import QtQuick 2.0 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore Item{ id: wrapper opacity: 0 width: { if (!mainItemContainer.visible) return 0; if (mainItemContainer.isSeparator){ if (!root.vertical) return 5 + root.widthMargins; else return (root.iconSize + root.widthMargins) * mScale + root.statesLineSize; } if (mainItemContainer.isStartup && root.durationTime !==0 ) { var moreThickness = root.vertical ? addedSpace : 0; return cleanScalingWidth + moreThickness; } else { return showDelegateWidth; } } height: { if (!mainItemContainer.visible) return 0; if (mainItemContainer.isSeparator){ if (root.vertical) return 5 + root.heightMargins; else return (root.iconSize + root.heightMargins) * mScale + root.statesLineSize; } if (mainItemContainer.isStartup && root.durationTime !==0){ var moreThickness = !root.vertical ? addedSpace : 0; return cleanScalingHeight + moreThickness; } else { return showDelegateheight; } } //size needed fom the states below icons //property int statesLineSize: root.statesLineSize property int addedSpace: root.statesLineSize //7 property real showDelegateWidth: root.vertical ? basicScalingWidth+addedSpace : basicScalingWidth property real showDelegateheight: root.vertical ? basicScalingHeight : basicScalingHeight + addedSpace //scales which are used mainly for activating InLauncher ////Scalers/////// property bool inTempScaling: (((tempScaleWidth !== 1) || (tempScaleHeight !== 1) ) && (!mainItemContainer.mouseEntered) ) property real mScale: 1 property real tempScaleWidth: 1 property real tempScaleHeight: 1 property real scaleWidth: (inTempScaling == true) ? tempScaleWidth : mScale property real scaleHeight: (inTempScaling == true) ? tempScaleHeight : mScale property real cleanScalingWidth: (root.iconSize + root.widthMargins) * mScale property real cleanScalingHeight: (root.iconSize + root.heightMargins) * mScale property real basicScalingWidth : (inTempScaling == true) ? ((root.iconSize + root.widthMargins) * scaleWidth) : cleanScalingWidth property real basicScalingHeight : (inTempScaling == true) ? ((root.iconSize + root.heightMargins) * scaleHeight) : cleanScalingHeight property real regulatorWidth: mainItemContainer.isSeparator ? separatorRegWidth : basicScalingWidth; property real regulatorHeight: mainItemContainer.isSeparator ? separatorRegHeight : basicScalingHeight; property int separatorRegLength: root.vertical ? separatorRegWidth : separatorRegHeight property real separatorRegWidth: { if (!mainItemContainer.isSeparator) return 0; if (!root.vertical) return 5 + root.widthMargins; else return (root.iconSize + root.thickMargin) * wrapper.mScale; } property real separatorRegHeight: { if (!mainItemContainer.isSeparator) return 0; if (root.vertical) return 5 + root.heightMargins; else return (root.iconSize + root.thickMargin) * wrapper.mScale; } /// end of Scalers/////// //property int curIndex: icList.hoveredIndex // property int index: mainItemContainer.Positioner.index property real center: width / 2 signal runLauncherAnimation(); /* Rectangle{ anchors.fill: parent border.width: 1 border.color: "green" color: "transparent" }*/ Behavior on mScale { enabled: !root.globalDirectRender NumberAnimation { duration: 3 * mainItemContainer.animationTime } } Behavior on mScale { enabled: root.globalDirectRender NumberAnimation { duration: root.directRenderAnimationTime } } Flow{ anchors.bottom: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomPositioned) ? parent.bottom : undefined (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.TopPositioned) ? : undefined anchors.left: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftPositioned) ? parent.left : undefined anchors.right: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.RightPositioned) ? parent.right : undefined anchors.horizontalCenter: !root.vertical ? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined anchors.verticalCenter: root.vertical ? parent.verticalCenter : undefined width: wrapper.width height: wrapper.height flow: root.vertical ? Flow.TopToBottom : Flow.LeftToRight Loader{ id: firstIndicator active:( (((root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.TopPositioned) || (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftPositioned)) && !root.reverseLinesPosition) || (((root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomPositioned) || (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.RightPositioned)) && root.reverseLinesPosition) ) visible: active sourceComponent: Component{ TaskGroupItem{} } } TaskIconItem{} Loader{ id: secondIndicator active: ! visible: active sourceComponent: Component{ TaskGroupItem{} } } }//Flow //!this is used in order to update the index when the signal is for applets //!outside the latte plasmoid function updateIdSendScale(indx, zScale, zStep){ if ((indx>=0 && indx<=root.tasksCount-1) || (!root.latteDock)){ root.updateScale(indx, zScale, zStep); } else{ var appletId = latteDock.latteAppletPos; if (indx<0) appletId = latteDock.latteAppletPos + indx; else if (indx>root.tasksCount-1){ var step=indx-root.tasksCount+1; appletId = latteDock.latteAppletPos + step; } latteDock.updateScale(appletId, zScale, zStep); } } function calculateScales( currentMousePosition ){ if (root.editMode || root.zoomFactor===1 || root.durationTime===0) { return; } var distanceFromHovered = Math.abs(index - icList.hoveredIndex); // A new algorithm tryig to make the zoom calculation only once // and at the same time fixing glitches if ((distanceFromHovered == 0)&& (currentMousePosition > 0)&& (root.dragSource == null) ){ var rDistance = Math.abs(currentMousePosition - center); //check if the mouse goes right or down according to the center var positiveDirection = ((currentMousePosition - center) >= 0 ); var minimumZoom = 1; if(mainItemContainer.isSeparator){ //minimumZoom for separator item var tempZoomDifference = (root.missingSeparatorLength / (root.maxSeparatorLength+root.missingSeparatorLength)) * root.zoomFactor; minimumZoom = Math.max(tempZoomDifference, 1); } //finding the zoom center e.g. for zoom:1.7, calculates 0.35 var zoomCenter = ((root.zoomFactor + minimumZoom)/2) - 1; //computes the in the scale e.g. 0...0.35 according to the mouse distance //0.35 on the edge and 0 in the center var firstComputation = (rDistance / center) * (zoomCenter-minimumZoom+1); //calculates the scaling for the neighbour tasks var bigNeighbourZoom = Math.min(1 + zoomCenter + firstComputation, root.zoomFactor); var smallNeighbourZoom = Math.max(1 + zoomCenter - firstComputation, minimumZoom); //bigNeighbourZoom = Number(bigNeighbourZoom.toFixed(4)); //smallNeighbourZoom = Number(smallNeighbourZoom.toFixed(4)); var leftScale; var rightScale; if(positiveDirection === true){ rightScale = bigNeighbourZoom; leftScale = smallNeighbourZoom; } else { rightScale = smallNeighbourZoom; leftScale = bigNeighbourZoom; } //! compute the neighbour separator scales var bsNeighbourZoom = 1; var ssNeighbourZoom = 1; if(root.internalSeparatorPos>=0) { if((root.internalSeparatorPos === index+1) || (root.internalSeparatorPos === index-1) ){ var sepZoomDifference = (root.maxSeparatorLength / (root.maxSeparatorLength+root.missingSeparatorLength)) * root.zoomFactor; bsNeighbourZoom = Math.max(1,bigNeighbourZoom - sepZoomDifference); ssNeighbourZoom = Math.max(1,smallNeighbourZoom - sepZoomDifference); } } // console.debug(leftScale + " " + rightScale + " " + index); if(!root.hasInternalSeparator || Math.abs(index-root.internalSeparatorPos)>=2 || mainItemContainer.isSeparator){ //activate messages to update the the neighbour scales updateIdSendScale(index+1, rightScale, 0); updateIdSendScale(index-1, leftScale, 0); updateIdSendScale(index+2, 1, 0); updateIdSendScale(index-2, 1, 0); } else if(root.internalSeparatorPos>=0) { if(root.internalSeparatorPos === index+1){ if (!positiveDirection) { updateIdSendScale(index+2, ssNeighbourZoom, 0); } else { updateIdSendScale(index+2, bsNeighbourZoom, 0); } updateIdSendScale(index-1, leftScale, 0); updateIdSendScale(index+1, rightScale, 0); updateIdSendScale(index+3, 1, 0); updateIdSendScale(index-2, 1, 0); } else if(root.internalSeparatorPos === index-1) { if (!positiveDirection) { updateIdSendScale(index-2, bsNeighbourZoom, 0); } else { updateIdSendScale(index-2, ssNeighbourZoom, 0); } updateIdSendScale(index-1, leftScale, 0); updateIdSendScale(index+1, rightScale, 0); updateIdSendScale(index+2, 1, 0); updateIdSendScale(index-3, 1, 0); } } //Left hiddenSpacer if(((index === 0 )&&(icList.count > 1)) && !root.disableLeftSpacer){ hiddenSpacerLeft.nScale = leftScale - 1; } //Right hiddenSpacer if(((index === icList.count - 1 )&&(icList.count>1)) && (!root.disableRightSpacer)){ hiddenSpacerRight.nScale = rightScale - 1; } mScale = root.zoomFactor; } } //nScale function signalUpdateScale(nIndex, nScale, step){ if ((index === nIndex)&&(mainItemContainer.hoverEnabled)&&(waitingLaunchers.length===0)){ if(nScale >= 0) { mScale = nScale + step; } else { mScale = mScale + step; } // console.log(index+ ", "+mScale); } } function sendEndOfNeedBothAxisAnimation(){ if (mainItemContainer.isZoomed) { mainItemContainer.isZoomed = false; root.signalAnimationsNeedBothAxis(-1); } } onMScaleChanged: { if ((mScale === root.zoomFactor) && !root.directRenderTimerIsRunning && !root.globalDirectRender) { root.startEnableDirectRenderTimer(); } if ((mScale > 1) && !mainItemContainer.isZoomed) { mainItemContainer.isZoomed = true; root.signalAnimationsNeedBothAxis(1); } else if ((mScale == 1) && mainItemContainer.isZoomed) { sendEndOfNeedBothAxisAnimation(); } } Component.onCompleted: { root.updateScale.connect(signalUpdateScale); } }// Main task area // id:wrapper