/* * Copyright 2020 Michail Vourlakos * * This file is part of Latte-Dock * * Latte-Dock is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Latte-Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #include "layoutsmodel.h" // local #include "../data/layoutdata.h" #include "../../layouts/manager.h" #include "../../layouts/synchronizer.h" // Qt #include #include #include // KDE #include // KActivities #include #include const QChar CheckMark{0x2714}; namespace Latte { namespace Settings { namespace Model { Layouts::Layouts(QObject *parent, Latte::Corona *corona) : QAbstractTableModel(parent), m_corona(corona) { initActivities(); connect(this, &Layouts::inMultipleModeChanged, this, [&]() { QVector roles; roles << Qt::DisplayRole; roles << Qt::UserRole; roles << LAYOUTISSHAREDROLE; roles << INMULTIPLELAYOUTSROLE; emit dataChanged(index(0, NAMECOLUMN), index(rowCount()-1, SHAREDCOLUMN), roles); }); connect(m_corona->layoutsManager(), &Latte::Layouts::Manager::currentLayoutNameChanged, this, &Layouts::updateActiveStates); connect(m_corona->layoutsManager(), &Latte::Layouts::Manager::centralLayoutsChanged, this, &Layouts::updateActiveStates); } Layouts::~Layouts() { qDeleteAll(m_activitiesInfo); } bool Layouts::containsCurrentName(const QString &name) const { return m_layoutsTable.containsCurrentName(name); } bool Layouts::inMultipleMode() const { return m_inMultipleMode; } void Layouts::setInMultipleMode(bool inMultiple) { if (m_inMultipleMode == inMultiple) { return; } m_inMultipleMode = inMultiple; emit inMultipleModeChanged(); } QString Layouts::idForOriginalName(const QString &name) { return m_layoutsTable.idForOriginalName(name); } QString Layouts::idForCurrentName(const QString &name) { return m_layoutsTable.idForCurrentName(name); } int Layouts::rowCount() const { return m_layoutsTable.rowCount(); } int Layouts::rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent); return m_layoutsTable.rowCount(); } int Layouts::columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const { Q_UNUSED(parent); return SHAREDCOLUMN+1; } void Layouts::clear() { if (m_layoutsTable.rowCount() > 0) { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), 0, m_layoutsTable.rowCount() - 1); m_layoutsTable.clear(); endRemoveRows(); } } void Layouts::appendLayout(const Settings::Data::Layout &layout) { beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), m_layoutsTable.rowCount(), m_layoutsTable.rowCount()); m_layoutsTable << layout; endInsertRows(); emit rowsInserted(); } void Layouts::applyCurrentNames() { QVector roles; roles << Qt::DisplayRole; for(int i=0; i= 0) { beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), index, index); m_layoutsTable.remove(index); endRemoveRows(); } } bool Layouts::removeRows(int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent) { Q_UNUSED(parent) int firstRow = row; int lastRow = row+count-1; if (count > 0 && m_layoutsTable.rowExists(firstRow) && (m_layoutsTable.rowExists(lastRow))) { bool freeActivitiesLayoutIsRemoved{false}; for(int i=firstRow; i<=lastRow; ++i) { if (m_layoutsTable[i].activities.contains(Data::Layout::FREEACTIVITIESID)) { //! we need to reassign it properly freeActivitiesLayoutIsRemoved = true; break; } } beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), firstRow, lastRow); for(int i=0; i roles; roles << Qt::DisplayRole; roles << Qt::UserRole; emit dataChanged(index(0, ACTIVITYCOLUMN), index(rowCount()-1, ACTIVITYCOLUMN), roles); } } QVariant Layouts::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const { if (orientation != Qt::Horizontal) { return QAbstractTableModel::headerData(section, orientation, role); } if (role == Qt::FontRole) { QFont font = qvariant_cast(QAbstractTableModel::headerData(section, orientation, role)); font.setBold(true); return font; } switch(section) { case IDCOLUMN: if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return QString("#path"); } break; case HIDDENTEXTCOLUMN: if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return QString(""); } break; case BACKGROUNDCOLUMN: if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return QString(""); } else if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) { return QIcon::fromTheme("games-config-background"); } else if (role == Qt::TextAlignmentRole ){ return QVariant::fromValue(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); } break; case NAMECOLUMN: if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return QString(i18nc("column for layout name", "Name")); }/* else if (role == Qt::TextAlignmentRole) { return QVariant::fromValue(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); }*/ break; case MENUCOLUMN: if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return QString(i18nc("column for layout to show in menu", "In Menu")); }/* else if (role == Qt::TextAlignmentRole ){ return QVariant::fromValue(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); }*/ break; case BORDERSCOLUMN: if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return QString(i18nc("column for layout to hide borders for maximized windows", "Borderless")); }/* else if (role == Qt::TextAlignmentRole ){ return QVariant::fromValue(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter); }*/ break; case ACTIVITYCOLUMN: if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return QString(i18nc("column for layout to show which activities is assigned to", "Activities")); } else if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) { return QIcon::fromTheme("activities"); }/* else if (role == Qt::TextAlignmentRole ){ return QVariant::fromValue(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); }*/ break; case SHAREDCOLUMN: if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return QString(i18nc("column for shared layout to show which layouts is assigned to", "Shared To")); } else if (role == Qt::DecorationRole) { return QIcon::fromTheme("document-share"); }/* else if (role == Qt::TextAlignmentRole ){ return QVariant::fromValue(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter); }*/ break; default: break; }; return QAbstractTableModel::headerData(section, orientation, role); } Qt::ItemFlags Layouts::flags(const QModelIndex &index) const { const int column = index.column(); const int row = index.row(); auto flags = QAbstractTableModel::flags(index); if (column == MENUCOLUMN || column == BORDERSCOLUMN) { flags |= Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable; } if (column == ACTIVITYCOLUMN || column == BACKGROUNDCOLUMN || column == NAMECOLUMN || column == SHAREDCOLUMN) { flags |= Qt::ItemIsEditable; } return flags; } QVariant Layouts::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { const int row = index.row(); int column = index.column(); if (!m_layoutsTable.rowExists(row)) { return QVariant{}; } if (role == LAYOUTISACTIVEROLE) { return m_layoutsTable[row].isActive; } else if (role == LAYOUTISLOCKEDROLE) { return m_layoutsTable[row].isLocked; } else if (role == LAYOUTISSHAREDROLE) { return m_layoutsTable[row].isShared(); } else if (role == INMULTIPLELAYOUTSROLE) { return inMultipleMode(); } else if (role == LAYOUTNAMEWASEDITEDROLE) { return m_layoutsTable[row].nameWasEdited(); } else if (role == ASSIGNEDACTIVITIESROLE) { return m_layoutsTable[row].activities; } else if (role == ALLACTIVITIESSORTEDROLE) { QStringList activities; activities << QString(Data::Layout::FREEACTIVITIESID); activities << m_corona->layoutsManager()->synchronizer()->activities(); return activities; } else if (role == ALLACTIVITIESDATAROLE) { QVariant activitiesData; activitiesData.setValue(m_activitiesMap); return activitiesData; } else if (role == ALLLAYOUTSROLE) { QVariant layouts; layouts.setValue(m_layoutsTable); return layouts; } else if (role == SHAREDTOINEDIT) { return (m_sharedToInEditRow == row); } switch (column) { case IDCOLUMN: if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return m_layoutsTable[row].id; } break; case HIDDENTEXTCOLUMN: return QVariant{}; case BACKGROUNDCOLUMN: if (role == Qt::BackgroundRole) { return m_layoutsTable[row].background.isEmpty() ? m_layoutsTable[row].color : m_layoutsTable[row].background; } break; case NAMECOLUMN: if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return m_layoutsTable[row].currentName(); } break; case MENUCOLUMN: if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return m_layoutsTable[row].isShownInMenu ? CheckMark : QVariant{}; } else if (role == Qt::UserRole) { return m_layoutsTable[row].isShownInMenu; } break; case BORDERSCOLUMN: if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { return m_layoutsTable[row].hasDisabledBorders ? CheckMark : QVariant{}; } else if (role == Qt::UserRole) { return m_layoutsTable[row].hasDisabledBorders; } break; case ACTIVITYCOLUMN: if (role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::UserRole) { return m_layoutsTable[row].activities; } break; case SHAREDCOLUMN: if (role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::UserRole) { return m_layoutsTable[row].shares; } break; default: return QVariant{}; }; return QVariant{}; } QStringList Layouts::cleanStrings(const QStringList &original, const QStringList &occupied) { QStringList result; for(int i=0; i roles; roles << Qt::DisplayRole; roles << Qt::UserRole; //! ActiveCurrent with no activities has highest priority QString activeCurrentId = m_layoutsTable.idForOriginalName(m_corona->layoutsManager()->currentLayoutName()); int row = m_layoutsTable.indexOf(activeCurrentId); if (row>=0 && m_layoutsTable[row].activities.isEmpty()) { m_layoutsTable[row].activities << Data::Layout::FREEACTIVITIESID; emit dataChanged(index(row,BACKGROUNDCOLUMN), index(row,ACTIVITYCOLUMN), roles); return; } //! Active layouts with no activities have mid priority for(int i=0; i roles; roles << Qt::DisplayRole; roles << Qt::UserRole; roles << ASSIGNEDACTIVITIESROLE; bool freeActivitiesLayoutIsMissing{false}; if (m_layoutsTable[row].activities.contains(Data::Layout::FREEACTIVITIESID) && !activities.contains(Data::Layout::FREEACTIVITIESID)) { //! we need to reassign it properly freeActivitiesLayoutIsMissing = true; } m_layoutsTable[row].activities = activities; emit dataChanged(index(row, BACKGROUNDCOLUMN), index(row,ACTIVITYCOLUMN), roles); for(int i=0; i roles; roles << Qt::DisplayRole; QString oldId = m_layoutsTable[row].id; m_layoutsTable[row].id = newId; emit dataChanged(index(row, NAMECOLUMN), index(row,NAMECOLUMN), roles); for(int i=0; i= 0) { m_layoutsTable[i].shares[pos] = newId; emit dataChanged(index(i, NAMECOLUMN), index(i, NAMECOLUMN), roles); } } } QStringList Layouts::availableShareIdsFor(const QString id) const { QStringList shares; for(int i=0; i roles; roles << Qt::DisplayRole; roles << Qt::UserRole; m_layoutsTable[row].shares = shares; emit dataChanged(index(row,IDCOLUMN), index(row,SHAREDCOLUMN), roles); for(int i=0; i SHAREDCOLUMN) { return false; } QVector roles; roles << role; //! common roles for all row cells if (role == LAYOUTISLOCKEDROLE) { m_layoutsTable[row].isLocked = value.toBool(); emit dataChanged(this->index(row,0), this->index(row,SHAREDCOLUMN), roles); return true; } //! specific roles to each independent cell switch (column) { case IDCOLUMN: if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { setId(row, value.toString()); return true; } break; case HIDDENTEXTCOLUMN: return true; break; case BACKGROUNDCOLUMN: if (role == Qt::BackgroundRole) { QString back = value.toString(); if (back.startsWith("/")) { m_layoutsTable[row].background = back; } else { m_layoutsTable[row].background = QString(); m_layoutsTable[row].color = back; } emit dataChanged(index, index, roles); return true; } break; case NAMECOLUMN: if (role == Qt::DisplayRole) { QString provenId = m_layoutsTable.idForCurrentName(value.toString()); if (!provenId.isEmpty() && provenId != m_layoutsTable[row].id /*not the same row*/ ){ //! duplicate name should be rejected emit nameDuplicated(provenId, m_layoutsTable[row].id); return false; } else { m_layoutsTable[row].setCurrentName(value.toString()); emit dataChanged(index, index, roles); return true; } } break; case MENUCOLUMN: if (role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::UserRole) { m_layoutsTable[row].isShownInMenu = value.toBool(); emit dataChanged(index, index, roles); return true; } break; case BORDERSCOLUMN: if (role == Qt::DisplayRole || role == Qt::UserRole) { m_layoutsTable[row].hasDisabledBorders = value.toBool(); emit dataChanged(index, index, roles); return true; } break; case ACTIVITYCOLUMN: if (role == Qt::UserRole) { setActivities(row, value.toStringList()); return true; } break; case SHAREDCOLUMN: if (role == Qt::UserRole) { setShares(row, value.toStringList()); return true; } else if (role == SHAREDTOINEDIT) { bool inEdit = value.toBool(); m_sharedToInEditRow = inEdit ? row : -1; roles << Qt::DisplayRole; roles << Qt::UserRole; emit dataChanged(this->index(row, ACTIVITYCOLUMN), this->index(row, SHAREDCOLUMN), roles); return true; } break; }; return false; } void Layouts::updateActiveStates() { QVector roles; roles << Qt::DisplayRole; roles << Qt::UserRole; roles << LAYOUTISACTIVEROLE; for(int i=0; ilayoutsManager()->synchronizer()->layout(m_layoutsTable[i].currentName())) { iActive = true; } if (m_layoutsTable[i].isActive != iActive) { m_layoutsTable[i].isActive = iActive; emit dataChanged(index(i, BACKGROUNDCOLUMN), index(i,SHAREDCOLUMN), roles); } } } const Data::Layout &Layouts::at(const int &row) { return m_layoutsTable[row]; } int Layouts::rowForId(const QString &id) const { return m_layoutsTable.indexOf(id); } const Data::LayoutsTable &Layouts::currentData() { return m_layoutsTable; } void Layouts::setCurrentData(Data::LayoutsTable &data) { clear(); beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), 0, data.rowCount() - 1); m_layoutsTable = data; for(int i=0; ilayoutsManager()->synchronizer()->layout(m_layoutsTable[i].originalName()); } endInsertRows(); emit rowsInserted(); } //! Activities code void Layouts::initActivities() { Data::Activity freeActivities; freeActivities.id = Data::Layout::FREEACTIVITIESID; freeActivities.name = QString("[ " + i18n("All Free Activities...") + " ]"); freeActivities.icon = "favorites"; freeActivities.state = KActivities::Info::Stopped; m_activitiesMap[Data::Layout::FREEACTIVITIESID] = freeActivities; QStringList activities = m_corona->layoutsManager()->synchronizer()->activities();; for(const auto &id: activities) { KActivities::Info info(id); if (info.state() != KActivities::Info::Invalid) { on_activityAdded(id); } } connect(m_corona->activitiesConsumer(), &KActivities::Consumer::activityAdded, this, &Layouts::on_activityAdded); connect(m_corona->activitiesConsumer(), &KActivities::Consumer::activityRemoved, this, &Layouts::on_activityRemoved); connect(m_corona->activitiesConsumer(), &KActivities::Consumer::runningActivitiesChanged, this, &Layouts::on_runningActivitiesChanged); activitiesStatesChanged(); } void Layouts::activitiesStatesChanged() { QVector roles; roles << Qt::DisplayRole; roles << Qt::UserRole; roles << ALLACTIVITIESDATAROLE; roles << ALLACTIVITIESSORTEDROLE; emit dataChanged(index(0, BACKGROUNDCOLUMN), index(rowCount()-1, BACKGROUNDCOLUMN), roles); emit dataChanged(index(0, ACTIVITYCOLUMN), index(rowCount()-1, ACTIVITYCOLUMN), roles); } void Layouts::on_activityAdded(const QString &id) { m_activitiesInfo[id] = new KActivities::Info(id, this); Data::Activity activity; activity.id = m_activitiesInfo[id]->id(); activity.name = m_activitiesInfo[id]->name(); activity.icon = m_activitiesInfo[id]->icon(); activity.state = m_activitiesInfo[id]->state(); m_activitiesMap[id] = activity; connect(m_activitiesInfo[id], &KActivities::Info::nameChanged, [this, id]() { on_activityChanged(id); }); connect(m_activitiesInfo[id], &KActivities::Info::iconChanged, [this, id]() { on_activityChanged(id); }); } void Layouts::on_activityRemoved(const QString &id) { if (m_activitiesMap.contains(id)) { m_activitiesMap.remove(id); } if (m_activitiesInfo.contains(id)) { KActivities::Info *info = m_activitiesInfo.take(id); info->deleteLater(); } activitiesStatesChanged(); } void Layouts::on_activityChanged(const QString &id) { if (m_activitiesMap.contains(id) && m_activitiesInfo.contains(id)) { m_activitiesMap[id].name = m_activitiesInfo[id]->name(); m_activitiesMap[id].icon = m_activitiesInfo[id]->icon(); m_activitiesMap[id].state = m_activitiesInfo[id]->state(); activitiesStatesChanged(); } } void Layouts::on_runningActivitiesChanged(const QStringList &runningIds) { Data::ActivitiesMap::iterator i; for (i = m_activitiesMap.begin(); i != m_activitiesMap.end(); ++i){ if (runningIds.contains(i.key())) { m_activitiesMap[i.key()].state = KActivities::Info::Running; } else { m_activitiesMap[i.key()].state = KActivities::Info::Stopped; } } activitiesStatesChanged(); } } } }