#**CHANGELOG**# #### Version 0.5.98 Beta * fix #323, a better fix for hover effect crashes * fix #323, preserve compatibility with plasma 5.8 * fix #323, TaskManagerBackend groupDialog * fix #316, [Crash] Exporting settings and trying to open directory of the file * fix #308, Always visible option does not work for side-set dock on unusual multi screen setup * fix #292, workaround for KF5.32 empty mask * fix #298, default add launchers in taskmanager * fix #285, expanded to false for applets * fix #262, dont hide preview window for buffer init * fix #282, fix removal animation * fix #281, enable/disable auto decrease applets size * fix #277, use normal dock window from tweaks * fix #275, top dock gains priority for AlwaysVisible * fix #272, expose alternative session in menu * fix #270, enable blur for panel background * fix #258, protect removal phase * fix #215, support a modifier action * fix #266, expose middle click actions of libtask * fix #260, hide tooltips if dock becomes hidden * fix #264, introduce lastValidSourceName * fix #256, Dodging/Layering Issues * fixes for no compositing automatic icon size * fix #259, user can set distance between applets * fix #257, crash alternative session & !compositing * fix crash deleting visibilityManager * fix restore config for raiseOnDesktop/ActivityChange * fix #246, Incorrect/inconsistent behaviour when switching virtual desktops * fix #250, workaround hovering issue for applets * fix #235, set icon for docks differently * fix #248, option to shring thick margins to minimum * fix #102, show apps menu with Super key * fix #204, improve Latte clicking signaling * fix #217, adaptive applet size based on screen * fix #238, disable/enable raise dock temporary * fix #233, support autostart through tweaks page * fix #126, improve behavior for auto positioning * fix #226, add applets correctly in Fill mode * fix #194, the user can enable a solid background * fix #191, use percentage to calculate panel size * fix #188, fix launchers behavior for Plasma>=5.9 * fix #218, reenable garbage collect and trim cache * fix #214, comment new multi-screen behavior * fix #216, fix glitch for none animations * fix right edge positioning * fix typo for LeftEdge * fix spacing at screen combo box * fix #208, crash on exit through quit button * fix #198, flag ByPassWindowManagerHint * fix #12,multi-screen support * support always on primary case * drop dock primary screen behavior from plasma * fix setting a dock's screen for config window * fix config window positioning in multi-screens * fix #116, update screen in screengeometry changes * fix memory leak * fix #197, add/remove task animation * fix applets centering with new rendering * fix #195, new direct rendering mechanism * fix #187, counter for actions blockHiding * fix #183, parentIndex wrong initialization in ToolTipDelegate2 * fix #186, drop shadowedImage and use Latte IconItem * fix #185, changes for previews broke hover behavior * fix #178, fix grid layout for group tasks * fix #177, protect containment clearZoom in previews * fix #176, dont hide tooltip when hovering same task * fix #174, account screen size for the debug window * fix #172, disable hidpi scaling * fix #171, use lock file instead of QSharedMemory * fix #171, allow only one instance for Latte app * fix #48, Support Alternatives from the Context Menu * fix #164, Dodge Active is broken for windows on all desktops * fix #116, remove QueuedConnection * fix #116, endless showing loop at startup * fix #139, Un-hide Latte at desktop and activity changes * fix #116, add protections in multi-screen * fix #159, show correct previews for windows * fix #133, dodge active window when switching desktop * fix #141, dodge decoration * fix #136, load visibility with a timer in startup * fix #136, clean autoHidden * fix #155, fix availableScreenRect of latte corona * fix #42, latte icon shown correctly in ksysguard * fix #154, crash on screenGeometry change * fix #153, improve tasks progress visuals * fix #148, improve tooltips focus * fix #118, support dragging a file at windows group * fix #138, import new tooltips from plasma 5.9 * fix #127, saving layouts in justify normal state * fix #118, raise window for hovering files over task * fix #128, reimplement the panel draw * fix #103, fixes in calculations and orchestration * fix #125, fix calculations for dock geometry * fix #119, improve animations heuristics * fix restoring splitters on startup * fix #92, improve more three layouts for Fill * fix issues with new maxLength * fix Wrong license version * fix #94, --debug must be set for debugging messages * fix #93, masking updated correctly on config win * fix #96, fix right click for systray * fix #88, protect launchers from adding icon info * fix #80, Dock do not dodge Spotify * fix #74, hide settings button from plasmoid tooltip * fix #85, removing Dock crashes Latte * fix #84, closing Latte cleans config file * fix two serious crashes from config window * improved readability of CMakeLists * removing intltool dependence and locale scripts improved * #98, added about dialog * support maxLength through config win and container * rename Latte's configuration files #81 * #199, AbstractWindowInterface is now a shared resource * #199, QQuickWindowSystem replacement of WindowSystem * avoid overlaping * improvements to no compositing * added multi screen support * added a lot information into debug window * added support for alternative session * added, #205 backup and restore * adedd, #224 Added option to add spacers applets * added german translation * added zh_TW translations #### Version 0.5.91 Alpha * fix #54, dock is shown when applet needs attention * fix #65, stop bouncing animation in hidden state * fix #66, many automatic size issues * fix #51, protect add task animation more * fix #76, Latte should not allow removing all dock * The task tooltip now shows all the borders * INSTALLATION file added with instructions for Kubuntu and Arch Linux * Update README.md * Added rpm package for openSUSE * Added spanish translation * Translation strings improved #70 #### Version 0.5.90 Alpha * First released