/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Michail Vourlakos SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ import QtQuick 2.7 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore Item { id: _parabolicArea signal parabolicEntered(real mouseX, real mouseY); signal parabolicMove(real mouseX, real mouseY); signal parabolicExited(); readonly property bool containsMouse: (appletItem.parabolic.currentParabolicItem === _parabolicArea) || parabolicMouseArea.containsMouse readonly property bool hasParabolicMessagesEnabled: parabolicAreaLoader.hasParabolicMessagesEnabled readonly property bool isParabolicEnabled: parabolicAreaLoader.isParabolicEnabled readonly property bool isThinTooltipEnabled: parabolicAreaLoader.isThinTooltipEnabled property real length: root.isHorizontal ? appletItem.width : appletItem.height property var lastMousePoint: { "x": 0, "y": 0 } MouseArea { id: parabolicMouseArea anchors.fill: parent enabled: visible hoverEnabled: true visible: appletItem.parabolicEffectIsSupported && !communicator.indexerIsSupported && appletItem.parabolic.currentParabolicItem !== _parabolicArea // VisibilityManager.qml tries to workaround faulty onEntered() signals from this MouseArea // by specifying inputThickness when ParabolicEffect is applied. (inputThickness->animated scenario) // // Such is a case is when dock is at the bottom and user moves its // mouse at top edge of parabolized item. When mouse exits // slightly ParabolicMouseArea this mousearea here gets a mouseEntered // signal even though it should not and immediately gets also // a mouseExited signal to correct things. This happens exactly // after Paraboli.sglClearZoom() signal has been triggered. onEntered: { appletItem.parabolic.setCurrentParabolicItem(_parabolicArea); if (isParabolicEnabled) { var vIndex = appletItem.indexer.visibleIndex(index); appletItem.parabolic.setCurrentParabolicItemIndex(vIndex); } //! mouseX/Y can be trusted in that case in comparison to tasks that the relevant ParabolicAreaMouseArea does not _parabolicArea.parabolicEntered(mouseX, mouseY); } } onParabolicEntered: { lastMousePoint.x = mouseX; lastMousePoint.y = mouseY; if (isThinTooltipEnabled && !(isSeparator || isSpacer || isMarginsAreaSeparator)) { appletItem.thinTooltip.show(appletItem.tooltipVisualParent, applet.title); } if (restoreAnimation.running) { restoreAnimation.stop(); } if (!appletItem.myView.isShownFully || appletItem.originalAppletBehavior || !appletItem.parabolicEffectIsSupported || communicator.requires.parabolicEffectLocked || communicator.indexerIsSupported) { return; } if (isParabolicEnabled) { if (root.isHorizontal){ appletItem.layouts.currentSpot = Math.round(mouseX); calculateParabolicScales(mouseX); } else{ appletItem.layouts.currentSpot = Math.round(mouseY); calculateParabolicScales(mouseY); } } } onParabolicMove: { lastMousePoint.x = mouseX; lastMousePoint.y = mouseY; if (!appletItem.myView.isShownFully || appletItem.originalAppletBehavior || !appletItem.parabolicEffectIsSupported || communicator.requires.parabolicEffectLocked || communicator.indexerIsSupported) { return; } if (isParabolicEnabled) { if( ((wrapper.zoomScale === 1 || wrapper.zoomScale === appletItem.parabolic.factor.zoom) && !parabolic.directRenderingEnabled) || parabolic.directRenderingEnabled) { if (root.isHorizontal){ var step = Math.abs(appletItem.layouts.currentSpot-mouseX); if (step >= appletItem.animations.hoverPixelSensitivity){ appletItem.layouts.currentSpot = Math.round(mouseX); calculateParabolicScales(mouseX); } } else{ var step = Math.abs(appletItem.layouts.currentSpot-mouseY); if (step >= appletItem.animations.hoverPixelSensitivity){ appletItem.layouts.currentSpot = Math.round(mouseY); calculateParabolicScales(mouseY); } } } } } onParabolicExited: { if (isThinTooltipEnabled) { appletItem.thinTooltip.hide(appletItem.tooltipVisualParent); } } Connections{ target: appletItem.myView //! During dock sliding-in because the parabolic effect isnt trigerred //! immediately but we wait first the dock to go to its final normal //! place we might miss the activation of the parabolic effect. //! By catching that signal we are trying to solve this. onIsShownFullyChanged: { if (appletItem.myView.isShownFully && _parabolicArea.containsMouse) { _parabolicArea.parabolicMove(_parabolicArea.lastMousePoint.x, _parabolicArea.lastMousePoint.y); } } } function calculateParabolicScales(currentMousePosition){ if (parabolic.factor.zoom===1 || parabolic.restoreZoomIsBlocked) { return; } if (wrapper.zoomScale === 1 && (appletItem.firstAppletInContainer || appletItem.lastAppletInContainer)) { //! first hover of first or last items in container //! this way we make sure that neighbour items will increase their zoom faster var substep = length/4; var center = length/2; currentMousePosition = Math.min(Math.max(currentMousePosition, center-substep), center+substep); } //use the new parabolic effect manager in order to handle all parabolic effect messages var scales = parabolic.applyParabolicEffect(index, currentMousePosition, length); wrapper.zoomScale = parabolic.factor.zoom; } //scale function updateScale(nIndex, nScale){ if(appletItem && (appletItem.index === nIndex) /*&& !appletItem.containsMouse*/){ /*disable it in order to increase parabolic effect responsiveness*/ if ( (parabolicEffectIsSupported && !appletItem.originalAppletBehavior && !appletItem.communicator.indexerIsSupported) && (applet && applet.status !== PlasmaCore.Types.HiddenStatus)){ wrapper.zoomScale = Math.max(1, nScale); } } } function sltUpdateItemScale(delegateIndex, newScales, islower) { var ishigher = !islower; var clearrequestedfromlastacceptedsignal = (newScales.length===1) && (newScales[0]===1); var sideindex = islower ? appletItem.index-1 : appletItem.index+1; if (delegateIndex === appletItem.index) { if (communicator.parabolicEffectIsSupported) { if (islower) { communicator.bridge.parabolic.client.hostRequestUpdateLowerItemScale(newScales); } else { communicator.bridge.parabolic.client.hostRequestUpdateHigherItemScale(newScales); } return; } if (newScales.length <= 0) { return } var nextscales = newScales.slice(); //first copy scales in order to not touch referenced/same array to other slots if (!appletItem.isSeparator && !appletItem.isMarginsAreaSeparator && !appletItem.isHidden) { //accept signal and apply the first scale in the stack updateScale(delegateIndex, nextscales[0]); //apply scale nextscales.splice(0, 1); //remove accepted and previously applied scale if ((nextscales.length===1) && (nextscales[0]===1)) { //send clearrequestedfromlastacceptedsignal to inform neighbours in that direction to release zoom if (islower) { parabolic.sglUpdateLowerItemScale(sideindex, nextscales); } else { parabolic.sglUpdateHigherItemScale(sideindex, nextscales); } return; } } if (!clearrequestedfromlastacceptedsignal) { //send remaining scales in the stack as long as this is not the clearrequestedfromlastacceptedsignal, in order to not send twice if (islower) { parabolic.sglUpdateLowerItemScale(appletItem.index-1, nextscales); } else { parabolic.sglUpdateHigherItemScale(appletItem.index+1, nextscales); } } } else if (islower && clearrequestedfromlastacceptedsignal && (appletItem.index < delegateIndex)) { //accept requestedfromlastacceptedsignal in lower direction if that is the case if (communicator.parabolicEffectIsSupported) { communicator.bridge.parabolic.client.hostRequestUpdateLowerItemScale(newScales); } else { updateScale(appletItem.index, 1); } } else if (ishigher && clearrequestedfromlastacceptedsignal && (appletItem.index > delegateIndex)) { //accept requestedfromlastacceptedsignal in higher direction if that is the case if (communicator.parabolicEffectIsSupported) { communicator.bridge.parabolic.client.hostRequestUpdateHigherItemScale(newScales); } else { updateScale(appletItem.index, 1); } } } function sltUpdateLowerItemScale(delegateIndex, newScales) { var islower = true; sltUpdateItemScale(delegateIndex, newScales, islower); } function sltUpdateHigherItemScale(delegateIndex, newScales) { var ishigher = false; sltUpdateItemScale(delegateIndex, newScales, ishigher); } Component.onCompleted: { parabolic.sglUpdateLowerItemScale.connect(sltUpdateLowerItemScale); parabolic.sglUpdateHigherItemScale.connect(sltUpdateHigherItemScale); } Component.onDestruction: { parabolic.sglUpdateLowerItemScale.disconnect(sltUpdateLowerItemScale); parabolic.sglUpdateHigherItemScale.disconnect(sltUpdateHigherItemScale); } }