/* * Copyright 2016 Smith AR * Michail Vourlakos * * This file is part of Latte-Dock * * Latte-Dock is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Latte-Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import QtQuick 2.1 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1 import QtGraphicalEffects 1.0 import org.kde.plasma.plasmoid 2.0 import org.kde.plasma.core 2.0 as PlasmaCore import org.kde.plasma.components 2.0 as PlasmaComponents import org.kde.latte.core 0.2 as LatteCore import org.kde.latte.components 1.0 as LatteComponents import "../../code/MathTools.js" as MathTools Item{ id: wrapper width: root.isHorizontal ? length : thickness height: root.isHorizontal ? thickness : length readonly property int length: { if (appletItem.isInternalViewSplitter) { if (!root.inConfigureAppletsMode) { return 0; } else if (appletItem.inConfigureAppletsDragging || !appletItem.isFillSplitter){ return appletMinimumLength; // /* /*(lengthAppletPadding + metrics.margin.length)*2*/ } } if (isSeparator && appletItem.parabolic.isEnabled) { return -1; } if (appletItem.isAutoFillApplet) { //! dont miss 1pixel gap when the two internal splitters are met inConfigure and Justify mode //! a good example is a big vertical right sidebar to observe that gap if (appletItem.layouter.maxMetricsInHigherPriority) { return isInternalViewSplitter ? appletItem.maxAutoFillLength + 1 : appletItem.maxAutoFillLength; } var result = Math.max(appletItem.minAutoFillLength,Math.min(appletPreferredLength,appletItem.maxAutoFillLength)); return isInternalViewSplitter? result + 1 : result; } return root.inConfigureAppletsMode ? Math.max(Math.min(appletItem.metrics.iconSize, root.minAppletLengthInConfigure), scaledLength) : scaledLength; } readonly property int thickness: { if (appletItem.isInternalViewSplitter && !root.inConfigureAppletsMode) { return 0; } return communicator.parabolicEffectIsSupported ? appletPreferredThickness : scaledThickness + appletItem.metrics.margin.screenEdge; } opacity: appletColorizer.mustBeShown && graphicsSystem.isAccelerated ? 0 : 1 property bool disableLengthScale: false property bool disableThicknessScale: false property bool editMode: root.inConfigureAppletsMode property int appletWidth: applet ? applet.width : -1 property int appletHeight: applet ? applet.height : -1 property int appletMinimumWidth: applet && applet.Layout ? applet.Layout.minimumWidth : -1 property int appletMinimumHeight: applet && applet.Layout ? applet.Layout.minimumHeight : -1 property int appletPreferredWidth: applet && applet.Layout ? applet.Layout.preferredWidth : -1 property int appletPreferredHeight: applet && applet.Layout ? applet.Layout.preferredHeight : -1 property int appletMaximumWidth: applet && applet.Layout ? applet.Layout.maximumWidth : -1 property int appletMaximumHeight: applet && applet.Layout ? applet.Layout.maximumHeight : -1 readonly property int appletLength: root.isHorizontal ? appletWidth : appletHeight readonly property int appletThickness: root.isHorizontal ? appletHeight : appletWidth readonly property int appletMinimumLength : { if (isInternalViewSplitter) { return root.maxJustifySplitterSize; } return root.isHorizontal ? appletMinimumWidth : appletMinimumHeight } readonly property int appletPreferredLength: { if (isInternalViewSplitter) { return appletItem.isFillSplitter ? Infinity : appletMinimumLength; } return root.isHorizontal ? appletPreferredWidth : appletPreferredHeight; } readonly property int appletMaximumLength: { if (isInternalViewSplitter) { return isFillSplitter ? (root.isHorizontal ? root.width : root.height) : appletMinimumLength; } root.isHorizontal ? appletMaximumWidth : appletMaximumHeight; } readonly property int appletMinimumThickness: root.isHorizontal ? appletMinimumHeight : appletMinimumWidth readonly property int appletPreferredThickness: root.isHorizontal ? appletPreferredHeight : appletPreferredWidth readonly property int appletMaximumThickness: root.isHorizontal ? appletMaximumHeight : appletMaximumWidth property int iconSize: appletItem.metrics.iconSize property int marginsThickness: appletItem.canFillThickness ? 0 : appletItem.metrics.totals.thicknessEdges property int marginsLength: 0 //Fitt's Law, through Binding to avoid Binding loops property int localLengthMargins: isSeparator || !communicator.requires.lengthMarginsEnabled || isInternalViewSplitter ? 0 : appletItem.lengthAppletFullMargins property real scaledLength: zoomScaleLength * (layoutLength + marginsLength) property real scaledThickness: zoomScaleThickness * (layoutThickness + marginsThickness) property real zoomScaleLength: disableLengthScale ? 1 : zoomScale property real zoomScaleThickness: disableThicknessScale ? 1 : zoomScale property int layoutLength: 0 property int layoutThickness: 0 property real zoomScale: 1 readonly property alias headThicknessMargin: _wrapperContainer.headThicknessMargin readonly property alias tailThicknessMargin: _wrapperContainer.tailThicknessMargin readonly property alias appletScreenMargin: _wrapperContainer.appliedEdgeMargin property int index: appletItem.index property Item wrapperContainer: _wrapperContainer property Item clickedEffect: _clickedEffect property Item containerForOverlayIcon: _containerForOverlayIcon property Item overlayIconLoader: _overlayIconLoader Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: 0.8 * appletItem.animations.duration.proposed easing.type: Easing.OutCubic } } // property int pHeight: applet ? applet.Layout.preferredHeight : -10 /*function debugLayouts(){ if(applet && applet.pluginName==="org.kde.plasma.systemtray"){ console.log("---------- "+ applet.pluginName +" ----------"); console.log("MinW "+applet.Layout.minimumWidth); console.log("PW "+applet.Layout.preferredWidth); console.log("MaxW "+applet.Layout.maximumWidth); console.log("FillW "+applet.Layout.fillWidth); console.log("-----"); console.log("MinH "+applet.Layout.minimumHeight); console.log("PH "+applet.Layout.preferredHeight); console.log("MaxH "+applet.Layout.maximumHeight); console.log("FillH "+applet.Layout.fillHeight); console.log("-----"); console.log("Real Applet Width: "+applet.width); console.log("Real Applet Height: "+applet.height); console.log("-----"); console.log("Real Wrapper Width: "+wrapper.width); console.log("Real Wrapper Height: "+wrapper.height); console.log("-----"); console.log("Can be hovered: " + parabolicEffectIsSupported); console.log("Icon size: " + appletItem.metrics.iconSize); console.log("Thick Margins: " + appletItem.metrics.totals.thicknessEdges); console.log("Intern. Margins: " + (appletItem.metrics.padding.length * 2)); console.log("Intern. Margins: " + (appletItem.metrics.margin.length * 2)); console.log("Max hovered criteria: " + (appletItem.metrics.iconSize + metrics.totals.thicknessEdges)); console.log("-----"); console.log("LayoutLength: " + layoutLength); console.log("LayoutThickness: " + layoutThickness); } }*/ onAppletLengthChanged: { if(zoomScale === 1) { appletItem.updateParabolicEffectIsSupported(); } } onAppletThicknessChanged: { if(zoomScale === 1) { appletItem.updateParabolicEffectIsSupported(); } } onAppletMinimumLengthChanged: { if(zoomScale === 1) { appletItem.updateParabolicEffectIsSupported(); } updateAutoFillLength(); } onAppletMinimumThicknessChanged: { if(zoomScale === 1) { appletItem.updateParabolicEffectIsSupported(); } } onAppletPreferredLengthChanged: { updateAutoFillLength(); } onAppletMaximumLengthChanged: { updateAutoFillLength(); } onZoomScaleChanged: { if ((zoomScale === appletItem.parabolic.factor.zoom) && !appletItem.parabolic.directRenderingEnabled) { appletItem.parabolic.setDirectRenderingEnabled(true); } if ((zoomScale > 1) && !appletItem.isZoomed) { appletItem.isZoomed = true; appletItem.animations.needBothAxis.addEvent(appletItem); } else if (zoomScale == 1) { appletItem.isZoomed = false; appletItem.animations.needBothAxis.removeEvent(appletItem); } } Binding { target: wrapper property: "layoutThickness" when: latteView && (wrapper.zoomScale === 1 || communicator.parabolicEffectIsSupported) value: { if (appletItem.isInternalViewSplitter){ return !root.inConfigureAppletsMode ? 0 : appletItem.metrics.iconSize; } // avoid binding loops on startup if (communicator.parabolicEffectIsSupported && !communicator.inStartup) { return appletPreferredThickness; } return appletItem.metrics.iconSize; } } Binding { target: wrapper property: "layoutLength" when: latteView && !appletItem.isAutoFillApplet && (wrapper.zoomScale === 1) value: { if (applet && ( appletMaximumLength < appletItem.metrics.iconSize || appletPreferredLength > appletItem.metrics.iconSize || appletItem.originalAppletBehavior)) { //this way improves performance, probably because during animation the preferred sizes update a lot if (appletMaximumLength>0 && appletMaximumLength < appletItem.metrics.iconSize){ return appletMaximumLength; } else if (appletMinimumLength > appletItem.metrics.iconSize){ return appletMinimumLength; } else if ((appletPreferredLength > appletItem.metrics.iconSize) || (appletItem.originalAppletBehavior && appletPreferredLength > 0)){ return appletPreferredLength; } } return appletItem.metrics.iconSize; } } Binding { target: wrapper property: "disableLengthScale" when: latteView && !(appletItem.isAutoFillApplet || appletItem.isLattePlasmoid) value: { var blockParabolicEffectInLength = false; if (communicator.parabolicEffectIsSupported) { return true; } if (appletItem.isInternalViewSplitter){ return false; } else { if(applet && (appletMinimumLength > appletItem.metrics.iconSize) && !appletItem.parabolicEffectIsSupported){ return (wrapper.zoomScale === 1); } //it is used for plasmoids that need to scale only one axis... e.g. the Weather Plasmoid else if(applet && ( appletMaximumLength < appletItem.metrics.iconSize || appletPreferredLength > appletItem.metrics.iconSize || appletItem.originalAppletBehavior)) { //this way improves performance, probably because during animation the preferred sizes update a lot if (appletMaximumLength>0 && appletMaximumLength < appletItem.metrics.iconSize){ return false; } else if (appletMinimumLength > appletItem.metrics.iconSize){ return (wrapper.zoomScale === 1); } else if ((appletPreferredLength > appletItem.metrics.iconSize) || (appletItem.originalAppletBehavior && appletPreferredLength > 0 )){ return (wrapper.zoomScale === 1); } } } return false; } } Binding { target: wrapper property: "marginsLength" when: latteView && (!root.inStartup || visibilityManager.inRelocationHiding) value: localLengthMargins } function updateAutoFillLength() { if (appletItem.isAutoFillApplet) { appletItem.layouter.updateSizeForAppletsInFill(); } } //! Applet Main Container Item{ id:_wrapperContainer width: root.isHorizontal ? _length : _thickness height: root.isHorizontal ? _thickness : _length opacity: appletShadow.active ? 0 : 1 property int _length:0 // through Binding to avoid binding loops property int _thickness:0 // through Binding to avoid binding loops readonly property int appliedEdgeMargin: appletItem.screenEdgeMarginSupported ? 0 : appletItem.metrics.margin.screenEdge readonly property int tailThicknessMargin: appletItem.screenEdgeMarginSupported ? 0 : appliedEdgeMargin + (wrapper.zoomScaleThickness * metrics.margin.thickness) readonly property int headThicknessMargin: appletItem.canFillThickness || appletItem.screenEdgeMarginSupported ? 0 : appletItem.metrics.margin.thickness Binding { target: _wrapperContainer property: "_thickness" when: !visibilityManager.inRelocationHiding value: { if (appletItem.isInternalViewSplitter) { return wrapper.layoutThickness; } var wrapperContainerThickness = appletItem.screenEdgeMarginSupported ? appletItem.metrics.totals.thickness : wrapper.zoomScaleThickness * metrics.iconSize; return appletItem.screenEdgeMarginSupported ? wrapperContainerThickness + appletItem.metrics.margin.screenEdge : wrapperContainerThickness; } } Binding { target: _wrapperContainer property: "_length" when: !visibilityManager.inRelocationHiding value: { if (appletItem.isAutoFillApplet && (appletItem.maxAutoFillLength>-1)){ return wrapper.length - appletItem.lengthAppletFullMargins; } return wrapper.zoomScaleLength * wrapper.layoutLength; } } Loader{ anchors.fill: parent active: appletItem.debug.graphicsEnabled && !isInternalViewSplitter sourceComponent: Rectangle{ width: 30 height: 30 color: "transparent" border.width: 1 border.color: "yellow" } } Item{ id: _containerForOverlayIcon anchors.fill: parent } Loader{ id: _overlayIconLoader anchors.fill: parent active: communicator.appletMainIconIsFound property color backgroundColor: "black" property color glowColor: "white" sourceComponent: LatteCore.IconItem{ id: overlayIconItem anchors.fill: parent visible: false source: { if (communicator.appletIconItem && communicator.appletIconItem.visible) { return communicator.appletIconItem.source; } else if (communicator.appletImageItem && communicator.appletImageItem.visible) { return communicator.appletImageItem.source; } return ""; } providesColors: indicators.info.needsIconColors && source != "" usesPlasmaTheme: communicator.appletIconItem && communicator.appletIconItem.visible ? communicator.appletIconItem.usesPlasmaTheme : false Binding{ target: _overlayIconLoader property: "backgroundColor" when: overlayIconItem.providesColors value: overlayIconItem.backgroundColor } Binding{ target: _overlayIconLoader property: "glowColor" when: overlayIconItem.providesColors value: overlayIconItem.glowColor } Loader{ anchors.centerIn: parent active: appletItem.debug.overloadedIconsEnabled && !isInternalViewSplitter sourceComponent: Rectangle{ width: 30 height: 30 color: "green" opacity: 0.65 } } } } //! WrapperContainer States states:[ State{ name: "bottom" when: plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge AnchorChanges{ target: _wrapperContainer; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; anchors.verticalCenter: undefined; anchors.right: undefined; anchors.left: undefined; anchors.top: undefined; anchors.bottom: parent.bottom; } PropertyChanges{ target: _wrapperContainer; anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin: 0; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin: _wrapperContainer.tailThicknessMargin anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: 0; anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 0; } }, State{ name: "top" when: plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge AnchorChanges{ target:_wrapperContainer; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; anchors.verticalCenter: undefined; anchors.right: undefined; anchors.left: undefined; anchors.top: parent.top; anchors.bottom: undefined; } PropertyChanges{ target: _wrapperContainer; anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin: 0; anchors.topMargin: _wrapperContainer.tailThicknessMargin; anchors.bottomMargin: 0; anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: 0; anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 0; } }, State{ name: "left" when: plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge AnchorChanges{ target: _wrapperContainer; anchors.horizontalCenter: undefined; anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter; anchors.right: undefined; anchors.left: parent.left; anchors.top: undefined; anchors.bottom: undefined; } PropertyChanges{ target: _wrapperContainer; anchors.leftMargin: _wrapperContainer.tailThicknessMargin; anchors.rightMargin: 0; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin: 0; anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: 0; anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 0; } }, State{ name: "right" when: plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge AnchorChanges{ target: _wrapperContainer; anchors.horizontalCenter: undefined; anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter; anchors.right: parent.right; anchors.left: undefined; anchors.top: undefined; anchors.bottom: undefined; } PropertyChanges{ target: _wrapperContainer; anchors.leftMargin: 0; anchors.rightMargin: _wrapperContainer.tailThicknessMargin; anchors.topMargin:0; anchors.bottomMargin: 0; anchors.horizontalCenterOffset: 0; anchors.verticalCenterOffset: 0; } } ] } //! EventsSink Loader { id: eventsSinkLoader anchors.fill: _wrapperContainer active: !communicator.parabolicEffectIsSupported && !isSeparator && !isSpacer //! The following can be added in case EventsSink creates slaginess with parabolic effect //!(appletItem.lockZoom || !appletItem.parabolic.isEnabled || !appletItem.parabolicEffectIsSupported) sourceComponent: EventsSink { destination: _wrapperContainer } } //! InternalViewSplitter Loader{ anchors.fill: parent //_wrapperContainer anchors.topMargin: plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.TopEdge ? wrapper.appletScreenMargin : 0 anchors.leftMargin: plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.LeftEdge ? wrapper.appletScreenMargin : 0 anchors.bottomMargin: plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.BottomEdge ? wrapper.appletScreenMargin : 0 anchors.rightMargin: plasmoid.location === PlasmaCore.Types.RightEdge ? wrapper.appletScreenMargin : 0 active: appletItem.isInternalViewSplitter && root.inConfigureAppletsMode sourceComponent: LatteComponents.SpriteRectangle { isHorizontal: root.isHorizontal color: appletItem.highlightColor spriteSize: 8 spriteMargin: 4 spritePosition: { if (root.isHorizontal) { return appletItem.parent === appletItem.layouts.startLayout ? PlasmaCore.Types.RightPositioned : PlasmaCore.Types.LeftPositioned; } else { return appletItem.parent === appletItem.layouts.startLayout ? PlasmaCore.Types.BottomPositioned : PlasmaCore.Types.TopPositioned; } } } } ///Shadow in applets Loader{ id: appletShadow anchors.fill: appletItem.appletWrapper active: appletItem.applet && graphicsSystem.isAccelerated && !appletColorizer.mustBeShown && (root.enableShadows && applet.pluginName !== root.plasmoidName) onActiveChanged: { if (active && !isSeparator && graphicsSystem.isAccelerated) { wrapperContainer.opacity = 0; } else { wrapperContainer.opacity = 1; } } opacity: isSeparator ? 0.4 : 1 sourceComponent: DropShadow{ anchors.fill: parent color: root.appShadowColor //"#ff080808" fast: true samples: 2 * radius source: appletItem.applet radius: shadowSize verticalOffset: root.forceTransparentPanel || root.forcePanelForBusyBackground ? 0 : 2 property int shadowSize : root.appShadowSize } } BrightnessContrast { id: _clickedEffect anchors.fill: _wrapperContainer source: _wrapperContainer visible: clickedAnimation.running && !indicators.info.providesClickedAnimation } /* onHeightChanged: { if ((index == 1)|| (index==3)){ console.log("H: "+index+" ("+zoomScale+"). "+currentLayout.children[1].height+" - "+currentLayout.children[3].height+" - "+(currentLayout.children[1].height+currentLayout.children[3].height)); } } onZoomScaleChanged:{ if ((index == 1)|| (index==3)){ console.log(index+" ("+zoomScale+"). "+currentLayout.children[1].height+" - "+currentLayout.children[3].height+" - "+(currentLayout.children[1].height+currentLayout.children[3].height)); } }*/ Loader{ anchors.fill: parent active: appletItem.debug.graphicsEnabled sourceComponent: Rectangle{ anchors.fill: parent color: "transparent" //! red visualizer, in debug mode for the applets that use fillWidth or fillHeight //! green, for the rest border.color: (appletItem.isAutoFillApplet && (appletItem.maxAutoFillLength>-1) && root.isHorizontal) ? "red" : "green" border.width: 1 } } Behavior on zoomScale { id: animatedScaleBehavior enabled: !appletItem.parabolic.directRenderingEnabled || restoreAnimation.running NumberAnimation { duration: 3 * appletItem.animationTime easing.type: Easing.OutCubic } } Behavior on zoomScale { enabled: !animatedScaleBehavior.enabled NumberAnimation { duration: 0 } } }// Main task area // id:wrapper