1) {
        uint sId = (uint)systrayId;

        for (const auto containment : m_corona->containments()) {
            if (containment->id() == sId) {
                containment->config().writeEntry("layoutId", m_layoutName);


void GenericLayout::containmentDestroyed(QObject *cont)
    if (!m_corona) {

    Plasma::Containment *containment = static_cast<Plasma::Containment *>(cont);

    if (containment) {
        int containmentIndex = m_containments.indexOf(containment);

        if (containmentIndex >= 0) {

        qDebug() << "Layout " << name() << " :: containment destroyed!!!!";
        auto view = m_latteViews.take(containment);

        if (!view) {
            view = m_waitingLatteViews.take(containment);

        if (view) {


            emit viewEdgeChanged();
            emit viewsCountChanged();

void GenericLayout::destroyedChanged(bool destroyed)
    if (!m_corona) {

    qDebug() << "dock containment destroyed changed!!!!";
    Plasma::Containment *sender = qobject_cast<Plasma::Containment *>(QObject::sender());

    if (!sender) {

    if (destroyed) {
        m_waitingLatteViews[sender] = m_latteViews.take(static_cast<Plasma::Containment *>(sender));
    } else {
        m_latteViews[sender] = m_waitingLatteViews.take(static_cast<Plasma::Containment *>(sender));

    emit viewEdgeChanged();
    emit viewsCountChanged();

void GenericLayout::renameLayout(QString newName)
    if (!m_corona || m_corona->layoutsManager()->memoryUsage() != Types::MultipleLayouts) {

    if (m_layoutFile != Layouts::Importer::layoutFilePath(newName)) {


    for (const auto containment : m_containments) {
        qDebug() << "Cont ID :: " << containment->id();
        containment->config().writeEntry("layoutId", m_layoutName);

void GenericLayout::addNewView()
    if (!m_corona) {

    emit viewEdgeChanged();

void GenericLayout::addView(Plasma::Containment *containment, bool forceOnPrimary, int explicitScreen, Layout::ViewsMap *occupied)
    qDebug() << "Layout :::: " << m_layoutName << " ::: addView was called... m_containments :: " << m_containments.size();

    if (!containment || !m_corona || !containment->kPackage().isValid()) {
        qWarning() << "the requested containment plugin can not be located or loaded";

    qDebug() << "step 1...";

    if (!m_storage->isLatteContainment(containment))

    qDebug() << "step 2...";

    for (auto *dock : m_latteViews) {
        if (dock->containment() == containment)

    qDebug() << "step 3...";

    QScreen *nextScreen{qGuiApp->primaryScreen()};

    bool onPrimary = containment->config().readEntry("onPrimary", true);
    int id = containment->screen();

    if (id == -1 && explicitScreen == -1) {
        id = containment->lastScreen();

    if (onPrimary) {
        id = m_corona->screenPool()->primaryScreenId();
    } else if (explicitScreen > -1) {
        id = explicitScreen;

    Plasma::Types::Location edge = containment->location();

    QString connector = m_corona->screenPool()->hasId(id) ? m_corona->screenPool()->connector(id) : "";

    qDebug() << "Adding view - containment id:" << containment->id() << " ,screen :" << id << " - " << connector
             << " ,onprimary:" << onPrimary << " - "  << " edge:" << edge << " ,screenName:" << qGuiApp->primaryScreen()->name() << " ,forceOnPrimary:" << forceOnPrimary;

    if (occupied && m_corona->screenPool()->hasId(id) && (*occupied).contains(connector) && (*occupied)[connector].contains(edge)) {
        qDebug() << "Rejected : adding view because the edge is already occupied by a higher priority view ! : " << (*occupied)[connector][edge];

    if (id >= 0 && !onPrimary && !forceOnPrimary) {
        qDebug() << "Add view - connector : " << connector;
        bool found{false};

        if (m_corona->screenPool()->hasId(id)) {
            for (const auto scr : qGuiApp->screens()) {
                if (scr && scr->name() == connector) {
                    found = true;
                    nextScreen = scr;

        if (!found) {
            qDebug() << "Rejected : adding explicit view, screen not available ! : " << connector;

        //! explicit dock can not be added at explicit screen when that screen is the same with
        //! primary screen and that edge is already occupied by a primary dock
        if (nextScreen == qGuiApp->primaryScreen() && primaryDockOccupyEdge(containment->location())) {
            qDebug() << "Rejected : adding explicit view, primary dock occupies edge at screen ! : " << connector;

    if (id >= 0 && onPrimary) {
        qDebug() << "add dock - connector : " << connector;

        for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
            auto testContainment = view->containment();

            int testScreenId = testContainment->screen();

            if (testScreenId == -1) {
                testScreenId = testContainment->lastScreen();

            bool testOnPrimary = testContainment->config().readEntry("onPrimary", true);
            Plasma::Types::Location testLocation = static_cast<Plasma::Types::Location>((int)testContainment->config().readEntry("location", (int)Plasma::Types::BottomEdge));

            if (!testOnPrimary && m_corona->screenPool()->primaryScreenId() == testScreenId && testLocation == containment->location()) {
                qDebug() << "Rejected explicit latteView and removing it in order add an onPrimary with higher priority at screen: " << connector;
                auto viewToDelete = m_latteViews.take(testContainment);

    qDebug() << "Adding view passed ALL checks" << " ,onPrimary:" << onPrimary << " ,screen:" << nextScreen->name() << " !!!";

    //! it is used to set the correct flag during the creation
    //! of the window... This of course is also used during
    //! recreations of the window between different visibility modes
    auto mode = static_cast<Types::Visibility>(containment->config().readEntry("visibility", static_cast<int>(Types::DodgeActive)));
    bool byPassWM{false};

    if (mode == Types::AlwaysVisible || mode == Types::WindowsGoBelow) {
        byPassWM = false;
    } else {
        byPassWM = containment->config().readEntry("byPassWM", false);

    auto latteView = new Latte::View(m_corona, nextScreen, byPassWM);


    //! force this special dock case to become primary
    //! even though it isnt
    if (forceOnPrimary) {
        qDebug() << "Enforcing onPrimary:true as requested for LatteView...";


    //! Qt 5.9 creates a crash for this in wayland, that is why the check is used
    //! but on the other hand we need this for copy to work correctly and show
    //! the copied dock under X11
    //if (!KWindowSystem::isPlatformWayland()) {

    m_latteViews[containment] = latteView;

    emit viewsCountChanged();

bool GenericLayout::initToCorona(Latte::Corona *corona)
    if (m_corona) {
        return false;

    m_corona = corona;

    for (const auto containment : m_corona->containments()) {
        if (m_corona->layoutsManager()->memoryUsage() == Types::SingleLayout) {
        } else if (m_corona->layoutsManager()->memoryUsage() == Types::MultipleLayouts) {
            QString layoutId = containment->config().readEntry("layoutId", QString());

            if (!layoutId.isEmpty() && (layoutId == m_layoutName)) {

    qDebug() << "Layout ::::: " << name() << " added containments ::: " << m_containments.size();


    //! signals
    connect(m_corona->activityConsumer(), &KActivities::Consumer::currentActivityChanged,
            this, &GenericLayout::updateLastUsedActivity);

    connect(m_corona, &Plasma::Corona::containmentAdded, this, &GenericLayout::addContainment);

    //!connect signals after adding the containment
    connect(this, &GenericLayout::viewsCountChanged, m_corona, &Plasma::Corona::availableScreenRectChanged);
    connect(this, &GenericLayout::viewsCountChanged, m_corona, &Plasma::Corona::availableScreenRegionChanged);

    emit viewsCountChanged();

    return true;

void GenericLayout::updateLastUsedActivity()
    if (!m_corona) {

    if (!m_lastUsedActivity.isEmpty() && !m_corona->layoutsManager()->synchronizer()->activities().contains(m_lastUsedActivity)) {

    QString currentId = m_corona->activitiesConsumer()->currentActivity();

    QStringList appliedActivitiesIds = appliedActivities();

    if (m_lastUsedActivity != currentId
            && (appliedActivitiesIds.contains(currentId)
                || m_corona->layoutsManager()->memoryUsage() == Types::SingleLayout)) {
        m_lastUsedActivity = currentId;

        emit lastUsedActivityChanged();

void GenericLayout::assignToLayout(Latte::View *latteView, QList<Plasma::Containment *> containments)
    if (!m_corona) {

    if (latteView) {
        m_latteViews[latteView->containment()] = latteView;
        m_containments << containments;

        for (const auto containment : containments) {
            containment->config().writeEntry("layoutId", name());

            if (latteView->containment() != containment) {
                //! assign signals only to systrays
                //! the View::setLayout() is responsible for the View::Containment signals
                connect(containment, &QObject::destroyed, this, &GenericLayout::containmentDestroyed);
                connect(containment, &Plasma::Applet::destroyedChanged, this, &GenericLayout::destroyedChanged);
                connect(containment, &Plasma::Containment::appletCreated, this, &GenericLayout::appletCreated);


        emit viewsCountChanged();

    //! sync the original layout file for integrity
    if (m_corona && m_corona->layoutsManager()->memoryUsage() == Types::MultipleLayouts) {

QList<Plasma::Containment *> GenericLayout::unassignFromLayout(Latte::View *latteView)
    QList<Plasma::Containment *> containments;

    if (!m_corona) {
        return containments;

    containments << latteView->containment();

    for (const auto containment : m_containments) {
        Plasma::Applet *parentApplet = qobject_cast<Plasma::Applet *>(containment->parent());

        //! add systrays from that latteView
        if (parentApplet && parentApplet->containment() && parentApplet->containment() == latteView->containment()) {
            containments << containment;
            //! unassign signals only to systrays
            //! the View::setLayout() is responsible for the View::Containment signals
            disconnect(containment, &QObject::destroyed, this, &GenericLayout::containmentDestroyed);
            disconnect(containment, &Plasma::Applet::destroyedChanged, this, &GenericLayout::destroyedChanged);
            disconnect(containment, &Plasma::Containment::appletCreated, this, &GenericLayout::appletCreated);

    for (const auto containment : containments) {

    if (containments.size() > 0) {

    //! sync the original layout file for integrity
    if (m_corona && m_corona->layoutsManager()->memoryUsage() == Types::MultipleLayouts) {

    return containments;

void GenericLayout::recreateView(Plasma::Containment *containment)
    if (!m_corona) {

    //! give the time to config window to close itself first and then recreate the dock
    //! step:1 remove the latteview
    QTimer::singleShot(350, [this, containment]() {
        auto view = m_latteViews.take(containment);

        if (view) {
            qDebug() << "recreate - step 1: removing dock for containment:" << containment->id();

            //! step:2 add the new latteview
            connect(view, &QObject::destroyed, this, [this, containment]() {
                QTimer::singleShot(250, this, [this, containment]() {
                    if (!m_latteViews.contains(containment)) {
                        qDebug() << "recreate - step 2: adding dock for containment:" << containment->id();


bool GenericLayout::latteViewExists(Plasma::Containment *containment)
    if (!m_corona) {
        return false;

    return m_latteViews.keys().contains(containment);

QList<Plasma::Types::Location> GenericLayout::availableEdgesForView(QScreen *scr, Latte::View *forView) const
    using Plasma::Types;
    QList<Types::Location> edges{Types::BottomEdge, Types::LeftEdge,
                Types::TopEdge, Types::RightEdge};

    if (!m_corona) {
        return edges;

    for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
        //! make sure that availabe edges takes into account only views that should be excluded,
        //! this is why the forView should not be excluded
        if (view && view != forView && view->positioner()->currentScreenName() == scr->name()) {

    return edges;

bool GenericLayout::explicitDockOccupyEdge(int screen, Plasma::Types::Location location) const
    if (!m_corona) {
        return false;

    for (const auto containment : m_containments) {
        if (m_storage->isLatteContainment(containment)) {
            bool onPrimary = containment->config().readEntry("onPrimary", true);
            int id = containment->lastScreen();
            Plasma::Types::Location contLocation = containment->location();

            if (!onPrimary && id == screen && contLocation == location) {
                return true;

    return false;

bool GenericLayout::primaryDockOccupyEdge(Plasma::Types::Location location) const
    if (!m_corona) {
        return false;

    for (const auto containment : m_containments) {
        if (m_storage->isLatteContainment(containment)) {
            bool onPrimary = containment->config().readEntry("onPrimary", true);
            Plasma::Types::Location contLocation = containment->location();

            if (onPrimary && contLocation == location) {
                return true;

    return false;

bool GenericLayout::mapContainsId(const Layout::ViewsMap *map, uint viewId) const
    for(const auto &scr : map->keys()) {
        for(const auto &edge : (*map)[scr].keys()) {
            if ((*map)[scr][edge] == viewId) {
                return true;

    return false;

//! screen name, location, containmentId
Layout::ViewsMap GenericLayout::validViewsMap(Layout::ViewsMap *occupiedMap)
    Layout::ViewsMap map;

    if (!m_corona) {
        return map;

    if (occupiedMap != nullptr) {
        map = (*occupiedMap);

    QString prmScreenName = qGuiApp->primaryScreen()->name();

    //! first step: primary docks must be placed in primary screen free edges
    for (const auto containment : m_containments) {
        if (m_storage->isLatteContainment(containment)) {
            int screenId = 0;

            //! valid screen id
            if (latteViewExists(containment)) {
                screenId = m_latteViews[containment]->positioner()->currentScreenId();
            } else {
                screenId = containment->screen();

                if (screenId == -1) {
                    screenId = containment->lastScreen();

            bool onPrimary{true};

            //! valid onPrimary flag
            if (latteViewExists(containment)) {
                onPrimary = m_latteViews[containment]->onPrimary();
            } else {
                onPrimary = containment->config().readEntry("onPrimary", true);

            //! valid location
            Plasma::Types::Location location = containment->location();

            if (onPrimary && !map[prmScreenName].contains(location)) {
                map[prmScreenName][location] = containment->id();

    //! second step: explicit docks must be placed in their screens if the screen edge is free
    for (const auto containment : m_containments) {
        if (m_storage->isLatteContainment(containment)) {
            int screenId = 0;

            //! valid screen id
            if (latteViewExists(containment)) {
                screenId = m_latteViews[containment]->positioner()->currentScreenId();
            } else {
                screenId = containment->screen();

                if (screenId == -1) {
                    screenId = containment->lastScreen();

            bool onPrimary{true};

            //! valid onPrimary flag
            if (latteViewExists(containment)) {
                onPrimary = m_latteViews[containment]->onPrimary();
            } else {
                onPrimary = containment->config().readEntry("onPrimary", true);

            //! valid location
            Plasma::Types::Location location = containment->location();

            if (!onPrimary) {
                QString expScreenName = m_corona->screenPool()->connector(screenId);

                if (m_corona->screenPool()->screenExists(screenId) && !map[expScreenName].contains(location)) {
                    map[expScreenName][location] = containment->id();

    return map;

//! the central functions that updates loading/unloading latteviews
//! concerning screen changed (for multi-screen setups mainly)
void GenericLayout::syncLatteViewsToScreens(Layout::ViewsMap *occupiedMap)
    if (!m_corona) {

    qDebug() << "START of SyncLatteViewsToScreens ....";
    qDebug() << "LAYOUT ::: " << name();
    qDebug() << "screen count changed -+-+ " << qGuiApp->screens().size();

    Layout::ViewsMap viewsMap = validViewsMap(occupiedMap);

    if (occupiedMap != nullptr) {
        qDebug() << "Occupied map used :: " << *occupiedMap;

    QString prmScreenName = qGuiApp->primaryScreen()->name();

    qDebug() << "PRIMARY SCREEN :: " << prmScreenName;
    qDebug() << "LATTEVIEWS MAP :: " << viewsMap;

    //! add views
    for (const auto containment : m_containments) {
        int screenId = containment->screen();

        if (screenId == -1) {
            screenId = containment->lastScreen();

        if (!latteViewExists(containment) && mapContainsId(&viewsMap, containment->id())) {
            qDebug() << "syncLatteViewsToScreens: view must be added... for containment:" << containment->id() << " at screen:" << m_corona->screenPool()->connector(screenId);

    //! remove views
    QList<Plasma::Containment *> viewsToDelete;

    for (auto view : m_latteViews) {
        auto containment = view->containment();
        if (containment && !mapContainsId(&viewsMap, containment->id())) {
            viewsToDelete << containment;

    while(!viewsToDelete.isEmpty()) {
        auto containment = viewsToDelete.takeFirst();
        auto view = m_latteViews.take(containment);
        qDebug() << "syncLatteViewsToScreens: view must be deleted... for containment:" << containment->id() << " at screen:" << view->positioner()->currentScreenName();

    //! reconsider views
    for (const auto view : m_latteViews) {
        if (view->containment() && mapContainsId(&viewsMap, view->containment()->id())) {
            //! if the dock will not be deleted its a very good point to reconsider
            //! if the screen in which is running is the correct one
            qDebug() << "syncLatteViewsToScreens: view must consider its screen... for containment:" << view->containment()->id() << " at screen:" << view->positioner()->currentScreenName();

    qDebug() << "end of, syncLatteViewsToScreens ....";


bool GenericLayout::isWritable() const
    return m_storage->isWritable();

void GenericLayout::lock()

void GenericLayout::unlock()

void GenericLayout::syncToLayoutFile(bool removeLayoutId)

void GenericLayout::copyView(Plasma::Containment *containment)
    emit viewEdgeChanged();

void GenericLayout::importToCorona()

bool GenericLayout::layoutIsBroken() const
    return m_storage->layoutIsBroken();
