/* * Copyright 2013 Michail Vourlakos * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 2.010-1301, USA. */ import QtQuick 2.1 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtQuick.Window 2.2 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents import org.kde.kquickcontrolsaddons 2.0 import org.kde.draganddrop 2.0 as DragDrop import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0 import org.kde.latte 0.1 as Latte import "LayoutManager.js" as LayoutManager DragDrop.DropArea { id: root objectName: "dockLayoutView" //// BEGIN SIGNALS signal clearZoomSignal(); signal updateIndexes(); //// ////BEGIN properties property bool debugMode: true property bool automaticSize: plasmoid.configuration.automaticIconSize property bool immutable: plasmoid.immutable property bool inStartup: true property bool isHorizontal: plasmoid.formFactor == PlasmaCore.Types.Horizontal property bool isVertical: !isHorizontal property bool isHovered: nowDock ? ((nowDockHoveredIndex !== -1) && (layoutsContainer.hoveredIndex !== -1)) //|| wholeArea.containsMouse : (layoutsContainer.hoveredIndex !== -1) //|| wholeArea.containsMouse property bool normalState : false property bool onlyAddingStarup: true //is used for the initialization phase in startup where there arent removals, this variable provides a way to grow icon size //FIXME: possibly this is going to be the default behavior, this user choice //has been dropped from the Dock Configuration Window //property bool smallAutomaticIconJumps: plasmoid.configuration.smallAutomaticIconJumps property bool smallAutomaticIconJumps: true property bool useThemePanel: noApplets === 0 ? true : plasmoid.configuration.useThemePanel property int animationsNeedBothAxis:0 //animations need space in both axes, e.g zooming a task property int animationsNeedLength: 0 // animations need length, e.g. adding a task property int animationsNeedThickness: 0 // animations need thickness, e.g. bouncing animation property int appletsAnimations: 0 //zoomed applets it is used basically on masking for magic window property int automaticIconSizeBasedSize: -1 //it is not set, this is the defautl property int iconSize: (automaticIconSizeBasedSize > 0 && plasmoid.immutable) ? Math.min(automaticIconSizeBasedSize, plasmoid.configuration.iconSize) : plasmoid.configuration.iconSize property int iconStep: 8 property int panelEdgeSpacing: iconSize / 3 //FIXME: this is not needed any more probably property int previousAllTasks: -1 //is used to forbit updateAutomaticIconSize when hovering property int realSize: iconSize + iconMargin property int realPanelSize property int themePanelSize: plasmoid.configuration.panelSize ///FIXME: I can't remember why this is needed, maybe for the anchorings!!! In order for the Double Layout to not mess the anchorings... property int mainLayoutPosition: !plasmoid.immutable ? Latte.Dock.Center : (root.isVertical ? Latte.Dock.Top : Latte.Dock.Left) ///FIXME: //property int panelAlignment: plasmoid.configuration.panelPosition !== Latte.Dock.Double ? plasmoid.configuration.panelPosition : mainLayoutPosition property int panelAlignment: plasmoid.immutable ? plasmoid.configuration.panelPosition : Latte.Dock.Center // property int panelAlignment: plasmoid.configuration.panelPosition property real zoomFactor: windowSystem.compositingActive ? ( 1 + (plasmoid.configuration.zoomLevel / 20) ) : 1 readonly property string plasmoidName: "org.kde.latte.plasmoid" property var iconsArray: [16, 22, 32, 48, 64, 96, 128, 256] property var layoutManager: LayoutManager property Item dragOverlay property Item toolBox property Item nowDockContainer property Item nowDock property QtObject dock // TO BE DELETED, if not needed: property int counter:0; ///BEGIN properties from nowDock property bool reverseLinesPosition: nowDock ? nowDock.reverseLinesPosition : false property int durationTime: nowDock ? nowDock.durationTime : 2 property int nowDockHoveredIndex: nowDock ? nowDock.hoveredIndex : -1 property int iconMargin: nowDock ? nowDock.iconMargin : 0.12 * iconSize property int statesLineSize: nowDock ? nowDock.statesLineSize : 0 property int tasksCount: nowDock ? nowDock.tasksCount : 0 ///END properties from nowDock /* Layout.preferredWidth: plasmoid.immutable ? (plasmoid.configuration.panelPosition === Latte.Dock.Double ? layoutsContainer.width + 0.5*iconMargin : mainLayout.width + iconMargin) : Screen.width //on unlocked state use the maximum Layout.preferredHeight: plasmoid.immutable ? (plasmoid.configuration.panelPosition === Latte.Dock.Double ? layoutsContainer.height + 0.5*iconMargin : mainLayout.height + iconMargin) : Screen.height //on unlocked state use the maximum*/ Plasmoid.backgroundHints: PlasmaCore.Types.NoBackground //// BEGIN properties in functions property int noApplets: { var count1 = 0; var count2 = 0; count1 = mainLayout.children.length; var tempLength = mainLayout.children.length; for (var i=tempLength-1; i>=0; --i) { var applet = mainLayout.children[i]; if (applet && (applet === dndSpacer || applet === lastSpacer || applet.isInternalViewSplitter)) count1--; } count2 = secondLayout.children.length; tempLength = secondLayout.children.length; for (var i=tempLength-1; i>=0; --i) { var applet = secondLayout.children[i]; if (applet && (applet === dndSpacer || applet === lastSpacer || applet.isInternalViewSplitter)) count2--; } return (count1 + count2); } ///The index of user's current icon size property int currentIconIndex:{ for(var i=iconsArray.length-1; i>=0; --i){ if(iconsArray[i] === iconSize){ return i; } } return 3; } //// END properties in functions ////////////////END properties //////////////////////////BEGIN states //user set Panel Positions // 0-Center, 1-Left, 2-Right, 3-Top, 4-Bottom states: [ ///Left Edge State { name: "leftCenter" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge)&&(root.panelAlignment === Latte.Dock.Center) AnchorChanges { target: mainLayout anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:undefined; left:parent.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:parent.verticalCenter} } PropertyChanges{ target: mainLayout; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignLeft; verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignVCenter; anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin:0; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin:0; } }, State { name: "leftTop" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge)&&(root.panelAlignment === Latte.Dock.Top) AnchorChanges { target: mainLayout anchors{ top:parent.top; bottom:undefined; left:parent.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } PropertyChanges{ target: mainLayout; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignLeft; verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignVCenter; anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin:0; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin:0; } }, State { name: "leftBottom" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge)&&(root.panelAlignment === Latte.Dock.Bottom) AnchorChanges { target: mainLayout anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:parent.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } PropertyChanges{ target: mainLayout; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignLeft; verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignVCenter; anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin:0; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin:0; } }, State { name: "leftDouble" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge)&&(root.panelAlignment === Latte.Dock.Double) AnchorChanges { target: mainLayout anchors{ top:parent.top; bottom:undefined; left:parent.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } PropertyChanges{ target: mainLayout; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignLeft; verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignVCenter; anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin:0; anchors.topMargin:panelEdgeSpacing/2; anchors.bottomMargin:0; } }, ///Right Edge State { name: "rightCenter" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge)&&(root.panelAlignment === Latte.Dock.Center) AnchorChanges { target: mainLayout anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:undefined; left:undefined; right:parent.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:parent.verticalCenter} } PropertyChanges{ target: mainLayout; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignRight; verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignVCenter; anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin:0; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin:0; } }, State { name: "rightTop" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge)&&(root.panelAlignment === Latte.Dock.Top) AnchorChanges { target: mainLayout anchors{ top:parent.top; bottom:undefined; left:undefined; right:parent.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } PropertyChanges{ target: mainLayout; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignRight; verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignVCenter; anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin:0; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin:0; } }, State { name: "rightBottom" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge)&&(root.panelAlignment === Latte.Dock.Bottom) AnchorChanges { target: mainLayout anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:undefined; right:parent.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } PropertyChanges{ target: mainLayout; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignRight; verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignVCenter; anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin:0; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin:0; } }, State { name: "rightDouble" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge)&&(root.panelAlignment === Latte.Dock.Double) AnchorChanges { target: mainLayout anchors{ top:parent.top; bottom:undefined; left:undefined; right:parent.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } PropertyChanges{ target: mainLayout; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignRight; verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignVCenter; anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin:0; anchors.topMargin:panelEdgeSpacing/2; anchors.bottomMargin:0; } }, ///Bottom Edge State { name: "bottomCenter" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge)&&(root.panelAlignment === Latte.Dock.Center) AnchorChanges { target: mainLayout anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:undefined; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:parent.horizontalCenter; verticalCenter:undefined} } PropertyChanges{ target: mainLayout; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignHCenter; verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignBottom anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin:0; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin:0; } }, State { name: "bottomLeft" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge)&&(root.panelAlignment === Latte.Dock.Left) AnchorChanges { target: mainLayout anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:parent.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } PropertyChanges{ target: mainLayout; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignHCenter; verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignBottom anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin:0; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin:0; } }, State { name: "bottomRight" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge)&&(root.panelAlignment === Latte.Dock.Right) AnchorChanges { target: mainLayout anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:undefined; right:parent.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } PropertyChanges{ target: mainLayout; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignHCenter; verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignBottom anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin:0; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin:0; } }, State { name: "bottomDouble" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge)&&(root.panelAlignment === Latte.Dock.Double) AnchorChanges { target: mainLayout anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:parent.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } PropertyChanges{ target: mainLayout; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignHCenter; verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignBottom anchors.leftMargin: panelEdgeSpacing/2; anchors.rightMargin:0; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin:0; } }, ///Top Edge State { name: "topCenter" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge)&&(root.panelAlignment === Latte.Dock.Center) AnchorChanges { target: mainLayout anchors{ top:parent.top; bottom:undefined; left:undefined; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:parent.horizontalCenter; verticalCenter:undefined} } PropertyChanges{ target: mainLayout; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignHCenter; verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignTop anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin:0; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin:0; } }, State { name: "topLeft" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge)&&(root.panelAlignment === Latte.Dock.Left) AnchorChanges { target: mainLayout anchors{ top:parent.top; bottom:undefined; left:parent.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } PropertyChanges{ target: mainLayout; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignHCenter; verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignTop anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin:0; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin:0; } }, State { name: "topRight" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge)&&(root.panelAlignment === Latte.Dock.Right) AnchorChanges { target: mainLayout anchors{ top:parent.top; bottom:undefined; left:undefined; right:parent.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } PropertyChanges{ target: mainLayout; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignHCenter; verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignTop anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin:0; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin:0; } }, State { name: "topDouble" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge)&&(root.panelAlignment === Latte.Dock.Double) AnchorChanges { target: mainLayout anchors{ top:parent.top; bottom:undefined; left:parent.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } PropertyChanges{ target: mainLayout; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignHCenter; verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignTop anchors.leftMargin: panelEdgeSpacing/2; anchors.rightMargin:0; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin:0; } } ] ////////////////END states //// BEGIN OF Behaviors Behavior on iconSize { NumberAnimation { duration: 200 } } //// END OF Behaviors //////////////START OF CONNECTIONS onAppletsAnimationsChanged: visibilityManager.updateMaskArea(); onDockChanged: { if (dock) { dock.visibility.onDisableHidingChanged.connect(visibilityManager.slotDisableHidingChanged); dock.visibility.onIsHoveredChanged.connect(visibilityManager.slotIsHoveredChanged); dock.visibility.onMustBeLowered.connect(visibilityManager.slotMustBeLowered); dock.visibility.onMustBeRaised.connect(visibilityManager.slotMustBeRaised); dock.visibility.onMustBeRaisedImmediately.connect(visibilityManager.slotMustBeRaisedImmediately); dock.visibility.onPanelVisibilityChanged.connect(visibilityManager.slotPanelVisibilityChanged); } } onDragEnter: { if (plasmoid.immutable) { event.ignore(); return; } var relevantLayout = mainLayout.mapFromItem(root, event.x, event.y); LayoutManager.insertAtCoordinates(dndSpacer, relevantLayout.x, relevantLayout.y) dndSpacer.opacity = 1; } onDragMove: { var relevantLayout = mainLayout.mapFromItem(root, event.x, event.y); LayoutManager.insertAtCoordinates(dndSpacer, relevantLayout.x, relevantLayout.y) dndSpacer.opacity = 1; } onDragLeave: { dndSpacer.opacity = 0; dndSpacer.parent = root; } onDrop: { var relevantLayout = mainLayout.mapFromItem(root, event.x, event.y); plasmoid.processMimeData(event.mimeData, relevantLayout.x, relevantLayout.y); event.accept(event.proposedAction); dndSpacer.opacity = 0; containmentSizeSyncTimer.restart(); } onIsHoveredChanged: { if (isHovered){ dock.visibility.showOnTopCheck(); } } onHeightChanged: { containmentSizeSyncTimer.restart() if (startupTimer.running) { startupTimer.restart(); } } onNowDockChanged: { if (nowDock) { nowDock.signalAnimationsNeedBothAxis.connect(slotAnimationsNeedBothAxis); nowDock.signalAnimationsNeedLength.connect(slotAnimationsNeedLength); nowDock.signalAnimationsNeedThickness.connect(slotAnimationsNeedThickness); nowDock.signalDraggingState.connect(slotDisableHiding); } } onToolBoxChanged: { containmentSizeSyncTimer.restart(); if (startupTimer.running) { startupTimer.restart(); } } onWidthChanged: { containmentSizeSyncTimer.restart() if (startupTimer.running) { startupTimer.restart(); } } // onIconSizeChanged: console.log("Icon Size Changed:"+iconSize); Component.onCompleted: { // currentLayout.isLayoutHorizontal = isHorizontal LayoutManager.plasmoid = plasmoid; LayoutManager.root = root; LayoutManager.layout = mainLayout; LayoutManager.lastSpacer = lastSpacer; LayoutManager.restore(); containmentSizeSyncTimer.restart(); plasmoid.action("configure").visible = !plasmoid.immutable; plasmoid.action("configure").enabled = !plasmoid.immutable; if (!plasmoid.immutable) { inStartup = false; } } Component.onDestruction: { console.log("Destroying Now Dock Panel..."); } Containment.onAppletAdded: { addApplet(applet, x, y); LayoutManager.save(); } Containment.onAppletRemoved: { LayoutManager.removeApplet(applet); var flexibleFound = false; for (var i = 0; i < mainLayout.children.length; ++i) { var applet = mainLayout.children[i].applet; if (applet && ((root.isHorizontal && applet.Layout.fillWidth) || (!root.isHorizontal && applet.Layout.fillHeight)) && applet.visible) { flexibleFound = true; break } } if (!flexibleFound) { lastSpacer.parent = mainLayout; } LayoutManager.save(); // magicWin.removeAppletItem(applet); } Plasmoid.onUserConfiguringChanged: { if (plasmoid.immutable) { if (dragOverlay) { dragOverlay.destroy(); } return; } if (plasmoid.userConfiguring) { console.log("applets------"); for (var i = 0; i < plasmoid.applets.length; ++i) { console.log("applet:"+i); plasmoid.applets[i].expanded = false; } if (!dragOverlay) { var component = Qt.createComponent("ConfigOverlay.qml"); if (component.status == Component.Ready) { dragOverlay = component.createObject(root); } else { console.log("Could not create ConfigOverlay"); console.log(component.errorString()); } component.destroy(); } else { dragOverlay.visible = true; } } else { if (dragOverlay) { dragOverlay.visible = false; dragOverlay.destroy(); } } } Plasmoid.onFormFactorChanged: containmentSizeSyncTimer.restart(); Plasmoid.onImmutableChanged: { containmentSizeSyncTimer.restart(); plasmoid.action("configure").visible = !plasmoid.immutable; plasmoid.action("configure").enabled = !plasmoid.immutable; updateLayouts(); ///Set Preferred Sizes/// ///Notice: they are set here because if they are set with a binding ///they break the !immutable experience, the dock becomes too small ///to add applets if (plasmoid.immutable) { if(root.isHorizontal) { root.Layout.preferredWidth = (plasmoid.configuration.panelPosition === Latte.Dock.Double ? layoutsContainer.width + 0.5*iconMargin : mainLayout.width + iconMargin); } else { root.Layout.preferredHeight = (plasmoid.configuration.panelPosition === Latte.Dock.Double ? layoutsContainer.height + 0.5*iconMargin : mainLayout.height + iconMargin); } } else { if (root.isHorizontal) { root.Layout.preferredWidth = Screen.width; } else { root.Layout.preferredHeight = Screen.height; } } if (plasmoid.immutable) { if (windowSystem.compositingActive) { // magicWin.initialize(); } dock.visibility.disableHiding = false; } else { dock.visibility.disableHiding = true; dock.visibility.mustBeRaised(); } visibilityManager.updateMaskArea(); // console.log(magicWin.visible + " - "+magicWin.x+" - " + magicWin.y+" - "+magicWin.width+" - "+magicWin.height); /* if (magicWin) { if (plasmoid.immutable) { if (windowSystem.compositingActive) { magicWin.initialize(); } else { magicWin.updateTransientThickness(); } magicWin.disableHiding = false; } else { magicWin.disableHiding = true; magicWin.mustBeRaised(); } }*/ } //////////////END OF CONNECTIONS //////////////START OF FUNCTIONS function addApplet(applet, x, y) { var container = appletContainerComponent.createObject(root) container.applet = applet; applet.parent = container.appletWrapper; applet.anchors.fill = container.appletWrapper; applet.visible = true; // don't show applet if it choses to be hidden but still make it // accessible in the panelcontroller container.visible = Qt.binding(function() { return applet.status !== PlasmaCore.Types.HiddenStatus || (!plasmoid.immutable && plasmoid.userConfiguring) }) addContainerInLayout(container, applet, x, y); // adding the AppletQuickItem to the Now Dock in order to be // used for right clicking events // magicWin.addAppletItem(applet); } function addContainerInLayout(container, applet, x, y){ // Is there a DND placeholder? Replace it! if (dndSpacer.parent === mainLayout) { LayoutManager.insertBefore(dndSpacer, container); dndSpacer.parent = root; return; // If the provided position is valid, use it. } else if (x >= 0 && y >= 0) { var index = LayoutManager.insertAtCoordinates(container, x , y); // Fall through to determining an appropriate insert position. } else { var before = null; container.animationsEnabled = false; if (lastSpacer.parent === mainLayout) { before = lastSpacer; } // Insert icons to the left of whatever is at the center (usually a Task Manager), // if it exists. // FIXME TODO: This is a real-world fix to produce a sensible initial position for // launcher icons added by launcher menu applets. The basic approach has been used // since Plasma 1. However, "add launcher to X" is a generic-enough concept and // frequent-enough occurence that we'd like to abstract it further in the future // and get rid of the uglyness of parties external to the containment adding applets // of a specific type, and the containment caring about the applet type. In a better // system the containment would be informed of requested launchers, and determine by // itself what it wants to do with that information. if (!startupTimer.running && applet.pluginName == "org.kde.plasma.icon") { var middle = mainLayout.childAt(root.width / 2, root.height / 2); if (middle) { before = middle; } // Otherwise if lastSpacer is here, enqueue before it. } if (before) { LayoutManager.insertBefore(before, container); // Fall through to adding at the end. } else { container.parent = mainLayout; } //event compress the enable of animations startupTimer.restart(); } //Important, removes the first children of the mainLayout after the first //applet has been added lastSpacer.parent = root; updateIndexes(); } function addInternalViewSplitter(pos){ if(!internalViewSplitterExists()){ var container = appletContainerComponent.createObject(root); container.isInternalViewSplitter = true; container.visible = true; if(pos >=0 ) layoutManager.insertAtIndex(container, pos); else layoutManager.insertAtIndex(container, Math.floor(mainLayout.count / 2)); layoutManager.save(); // addContainerInLayout(container, x, y); } } function checkLastSpacer() { lastSpacer.parent = root var expands = false; if (isHorizontal) { for (var container in mainLayout.children) { var item = mainLayout.children[container]; if (item.Layout && item.Layout.fillWidth) { expands = true; } } } else { for (var container in mainLayout.children) { var item = mainLayout.children[container]; if (item.Layout && item.Layout.fillHeight) { expands = true; } } } if (!expands) { lastSpacer.parent = mainLayout } } function checkLayoutsAnimatedLength() { //After the last animations we must check again after a small delay in order //to disable the automaticSizeUpdate if (animatedLengthTimer.running) { animatedLengthTimer.restart(); } else { animatedLengthTimer.start(); } if (!dock.visibility.isHovered && (root.animationsNeedBothAxis === 0) && (root.animationsNeedLength===0) && (root.appletsAnimations === 0)) { mainLayout.animatedLength = true; } else { mainLayout.animatedLength = false; } visibilityManager.updateMaskArea(); } function clearZoom(){ //console.log("Panel clear...."); if (dock.visibility.disableHiding) { return; } layoutsContainer.currentSpot = -1000; layoutsContainer.hoveredIndex = -1; root.clearZoomSignal(); } function containsMouse(){ var result = root.outsideContainsMouse(); if(result) return true; if(!result && nowDock && nowDock.outsideContainsMouse()){ layoutsContainer.hoveredIndex = nowDockContainer.index; return true; } if (nowDock){ nowDock.clearZoom(); } return false; } function internalViewSplitterExists(){ for (var container in mainLayout.children) { var item = mainLayout.children[container]; if(item && item.isInternalViewSplitter) return true; } return false; } function outsideContainsMouse(){ var applets = mainLayout.children; for(var i=0; i=0; --i){ if(iconsArray[i] === size){ return true; } } return false; } function slotAnimationsNeedBothAxis(value) { if (animationsNeedBothAxis === value) { return; } animationsNeedBothAxis = value; visibilityManager.updateMaskArea(); } function slotAnimationsNeedLength(value) { if (animationsNeedLength === value) { return; } animationsNeedLength = value; visibilityManager.updateMaskArea(); } function slotAnimationsNeedThickness(value) { if (animationsNeedThickness === value) { return; } animationsNeedThickness = value; visibilityManager.updateMaskArea(); } function slotDisableHiding(value) { dock.visibility.disableHiding = value; } function updateAutomaticIconSize() { if (visibilityManager.normalState && !animatedLengthTimer.running && plasmoid.immutable && (iconSize===plasmoid.configuration.iconSize || iconSize === automaticIconSizeBasedSize) ) { var layoutLength; var maxLength = dock.maxLength; // console.log("------Entered check-----"); if (root.isVertical) { layoutLength = (plasmoid.configuration.panelPosition === Latte.Dock.Double) ? mainLayout.height+secondLayout.height : mainLayout.height } else { layoutLength = (plasmoid.configuration.panelPosition === Latte.Dock.Double) ? mainLayout.width+secondLayout.width : mainLayout.width } var toShrinkLimit = maxLength-(zoomFactor*(iconSize+2*iconMargin)); var toGrowLimit = maxLength-1.5*(zoomFactor*(iconSize+2*iconMargin)); if (layoutLength > toShrinkLimit) { //must shrink // console.log("step3"); var nextIconSize = plasmoid.configuration.iconSize; do { nextIconSize = nextIconSize - iconStep; var factor = nextIconSize / iconSize; var nextLength = factor * layoutLength; } while ( (nextLength>toShrinkLimit) && (nextIconSize !== 16)); automaticIconSizeBasedSize = nextIconSize; // console.log("Step 3 - found:"+automaticIconSizeBasedSize); } else if ((layoutLength 0) { if (foundGoodSize === plasmoid.configuration.iconSize) { automaticIconSizeBasedSize = -1; } else { automaticIconSizeBasedSize = foundGoodSize; } // console.log("Step 4 - found:"+automaticIconSizeBasedSize); } else { // console.log("Step 4 - did not found..."); } } } } function updateLayouts(){ if(plasmoid.immutable){ var splitter = -1; var totalChildren = mainLayout.children.length; for (var i=0; i=0; --i) { var item2 = secondLayout.children[0]; item2.parent = mainLayout; } } updateIndexes(); } //END functions ////BEGIN interfaces Latte.WindowSystem { id:windowSystem } ////END interfaces ///////////////BEGIN components Component { id: appletContainerComponent AppletItem{} } ///////////////END components ///////////////BEGIN UI elements Item { id: lastSpacer parent: mainLayout Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true Rectangle{ anchors.fill: parent color: "transparent" border.color: "yellow" border.width: 1 } } Item { id: dndSpacer property int normalSize: root.statesLineSizeOriginal + plasmoid.configuration.iconSize + root.iconMarginOriginal - 1 width: normalSize height: normalSize Layout.preferredWidth: width Layout.preferredHeight: height opacity: 0 AddWidgetVisual{} } Loader{ anchors.fill: parent active: root.debugMode sourceComponent: Item{ Rectangle{ anchors.fill: parent color: "yellow" opacity: 0.30 } } } /* MouseArea{ id: wholeArea anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true onEntered: { showWindow(); } onExited: { if (plasmoid.immutable && magicWin && !magicWin.isHovered && ((magicWin.panelVisibility === Latte.Dock.AutoHide) || magicWin.isDockWindowType) ) { hideMagicWindowInAutoHide.start(); } } onPositionChanged: { showWindow(); } function showWindow() { if (plasmoid.immutable && magicWin && ((magicWin.panelVisibility === Latte.Dock.AutoHide) || magicWin.isDockWindowType) ) { magicWin.updateMaskArea(); magicWin.mustBeRaised(); } else { magicWin.showOnTopCheck(); } } }*/ VisibilityManager{ id: visibilityManager // window: dock } Item{ id: layoutsContainer signal updateScale(int delegateIndex, real newScale, real step) // property bool parentMagicWinFlag: plasmoid.immutable && magicWin && !root.inStartup && windowSystem.compositingActive //&& !(root.inStartup && magicWin.panelVisibility === Latte.Dock.AutoHide) property int allCount: root.nowDock ? mainLayout.count-1+nowDock.tasksCount : mainLayout.count property int currentSpot: -1000 property int hoveredIndex: -1 x: (plasmoid.configuration.panelPosition === Latte.Dock.Double) && root.isHorizontal && plasmoid.immutable && windowSystem.compositingActive ? (dock.width/2) - (dock.visibility.maxLength/2): 0 y: (plasmoid.configuration.panelPosition === Latte.Dock.Double) && root.isVertical && plasmoid.immutable && windowSystem.compositingActive ? (dock.height/2) - (dock.visibility.maxLength/2): 0 width: (plasmoid.configuration.panelPosition === Latte.Dock.Double) && root.isHorizontal && plasmoid.immutable ? dock.visibility.maxLength : parent.width height: (plasmoid.configuration.panelPosition === Latte.Dock.Double) && root.isVertical && plasmoid.immutable ? dock.visibility.maxLength : parent.height Component.onCompleted: { if(plasmoid.immutable) { opacity = 0; } else { opacity = 1; } } /* onParentChanged: { if (magicWin && magicWin.contentItem && (parent === magicWin.contentItem)) { magicWin.updateMaskArea(); } } onParentMagicWinFlagChanged: { if (parentMagicWinFlag) { opacity = 0; // magicWin.visible = true; parent = magicWin.contentItem; magicWin.initializeSlidingInAnimation(); } else { parent = root; if (!windowSystem.compositingActive) { // magicWin.visible = false; magicWin.updateTransientThickness(); } } }*/ Loader{ anchors.fill: parent // FIX IT && TEST IT: it is crashing Plasma with two Now Docks one of which has only // task manager (small) //active: root.useThemePanel active: windowSystem.compositingActive sourceComponent: PanelBox{} } // This is the main Layout, in contrary with the others Grid{ id: mainLayout columns: root.isVertical ? 1 : 0 columnSpacing: 0 flow: isHorizontal ? Grid.LeftToRight : Grid.TopToBottom rows: root.isHorizontal ? 1 : 0 rowSpacing: 0 Layout.preferredWidth: width Layout.preferredHeight: height property bool animatedLength: false property int count: children.length onHeightChanged: { if (root.isVertical && plasmoid.immutable) { checkLayoutsAnimatedLength(); } } onWidthChanged: { if (root.isHorizontal && plasmoid.immutable) { checkLayoutsAnimatedLength(); } } } Grid{ id:secondLayout columns: root.isVertical ? 1 : 0 columnSpacing: 0 flow: isHorizontal ? Grid.LeftToRight : Grid.TopToBottom rows: root.isHorizontal ? 1 : 0 rowSpacing: 0 Layout.preferredWidth: width Layout.preferredHeight: height // anchors.right: parent.right // anchors.bottom: parent.bottom property int beginIndex: 100 property int count: children.length states:[ State { name: "bottom" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge)&&(root.panelAlignment === Latte.Dock.Double) AnchorChanges { target: secondLayout anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:undefined; right:parent.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } PropertyChanges{ target: secondLayout; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignHCenter; verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignBottom anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin:panelEdgeSpacing/2; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin:0; } }, State { name: "left" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge)&&(root.panelAlignment === Latte.Dock.Double) AnchorChanges { target: secondLayout anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:parent.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } PropertyChanges{ target: secondLayout; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignLeft; verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignVCenter; anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin:0; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin:panelEdgeSpacing/2; } }, State { name: "right" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge)&&(root.panelAlignment === Latte.Dock.Double) AnchorChanges { target: secondLayout anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:undefined; right:parent.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } PropertyChanges{ target: secondLayout; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignRight; verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignVCenter; anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin:0; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin:panelEdgeSpacing/2; } }, State { name: "top" when: (plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge)&&(root.panelAlignment === Latte.Dock.Double) AnchorChanges { target: secondLayout anchors{ top:parent.top; bottom:undefined; left:undefined; right:parent.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } PropertyChanges{ target: secondLayout; horizontalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignHCenter; verticalItemAlignment: Grid.AlignTop anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin:panelEdgeSpacing/2; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin:0; } } ] } } ///////////////END UI elements ///////////////BEGIN TIMER elements Timer { id:hideMagicWindowInAutoHide interval:2500 //it is used in activity change situation property bool forcedDisableHiding: false onTriggered: { if (forcedDisableHiding) { forcedDisableHiding = false; dock.visibility.disableHiding = false; } var visibility = dock.visibility; if (plasmoid.immutable && !visibility.isHovered //&& !wholeArea.containsMouse && ((visibility.panelVisibility === Latte.Dock.AutoHide) || visibility.isDockWindowType) ) { visibility.mustBeLowered(); } } } Timer { id: animatedLengthTimer interval: 150 onTriggered: { // if (!magicWin.isHovered && (appletsAnimations === 0) // && (root.animationsNeedLength === 0) && (root.animationsNeedBothAxis === 0)) { if ((appletsAnimations === 0) && (root.animationsNeedLength === 0) && (root.animationsNeedBothAxis === 0)) { mainLayout.animatedLength = false; visibilityManager.updateMaskArea(); } } } //Timer to check if the mouse is still inside the ListView Timer{ id:checkListHovered repeat:false; interval:120; onTriggered: { if(!root.containsMouse()) root.clearZoom(); } } Timer { id: containmentSizeSyncTimer interval: 150 onTriggered: { dndSpacer.parent = root; // currentLayout.x = (Qt.application.layoutDirection === Qt.RightToLeft && !plasmoid.immutable) ? toolBox.width : 0; // currentLayout.y = 0 /* currentLayout.width = root.width - (isHorizontal && toolBox && !plasmoid.immutable ? toolBox.width : 0) currentLayout.height = root.height - (!isHorizontal && toolBox && !plasmoid.immutable ? toolBox.height : 0) */ // currentLayout.isLayoutHorizontal = isHorizontal } } //FIXME: I don't see other ways at the moment a way to see when the UI is REALLY ready Timer { id: startupTimer interval: 4000 onTriggered: { for (var i = 0; i < mainLayout.children.length; ++i) { if ( mainLayout.children[i].hasOwnProperty('animationsEnabled') ) { mainLayout.children[i].animationsEnabled = true; } } inStartup = false; } } ///////////////END TIMER elements }