/* * Copyright 2016 Smith AR * Michail Vourlakos * * This file is part of Latte-Dock * * Latte-Dock is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Latte-Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0 import org.kde.taskmanager 0.1 as TaskManager import org.kde.plasma.private.taskmanager 0.1 as TaskManagerApplet import org.kde.activities 0.1 as Activities import org.kde.latte 0.2 as Latte import "task" as Task import "../code/tools.js" as TaskTools import "../code/activitiesTools.js" as ActivitiesTools import "../code/ColorizerTools.js" as ColorizerTools Item { id:root // Layout.fillHeight: userPanelPosition === 0 ? true : false // Layout.fillWidth: userPanelPosition === 0 ? true : false ///IMPORTANT: These values must be tested when the Now Dock Panel support ///also the four new anchors. A small issue is shown between the animation /// of the now dock plasmoid and the neighbour widgets... Layout.minimumWidth: (userPanelPosition !== 0)&&(!latteView) ? clearWidth : -1 Layout.minimumHeight: (userPanelPosition !== 0)&&(!latteView) ? clearHeight : -1 Layout.preferredWidth: (userPanelPosition !== 0)&&(!latteView) ? tasksWidth : -1 Layout.preferredHeight: (userPanelPosition !== 0)&&(!latteView) ? tasksHeight : -1 LayoutMirroring.enabled: Qt.application.layoutDirection === Qt.RightToLeft && !root.vertical LayoutMirroring.childrenInherit: true property bool debugLocation: false //it is used to check both the applet and the containment for direct render property bool globalDirectRender: latteView ? latteView.globalDirectRender : icList.directRender property bool plasma515: Latte.WindowSystem.plasmaDesktopVersion >= Latte.WindowSystem.makeVersion(5,14,90) property bool editMode: latteView ? latteView.editMode : plasmoid.userConfiguring property bool disableRestoreZoom: false //blocks restore animation in rightClick property bool disableAllWindowsFunctionality: root.showWindowsOnlyFromLaunchers && root.activeIndicator === Latte.Types.NoneIndicator property bool dropNewLauncher: false readonly property bool hasInternalSeparator: parabolicManager.hasInternalSeparator property bool inActivityChange: false property bool inDraggingPhase: false property bool initializationStep: false //true property bool isHovered: false property bool showBarLine: plasmoid.configuration.showBarLine property bool showTasksNumbers: false property int tasksNumbersBase: 0 property bool useThemePanel: plasmoid.configuration.useThemePanel property bool taskInAnimation: noTasksInAnimation > 0 ? true : false property bool transparentPanel: plasmoid.configuration.transparentPanel property bool vertical: ((root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftPositioned) || (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.RightPositioned)) ? true : false property int clearWidth property int clearHeight property int newLocationDebugUse: PlasmaCore.Types.BottomPositioned property int newDroppedPosition: -1 property int noInitCreatedBuffers: 0 property int noTasksInAnimation: 0 property int themePanelSize: plasmoid.configuration.panelSize property int position : PlasmaCore.Types.BottomPositioned property int tasksStarting: 0 property int realSize: iconSize + iconMargin ///Don't use Math.floor it adds one pixel in animations and creates glitches property int widthMargins: root.vertical ? thickMargin : iconMargin property int heightMargins: !root.vertical ? thickMargin : iconMargin property real textColorBrightness: ColorizerTools.colorBrightness(theme.textColor) property color minimizedDotColor: { if (latteView) { return latteView.minimizedDotColor; } return textColorBrightness > 127.5 ? Qt.darker(theme.textColor, 1.7) : Qt.lighter(theme.textColor, 7) } //a small badgers record (id,value) //in order to track badgers when there are changes //in launcher reference from libtaskmanager property variant badgers:[] property variant launchersOnActivities: [] property variant waitingLaunchers: [] //! launchers that are shown after a window removal and must be shown //! immediately because they are already present! property variant immediateLaunchers: [] //global plasmoid reference to the context menu property QtObject contextMenu: null property QtObject contextMenuComponent: Qt.createComponent("ContextMenu.qml"); property Item dragSource: null property Item parabolicManager: _parabolicManager //separator calculations based on audoban's design property int maxSeparatorLength: { if (root.vertical) return 5 + heightMargins; else return 5 + widthMargins; } property real missingSeparatorLength: { if (!root.isVertical) return ((iconSize + widthMargins) * zoomFactor) - maxSeparatorLength; else return ((iconSize + heightMargins) * zoomFactor) - maxSeparatorLength; } //! it is used to play the animation correct when the user removes a launcher property string launcherForRemoval: "" //BEGIN Latte Dock properties property bool dockIsShownCompletely: latteView ? latteView.dockIsShownCompletely : true property bool enableShadows: latteView ? latteView.enableShadows > 0 : plasmoid.configuration.showShadows property bool forceHidePanel: false property bool directRenderDelayerIsRunning: latteView ? latteView.directRenderDelayerIsRunning : directRenderDelayerForEnteringTimer.running property bool disableLeftSpacer: false property bool disableRightSpacer: false property bool dockIsHidden: latteView ? latteView.dockIsHidden : false property bool groupTasksByDefault: latteView ? latteView.groupTasksByDefault: true property bool highlightWindows: latteView ? latteView.hoverAction === Latte.Types.HighlightWindows || latteView.hoverAction === Latte.Types.PreviewAndHighlightWindows : plasmoid.configuration.highlightWindows property bool indicateAudioStreams: latteView ? latteView.indicateAudioStreams : plasmoid.configuration.indicateAudioStreams property bool mouseWheelActions: latteView ? latteView.mouseWheelActions : true property bool reverseLinesPosition: latteView ? latteView.reverseLinesPosition : plasmoid.configuration.reverseLinesPosition property bool dotsOnActive: latteView ? latteView.dotsOnActive : plasmoid.configuration.dotsOnActive property bool showGlow: latteView ? latteView.showGlow : plasmoid.configuration.showGlow property bool glow3D: latteView ? latteView.glow3D : false property bool showOnlyCurrentScreen: latteView ? latteView.showOnlyCurrentScreen : plasmoid.configuration.showOnlyCurrentScreen property bool showOnlyCurrentDesktop: latteView ? latteView.showOnlyCurrentDesktop : plasmoid.configuration.showOnlyCurrentDesktop property bool showOnlyCurrentActivity: latteView ? latteView.showOnlyCurrentActivity : plasmoid.configuration.showOnlyCurrentActivity property bool showPreviews: latteView ? latteView.hoverAction === Latte.Types.PreviewWindows || latteView.hoverAction === Latte.Types.PreviewAndHighlightWindows : plasmoid.configuration.showToolTips property bool showWindowActions: latteView ? latteView.showWindowActions : plasmoid.configuration.showWindowActions property bool showWindowsOnlyFromLaunchers: latteView ? latteView.showWindowsOnlyFromLaunchers : false property bool smartLaunchersEnabled: latteView ? latteView.smartLaunchersEnabled : plasmoid.configuration.smartLaunchersEnabled property bool threeColorsWindows: latteView ? latteView.threeColorsWindows : plasmoid.configuration.threeColorsWindows property bool titleTooltips: latteView ? latteView.titleTooltips : false property alias windowPreviewIsShown: windowsPreviewDlg.visible property int activeIndicator: latteView ? latteView.activeIndicator : Latte.Types.AllIndicator property int activeIndicatorType: latteView ? latteView.activeIndicatorType : Latte.Types.LineIndicator property int animationStep: latteView ? latteView.animationStep : 1 property int directRenderAnimationTime: latteView ? latteView.directRenderAnimationTime : 0 property int dockHoveredIndex : latteView ? latteView.hoveredIndex : -1 property int iconMargin: latteView ? latteView.iconMargin : 0.12*iconSize property int iconSize: latteView ? latteView.iconSize : Math.max(plasmoid.configuration.iconSize, 16) property int glowOption: latteView ? latteView.glowOption : Latte.Types.GlowAll property real glowOpacity: latteView ? latteView.glowOpacity : 0.35 property int leftClickAction: latteView ? latteView.leftClickAction : Latte.Types.PresentWindows property int middleClickAction: latteView ? latteView.middleClickAction : plasmoid.configuration.middleClickAction property int hoverAction: latteView ? latteView.hoverAction : Latte.Types.NoneAction property int modifier: latteView ? latteView.modifier : -1 property int modifierClickAction: latteView ? latteView.modifierClickAction : -1 property int modifierClick: latteView ? latteView.modifierClick : -1 property int modifierQt:{ if (modifier === Latte.Types.Shift) return Qt.ShiftModifier; else if (modifier === Latte.Types.Ctrl) return Qt.ControlModifier; else if (modifier === Latte.Types.Alt) return Qt.AltModifier; else if (modifier === Latte.Types.Meta) return Qt.MetaModifier; else return -1; } //decouple iconMargin which now is used only for length calculations with thickMargins //which are used for thickness calculations property int thickMarginBase: latteView ? latteView.thickMarginBase : Math.ceil(iconMargin/2) property int thickMarginHigh: latteView ? latteView.thickMarginHigh : Math.ceil(iconMargin/2) property int thickMargin: thickMarginBase + thickMarginHigh property int statesLineSize: latteView ? latteView.statesLineSize : Math.ceil( root.iconSize/13 ) property int tasksHeight: mouseHandler.height property int tasksWidth: mouseHandler.width property int userPanelPosition: latteView ? latteView.panelAlignment : plasmoid.configuration.plasmoidPosition property real durationTime: latteView ? latteView.durationTime : plasmoid.configuration.durationTime property real zoomFactor: latteView ? latteView.zoomFactor : ( 1 + (plasmoid.configuration.zoomLevel / 20) ) property int appShadowSize: latteView ? latteView.appShadowSize : Math.ceil(0.12*iconSize) property string appShadowColor: latteView ? latteView.appShadowColor : "#ff080808" property string appShadowColorSolid: latteView ? latteView.appShadowColorSolid : "#ff080808" property alias tasksCount: tasksModel.count property alias hoveredIndex: icList.hoveredIndex property QtObject currentLayout : latteView && latteView.managedLayout ? latteView.managedLayout : null property var badgesForActivate: latteView ? latteView.badgesForActivate : [] property var managedLayoutName: currentLayout ? currentLayout.name : "" property Item latteView: null //END Latte Dock Panel properties //BEGIN Latte Dock Communicator property QtObject latteBridge: null onLatteBridgeChanged: { if (latteBridge) { latteBridge.actions.setProperty(plasmoid.id, "disableLatteSideColoring", true); } } //END Latte Dock Communicator Plasmoid.preferredRepresentation: Plasmoid.fullRepresentation Plasmoid.backgroundHints: PlasmaCore.Types.NoBackground signal clearZoomSignal(); signal draggingFinished(); signal hiddenTasksUpdated(); signal launchersUpdatedFor(string launcher); signal presentWindows(variant winIds); signal requestLayout; signal separatorsUpdated(); signal signalActionsBlockHiding(int value); signal signalAnimationsNeedBothAxis(int value); signal signalAnimationsNeedLength(int value); signal signalAnimationsNeedThickness(int value); signal signalPreviewsShown(); //signal signalDraggingState(bool value); signal showPreviewForTasks(QtObject group); //trigger updating scaling of neighbour delegates of zoomed delegate signal updateScale(int delegateIndex, real newScale, real step) signal mimicEnterForParabolic(); signal publishTasksGeometries(); signal waitingLauncherRemoved(string launch); signal windowsHovered(variant winIds, bool hovered) //onAnimationsChanged: console.log(animations); /* Rectangle{ anchors.fill: parent border.width: 1 border.color: "red" color: "white" } */ onLatteViewChanged: { if (latteView) plasmoid.configuration.isInLatteDock = true; else plasmoid.configuration.isInLatteDock = false; } Connections { target: plasmoid onLocationChanged: { root.updatePosition(); iconGeometryTimer.start(); } } Connections { target: plasmoid.configuration // onLaunchersChanged: tasksModel.launcherList = plasmoid.configuration.launchers onGroupingAppIdBlacklistChanged: tasksModel.groupingAppIdBlacklist = plasmoid.configuration.groupingAppIdBlacklist; onGroupingLauncherUrlBlacklistChanged: tasksModel.groupingLauncherUrlBlacklist = plasmoid.configuration.groupingLauncherUrlBlacklist; } Connections{ target: latteView onDockIsHiddenChanged:{ if (latteView.dockIsHidden) { windowsPreviewDlg.hide("3.3"); } } onLaunchersGroupChanged:{ if( latteView && latteView.editMode) { tasksModel.updateLaunchersList(); } } } Connections{ target: latteView && latteView.universalLayoutManager ? latteView.universalLayoutManager : null onCurrentLayoutNameChanged: root.publishTasksGeometries(); } Connections{ target: icList onHoveredIndexChanged:{ if (latteView && icList.hoveredIndex>-1){ latteView.setHoveredIndex(-1); } } } ///// PlasmaCore.ColorScope{ id: colorScopePalette } ///// function initializeHoveredIndex() { icList.hoveredIndex = -1; icList.currentSpot = -1000; } function launchersDropped(urls){ mouseHandler.urlsDroppedOnArea(urls); } ///UPDATE function launcherExists(url) { return (ActivitiesTools.getIndex(url, tasksModel.launcherList)>=0); } function taskExists(url) { var tasks = icList.contentItem.children; for(var i=0; i -1) { launch.push(explicitLauncher); } } } return launch; } function currentListViewLauncherList() { var launch = []; var tasks = icList.contentItem.children; for(var i=0; i= Latte.Types.LayoutLaunchers) { latteView.universalLayoutManager.launchersSignals.validateLaunchersOrder(root.managedLayoutName, plasmoid.id, latteView.launchersGroup, currentLauncherList()); } } } else { plasmoid.configuration.launchers59 = launcherList; } } else { plasmoid.configuration.launchers59 = launcherList; } } onGroupingAppIdBlacklistChanged: { plasmoid.configuration.groupingAppIdBlacklist = groupingAppIdBlacklist; } onGroupingLauncherUrlBlacklistChanged: { plasmoid.configuration.groupingLauncherUrlBlacklist = groupingLauncherUrlBlacklist; } onAnyTaskDemandsAttentionChanged: { if (anyTaskDemandsAttention){ plasmoid.status = PlasmaCore.Types.RequiresAttentionStatus; attentionTimerComponent.createObject(root); } } Component.onCompleted: { ActivitiesTools.launchersOnActivities = root.launchersOnActivities ActivitiesTools.currentActivity = String(activityInfo.currentActivity); ActivitiesTools.plasmoid = plasmoid; //var loadedLaunchers = ActivitiesTools.restoreLaunchers(); ActivitiesTools.importLaunchersToNewArchitecture(); if (currentLayout && latteView.universalSettings && (latteView.launchersGroup === Latte.Types.LayoutLaunchers || latteView.launchersGroup === Latte.Types.GlobalLaunchers)) { if (latteView.launchersGroup === Latte.Types.LayoutLaunchers) { launcherList = latteView.managedLayout.launchers; } else if (latteView.launchersGroup === Latte.Types.GlobalLaunchers) { launcherList = latteView.universalSettings.launchers; } } else { launcherList = plasmoid.configuration.launchers59; } groupingAppIdBlacklist = plasmoid.configuration.groupingAppIdBlacklist; groupingLauncherUrlBlacklist = plasmoid.configuration.groupingLauncherUrlBlacklist; icList.model = tasksModel; tasksStarting = count; ///Plasma 5.9 enforce grouping at all cases if (Latte.WindowSystem.plasmaDesktopVersion >= Latte.WindowSystem.makeVersion(5,9,0)) { groupingWindowTasksThreshold = -1; } } } //! TaskManagerBackend required a groupDialog setting otherwise it crashes. This patch //! sets one just in order not to crash TaskManagerBackend PlasmaCore.Dialog { //ghost group Dialog to not crash TaskManagerBackend id: groupDialogGhost visible: false type: PlasmaCore.Dialog.PopupMenu flags: Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint hideOnWindowDeactivate: true location: plasmoid.location } TaskManagerApplet.Backend { id: backend taskManagerItem: root toolTipItem: toolTipDelegate highlightWindows: root.highlightWindows onAddLauncher: { tasksModel.requestAddLauncher(url); } Component.onCompleted: { //! In Plasma 5.9 TaskManagerBackend required a groupDialog setting //! otherwise it crashes. //! frameworks 5.29.0 provide id 335104 //! work only after Plasma 5.9 and frameworks 5.29 //! + added a check for groupDialog also when it is present //! in plasma 5.8 (that was introduced after 5.8.5) if (Latte.WindowSystem.frameworksVersion >= 335104 || (groupDialog !== undefined)) { groupDialog = groupDialogGhost; } } } TaskManagerApplet.DragHelper { id: dragHelper dragIconSize: units.iconSizes.medium } TaskManager.VirtualDesktopInfo { id: virtualDesktopInfo } TaskManager.ActivityInfo { id: activityInfo property string previousActivity: "" onCurrentActivityChanged: { root.inActivityChange = true; activityChangeDelayer.start(); } Component.onCompleted: previousActivity = currentActivity; } PlasmaCore.DataSource { id: mpris2Source engine: "mpris2" connectedSources: sources function sourceNameForLauncherUrl(launcherUrl, pid) { if (!launcherUrl || launcherUrl == "") { return ""; } // MPRIS spec explicitly mentions that "DesktopEntry" is with .desktop extension trimmed // Moreover, remove URL parameters, like wmClass (part after the question mark) var desktopFileName = launcherUrl.toString().split('/').pop().split('?')[0].replace(".desktop", "") if (desktopFileName.indexOf("applications:") === 0) { desktopFileName = desktopFileName.substr(13) } for (var i = 0, length = connectedSources.length; i < length; ++i) { var source = connectedSources[i]; // we intend to connect directly, otherwise the multiplexer steals the connection away if (source === "@multiplex") { continue; } var sourceData = data[source]; if (!sourceData || sourceData.DesktopEntry !== desktopFileName) { continue; } if (pid === undefined || sourceData.InstancePid === pid) { return source; } var metadata = sourceData.Metadata; if (metadata) { var kdePid = metadata["kde:pid"]; if (kdePid && pid === kdePid) { return source; } } } return "" } function startOperation(source, op) { var service = serviceForSource(source) var operation = service.operationDescription(op) return service.startOperationCall(operation) } function goPrevious(source) { startOperation(source, "Previous"); } function goNext(source) { startOperation(source, "Next"); } function playPause(source) { startOperation(source, "PlayPause"); } function stop(source) { startOperation(source, "Stop"); } function raise(source) { startOperation(source, "Raise"); } function quit(source) { startOperation(source, "Quit"); } } Loader { id: pulseAudio source: "PulseAudio.qml" active: root.indicateAudioStreams } ParabolicManager{ id: _parabolicManager } /* IconsModel{ id: iconsmdl }*/ Component{ id: attentionTimerComponent Timer{ id: attentionTimer interval:8500 onTriggered: { plasmoid.status = PlasmaCore.Types.PassiveStatus; destroy(); if (latteView && latteView.debugModeTimers) { console.log("plasmoid timer: attentionTimer called..."); } } Component.onCompleted: { start(); } } } //Timer to check if the mouse is still inside the ListView //IMPORTANT ::: This timer should be used only when the Latte plasmoid //is not inside a Latte dock Timer{ id:checkListHovered repeat:false; interval: 120 property int normalInterval: Math.max(120, 2 * (root.durationTime * 1.2 * units.shortDuration) + 50) onTriggered: { if(root.latteView) console.log("Plasmoid, checkListHoveredTimer was called, even though it shouldn't..."); if (!root.containsMouse()) { icList.directRender = false; root.clearZoom(); } interval = normalInterval; if (latteView && latteView.debugModeTimers) { console.log("plasmoid timer: checkListHovered called..."); } } function startNormal(){ interval = normalInterval; start(); } function startDuration( duration){ interval = duration; start(); } } //! Delayer in order to not activate directRendering when the mouse //! enters until the timer has ended. This way we make sure that the //! zoom-in animations will have ended. Timer{ id:directRenderDelayerForEnteringTimer interval: 3.2 * root.durationTime * units.shortDuration } //this timer restores the draggingPhase flag to false //after a dragging has finished... This delay is needed //in order to not animate any tasks are added after a //dragging Timer { id: restoreDraggingPhaseTimer interval: 150 onTriggered: inDraggingPhase = false; } ///Red Liner!!! show the upper needed limit for animations Rectangle{ anchors.horizontalCenter: !root.vertical ? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined anchors.verticalCenter: root.vertical ? parent.verticalCenter : undefined width: root.vertical ? 1 : 2 * root.iconSize height: root.vertical ? 2 * root.iconSize : 1 color: "red" x: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftPositioned) ? neededSpace : parent.width - neededSpace y: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.TopPositioned) ? neededSpace : parent.height - neededSpace visible: plasmoid.configuration.zoomHelper property int neededSpace: zoomFactor*(iconSize+iconMargin) + statesLineSize } Item{ id:barLine /* anchors.bottom: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomPositioned) ? parent.bottom : undefined anchors.top: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.TopPositioned) ? parent.top : undefined anchors.left: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftPositioned) ? parent.left : undefined anchors.right: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.RightPositioned) ? parent.right : undefined anchors.horizontalCenter: !parent.vertical ? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined anchors.verticalCenter: parent.vertical ? parent.verticalCenter : undefined */ width: ( icList.orientation === Qt.Horizontal ) ? icList.width + spacing : smallSize height: ( icList.orientation === Qt.Vertical ) ? icList.height + spacing : smallSize property int spacing: root.iconSize / 2 property int smallSize: Math.max(3.7*root.statesLineSize, 16) Behavior on opacity{ NumberAnimation { duration: root.durationTime*units.longDuration } } /// plasmoid's default panel BorderImage{ anchors.fill:parent source: "../images/panel-west.png" border { left:8; right:8; top:8; bottom:8 } opacity: (plasmoid.configuration.showBarLine && !plasmoid.configuration.useThemePanel && !root.forceHidePanel) ? 1 : 0 visible: (opacity == 0) ? false : true horizontalTileMode: BorderImage.Stretch verticalTileMode: BorderImage.Stretch Behavior on opacity{ NumberAnimation { duration: root.durationTime*units.longDuration } } } /// item which is used as anchors for the plasma's theme Item{ id:belower width: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftPositioned) ? shadowsSvgItem.margins.left : shadowsSvgItem.margins.right height: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomPositioned)? shadowsSvgItem.margins.bottom : shadowsSvgItem.margins.top anchors.top: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomPositioned) ? parent.bottom : undefined anchors.bottom: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.TopPositioned) ? parent.top : undefined anchors.right: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftPositioned) ? parent.left : undefined anchors.left: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.RightPositioned) ? parent.right : undefined } /// the current theme's panel PlasmaCore.FrameSvgItem{ id: shadowsSvgItem anchors.bottom: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomPositioned) ? belower.bottom : undefined anchors.top: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.TopPositioned) ? belower.top : undefined anchors.left: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftPositioned) ? belower.left : undefined anchors.right: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.RightPositioned) ? belower.right : undefined anchors.horizontalCenter: !root.vertical ? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined anchors.verticalCenter: root.vertical ? parent.verticalCenter : undefined width: root.vertical ? panelSize + margins.left + margins.right: parent.width height: root.vertical ? parent.height : panelSize + margins.top + margins.bottom imagePath: "translucent/widgets/panel-background" prefix:"shadow" opacity: (plasmoid.configuration.showBarLine && plasmoid.configuration.useThemePanel && !root.forceHidePanel) ? 1 : 0 visible: (opacity == 0) ? false : true property int panelSize: ((root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomPositioned) || (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.TopPositioned)) ? plasmoid.configuration.panelSize + belower.height: plasmoid.configuration.panelSize + belower.width Behavior on opacity{ NumberAnimation { duration: root.durationTime*units.longDuration } } PlasmaCore.FrameSvgItem{ anchors.margins: belower.width-1 anchors.fill:parent imagePath: plasmoid.configuration.transparentPanel ? "translucent/widgets/panel-background" : "widgets/panel-background" } } MouseHandler { id: mouseHandler anchors.bottom: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomPositioned) ? icList.bottom : undefined anchors.top: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.TopPositioned) ? icList.top : undefined anchors.left: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftPositioned) ? icList.left : undefined anchors.right: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.RightPositioned) ? icList.right : undefined anchors.horizontalCenter: !root.vertical ? icList.horizontalCenter : undefined anchors.verticalCenter: root.vertical ? icList.verticalCenter : undefined width: root.vertical ? maxSize : icList.width height: root.vertical ? icList.height : maxSize target: icList property int maxSize: (((root.hoveredIndex>=0 || dockHoveredIndex>=0 ) || windowPreviewIsShown) && !root.dragSource) ? root.statesLineSize + root.zoomFactor * (root.iconSize + root.thickMargin) : root.statesLineSize + root.iconSize + root.thickMargin function onlyLaunchersInList(list){ return list.every(function (item) { return backend.isApplication(item) }); } function urlsDroppedOnArea(urls){ // If all dropped URLs point to application desktop files, we'll add a launcher for each of them. if (onlyLaunchersInList(urls)) { urls.forEach(function (item) { addLauncher(item); }); return; } if (!hoveredItem) { return; } // DeclarativeMimeData urls is a QJsonArray but requestOpenUrls expects a proper QList. var urlsList = backend.jsonArrayToUrlList(urls); // Otherwise we'll just start a new instance of the application with the URLs as argument, // as you probably don't expect some of your files to open in the app and others to spawn launchers. tasksModel.requestOpenUrls(hoveredItem.modelIndex(), urlsList); } onUrlsDropped: { //! inform synced docks for new dropped launchers if (latteView && latteView.launchersGroup >= Latte.Types.LayoutLaunchers && onlyLaunchersInList(urls)) { latteView.universalLayoutManager.launchersSignals.urlsDropped(root.managedLayoutName, latteView.launchersGroup, urls); return; } //! if the list does not contain only launchers then just open the corresponding //! urls with the relevant app urlsDroppedOnArea(urls); } } ListView { id:icList boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds property int currentSpot : -1000 property int hoveredIndex : -1 property int previousCount : 0 property int tasksCount: tasksModel.count property bool directRender: false // onTasksCountChanged: updateImplicits(); // property int count: children ? children.length : 0 /* anchors.bottom: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomPositioned) ? parent.bottom : undefined anchors.top: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.TopPositioned) ? parent.top : undefined anchors.left: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftPositioned) ? parent.left : undefined anchors.right: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.RightPositioned) ? parent.right : undefined anchors.horizontalCenter: !root.vertical ? parent.horizontalCenter : undefined anchors.verticalCenter: root.vertical ? parent.verticalCenter : undefined */ width: !root.vertical ? contentWidth : mouseHandler.maxSize height: root.vertical ? contentHeight : mouseHandler.maxSize orientation: Qt.Horizontal delegate: Task.TaskItem{} /* Rectangle{ anchors.fill: parent border.width: 1 border.color: "red" color: "transparent" } */ //the duration of this animation should be as small as possible //it fixes a small issue with the dragging an item to change it's //position, if the duration is too big there is a point in the //list that an item is going back and forth too fast //more of a trouble moveDisplaced: Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "x,y"; duration: root.durationTime*units.longDuration; easing.type: Easing.Linear } } ///this transition can not be used with dragging !!!! I breaks ///the lists indexes !!!!! /* move: Transition { NumberAnimation { properties: "x,y"; duration: 400; easing.type: Easing.Linear } } */ function childAtPos(x, y){ var tasks = icList.contentItem.children; for(var i=0; i=choords.x) && (x<=choords.x+task.width) && (y>=choords.y) && (y<=choords.y+task.height)){ return task; } } return null; } function childAtIndex(position) { var tasks = icList.contentItem.children; if (position < 0) return; for(var i=0; i=0; --i) { if (currentLaunchers[i] !== launchers[i]) { var p = launcherValidPos(currentLaunchers[i]); if (p === -1) { console.log("No pos found for :"+currentLaunchers[i] + " at: "+launchers); restart(); return; } console.log(" moving:" +i + " _ " + p ); tasksModel.move(i, p); restart(); return; } } } console.log("why we reached ??? "); console.log("CURRENT ::: " + currentLaunchers); console.log("VALID ::: " + launchers); } } } ///////// //// functions function movePanel(obj, newPosition){ var bLine = obj; if (newPosition === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomPositioned){ bLine.anchors.horizontalCenter = bLine.parent.horizontalCenter; bLine.anchors.verticalCenter = undefined; bLine.anchors.bottom = bLine.parent.bottom; bLine.anchors.top = undefined; bLine.anchors.left = undefined; bLine.anchors.right = undefined; } else if (newPosition === PlasmaCore.Types.TopPositioned){ bLine.anchors.horizontalCenter = bLine.parent.horizontalCenter; bLine.anchors.verticalCenter = undefined; bLine.anchors.bottom = undefined; bLine.anchors.top = bLine.parent.top; bLine.anchors.left = undefined; bLine.anchors.right = undefined; } else if (newPosition === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftPositioned){ bLine.anchors.horizontalCenter = undefined; bLine.anchors.verticalCenter = bLine.parent.verticalCenter; bLine.anchors.bottom = undefined; bLine.anchors.top = undefined; bLine.anchors.left = bLine.parent.left; bLine.anchors.right = undefined; } else if (newPosition === PlasmaCore.Types.RightPositioned){ bLine.anchors.horizontalCenter = undefined; bLine.anchors.verticalCenter = bLine.parent.verticalCenter; bLine.anchors.bottom = undefined; bLine.anchors.top = undefined; bLine.anchors.left =undefined; bLine.anchors.right = bLine.parent.right; } } property int ncounter:0 function updateImplicits(){ if(icList.previousCount !== icList.count){ icList.previousCount = icList.count; var zoomedLength = Math.floor( 1.2 * (iconSize+thickMargin) * (root.zoomFactor)); var bigAxis = (tasksModel.count-1) * (iconSize+thickMargin) + zoomedLength; var smallAxis = zoomedLength + statesLineSize; var clearBigAxis = tasksModel.count * (iconSize+thickMargin) + (barLine.spacing/2); var clearSmallAxis = (iconSize+thickMargin)+statesLineSize; // debugging code // ncounter++; // console.log("Implicits______ "+ncounter+". - "+tasksModel.count); if (root.vertical){ root.implicitWidth = smallAxis; root.implicitHeight = bigAxis; root.clearWidth = clearSmallAxis; root.clearHeight = clearBigAxis; } else{ root.implicitWidth = bigAxis; root.implicitHeight = smallAxis; root.clearWidth = clearBigAxis; root.clearHeight = clearSmallAxis; } iconGeometryTimer.restart(); } } PlasmaComponents.Button{ id: orientationBtn text:"Orientation" anchors.centerIn: parent visible: root.debugLocation onClicked:{ switch(root.position){ case PlasmaCore.Types.BottomPositioned: root.newLocationDebugUse = PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge; break; case PlasmaCore.Types.LeftPositioned: root.newLocationDebugUse = PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge; break; case PlasmaCore.Types.TopPositioned: root.newLocationDebugUse = PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge; break; case PlasmaCore.Types.RightPositioned: root.newLocationDebugUse = PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge; break; } updatePosition(); } } function addInternalSeparatorAtPos(pos) { var separatorName = parabolicManager.freeAvailableSeparatorName(); if (separatorName !== "") { parabolicManager.addLauncherToBeMoved(separatorName, Math.max(0,pos)); if (latteView && latteView.launchersGroup >= Latte.Types.LayoutLaunchers) { latteView.universalLayoutManager.launchersSignals.addLauncher(root.managedLayoutName, latteView.launchersGroup, separatorName); } else { tasksModel.requestAddLauncher(separatorName); } } } // This is called by dockcorona in response to a Meta+number shortcut. function activateTaskAtIndex(index) { if (typeof index !== "number") { return; } var tasks = icList.contentItem.children; //! this is used to bypass the internal separators if they exist var confirmedIndex = parabolicManager.realTaskIndex(index - 1); for(var i=0; i=0 ? ident1.substring(n + 1) : identifier; for(var i=0; i= 0) { return badgers[i]; } } } function updateBadge(identifier, value) { var tasks = icList.contentItem.children; var identifierF = identifier.concat(".desktop"); for(var i=0; i= 0) { task.badgeIndicator = value === "" ? 0 : Number(value); var badge = getBadger(identifierF); if (badge) { badge.value = value; } else { badgers.push({id: identifierF, value: value}); } } } } function getLauncherList() { return plasmoid.configuration.launchers59; } //! BEGIN ::: external launchers signals in order to update the tasks model function extSignalAddLauncher(group, launcher) { if (group === latteView.launchersGroup) { tasksModel.requestAddLauncher(launcher); launchersUpdatedFor(launcher); tasksModel.syncLaunchers(); } } function extSignalRemoveLauncher(group, launcher) { if (group === latteView.launchersGroup) { root.launcherForRemoval = launcher; tasksModel.requestRemoveLauncher(launcher); launchersUpdatedFor(launcher); tasksModel.syncLaunchers(); } } function extSignalAddLauncherToActivity(group, launcher, activity) { if (group === latteView.launchersGroup) { var launcherActivities = tasksModel.launcherActivities(launcher); if (activity !== tasksModel.activity && (launcherActivities[0] === "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000")) { root.launcherForRemoval = launcher; } tasksModel.requestAddLauncherToActivity(launcher, activity); launchersUpdatedFor(launcher); tasksModel.syncLaunchers(); } } function extSignalRemoveLauncherFromActivity(group, launcher, activity) { if (group === latteView.launchersGroup) { if (activity === tasksModel.activity) { root.launcherForRemoval = launcher; } tasksModel.requestRemoveLauncherFromActivity(launcher, activity); launchersUpdatedFor(launcher); tasksModel.syncLaunchers(); } } function extSignalUrlsDropped(group, urls) { if (group === latteView.launchersGroup) { mouseHandler.urlsDroppedOnArea(urls); } } function extSignalMoveTask(group, from, to) { if (group === latteView.launchersGroup && !root.dragSource) { tasksModel.move(from, to); parabolicManager.updateTasksEdgesIndexes(); root.separatorsUpdated(); tasksModel.syncLaunchers(); } } function extSignalValidateLaunchersOrder(group, launchers) { if (group === latteView.launchersGroup && !root.dragSource) { launchersOrderValidatorTimer.stop(); launchersOrderValidatorTimer.launchers = launchers; launchersOrderValidatorTimer.start(); } } //! END ::: external launchers signals in order to update the tasks model //! it is used to add the fake desktop file which represents //! the separator (fake launcher) function addSeparator(pos){ var separatorName = parabolicManager.freeAvailableSeparatorName(); if (separatorName !== "") { parabolicManager.addLauncherToBeMoved(separatorName, Math.max(0,pos)); if (latteView && latteView.launchersGroup >= Latte.Types.LayoutLaunchers) { latteView.universalLayoutManager.launchersSignals.addLauncher(latteView.launchersGroup, separatorName); } else { tasksModel.requestAddLauncher(separatorName); } } } function removeLastSeparator(){ var separatorName = parabolicManager.lastPresentSeparatorName(); if (separatorName !== "") { if (latteView && latteView.launchersGroup >= Latte.Types.LayoutLaunchers) { latteView.universalLayoutManager.launchersSignals.removeLauncher(root.managedLayoutName, latteView.launchersGroup, separatorName); } else { root.launcherForRemoval = separatorName; tasksModel.requestRemoveLauncher(separatorName); } } } //! show/hide tasks numbered badges e.g. from global shortcuts function setShowTasksNumbers(showNumbers){ showTasksNumbers = showNumbers; } //! setup the tasks first index based on the fact that this is a plasmoid //! and applets could exist before it function setTasksNumbersBase(base){ tasksNumbersBase = base; } function previewContainsMouse() { if(toolTipDelegate && toolTipDelegate.containsMouse && toolTipDelegate.parentTask) return true; else return false; } function containsMouse(){ //console.log("s1..."); if (disableRestoreZoom && (root.contextMenu || windowsPreviewDlg.visible)) { return; } else { disableRestoreZoom = false; } //if (previewContainsMouse()) // windowsPreviewDlg.hide(4); if (previewContainsMouse()) return true; //console.log("s3..."); var tasks = icList.contentItem.children; for(var i=0; i0) { url = url.substring( 0, url.indexOf("?iconData=" ) ); } tasksModel.requestAddLauncher(url); launchersUpdatedFor(url); tasksModel.syncLaunchers(); } function resetDragSource() { dragSource.z = 0; dragSource = null; } function setGlobalDirectRender(value) { if (waitingLaunchers.length > 0) return; if (latteView) { latteView.setGlobalDirectRender(value); } else { if (value === true) { if (root.containsMouse()) { icList.directRender = true; } else { // console.log("direct render true ignored..."); } } else { icList.directRender = false; } } } function startCheckRestoreZoomTimer(duration) { if (latteView) { latteView.startCheckRestoreZoomTimer(); } else { if (duration > 0) { checkListHovered.startDuration(duration); } else { checkListHovered.startNormal(); } } } function stopCheckRestoreZoomTimer() { if (latteView) { latteView.stopCheckRestoreZoomTimer(); } else { checkListHovered.stop(); } } function startDirectRenderDelayerDuringEntering(){ if (latteView) { latteView.startDirectRenderDelayerDuringEntering(); } else { directRenderDelayerForEnteringTimer.start(); } } ///REMOVE /*function createContextMenu(task) { var menu = root.contextMenuComponent.createObject(task); menu.visualParent = task; menu.mpris2Source = mpris2Source; menu.activitiesCount = activityModelInstance.count; return menu; }*/ function createContextMenu(rootTask, modelIndex, args) { var initialArgs = args || {} initialArgs.visualParent = rootTask; initialArgs.modelIndex = modelIndex; initialArgs.mpris2Source = mpris2Source; initialArgs.backend = backend; root.contextMenu = root.contextMenuComponent.createObject(rootTask, initialArgs); return root.contextMenu; } Component.onCompleted: { updatePosition(); root.presentWindows.connect(backend.presentWindows); root.windowsHovered.connect(backend.windowsHovered); dragHelper.dropped.connect(resetDragSource); } Component.onDestruction: { root.presentWindows.disconnect(backend.presentWindows); root.windowsHovered.disconnect(backend.windowsHovered); dragHelper.dropped.disconnect(resetDragSource); } //BEGIN states //user set Panel Positions // 0-Center, 1-Left, 2-Right, 3-Top, 4-Bottom states: [ ///Bottom Edge State { name: "bottomCenter" when: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomPosition && userPanelPosition===Latte.Types.Center) AnchorChanges { target: barLine anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:undefined; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:parent.horizontalCenter; verticalCenter:undefined} } AnchorChanges { target: icList anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:undefined; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:parent.horizontalCenter; verticalCenter:undefined} } }, State { name: "bottomLeft" when: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomPosition && userPanelPosition===Latte.Types.Left) AnchorChanges { target: barLine anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:parent.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } AnchorChanges { target: icList anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:parent.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } }, State { name: "bottomRight" when: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomPosition && userPanelPosition===Latte.Types.Right) AnchorChanges { target: barLine anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:undefined; right:parent.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } AnchorChanges { target: icList anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:undefined; right:parent.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } }, ///Top Edge State { name: "topCenter" when: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.TopPosition && userPanelPosition===Latte.Types.Center) AnchorChanges { target: barLine anchors{ top:parent.top; bottom:undefined; left:undefined; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:parent.horizontalCenter; verticalCenter:undefined} } AnchorChanges { target: icList anchors{ top:parent.top; bottom:undefined; left:undefined; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:parent.horizontalCenter; verticalCenter:undefined} } }, State { name: "topLeft" when: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.TopPosition && userPanelPosition===Latte.Types.Left) AnchorChanges { target: barLine anchors{ top:parent.top; bottom:undefined; left:parent.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } AnchorChanges { target: icList anchors{ top:parent.top; bottom:undefined; left:parent.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } }, State { name: "topRight" when: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.TopPosition && userPanelPosition===Latte.Types.Right) AnchorChanges { target: barLine anchors{ top:parent.top; bottom:undefined; left:undefined; right:parent.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } AnchorChanges { target: icList anchors{ top:parent.top; bottom:undefined; left:undefined; right:parent.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } }, ////Left Edge State { name: "leftCenter" when: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftPosition && userPanelPosition===Latte.Types.Center) AnchorChanges { target: barLine anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:undefined; left:parent.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:parent.verticalCenter} } AnchorChanges { target: icList anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:undefined; left:parent.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:parent.verticalCenter} } }, State { name: "leftTop" when: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftPosition && userPanelPosition===Latte.Types.Top) AnchorChanges { target: barLine anchors{ top:parent.top; bottom:undefined; left:parent.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } AnchorChanges { target: icList anchors{ top:parent.top; bottom:undefined; left:parent.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } }, State { name: "leftBottom" when: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftPosition && userPanelPosition===Latte.Types.Bottom) AnchorChanges { target: barLine anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:parent.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } AnchorChanges { target: icList anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:parent.left; right:undefined; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } }, ///Right Edge State { name: "rightCenter" when: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.RightPosition && userPanelPosition===Latte.Types.Center) AnchorChanges { target: barLine anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:undefined; left:undefined; right:parent.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:parent.verticalCenter} } AnchorChanges { target: icList anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:undefined; left:undefined; right:parent.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:parent.verticalCenter} } }, State { name: "rightTop" when: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.RightPosition && userPanelPosition===Latte.Types.Top) AnchorChanges { target: barLine anchors{ top:parent.top; bottom:undefined; left:undefined; right:parent.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } AnchorChanges { target: icList anchors{ top:parent.top; bottom:undefined; left:undefined; right:parent.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } }, State { name: "rightBottom" when: (root.position === PlasmaCore.Types.RightPosition && userPanelPosition===Latte.Types.Bottom) AnchorChanges { target: barLine anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:undefined; right:parent.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } AnchorChanges { target: icList anchors{ top:undefined; bottom:parent.bottom; left:undefined; right:parent.right; horizontalCenter:undefined; verticalCenter:undefined} } } ] //END states }