/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Michail Vourlakos SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ import QtQuick 2.1 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0 import org.kde.latte.core 0.2 as LatteCore import org.kde.latte.private.containment 0.1 as LatteContainment Item { property bool updateIsEnabled: autosize.inCalculatedIconSize && !visibilityManager.inSlidingIn && !visibilityManager.inSlidingOut && !visibilityManager.inRelocationHiding //! Latte::View Main Bindings Binding{ target: latteView property:"maxThickness" //! prevents updating window geometry during closing window in wayland and such fixes a crash when: latteView && !visibilityManager.inRelocationHiding && !visibilityManager.inClientSideScreenEdgeSliding //&& !inStartup value: root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel ? visibilityManager.thicknessAsPanel : metrics.maxThicknessForView } Binding{ target: latteView property:"normalThickness" when: latteView && updateIsEnabled value: root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel ? visibilityManager.thicknessAsPanel : metrics.mask.screenEdge + metrics.mask.thickness.maxNormalForItemsWithoutScreenEdge } Binding{ target: latteView property:"maxNormalThickness" when: latteView && updateIsEnabled value: metrics.mask.thickness.maxNormal } Binding { target: latteView property: "headThicknessGap" when: latteView && updateIsEnabled && !visibilityManager.inClientSideScreenEdgeSliding value: { if (root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel || root.viewType === LatteCore.Types.PanelView || (latteView && latteView.byPassWM)) { return 0; } return metrics.maxThicknessForView - metrics.mask.thickness.maxNormalForItems; } } Binding{ target: latteView property: "type" when: latteView value: root.viewType } Binding{ target: latteView property: "behaveAsPlasmaPanel" when: latteView value: root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel } Binding{ target: latteView property: "fontPixelSize" when: theme value: theme.defaultFont.pixelSize } Binding{ target: latteView property: "maxLength" when: latteView value: root.maxLengthPerCentage/100 } Binding{ target: latteView property: "offset" when: latteView value: plasmoid.configuration.offset/100 } Binding{ target: latteView property: "screenEdgeMargin" when: latteView value: Math.max(0, plasmoid.configuration.screenEdgeMargin) } Binding{ target: latteView property: "screenEdgeMarginEnabled" when: latteView value: root.screenEdgeMarginEnabled && !root.hideThickScreenGap } Binding{ target: latteView property: "alignment" when: latteView value: myView.alignment } Binding{ target: latteView property: "isTouchingTopViewAndIsBusy" when: root.viewIsAvailable value: { if (!root.viewIsAvailable) { return false; } var isTouchingTopScreenEdge = (latteView.y === latteView.screenGeometry.y); var isStickedOnTopBorder = (plasmoid.configuration.alignment === LatteCore.Types.Justify && plasmoid.configuration.maxLength===100) || (plasmoid.configuration.alignment === LatteCore.Types.Top && plasmoid.configuration.offset===0); return root.isVertical && !latteView.visibility.isHidden && !isTouchingTopScreenEdge && isStickedOnTopBorder && background.isShown; } } Binding{ target: latteView property: "isTouchingBottomViewAndIsBusy" when: latteView value: { if (!root.viewIsAvailable) { return false; } var latteBottom = latteView.y + latteView.height; var screenBottom = latteView.screenGeometry.y + latteView.screenGeometry.height; var isTouchingBottomScreenEdge = (latteBottom === screenBottom); var isStickedOnBottomBorder = (plasmoid.configuration.alignment === LatteCore.Types.Justify && plasmoid.configuration.maxLength===100) || (plasmoid.configuration.alignment === LatteCore.Types.Bottom && plasmoid.configuration.offset===0); return root.isVertical && !latteView.visibility.isHidden && !isTouchingBottomScreenEdge && isStickedOnBottomBorder && background.isShown; } } Binding{ target: latteView property: "colorizer" when: latteView value: colorizerManager } Binding{ target: latteView property: "metrics" when: latteView value: metrics } //! View::Effects bindings Binding{ target: latteView && latteView.effects ? latteView.effects : null property: "backgroundAllCorners" when: latteView && latteView.effects value: plasmoid.configuration.backgroundAllCorners && (!root.screenEdgeMarginEnabled /*no-floating*/ || (root.screenEdgeMarginEnabled /*floating with justify alignment and 100% maxlength*/ && plasmoid.configuration.maxLength===100 && myView.alignment===LatteCore.Types.Justify && !root.hideLengthScreenGaps)) } Binding{ target: latteView && latteView.effects ? latteView.effects : null property: "backgroundRadius" when: latteView && latteView.effects value: background.customRadius } Binding{ target: latteView && latteView.effects ? latteView.effects : null property: "backgroundRadiusEnabled" when: latteView && latteView.effects value: background.customRadiusIsEnabled } Binding{ target: latteView && latteView.effects ? latteView.effects : null property: "backgroundOpacity" when: latteView && latteView.effects value: plasmoid.configuration.panelTransparency===-1 /*Default option*/ ? -1 : background.currentOpacity } Binding{ target: latteView && latteView.effects ? latteView.effects : null property: "drawEffects" when: latteView && latteView.effects && !root.inStartup value: LatteCore.WindowSystem.compositingActive && (((root.blurEnabled && root.useThemePanel) || (root.blurEnabled && root.forceSolidPanel)) && (!root.inStartup || visibilityManager.inRelocationHiding)) } Binding{ target: latteView && latteView.effects ? latteView.effects : null property: "drawShadows" when: latteView && latteView.effects value: root.drawShadowsExternal && (!root.inStartup || visibilityManager.inRelocationHiding) && !(latteView && latteView.visibility.isHidden) } Binding{ target: latteView && latteView.effects ? latteView.effects : null property:"editShadow" when: latteView && latteView.effects value: root.editShadow } Binding{ target: latteView && latteView.effects ? latteView.effects : null property:"innerShadow" when: latteView && latteView.effects value: background.shadows.headThickness } Binding{ target: latteView && latteView.effects ? latteView.effects : null property: "panelBackgroundSvg" when: latteView && latteView.effects value: background.panelBackgroundSvg } Binding{ target: latteView && latteView.effects ? latteView.effects : null property:"appletsLayoutGeometry" when: latteView && latteView.effects && visibilityManager.inNormalState value: { if (root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel || !LatteCore.WindowSystem.compositingActive || (!parabolic.isEnabled && root.userShowPanelBackground && plasmoid.configuration.panelSize===100)) { var paddingtail = background.tailRoundness + background.tailRoundnessMargin; var paddinghead = background.headRoundness + background.headRoundnessMargin; if (root.isHorizontal) { return Qt.rect(latteView.localGeometry.x + paddingtail, latteView.localGeometry.y, latteView.localGeometry.width - paddingtail - paddinghead, latteView.localGeometry.height); } else { return Qt.rect(latteView.localGeometry.x, latteView.localGeometry.y + paddingtail, latteView.localGeometry.width, latteView.localGeometry.height - paddingtail - paddinghead); } } return Qt.rect(-1, -1, 0, 0); } } //! View::Positioner bindings Binding{ target: latteView && latteView.positioner ? latteView.positioner : null property: "isStickedOnTopEdge" when: latteView && latteView.positioner value: plasmoid.configuration.isStickedOnTopEdge } Binding{ target: latteView && latteView.positioner ? latteView.positioner : null property: "isStickedOnBottomEdge" when: latteView && latteView.positioner value: plasmoid.configuration.isStickedOnBottomEdge } //! View::VisibilityManager Binding{ target: latteView && latteView.visibility ? latteView.visibility : null property: "isShownFully" when: latteView && latteView.visibility value: myView.isShownFully } Binding{ target: latteView && latteView.visibility ? latteView.visibility : null property: "strutsThickness" when: latteView && latteView.visibility value: { var isCapableToHideScreenGap = root.screenEdgeMarginEnabled && plasmoid.configuration.hideFloatingGapForMaximized var mirrorGapFactor = root.mirrorScreenGap ? 2 : 1; //! Hide Thickness Screen Gap scenario provides two different struts thicknesses. //! [1] The first struts thickness is when there is no maximized window and is such case //! the view is behaving as in normal AlwaysVisible visibility mode. This is very useful //! when users tile windows. [bug #432122] //! [2] The second struts thickness is when there is a maximized window present and in such case //! the view is hiding all of its screen edges. It is used mostly when the view is wanted //! to act as a window titlebar. var thicknessForIsCapableToHideScreenGap = (root.hideThickScreenGap ? 0 : mirrorGapFactor * metrics.mask.screenEdge); if (root.behaveAsPlasmaPanel) { return isCapableToHideScreenGap ? (visibilityManager.thicknessAsPanel + thicknessForIsCapableToHideScreenGap) : (mirrorGapFactor*metrics.mask.screenEdge) + visibilityManager.thicknessAsPanel; } var edgeThickness = isCapableToHideScreenGap ? thicknessForIsCapableToHideScreenGap : metrics.mask.screenEdge * mirrorGapFactor; return edgeThickness + metrics.mask.thickness.maxNormalForItemsWithoutScreenEdge; } } Binding { target: latteView && latteView.visibility ? latteView.visibility : null property: "isFloatingGapWindowEnabled" when: latteView && latteView.visibility value: root.hasFloatingGapInputEventsDisabled && (latteView.visibility.mode === LatteCore.Types.AutoHide || latteView.visibility.mode === LatteCore.Types.DodgeActive || latteView.visibility.mode === LatteCore.Types.DodgeAllWindows || latteView.visibility.mode === LatteCore.Types.DodgeMaximized || latteView.visibility.mode === LatteCore.Types.SidebarAutoHide) } //! View::WindowsTracker bindings Binding{ target: latteView && latteView.windowsTracker ? latteView.windowsTracker : null property: "enabled" //! During startup phase windows tracking is not enabled and does not //! influence startup sequence at all. At the same time no windows tracking //! takes place during startup and as such startup time is reduced when: latteView && latteView.windowsTracker && latteView.visibility && !root.inStartup value: (latteView && latteView.visibility && !(latteView.visibility.mode === LatteCore.Types.AlwaysVisible /* Visibility */ || latteView.visibility.mode === LatteCore.Types.WindowsGoBelow || latteView.visibility.mode === LatteCore.Types.AutoHide)) || indexer.clientsTrackingWindowsCount > 0 /*Applets Need Windows Tracking */ || root.dragActiveWindowEnabled /*Dragging Active Window(Empty Areas)*/ || ((root.backgroundOnlyOnMaximized /*Dynamic Background */ || plasmoid.configuration.solidBackgroundForMaximized || root.disablePanelShadowMaximized || root.windowColors !== LatteContainment.Types.NoneWindowColors)) || (root.screenEdgeMarginsEnabled /*Dynamic Screen Edge Margin*/ && plasmoid.configuration.hideFloatingGapForMaximized) } //! View::ExtendedInterface bindings Binding{ target: latteView && latteView.extendedInterface ? latteView.extendedInterface : null property: "plasmoid" when: latteView && latteView.extendedInterface value: plasmoid } Binding{ target: latteView && latteView.extendedInterface ? latteView.extendedInterface : null property: "layoutManager" when: latteView && latteView.extendedInterface value: fastLayoutManager } }