/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Michail Vourlakos SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ import QtQuick 2.7 import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0 import org.kde.latte.core 0.2 as LatteCore import "./layouter" as LayouterElements Item { property Item layouts: null property Item animations: null property Item indexer: null readonly property int fillApplets: startLayout.fillApplets + mainLayout.fillApplets + endLayout.fillApplets readonly property int shownApplets: startLayout.shownApplets + mainLayout.shownApplets + endLayout.shownApplets readonly property int sizeWithNoFillApplets: startLayout.sizeWithNoFillApplets + mainLayout.sizeWithNoFillApplets + endLayout.sizeWithNoFillApplets readonly property int maxLength: root.myView.alignment === LatteCore.Types.Justify ? contentsMaxLength : Math.min(root.minLength, contentsMaxLength) readonly property int contentsMaxLength: root.maxLength - background.totals.paddingsLength readonly property Item startLayout: LayouterElements.AppletsContainer { grid: layouts.startLayout } readonly property Item mainLayout: LayouterElements.AppletsContainer { grid: layouts.mainLayout } readonly property Item endLayout: LayouterElements.AppletsContainer { grid: layouts.endLayout } onFillAppletsChanged: layouter.updateSizeForAppletsInFill(); onShownAppletsChanged: layouter.updateSizeForAppletsInFill(); onSizeWithNoFillAppletsChanged: layouter.updateSizeForAppletsInFill(); //! FILLWIDTH/FILLHEIGHT COMPUTATIONS //! Computations in order to calculate correctly the sizes for applets //! that are requesting fillWidth or fillHeight //! qBound style function that is specialized in Layouts //! meaning that -1 values are ignored for fillWidth(s)/Height(s) function appletPreferredLength(min, pref, max){ if (max === -1) { max = pref === -1 ? min : pref; } if (pref === -1) { pref = max === -1 ? min : pref; } return Math.min(Math.max(min,pref),max); } //! initialize AppletItems flag "inFillCalculations" in order //! to inform them that new calculations are taking place function initLayoutForFillsCalculations(layout) { for(var i=0; i=0 && minSize!==Infinity ? minSize : -1; prefSize = minSize>=0 && prefSize!==Infinity ? prefSize : -1; //! Qt ignores maximumlength=0 for applets that have set Layout.fillLength flag //! this was tracked through bug #445869, mediacontroller_plus applet case maxSize = maxSize>0 && maxSize!== Infinity ? maxSize : -1; var appliedSize = -1; //! check if the applet does not provide any valid metrics and for that case //! the system must decide what space to be given after the applets that provide //! nice metrics are assigned their sizes //var systemDecide = ((minSize<0) && (prefSize<0) && (maxSize<0)); var staticsize = (minSize>=0 && (maxSize === minSize) && (maxSize !== Infinity)); var systemDecide = (prefSize<0 && !staticsize); if (!systemDecide) { if (noOfApplets>1) { appliedSize = appletPreferredLength(minSize, prefSize, maxSize); // console.log( "org.kde.latte s3_1 " + curApplet.pluginName + " : (" +minSize+","+prefSize+","+maxSize+") -> " + appliedSize); } else if (noOfApplets===1) { //! at this step if only one applet has remained for which the max size is not null, //! then for this applet we make sure the maximum size does not exceed the available space //! in order for the applet to not be drawn outside the boundaries appliedSize = appletPreferredLength(minSize, prefSize, Math.min(maxSize, sizePerApplet)); // console.log( "org.kde.latte s3_2 " + curApplet.pluginName + " : (" +minSize+","+prefSize+","+maxSize+") -> " + appliedSize); } //! appliedSize is valid and is also lower than the availableSpace, if it is not lower then //! for this applet the needed space will be provided as a second pass in a fair way //! between all remained applets that did not gain a valid fill space if (appliedSize>=0 && appliedSize<=sizePerApplet) { var properSize = Math.min(appliedSize, availableSpace); var adjustedSize = curApplet.isHidden ? 0 : properSize; if (inMaxAutoFillCalculations) { curApplet.maxAutoFillLength = adjustedSize; } else { curApplet.minAutoFillLength = adjustedSize; } curApplet.inFillCalculations = false; availableSpace = Math.max(0, availableSpace - curApplet.maxAutoFillLength); noOfApplets = noOfApplets - 1; sizePerApplet = noOfApplets > 1 ? Math.floor(availableSpace / noOfApplets) : availableSpace; // console.log( "org.kde.latte s3_3 " + curApplet.pluginName + " assigned: " + curApplet.maxAutoFillLength); } } // console.log("org.kde.latte s3_r " +curApplet.pluginName + " : " + availableSpace + " _ " + sizePerApplet + " _ " + noOfApplets + "\n"); } } return [availableSpace, sizePerApplet, noOfApplets]; } //! during step2/pass2 all the applets with fills //! that remained with no computations from pass1 //! are updated with the algorithm's proposed size function computeStep2ForLayout(layout, sizePerApplet, noOfApplets, inMaxAutoFillCalculations) { if (sizePerApplet>=0) { if (noOfApplets === 0) { //! when all applets have assigned some size and there is still free space, we must find //! the most demanding space applet and assign the remaining space to it var mostDemandingAppletSize = 0; var mostDemandingApplet = undefined; //! applets with no strong opinion var neutralAppletsNo = 0; var neutralApplets = []; for(var i=0; imostDemandingAppletSize) || (!inMaxAutoFillCalculations && curApplet.minAutoFillLength>mostDemandingAppletSize) )) { mostDemandingApplet = curApplet; mostDemandingAppletSize = inMaxAutoFillCalculations ? curApplet.maxAutoFillLength : curApplet.minAutoFillLength; } else if (isNeutral) { neutralAppletsNo = neutralAppletsNo + 1; neutralApplets.push(curApplet); } } } if (mostDemandingApplet) { //! the most demanding applet gains all the remaining space if (inMaxAutoFillCalculations) { mostDemandingApplet.maxAutoFillLength = mostDemandingApplet.maxAutoFillLength + sizePerApplet; } else { mostDemandingApplet.minAutoFillLength = mostDemandingApplet.minAutoFillLength + sizePerApplet; } /*if (inMaxAutoFillCalculations) { console.log(" org.kde.latte s4_1 "+ mostDemandingApplet.applet.pluginName + " assigned max : " + mostDemandingApplet.maxAutoFillLength + "\n"); } else { console.log(" org.kde.latte s4_1 "+ mostDemandingApplet.applet.pluginName + " assigned min: " + mostDemandingApplet.minAutoFillLength + "\n"); }*/ } else if (neutralAppletsNo>0) { //! if no demanding applets was found then the available space is splitted equally //! between all neutralApplets var adjustedAppletSize = (sizePerApplet / neutralAppletsNo); for (var j=0; j 0 ? availableSpace / noA : 0 ; var noStart = startLayout.fillApplets; var noMain = mainLayout.fillApplets; var noEnd = endLayout.fillApplets; //! initialize the computations initLayoutForFillsCalculations(startLayout.grid, inMaxAutoFillCalculations); initLayoutForFillsCalculations(mainLayout.grid, inMaxAutoFillCalculations); initLayoutForFillsCalculations(endLayout.grid, inMaxAutoFillCalculations); var res; // console.log(" org.kde.latte S3.1 main fill applets :: " + mainLayout.fillApplets); //! first pass if (mainLayout.fillApplets > 0){ res = computeStep1ForLayout(mainLayout.grid, availableSpace, sizePerAppletMain, noMain, inMaxAutoFillCalculations); sizePerAppletMain = res[1]; noMain = res[2]; var dif = (availableSpace - res[0]) / 2; availableSpaceStart = availableSpaceStart - dif; availableSpaceEnd = availableSpaceEnd - dif; } var sizePerAppletStart = startLayout.fillApplets > 0 ? availableSpaceStart / noStart : 0 ; var sizePerAppletEnd = endLayout.fillApplets > 0 ? availableSpaceEnd / noEnd : 0 ; if (startLayout.fillApplets > 0) { res = computeStep1ForLayout(startLayout.grid, availableSpaceStart, sizePerAppletStart, noStart, inMaxAutoFillCalculations); availableSpaceStart = res[0]; sizePerAppletStart = res[1]; noStart = res[2]; } if (endLayout.fillApplets > 0) { res = computeStep1ForLayout(endLayout.grid, availableSpaceEnd, sizePerAppletEnd, noEnd, inMaxAutoFillCalculations); availableSpaceEnd = res[0]; sizePerAppletEnd = res[1]; noEnd = res[2]; } //// //! second pass // console.log(" S ::: " +startLayout.fillApplets + " _ " + sizePerAppletStart + " _ " + noStart); if (startLayout.fillApplets > 0) { if (mainLayout.fillApplets > 0) { //! finally adjust ALL startLayout fill applets size in mainlayouts final length noStart = startLayout.fillApplets; sizePerAppletStart = ((max_length/2) - (mainLayout.grid.length/2) - startLayout.sizeWithNoFillApplets) / noStart; } computeStep2ForLayout(startLayout.grid, sizePerAppletStart, noStart, inMaxAutoFillCalculations); } if (endLayout.fillApplets > 0) { if (mainLayout.fillApplets > 0) { //! finally adjust ALL endLayout fill applets size in mainlayouts final length noEnd = endLayout.fillApplets; sizePerAppletEnd = ((max_length/2) - (mainLayout.grid.length/2) - endLayout.sizeWithNoFillApplets) / noEnd; } computeStep2ForLayout(endLayout.grid, sizePerAppletEnd, noEnd, inMaxAutoFillCalculations); } if (mainLayout.fillApplets > 0) { var halfRemained = (max_length/2) - (mainLayout.grid.length/2); var freeSpaceAfterStart = halfRemained - startLayout.grid.length; var freeSpaceBeforeEnd = halfRemained - endLayout.grid.length; if (freeSpaceAfterStart > 0 && freeSpaceBeforeEnd>0) { if (mainLayout.fillApplets > 0) { var minimumHalfAppletSizePossible = Math.min(freeSpaceAfterStart, freeSpaceBeforeEnd); sizePerAppletMain = Math.max(0, (minimumHalfAppletSizePossible * 2)/mainLayout.fillApplets); } computeStep2ForLayout(mainLayout.grid, sizePerAppletMain, noMain, inMaxAutoFillCalculations); //default behavior } } } function updateFillAppletsWithOneStep(inMaxAutoFillCalculations) { var max_length = inMaxAutoFillCalculations ? contentsMaxLength : root.minLength var noA = startLayout.fillApplets + mainLayout.fillApplets + endLayout.fillApplets; // console.log(" org.kde.latte S2 _ SIZES ::: " + max_length + " ___ " + inMaxAutoFillCalculations + " __ " + startLayout.sizeWithNoFillApplets + " ___ " + mainLayout.sizeWithNoFillApplets + " ___ " + endLayout.sizeWithNoFillApplets); var availableSpace = Math.max(0, max_length - startLayout.sizeWithNoFillApplets - mainLayout.sizeWithNoFillApplets - endLayout.sizeWithNoFillApplets); var sizePerApplet = availableSpace / noA; var res = initializationPhase(availableSpace, sizePerApplet, noA, inMaxAutoFillCalculations); availableSpace = res[0]; sizePerApplet = res[1]; noA = res[2]; // console.log("s4..."); //! after step1 there is a chance that all applets were assigned a valid space //! but at the same time some space remained free. In such case we make sure //! that remained space will be assigned to the most demanding applet. //! This is achieved by No values. For step2 passing value!=0 //! means default step2 behavior BUT value=0 means that remained space //! must be also assigned at the end. var remainedSpace = (noA === 0 && sizePerApplet > 0) ? true : false var startNo = -1; var mainNo = -1; var endNo = -1; if (remainedSpace) { if (startLayout.fillApplets > 0) { startNo = 0; } else if (endLayout.fillApplets > 0) { endNo = 0; } else if (mainLayout.fillApplets > 0) { mainNo = 0; } } //! second pass in order to update sizes for applet that want to fill space //! these applets get the direct division of the available free space that //! remained from step1 OR the the free available space that no applet requested yet computeStep2ForLayout(startLayout.grid, sizePerApplet, startNo, inMaxAutoFillCalculations); //default behavior computeStep2ForLayout(mainLayout.grid, sizePerApplet, mainNo, inMaxAutoFillCalculations); //default behavior computeStep2ForLayout(endLayout.grid, sizePerApplet, endNo, inMaxAutoFillCalculations); //default behavior // console.log(" org.kde.latte s5..."); } function _updateSizeForAppletsInFill() { if (inNormalFillCalculationsState) { // console.log(" org.kde.latte -------------"); // console.log(" org.kde.latte s1..."); var noA = startLayout.fillApplets + mainLayout.fillApplets + endLayout.fillApplets; if (noA === 0) { return; } var use_maximum_length = true; if (mainLayout.shownApplets === 0 || root.myView.alignment !== LatteCore.Types.Justify) { updateFillAppletsWithOneStep(use_maximum_length); updateFillAppletsWithOneStep(!use_maximum_length); } else { //! Justify mode in all remaining cases updateFillAppletsWithTwoSteps(use_maximum_length); updateFillAppletsWithTwoSteps(!use_maximum_length); } } } }