/* * Copyright 2016 Smith AR <audoban@openmailbox.org> * Michail Vourlakos <mvourlakos@gmail.com> * * This file is part of Latte-Dock * * Latte-Dock is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Latte-Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "xwindowinterface.h" #include "../liblattedock/extras.h" #include <QDebug> #include <QTimer> #include <QtX11Extras/QX11Info> #include <KWindowSystem> #include <KWindowInfo> #include <NETWM> namespace Latte { XWindowInterface::XWindowInterface(QObject *parent) : AbstractWindowInterface(parent) { m_activities = new KActivities::Consumer(this); connect(KWindowSystem::self(), &KWindowSystem::activeWindowChanged , this, &AbstractWindowInterface::activeWindowChanged); connect(KWindowSystem::self() , static_cast<void (KWindowSystem::*)(WId, NET::Properties, NET::Properties2)> (&KWindowSystem::windowChanged) , this, &XWindowInterface::windowChangedProxy); auto addWindow = [&](WId wid) { if (std::find(m_windows.cbegin(), m_windows.cend(), wid) == m_windows.cend()) { if (isValidWindow(KWindowInfo(wid, NET::WMWindowType))) { m_windows.push_back(wid); emit windowAdded(wid); } } }; connect(KWindowSystem::self(), &KWindowSystem::windowAdded, this, addWindow); connect(KWindowSystem::self(), &KWindowSystem::windowRemoved, [this](WId wid) { if (std::find(m_windows.cbegin(), m_windows.cend(), wid) != m_windows.end()) { m_windows.remove(wid); emit windowRemoved(wid); } }); connect(KWindowSystem::self(), &KWindowSystem::currentDesktopChanged , this, &XWindowInterface::currentDesktopChanged); connect(m_activities.data(), &KActivities::Consumer::currentActivityChanged , this, &XWindowInterface::currentActivityChanged); // fill windows list foreach (const auto &wid, KWindowSystem::self()->windows()) { addWindow(wid); } } XWindowInterface::~XWindowInterface() { qDebug() << "x window interface deleting..."; } void XWindowInterface::setDockExtraFlags(QQuickWindow &view) { NETWinInfo winfo(QX11Info::connection() , static_cast<xcb_window_t>(view.winId()) , static_cast<xcb_window_t>(view.winId()) , 0, 0); winfo.setAllowedActions(NET::ActionChangeDesktop); KWindowSystem::setType(view.winId(), NET::Dock); KWindowSystem::setState(view.winId(), NET::SkipTaskbar | NET::SkipPager); KWindowSystem::setOnAllDesktops(view.winId(), true); KWindowSystem::setOnActivities(view.winId(), {"0"}); } void XWindowInterface::setDockStruts(WId dockId, const QRect &dockRect, Plasma::Types::Location location) const { NETExtendedStrut strut; switch (location) { case Plasma::Types::TopEdge: strut.top_width = dockRect.height(); strut.top_start = dockRect.x(); strut.top_end = dockRect.x() + dockRect.width() - 1; break; case Plasma::Types::BottomEdge: strut.bottom_width = dockRect.height(); strut.bottom_start = dockRect.x(); strut.bottom_end = dockRect.x() + dockRect.width() - 1; break; case Plasma::Types::LeftEdge: strut.left_width = dockRect.width(); strut.left_start = dockRect.y(); strut.left_end = dockRect.y() + dockRect.height() - 1; break; case Plasma::Types::RightEdge: strut.right_width = dockRect.width(); strut.right_start = dockRect.y(); strut.right_end = dockRect.y() + dockRect.height() - 1; break; default: qWarning() << "wrong location:" << qEnumToStr(location); return; } KWindowSystem::setExtendedStrut(dockId, strut.left_width, strut.left_start, strut.left_end, strut.right_width, strut.right_start, strut.right_end, strut.top_width, strut.top_start, strut.top_end, strut.bottom_width, strut.bottom_start, strut.bottom_end ); } void XWindowInterface::removeDockStruts(WId dockId) const { KWindowSystem::setStrut(dockId, 0, 0, 0, 0); } WId XWindowInterface::activeWindow() const { return KWindowSystem::self()->activeWindow(); } const std::list<WId> &XWindowInterface::windows() const { return m_windows; } void XWindowInterface::skipTaskBar(const QDialog &dialog) const { KWindowSystem::setState(dialog.winId(), NET::SkipTaskbar); } void XWindowInterface::slideWindow(QQuickWindow &view, AbstractWindowInterface::Slide location) const { auto slideLocation = KWindowEffects::NoEdge; switch (location) { case Slide::Top: slideLocation = KWindowEffects::TopEdge; break; case Slide::Bottom: slideLocation = KWindowEffects::BottomEdge; break; case Slide::Left: slideLocation = KWindowEffects::LeftEdge; break; case Slide::Right: slideLocation = KWindowEffects::RightEdge; break; default: break; } KWindowEffects::slideWindow(view.winId(), slideLocation, -1); } void XWindowInterface::enableBlurBehind(QQuickWindow &view) const { KWindowEffects::enableBlurBehind(view.winId()); } WindowInfoWrap XWindowInterface::requestInfoActive() const { return requestInfo(KWindowSystem::activeWindow()); } bool XWindowInterface::isOnCurrentDesktop(WId wid) const { KWindowInfo winfo(wid, NET::WMDesktop); return winfo.valid() && winfo.isOnCurrentDesktop(); } WindowInfoWrap XWindowInterface::requestInfo(WId wid) const { const KWindowInfo winfo{wid, NET::WMFrameExtents | NET::WMWindowType | NET::WMGeometry | NET::WMState}; WindowInfoWrap winfoWrap; if (isValidWindow(winfo)) { winfoWrap.setIsValid(true); winfoWrap.setWid(wid); winfoWrap.setIsActive(KWindowSystem::activeWindow() == wid); winfoWrap.setIsMinimized(winfo.hasState(NET::Hidden)); winfoWrap.setIsMaxVert(winfo.hasState(NET::MaxVert)); winfoWrap.setIsMaxHoriz(winfo.hasState(NET::MaxHoriz)); winfoWrap.setIsFullscreen(winfo.hasState(NET::FullScreen)); winfoWrap.setGeometry(winfo.frameGeometry()); } else if (m_desktopId == wid) { winfoWrap.setIsValid(true); winfoWrap.setIsPlasmaDesktop(true); winfoWrap.setWid(wid); } return winfoWrap; } bool XWindowInterface::isValidWindow(const KWindowInfo &winfo) const { constexpr auto types = NET::DockMask | NET::MenuMask | NET::SplashMask | NET::NormalMask; auto winType = winfo.windowType(types); if (winType == -1) { // Trying to get more types for verify if the window have any other type winType = winfo.windowType(~types & NET::AllTypesMask); if (winType == -1) { qWarning() << KWindowInfo(winfo.win(), 0, NET::WM2WindowClass).windowClassName() << "doesn't have any WindowType, assuming as NET::Normal"; return true; } } return !((winType & NET::Menu) || (winType & NET::Dock) || (winType & NET::Splash)); } void XWindowInterface::windowChangedProxy(WId wid, NET::Properties prop1, NET::Properties2 prop2) { //! if the dock changed is ignored if (std::find(m_docks.cbegin(), m_docks.cend(), wid) != m_docks.cend()) return; const auto winType = KWindowInfo(wid, NET::WMWindowType).windowType(NET::DesktopMask); if (winType != -1 && (winType & NET::Desktop)) { m_desktopId = wid; emit windowChanged(wid); return; } //! ignore when, eg: the user presses a key if (prop1 == 0 && prop2 == NET::WM2UserTime) { return; } if (prop1 && !(prop1 & NET::WMState || prop1 & NET::WMGeometry || prop1 & NET::ActiveWindow)) return; emit windowChanged(wid); } }