/* * Copyright 2020 Michail Vourlakos * * This file is part of Latte-Dock * * Latte-Dock is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Latte-Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import QtQuick 2.7 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore Item { id: _parabolicArea signal parabolicEntered(real mouseX, real mouseY); signal parabolicMove(real mouseX, real mouseY); signal parabolicExited(); property int lastMouseX: 0 property int lastMouseY: 0 readonly property bool containsMouse: (taskItem.abilities.parabolic.currentParabolicItem === _parabolicArea) || parabolicMouseArea.containsMouse readonly property real center: wrapper.center MouseArea { id: parabolicMouseArea anchors.fill: parent enabled: visible hoverEnabled: true visible: taskItem.abilities.parabolic.currentParabolicItem !== _parabolicArea onEntered: { taskItem.abilities.parabolic.setCurrentParabolicItem(_parabolicArea); var vIndex = taskItem.abilities.shortcuts.shortcutIndex(taskItem.itemIndex); taskItem.abilities.parabolic.setCurrentParabolicItemIndex(vIndex); // mouseX/Y can not be trusted at this point //_parabolicArea.parabolicEntered(mouseX, mouseY); } } Connections{ target: taskItem.abilities.myView //! During dock sliding-in because the parabolic effect isnt trigerred //! immediately but we wait first the dock to go to its final normal //! place we might miss the activation of the parabolic effect. //! By catching that signal we are trying to solve this. onIsShownFullyChanged: { if (taskItem.abilities.myView.isShownFully && _parabolicArea.containsMouse) { _parabolicArea.parabolicMove(lastMouseX, lastMouseY); } } } onParabolicEntered: { lastMouseX = mouseX; lastMouseY = mouseY; restoreAnimation.stop(); //! mouseX/Y can NOW be trusted because ParabolicEnterd event is triggered from View::Parabolic class var current = root.isHorizontal ? mouseX : mouseY; icList.currentSpot = current; calculateParabolicScales(current); } onParabolicMove: { lastMouseX = mouseX; lastMouseY = mouseY; var mousePos = root.isHorizontal ? mouseX : mouseY; if (mousePos<0 || (inBlockingAnimation && !(inAttentionAnimation||inFastRestoreAnimation||inMimicParabolicAnimation))) return; if (taskItem.abilities.myView.isReady && !taskItem.abilities.myView.isShownFully) { return; } if((inAnimation == false)&&(!root.taskInAnimation)&&(!root.disableRestoreZoom) && taskItem.hoverEnabled){ if( ((wrapper.mScale === 1 || wrapper.mScale === taskItem.abilities.parabolic.factor.zoom) && !taskItem.abilities.parabolic.directRenderingEnabled) || taskItem.abilities.parabolic.directRenderingEnabled || !taskItem.scalesUpdatedOnce) { if(root.dragSource == null){ var step = Math.abs(icList.currentSpot-mousePos); if (step >= taskItem.abilities.animations.hoverPixelSensitivity){ icList.currentSpot = mousePos; calculateParabolicScales(mousePos); } } } } } onParabolicExited: { taskItem.scalesUpdatedOnce = false; } function calculateParabolicScales( currentMousePosition ){ if (taskItem.abilities.parabolic.factor.zoom===1 || taskItem.abilities.parabolic.restoreZoomIsBlocked) { return; } if (root.dragSource === null) { //use the new parabolic ability in order to handle all parabolic effect messages var scales = taskItem.abilities.parabolic.applyParabolicEffect(index, currentMousePosition, center); //Left hiddenSpacer for first task if(((index === taskItem.abilities.indexer.firstVisibleItemIndex)&&(root.tasksCount>0)) && !root.disableLeftSpacer && !inMimicParabolicAnimation && !inFastRestoreAnimation && !inAttentionAnimation){ hiddenSpacerLeft.nScale = scales.leftScale - 1; } //Right hiddenSpacer for last task if(((index === taskItem.abilities.indexer.lastVisibleItemIndex )&&(root.tasksCount>0)) && !root.disableRightSpacer && !inMimicParabolicAnimation && !inFastRestoreAnimation && !inAttentionAnimation){ hiddenSpacerRight.nScale = scales.rightScale - 1; } if (!taskItem.inAttentionAnimation) { wrapper.mScale = taskItem.abilities.parabolic.factor.zoom; } else { var subSpacerScale = (taskItem.abilities.parabolic.factor.zoom-1)/2; hiddenSpacerLeft.nScale = subSpacerScale; hiddenSpacerRight.nScale = subSpacerScale; } taskItem.scalesUpdatedOnce = false; } } //nScale function updateScale(nIndex, nScale, step){ if (!_parabolicArea.containsMouse && (index === nIndex) && (taskItem.hoverEnabled || inMimicParabolicAnimation)&&(tasksExtendedManager.waitingLaunchersLength()===0)){ if (taskItem.inAttentionAnimation) { var subSpacerScale = (nScale-1)/2; hiddenSpacerLeft.nScale = subSpacerScale; hiddenSpacerRight.nScale = subSpacerScale; } else if (!inBlockingAnimation || taskItem.inMimicParabolicAnimation) { var newScale = 1; if(nScale >= 0) { newScale = nScale + step; } else { newScale = wrapper.mScale + step; } if (inMimicParabolicAnimation && mimicParabolicScale === -1) { mimicParabolicScale = newScale; } wrapper.mScale = newScale; } } } function sltUpdateLowerItemScale(delegateIndex, newScale, step) { if (delegateIndex === index) { if (!taskItem.isSeparator && !taskItem.isHidden) { //! when accepted updateScale(delegateIndex, newScale, step); if (newScale > 1) { // clear lower items taskItem.abilities.parabolic.sglUpdateLowerItemScale(delegateIndex-1, 1, 0); } } else { taskItem.abilities.parabolic.sglUpdateLowerItemScale(delegateIndex-1, newScale, step); } } else if ((newScale === 1) && (index < delegateIndex)) { updateScale(index, 1, 0); } } function sltUpdateHigherItemScale(delegateIndex, newScale, step) { if (delegateIndex === index) { if (!taskItem.isSeparator && !taskItem.isHidden) { //! when accepted updateScale(delegateIndex, newScale, step); if (newScale > 1) { // clear lower items taskItem.abilities.parabolic.sglUpdateHigherItemScale(delegateIndex+1, 1, 0); // clear higher items } } else { taskItem.abilities.parabolic.sglUpdateHigherItemScale(delegateIndex+1, newScale, step); } } else if ((newScale === 1) && (index > delegateIndex)) { updateScale(index, 1, 0); } } Component.onCompleted: { taskItem.abilities.parabolic.sglUpdateLowerItemScale.connect(sltUpdateLowerItemScale); taskItem.abilities.parabolic.sglUpdateHigherItemScale.connect(sltUpdateHigherItemScale); } Component.onDestruction: { taskItem.abilities.parabolic.sglUpdateLowerItemScale.disconnect(sltUpdateLowerItemScale); taskItem.abilities.parabolic.sglUpdateHigherItemScale.disconnect(sltUpdateHigherItemScale); } }