/* * Copyright 2014 Bhushan Shah <bhush94@gmail.com> * Copyright 2014 Marco Martin <notmart@gmail.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> */ #include "dockview.h" #include "dockconfigview.h" #include "dockcorona.h" #include "visibilitymanager.h" #include "../liblattedock/windowsystem.h" #include <QAction> #include <QQmlContext> #include <QQmlEngine> #include <QQmlProperty> #include <QQuickItem> #include <QMetaEnum> #include <Plasma/Containment> #include <Plasma/ContainmentActions> #include <KActionCollection> #include <KLocalizedContext> namespace Latte { DockView::DockView(Plasma::Corona *corona, QScreen *targetScreen) : PlasmaQuick::ContainmentView(corona) { setVisible(false); setTitle(corona->kPackage().metadata().name()); setIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(corona->kPackage().metadata().iconName())); setResizeMode(QuickViewSharedEngine::SizeRootObjectToView); setClearBeforeRendering(true); if (targetScreen) adaptToScreen(targetScreen); else adaptToScreen(qGuiApp->primaryScreen()); m_timerGeometry.setSingleShot(true); m_timerGeometry.setInterval(400); m_lockGeometry.setSingleShot(true); m_lockGeometry.setInterval(700); connect(this, SIGNAL(localDockGeometryChanged()), this, SLOT(updateAbsDockGeometry())); connect(this, SIGNAL(xChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateAbsDockGeometry())); connect(this, SIGNAL(yChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateAbsDockGeometry())); connect(this, &DockView::containmentChanged , this, [&]() { if (!containment()) return; if (!m_visibility) { m_visibility = new VisibilityManager(this); } }, Qt::DirectConnection); } DockView::~DockView() { } void DockView::init() { connect(this, &DockView::screenChanged , this, &DockView::adaptToScreen , Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(&m_timerGeometry, &QTimer::timeout, [&]() { initWindow(); }); connect(this, &DockView::locationChanged, [&]() { //! avoid glitches m_timerGeometry.start(); }); connect(&WindowSystem::self(), &WindowSystem::compositingChanged , this, [&]() { emit compositingChanged(); } , Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(this, &DockView::screenGeometryChanged , this, &DockView::updateDockPosition , Qt::QueuedConnection); connect(this, SIGNAL(widthChanged(int)), this, SIGNAL(widthChanged())); connect(this, SIGNAL(heightChanged(int)), this, SIGNAL(heightChanged())); rootContext()->setContextProperty(QStringLiteral("dock"), this); engine()->rootContext()->setContextObject(new KLocalizedContext(this)); // engine()->rootContext()->setContextProperty(QStringLiteral("dock"), this); setSource(corona()->kPackage().filePath("lattedockui")); connect(this, SIGNAL(xChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateDockPositionSlot())); connect(this, SIGNAL(yChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateDockPositionSlot())); connect(&m_lockGeometry, &QTimer::timeout, [&]() { updateDockPosition(); }); qDebug() << "SOURCE:" << source(); initialize(); } void DockView::initialize() { m_secondInitPass = true; m_timerGeometry.start(); } void DockView::initWindow() { // m_visibility->updateVisibilityFlags(); updateDockPosition(); resizeWindow(); // The initialization phase makes two passes because // changing the window style and type wants a small delay // and afterwards the second pass positions them correctly if (m_secondInitPass) { m_timerGeometry.start(); m_secondInitPass = false; setVisible(true); } } void DockView::updateDockPositionSlot() { if (!m_lockGeometry.isActive()) { m_lockGeometry.start(); } } //!BEGIN SLOTS void DockView::adaptToScreen(QScreen *screen) { setScreen(screen); if (formFactor() == Plasma::Types::Vertical) m_maxLength = screen->size().height(); else m_maxLength = screen->size().width(); // KWindowSystem::setOnAllDesktops(winId(), true); // KWindowSystem::setType(winId(), NET::Dock); if (containment()) containment()->reactToScreenChange(); m_timerGeometry.start(); } void DockView::addNewDock() { DockCorona *corona = qobject_cast<DockCorona *>(this->corona()); if (corona) { corona->loadDefaultLayout(); } } void DockView::removeDock() { DockCorona *corona = qobject_cast<DockCorona *>(this->corona()); if (corona->containments().count() > 1) { QAction *removeAct = containment()->actions()->action(QStringLiteral("remove")); if (removeAct) { removeAct->trigger(); } } } QQmlListProperty<QScreen> DockView::screens() { return QQmlListProperty<QScreen>(this, nullptr, &countScreens, &atScreens); } int DockView::countScreens(QQmlListProperty<QScreen> *property) { Q_UNUSED(property) return qGuiApp->screens().count(); } QScreen *DockView::atScreens(QQmlListProperty<QScreen> *property, int index) { Q_UNUSED(property) return qGuiApp->screens().at(index); } void DockView::showConfigurationInterface(Plasma::Applet *applet) { if (!applet || !applet->containment()) return; Plasma::Containment *c = qobject_cast<Plasma::Containment *>(applet); if (m_configView && c && c->isContainment() && c == containment()) { if (m_configView->isVisible()) { m_configView->hide(); } else { m_configView->show(); m_configView->requestActivate(); } return; } else if (m_configView) { if (m_configView->applet() == applet) { m_configView->show(); m_configView->requestActivate(); return; } else { m_configView->hide(); m_configView->deleteLater(); } } if (c && containment() && c->isContainment() && c->id() == containment()->id()) { m_configView = new DockConfigView(c, this); } else { m_configView = new PlasmaQuick::ConfigView(applet); } m_configView->init(); m_configView->show(); m_configView->requestActivate(); } void DockView::resizeWindow() { setVisible(true); QSize screenSize = screen()->size(); if (formFactor() == Plasma::Types::Vertical) { const QSize size{maxThickness(), screenSize.height()}; setMinimumSize(size); setMaximumSize(size); resize(size); qDebug() << "dock size:" << size; } else { const QSize size{screenSize.width(), maxThickness()}; setMinimumSize(size); setMaximumSize(size); resize(size); qDebug() << "dock size:" << size; } } void DockView::setLocalDockGeometry(const QRect &geometry) { if (geometry == m_localDockGeometry) { return; } m_localDockGeometry = geometry; emit localDockGeometryChanged(); } void DockView::updateAbsDockGeometry() { QRect absoluteGeometry {x() + m_localDockGeometry.x(), y() + m_localDockGeometry.y(), m_localDockGeometry.width(), m_localDockGeometry.height()}; m_visibility->updateDockGeometry(absoluteGeometry); } inline void DockView::updateDockPosition() { if (!containment()) return; const QRect screenGeometry = screen()->geometry(); QPoint position; qDebug() << "current dock geometry: " << geometry(); // containment()->setFormFactor(Plasma::Types::Horizontal); position = {0, 0}; m_maxLength = screenGeometry.width(); switch (location()) { case Plasma::Types::TopEdge: containment()->setFormFactor(Plasma::Types::Horizontal); position = {screenGeometry.x(), screenGeometry.y()}; m_maxLength = screenGeometry.width(); break; case Plasma::Types::BottomEdge: containment()->setFormFactor(Plasma::Types::Horizontal); position = {screenGeometry.x(), screenGeometry.y() + screenGeometry.height() - height()}; m_maxLength = screenGeometry.width(); break; case Plasma::Types::RightEdge: containment()->setFormFactor(Plasma::Types::Vertical); position = {screenGeometry.x() + screenGeometry.width() - width(), screenGeometry.y()}; m_maxLength = screenGeometry.height(); break; case Plasma::Types::LeftEdge: containment()->setFormFactor(Plasma::Types::Vertical); position = {screenGeometry.x(), screenGeometry.y()}; m_maxLength = screenGeometry.height(); break; default: qWarning() << "wrong location, couldn't update the panel position" << location(); } emit maxLengthChanged(); setX(position.x()); setY(position.y()); //setPosition(position); qDebug() << "dock position:" << position; } int DockView::currentThickness() const { if (containment()->formFactor() == Plasma::Types::Vertical) { return m_maskArea.isNull() ? width() : m_maskArea.width(); } else { return m_maskArea.isNull() ? height() : m_maskArea.height(); } } bool DockView::compositing() const { return WindowSystem::self().compositingActive(); } /*Candil::VisibilityManager *DockView::visibility() { return m_visibility.data(); }*/ int DockView::maxThickness() const { return m_maxThickness; } void DockView::setMaxThickness(int thickness) { if (m_maxThickness == thickness) return; m_maxThickness = thickness; m_timerGeometry.start(); emit maxThicknessChanged(); } int DockView::length() const { return m_length; } void DockView::setLength(int length) { if (m_length == length) return; if (length > m_maxLength) m_length = m_maxLength; else m_length = length; m_timerGeometry.start(); emit lengthChanged(); } int DockView::maxLength() const { return m_maxLength; } void DockView::setMaxLength(int maxLength) { if (m_maxLength == maxLength) return; m_maxLength = maxLength; emit maxLengthChanged(); } QRect DockView::maskArea() const { return m_maskArea; } void DockView::setMaskArea(QRect area) { if (m_maskArea == area) { return; } m_maskArea = area; setMask(m_maskArea); //qDebug() << "dock mask set:" << m_maskArea; emit maskAreaChanged(); } /*Dock::Alignment DockView::alignment() const { return m_alignment; } void DockView::setAlignment(Dock::Alignment align) { if (m_alignment == align) return; m_alignment = align; emit alignmentChanged(); } */ int DockView::offset() const { return m_offset; } void DockView::setOffset(int offset) { if (m_offset == offset) return; m_offset = offset; m_timerGeometry.start(); emit offsetChanged(); } void DockView::updateOffset() { if (!containment()) return; const float offsetPercent = containment()->config().readEntry("offset").toFloat(); const int offset = offsetPercent * (m_maxLength - m_length) / 2; if (offset == m_offset) return; m_offset = offset; emit offsetChanged(); } VisibilityManager *DockView::visibility() { return m_visibility; } bool DockView::event(QEvent *e) { emit eventTriggered(e); return ContainmentView::event(e); } /*void DockView::showEvent(QShowEvent *ev) { KWindowSystem::setType(winId(), NET::Dock); KWindowSystem::setOnAllDesktops(winId(), true); //QQuickWindow::showEvent(ev); ContainmentView::showEvent(ev); }*/ bool DockView::containmentContainsPosition(const QPointF &point) const { QQuickItem *containmentItem = containment()->property("_plasma_graphicObject").value<QQuickItem *>(); if (!containmentItem) { return false; } return QRectF(containmentItem->mapToScene(QPoint(0, 0)), QSizeF(containmentItem->width(), containmentItem->height())).contains(point); } QPointF DockView::positionAdjustedForContainment(const QPointF &point) const { QQuickItem *containmentItem = containment()->property("_plasma_graphicObject").value<QQuickItem *>(); if (!containmentItem) { return point; } QRectF containmentRect(containmentItem->mapToScene(QPoint(0, 0)), QSizeF(containmentItem->width(), containmentItem->height())); return QPointF(qBound(containmentRect.left() + 2, point.x(), containmentRect.right() - 2), qBound(containmentRect.top() + 2, point.y(), containmentRect.bottom() - 2)); } QList<int> DockView::freeEdges() const { QList<Plasma::Types::Location> edges = corona()->freeEdges(containment()->screen()); QList<int> edgesInt; foreach (Plasma::Types::Location edge, edges) { edgesInt.append(static_cast<int>(edge)); } return edgesInt; } void DockView::saveConfig() { if (!containment()) return; const auto writeEntry = [&](const char *entry, const QVariant & value) { containment()->config().writeEntry(entry, value); }; //! convert offset to percent, range [-1,1] 0 is Centered //! offsetPercent = offset * 2 / (maxLength - length) // const float offsetPercent = m_offset * 2.0f / (m_maxLength - m_length); // writeEntry("offset", offsetPercent); // writeEntry("iconSize", m_iconSize); // writeEntry("zoomFactor", m_zoomFactor); // writeEntry("alignment", static_cast<int>(m_alignment)); } void DockView::restoreConfig() { if (!containment()) return; const auto readEntry = [&](const char *entry, QVariant defaultValue) -> QVariant { return containment()->config().readEntry(entry, defaultValue); }; //! convert offset-percent to pixels //! offset = offsetPercent * (maxLength - length) / 2 // const float offsetPercent {readEntry("offset", 0).toFloat()}; // const int offset {static_cast<int>(offsetPercent * (m_maxLength - m_length) / 2)}; // setOffset(offset); // setIconSize(readEntry("iconSize", 32).toInt()); // setZoomFactor(readEntry("zoomFactor", 1.0).toFloat()); // setAlignment(static_cast<Dock::Alignment>(readEntry("alignment", Dock::Center).toInt())); } QVariantList DockView::containmentActions() { QVariantList actions; /*if (containment()->corona()->immutability() != Plasma::Types::Mutable) { return actions; }*/ //FIXME: the trigger string it should be better to be supported this way //const QString trigger = Plasma::ContainmentActions::eventToString(event); const QString trigger = "RightButton;NoModifier"; Plasma::ContainmentActions *plugin = containment()->containmentActions().value(trigger); if (!plugin) { return actions; } if (plugin->containment() != containment()) { plugin->setContainment(containment()); // now configure it KConfigGroup cfg(containment()->corona()->config(), "ActionPlugins"); cfg = KConfigGroup(&cfg, QString::number(containment()->containmentType())); KConfigGroup pluginConfig = KConfigGroup(&cfg, trigger); plugin->restore(pluginConfig); } foreach (QAction *ac, plugin->contextualActions()) { actions << QVariant::fromValue<QAction *>(ac); } return actions; } } //!END SLOTS //!END namespace