/* * Copyright 2019 Michail Vourlakos * * This file is part of Latte-Dock * * Latte-Dock is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Latte-Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "windowstracker.h" // local #include "abstractwindowinterface.h" #include "schemecolors.h" #include "schemestracker.h" #include "../lattecorona.h" #include "../layouts/manager.h" #include "../view/view.h" #include "../view/positioner.h" #include "../../liblatte2/types.h" namespace Latte { namespace WindowSystem { WindowsTracker::WindowsTracker(AbstractWindowInterface *parent) : QObject(parent) { m_wm = parent; init(); } WindowsTracker::~WindowsTracker() { } void WindowsTracker::init() { connect(m_wm->corona(), &Plasma::Corona::availableScreenRectChanged, this, &WindowsTracker::updateAvailableScreenGeometries); connect(m_wm, &AbstractWindowInterface::windowChanged, this, [&](WindowId wid) { m_windows[wid] = m_wm->requestInfo(wid); updateViewsHints(); }); connect(m_wm, &AbstractWindowInterface::windowRemoved, this, [&](WindowId wid) { m_windows.remove(wid); updateViewsHints(); }); connect(m_wm, &AbstractWindowInterface::windowAdded, this, [&](WindowId wid) { if (!m_windows.contains(wid)) { m_windows.insert(wid, m_wm->requestInfo(wid)); } updateViewsHints(); }); connect(m_wm, &AbstractWindowInterface::activeWindowChanged, this, [&](WindowId wid) { for (const auto view : m_views.keys()) { WindowId lastWinId = m_views[view].lastActiveWindow; if (m_windows.contains(lastWinId)) { m_windows[lastWinId] = m_wm->requestInfo(lastWinId); } } m_windows[wid] = m_wm->requestInfo(wid); updateViewsHints(); }); connect(m_wm, &AbstractWindowInterface::currentDesktopChanged, this, [&] { updateViewsHints(); }); connect(m_wm, &AbstractWindowInterface::currentActivityChanged, this, [&] { if (m_wm->corona()->layoutsManager()->memoryUsage() == Types::MultipleLayouts) { //! this is needed in MultipleLayouts because there is a chance that multiple //! layouts are providing different available screen geometries in different Activities updateAvailableScreenGeometries(); } updateViewsHints(); }); } void WindowsTracker::initViewHints(Latte::View *view) { if (!m_views.contains(view)) { return; } setActiveWindowMaximized(view, false); setActiveWindowTouching(view, false); setExistsWindowActive(view, false); setExistsWindowTouching(view, false); setExistsWindowMaximized(view, false); setActiveWindowScheme(view, nullptr); setTouchingWindowScheme(view, nullptr); } void WindowsTracker::addView(Latte::View *view) { if (m_views.contains(view)) { return; } ViewHints hints; m_views[view] = hints; updateAvailableScreenGeometries(); updateHints(view); } void WindowsTracker::removeView(Latte::View *view) { if (!m_views.contains(view)) { return; } m_views.remove(view); } //! Views Properties And Hints bool WindowsTracker::enabled(Latte::View *view) { if (!m_views.contains(view)) { return false; } return m_views[view].enabled; } void WindowsTracker::setEnabled(Latte::View *view, const bool enabled) { if (!m_views.contains(view) || m_views[view].enabled == enabled) { return; } m_views[view].enabled = enabled; if (enabled) { updateHints(view); } else { initViewHints(view); } emit enabledChanged(view); } bool WindowsTracker::activeWindowMaximized(Latte::View *view) const { if (!m_views.contains(view)) { return false; } return m_views[view].activeWindowMaximized; } void WindowsTracker::setActiveWindowMaximized(Latte::View *view, bool activeMaximized) { if (!m_views.contains(view) || m_views[view].activeWindowMaximized == activeMaximized) { return; } m_views[view].activeWindowMaximized = activeMaximized; emit activeWindowMaximizedChanged(view); } bool WindowsTracker::activeWindowTouching(Latte::View *view) const { if (!m_views.contains(view)) { return false; } return m_views[view].activeWindowTouching; } void WindowsTracker::setActiveWindowTouching(Latte::View *view, bool activeTouching) { if (!m_views.contains(view) || m_views[view].activeWindowTouching == activeTouching) { return; } m_views[view].activeWindowTouching = activeTouching; emit activeWindowTouchingChanged(view); } bool WindowsTracker::existsWindowActive(Latte::View *view) const { if (!m_views.contains(view)) { return false; } return m_views[view].existsWindowActive; } void WindowsTracker::setExistsWindowActive(Latte::View *view, bool windowActive) { if (!m_views.contains(view) || m_views[view].existsWindowActive == windowActive) { return; } m_views[view].existsWindowActive = windowActive; emit existsWindowActiveChanged(view); } bool WindowsTracker::existsWindowMaximized(Latte::View *view) const { if (!m_views.contains(view)) { return false; } return m_views[view].existsWindowMaximized; } void WindowsTracker::setExistsWindowMaximized(Latte::View *view, bool windowMaximized) { if (!m_views.contains(view) || m_views[view].existsWindowMaximized == windowMaximized) { return; } m_views[view].existsWindowMaximized = windowMaximized; emit existsWindowMaximizedChanged(view); } bool WindowsTracker::existsWindowTouching(Latte::View *view) const { if (!m_views.contains(view)) { return false; } return m_views[view].existsWindowTouching; } void WindowsTracker::setExistsWindowTouching(Latte::View *view, bool windowTouching) { if (!m_views.contains(view) || m_views[view].existsWindowTouching == windowTouching) { return; } m_views[view].existsWindowTouching = windowTouching; emit existsWindowTouchingChanged(view); } SchemeColors *WindowsTracker::activeWindowScheme(Latte::View *view) const { if (!m_views.contains(view)) { return nullptr; } return m_views[view].activeWindowScheme; } void WindowsTracker::setActiveWindowScheme(Latte::View *view, WindowSystem::SchemeColors *scheme) { if (!m_views.contains(view) || m_views[view].activeWindowScheme == scheme) { return; } m_views[view].activeWindowScheme = scheme; emit activeWindowSchemeChanged(view); } SchemeColors *WindowsTracker::touchingWindowScheme(Latte::View *view) const { if (!m_views.contains(view)) { return nullptr; } return m_views[view].touchingWindowScheme; } void WindowsTracker::setTouchingWindowScheme(Latte::View *view, WindowSystem::SchemeColors *scheme) { if (!m_views.contains(view) || m_views[view].touchingWindowScheme == scheme) { return; } m_views[view].touchingWindowScheme = scheme; emit touchingWindowSchemeChanged(view); } WindowInfoWrap WindowsTracker::lastActiveWindowInfo(Latte::View *view) { WindowInfoWrap info; if (!m_views.contains(view)) { return info; } if (!m_windows.contains(m_views[view].lastActiveWindow)) { m_views[view].lastActiveWindow = info.wid(); return info; } return m_wm->requestInfo(m_views[view].lastActiveWindow); } //! Windows Criteria Functions bool WindowsTracker::inCurrentDesktopActivity(const WindowInfoWrap &winfo) { return (winfo.isValid() && m_wm->isOnCurrentDesktop(winfo.wid()) && m_wm->isOnCurrentActivity(winfo.wid())); } bool WindowsTracker::intersects(Latte::View *view, const WindowInfoWrap &winfo) { return (!winfo.isMinimized() && !winfo.isShaded() && winfo.geometry().intersects(view->absoluteGeometry())); } bool WindowsTracker::isActive(const WindowInfoWrap &winfo) { return (winfo.isValid() && winfo.isActive() && !winfo.isMinimized()); } bool WindowsTracker::isActiveInViewScreen(Latte::View *view, const WindowInfoWrap &winfo) { return (winfo.isValid() && winfo.isActive() && !winfo.isMinimized() && m_views[view].availableScreenGeometry.contains(winfo.geometry().center())); } bool WindowsTracker::isMaximizedInViewScreen(Latte::View *view, const WindowInfoWrap &winfo) { auto viewIntersectsMaxVert = [&]() noexcept -> bool { return ((winfo.isMaxVert() || (view->screen() && view->screen()->availableSize().height() <= winfo.geometry().height())) && intersects(view, winfo)); }; auto viewIntersectsMaxHoriz = [&]() noexcept -> bool { return ((winfo.isMaxHoriz() || (view->screen() && view->screen()->availableSize().width() <= winfo.geometry().width())) && intersects(view, winfo)); }; //! updated implementation to identify the screen that the maximized window is present //! in order to avoid: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=397700 return (winfo.isValid() && !winfo.isMinimized() && (winfo.isMaximized() || viewIntersectsMaxVert() || viewIntersectsMaxHoriz()) && m_views[view].availableScreenGeometry.contains(winfo.geometry().center())); } bool WindowsTracker::isTouchingView(Latte::View *view, const WindowSystem::WindowInfoWrap &winfo) { return (winfo.isValid() && intersects(view, winfo)); } bool WindowsTracker::isTouchingViewEdge(Latte::View *view, const WindowInfoWrap &winfo) { if (winfo.isValid() && !winfo.isMinimized()) { bool touchingViewEdge{false}; QRect screenGeometry = view->screenGeometry(); QRect availableScreenGeometry = m_views[view].availableScreenGeometry; bool inCurrentScreen{screenGeometry.contains(winfo.geometry().topLeft()) || screenGeometry.contains(winfo.geometry().bottomRight())}; if (inCurrentScreen) { if (view->location() == Plasma::Types::TopEdge) { touchingViewEdge = (winfo.geometry().y() == availableScreenGeometry.y()); } else if (view->location() == Plasma::Types::BottomEdge) { touchingViewEdge = (winfo.geometry().bottom() == availableScreenGeometry.bottom()); } else if (view->location() == Plasma::Types::LeftEdge) { touchingViewEdge = (winfo.geometry().x() == availableScreenGeometry.x()); } else if (view->location() == Plasma::Types::RightEdge) { touchingViewEdge = (winfo.geometry().right() == availableScreenGeometry.right()); } } return touchingViewEdge; } return false; } void WindowsTracker::cleanupFaultyWindows() { for (const auto &key : m_windows.keys()) { auto winfo = m_windows[key]; //! garbage windows removing if (winfo.geometry() == QRect(0, 0, 0, 0)) { //qDebug() << "Faulty Geometry ::: " << winfo.wid(); m_windows.remove(key); } } } void WindowsTracker::updateAvailableScreenGeometries() { for (const auto view : m_views.keys()) { if (m_views[view].enabled) { int currentScrId = view->positioner()->currentScreenId(); QRect tempAvailableScreenGeometry = m_wm->corona()->availableScreenRectWithCriteria(currentScrId, {Types::AlwaysVisible}, {}); if (tempAvailableScreenGeometry != m_views[view].availableScreenGeometry) { m_views[view].availableScreenGeometry = tempAvailableScreenGeometry; updateHints(view); } } } } void WindowsTracker::updateViewsHints() { for (const auto view : m_views.keys()) { if (m_views[view].enabled) { updateHints(view); } } } void WindowsTracker::updateHints(Latte::View *view) { if (!m_views.contains(view)) { return; } bool foundActive{false}; bool foundActiveInCurScreen{false}; bool foundActiveTouchInCurScreen{false}; bool foundTouchInCurScreen{false}; bool foundMaximizedInCurScreen{false}; //! the notification window is not sending a remove signal and creates windows of geometry (0x0 0,0), //! maybe a garbage collector here is a good idea!!! bool existsFaultyWindow{false}; WindowId maxWinId; WindowId activeWinId; WindowId touchWinId; WindowId activeTouchWinId; for (const auto &winfo : m_windows) { if (winfo.isPlasmaDesktop() || !inCurrentDesktopActivity(winfo)) { continue; } if (isActive(winfo)) { foundActive = true; } if (isActiveInViewScreen(view, winfo)) { m_views[view].lastActiveWindow = winfo.wid(); foundActiveInCurScreen = true; activeWinId = winfo.wid(); } if (isTouchingViewEdge(view, winfo) || isTouchingView(view, winfo)) { if (winfo.isActive()) { foundActiveTouchInCurScreen = true; activeTouchWinId = winfo.wid(); if (isMaximizedInViewScreen(view, winfo)) { //! active maximized windows have higher priority than the rest maximized windows foundMaximizedInCurScreen = true; maxWinId = winfo.wid(); } } else { foundTouchInCurScreen = true; touchWinId = winfo.wid(); } if (!foundMaximizedInCurScreen && isMaximizedInViewScreen(view, winfo)) { foundMaximizedInCurScreen = true; maxWinId = winfo.wid(); } } if (!existsFaultyWindow && winfo.geometry() == QRect(0, 0, 0, 0)) { existsFaultyWindow = true; } //qDebug() << "window geometry ::: " << winfo.geometry(); } if (existsFaultyWindow) { cleanupFaultyWindows(); } //! HACK: KWin Effects such as ShowDesktop have no way to be identified and as such //! create issues with identifying properly touching and maximized windows. BUT when //! they are enabled then NO ACTIVE window is found. This is a way to identify these //! effects trigerring and disable the touch flags. //! BUG: 404483 //! Disabled because it has fault identifications, e.g. when a window is maximized and //! Latte or Plasma are showing their View settings //foundMaximizedInCurScreen = foundMaximizedInCurScreen && foundActive; //foundTouchInCurScreen = foundTouchInCurScreen && foundActive; //! assign flags setExistsWindowActive(view, foundActiveInCurScreen); setActiveWindowTouching(view, foundActiveTouchInCurScreen); setActiveWindowMaximized(view, (maxWinId.toInt()>0 && (maxWinId == activeTouchWinId))); setExistsWindowMaximized(view, foundMaximizedInCurScreen); setExistsWindowTouching(view, (foundTouchInCurScreen || foundActiveTouchInCurScreen)); //! update color schemes for active and touching windows setActiveWindowScheme(view, (foundActiveInCurScreen ? m_wm->schemesTracker()->schemeForWindow(activeWinId) : nullptr)); if (foundActiveTouchInCurScreen) { setTouchingWindowScheme(view, m_wm->schemesTracker()->schemeForWindow(activeTouchWinId)); } else if (foundMaximizedInCurScreen) { setTouchingWindowScheme(view, m_wm->schemesTracker()->schemeForWindow(maxWinId)); } else if (foundTouchInCurScreen) { setTouchingWindowScheme(view, m_wm->schemesTracker()->schemeForWindow(touchWinId)); } else { setTouchingWindowScheme(view, nullptr); } //! Debug //qDebug() << "TRACKING | SCREEN: " << view->positioner()->currentScreenId() << " , EDGE:" << view->location() << " , ENABLED:" << enabled(view); //qDebug() << "TRACKING | activeWindowTouching: " << foundActiveTouchInCurScreen << " ,activeWindowMaximized: " << activeWindowMaximized(view); //qDebug() << "TRACKING | existsWindowActive: " << foundActiveInCurScreen << " , existsWindowMaximized:" << existsWindowMaximized(view) // << " , existsWindowTouching:"<