/* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Michail Vourlakos SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */ #include "panelbackground.h" // local #include "theme.h" // Qt #include #include #define CENTERWIDTH 100 #define CENTERHEIGHT 50 #define BASELINESHADOWTHRESHOLD 5 namespace Latte { namespace PlasmaExtended { PanelBackground::PanelBackground(Plasma::Types::Location edge, Theme *parent) : QObject(parent), m_location(edge), m_parentTheme(parent) { } PanelBackground::~PanelBackground() { } bool PanelBackground::hasMask(Plasma::Svg *svg) const { if (!svg) { return false; } return svg->hasElement("mask-topleft"); } int PanelBackground::paddingTop() const { return m_paddingTop; } int PanelBackground::paddingLeft() const { return m_paddingLeft; } int PanelBackground::paddingBottom() const { return m_paddingBottom; } int PanelBackground::paddingRight() const { return m_paddingRight; } int PanelBackground::roundness() const { return m_roundness; } int PanelBackground::shadowSize() const { return m_shadowSize; } float PanelBackground::maxOpacity() const { return m_maxOpacity; } QColor PanelBackground::shadowColor() const { return m_shadowColor; } QString PanelBackground::prefixed(const QString &id) { if (m_location == Plasma::Types::TopEdge) { return QString("north-"+id); } else if (m_location == Plasma::Types::LeftEdge) { return QString("west-"+id); } else if (m_location == Plasma::Types::BottomEdge) { return QString("south-"+id); } else if (m_location == Plasma::Types::RightEdge) { return QString("east-"+id); } return id; } QString PanelBackground::element(Plasma::Svg *svg, const QString &id) { if (!svg) { return ""; } if (svg->hasElement(prefixed(id))) { return prefixed(id); } if (svg->hasElement(id)) { return id; } return ""; } void PanelBackground::updateMaxOpacity(Plasma::Svg *svg) { if (!svg) { return; } QImage center = svg->image(QSize(CENTERWIDTH, CENTERHEIGHT), element(svg, "center")); float alphasum{0}; //! calculating the mid opacity (this is needed in order to handle Oxygen //! that has different opacity levels in the same center element) for (int row=0; row<2; ++row) { QRgb *line = (QRgb *)center.scanLine(row); for (int col=0; colelementSize(element(svg, "top")).height(); m_paddingLeft = svg->elementSize(element(svg, "left")).width(); m_paddingBottom = svg->elementSize(element(svg, "bottom")).height(); m_paddingRight = svg->elementSize(element(svg, "right")).width(); emit paddingsChanged(); } void PanelBackground::updateRoundnessFromMask(Plasma::Svg *svg) { if (!svg) { return; } bool topLeftCorner = (m_location == Plasma::Types::BottomEdge || m_location == Plasma::Types::RightEdge); QString cornerId = (topLeftCorner ? "mask-topleft" : "mask-bottomright"); QImage corner = svg->image(svg->elementSize(cornerId), cornerId); int baseRow = (topLeftCorner ? corner.height()-1 : 0); int baseCol = (topLeftCorner ? corner.width()-1 : 0); int baseLineLength = 0; int roundnessLines = 0; if (topLeftCorner) { //! TOPLEFT corner QRgb *line = (QRgb *)corner.scanLine(baseRow); QRgb basePoint = line[baseCol]; QRgb *isRoundedLine = (QRgb *)corner.scanLine(0); QRgb isRoundedPoint = isRoundedLine[0]; //! If there is roundness, if that point is not fully transparent then //! there is no roundness if (qAlpha(isRoundedPoint) == 0) { if (qAlpha(basePoint) > 0) { //! calculate the mask baseLine length for(int c = baseCol; c>=0; --c) { QRgb *l = (QRgb *)corner.scanLine(baseRow); QRgb point = line[c]; if (qAlpha(point) > 0) { baseLineLength ++; } else { break; } } } qDebug() << " TOP LEFT CORNER MASK base line length :: " << baseLineLength; if (baseLineLength>0) { int headLimitR = baseRow; int tailLimitR = baseRow; for (int r = baseRow-1; r>=0; --r) { QRgb *line = (QRgb *)corner.scanLine(r); QRgb fpoint = line[baseCol]; if (qAlpha(fpoint) == 0) { //! a line that is not part of the roundness because its first pixel is fully transparent break; } headLimitR = r; } int c = qMax(0, corner.width() - baseLineLength); for (int r = baseRow-1; r>=0; --r) { QRgb *line = (QRgb *)corner.scanLine(r); QRgb point = line[c]; if (qAlpha(point) != 255) { tailLimitR = r; break; } } //qDebug() << " -> calculations: " << ", tail row :" << tailLimitR << " | head row: " << headLimitR; if (headLimitR != tailLimitR) { roundnessLines = tailLimitR - headLimitR + 1; } } } } else { //! BOTTOMRIGHT CORNER //! it should be TOPRIGHT corner in that case QRgb *line = (QRgb *)corner.scanLine(baseRow); QRgb basePoint = line[baseCol]; QRgb *isRoundedLine = (QRgb *)corner.scanLine(corner.height()-1); QRgb isRoundedPoint = isRoundedLine[corner.width()-1]; //! If there is roundness, if that point is not fully transparent then //! there is no roundness if (qAlpha(isRoundedPoint) == 0) { if (qAlpha(basePoint) > 0) { //! calculate the mask baseLine length for(int c = baseCol; c 0) { baseLineLength ++; } else { break; } } } qDebug() << " BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER MASK base line length :: " << baseLineLength; if (baseLineLength>0) { int headLimitR = 0; int tailLimitR = 0; for (int r = baseRow+1; r<=corner.height(); ++r) { QRgb *line = (QRgb *)corner.scanLine(r); QRgb fpoint = line[baseCol]; if (qAlpha(fpoint) == 0) { //! a line that is not part of the roundness because its first pixel is not trasparent break; } headLimitR = r; } int c = baseLineLength - 1; for (int r = baseRow+1; r<=corner.height(); ++r) { QRgb *line = (QRgb *)corner.scanLine(r); QRgb point = line[c]; if (qAlpha(point) != 255) { tailLimitR = r; break; } } //qDebug() << " -> calculations: " << ", tail row :" << tailLimitR << " | head row: " << headLimitR; if (headLimitR != tailLimitR) { roundnessLines = headLimitR - tailLimitR + 1; } } } } m_roundness = roundnessLines; emit roundnessChanged(); } void PanelBackground::updateRoundnessFromShadows(Plasma::Svg *svg) { //! 1. Algorithm is choosing which corner shadow based on panel location //! 2. For that corner discovers the maxOpacity (most solid shadow point) and //! how pixels (distance) is to the most solid point, that is called [baseLineLength] //! 3. After [2] the algorigthm for each next line calculates the maxOpacity //! for that line and how many points are needed to reach there. If the points //! to reach the line max opacity are shorter than baseLineLength then that line //! is considered part of the roundness //! 3.1 Avoid zig-zag cases such as the Air plasma theme case. When the shadow is not //! following a straight line until reaching the rounded part the algorithm is //! considering as valid roundness only the last part of the discovered roundness and //! ignores all the previous. //! 4. Calculating the lines that are shorter than the baseline provides //! the discovered roundness if (!svg) { return; } bool topLeftCorner = (m_location == Plasma::Types::BottomEdge || m_location == Plasma::Types::RightEdge); QString cornerId = (topLeftCorner ? "shadow-topleft" : "shadow-bottomright"); QImage corner = svg->image(svg->elementSize(cornerId), cornerId); int baseRow = (topLeftCorner ? corner.height()-1 : 0); int baseCol = (topLeftCorner ? corner.width()-1 : 0); int baseLineLength = 0; int roundnessLines = 0; if (topLeftCorner) { //! TOPLEFT corner QRgb *line = (QRgb *)corner.scanLine(baseRow); QRgb basePoint = line[baseCol]; int baseShadowMaxOpacity = 0; if (qAlpha(basePoint) == 0) { //! calculate the shadow maxOpacity in the base line //! and number of pixels to reach there for(int c = baseCol; c>=0; --c) { QRgb *l = (QRgb *)corner.scanLine(baseRow); QRgb point = line[c]; if (qAlpha(point) > baseShadowMaxOpacity) { baseShadowMaxOpacity = qAlpha(point); baseLineLength = (baseCol - c + 1); } } } qDebug() << " TOP LEFT CORNER SHADOW base line length :: " << baseLineLength << " with max shadow opacity : " << baseShadowMaxOpacity; if (baseLineLength>0) { for (int r = baseRow-1; r>=0; --r) { QRgb *line = (QRgb *)corner.scanLine(r); QRgb fpoint = line[baseCol]; if (qAlpha(fpoint) != 0) { //! a line that is not part of the roundness because its first pixel is not trasparent break; } int transPixels = 0; int rowMaxOpacity = 0; for(int c = baseCol; c>=0; --c) { QRgb *l = (QRgb *)corner.scanLine(r); QRgb point = line[c]; if (qAlpha(point) > rowMaxOpacity) { rowMaxOpacity = qAlpha(point); continue; } } for(int c = baseCol; c>=(baseCol - baseLineLength + 1); --c) { QRgb *l = (QRgb *)corner.scanLine(r); QRgb point = line[c]; if (qAlpha(point) != rowMaxOpacity) { transPixels++; continue; } if (transPixels != baseLineLength) { roundnessLines++; break; } } if (transPixels == baseLineLength) { //! 3.1 avoid zig-zag shadows Air plasma theme case roundnessLines = 0; } //qDebug() << " -> line: " << r << ", low transparency pixels :" << transPixels << " | " << " rowMaxOpacity :"<< rowMaxOpacity << ", " << (transPixels != baseLineLength); } } } else { //! BOTTOMRIGHT CORNER //! it should be TOPRIGHT corner in that case QRgb *line = (QRgb *)corner.scanLine(baseRow); QRgb basePoint = line[baseCol]; int baseShadowMaxOpacity = 0; if (qAlpha(basePoint) == 0) { //! calculate the base line transparent pixels for(int c = baseCol; c baseShadowMaxOpacity) { baseShadowMaxOpacity = qAlpha(point); baseLineLength = c + 1; } } } qDebug() << " BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER SHADOW base line length :: " << baseLineLength << " with max shadow opacity : " << baseShadowMaxOpacity; if (baseLineLength>0) { for (int r = baseRow+1; r<=corner.height(); ++r) { QRgb *line = (QRgb *)corner.scanLine(r); QRgb fpoint = line[baseCol]; if (qAlpha(fpoint) != 0) { //! a line that is not part of the roundness because its first pixel is not trasparent break; } int transPixels = 0; int rowMaxOpacity = 0; for(int c = baseCol; c rowMaxOpacity) { rowMaxOpacity = qAlpha(point); baseLineLength = c + 1; } } for(int c = baseCol; c line: " << r << ", low transparency pixels :" << transPixels << " | " << " rowMaxOpacity :"<< rowMaxOpacity << ", " << (transPixels != baseLineLength); } } } m_roundness = roundnessLines; emit roundnessChanged(); } void PanelBackground::updateRoundnessFallback(Plasma::Svg *svg) { if (!svg) { return; } QString cornerId = element(svg, (m_location == Plasma::Types::LeftEdge ? "bottomright" : "topleft")); QImage corner = svg->image(svg->elementSize(cornerId), cornerId); int discovRow = (m_location == Plasma::Types::LeftEdge ? corner.height()-1 : 0); int discovCol{0}; //int discovCol = (m_location == Plasma::Types::LeftEdge ? corner.width()-1 : 0); int round{0}; int minOpacity = m_maxOpacity * 255; if (m_location == Plasma::Types::BottomEdge || m_location == Plasma::Types::RightEdge || m_location == Plasma::Types::TopEdge) { //! TOPLEFT corner //! first LEFT pixel found QRgb *line = (QRgb *)corner.scanLine(discovRow); for (int col=0; col0; --col) { QRgb pixelData = line[col]; if (qAlpha(pixelData) < minOpacity) { discovCol--; round++; } else { break; } } } m_roundness = round; emit roundnessChanged(); } void PanelBackground::updateShadow(Plasma::Svg *svg) { if (!svg) { return; } if (!m_parentTheme->hasShadow()) { m_shadowSize = 0; m_shadowColor = Qt::black; return; } bool horizontal = (m_location == Plasma::Types::BottomEdge || m_location == Plasma::Types::TopEdge); QString borderId{"shadow-top"}; if (m_location == Plasma::Types::TopEdge) { borderId = "shadow-bottom"; } else if (m_location == Plasma::Types::LeftEdge) { borderId = "shadow-right"; } else if (m_location == Plasma::Types::RightEdge) { borderId = "shadow-left"; } QImage border = svg->image(svg->elementSize(borderId), borderId); //! find shadow size through, plasma theme int themeshadowsize{0}; if (m_location == Plasma::Types::TopEdge) { themeshadowsize = svg->elementSize(element(svg, "shadow-hint-bottom-margin")).height(); } else if (m_location == Plasma::Types::LeftEdge) { themeshadowsize = svg->elementSize(element(svg, "shadow-hint-right-margin")).width(); } else if (m_location == Plasma::Types::RightEdge) { themeshadowsize = svg->elementSize(element(svg, "shadow-hint-left-margin")).width(); } else { themeshadowsize = svg->elementSize(element(svg, "shadow-hint-top-margin")).height(); } //! find shadow size through heuristics, elementsize provided through svg may not be valid because it could contain //! many fully transparent pixels in its edges int discoveredshadowsize{0}; int firstPixel{-1}; int lastPixel{-1}; if (horizontal) { for(int y = 0; y 0) { if (firstPixel < 0) { firstPixel = y; lastPixel = y; } else { lastPixel = y; } } } } else { QRgb *line = (QRgb *)border.scanLine(0); for(int x = 0; x 0) { if (firstPixel < 0) { firstPixel = x; lastPixel = x; } else { lastPixel = x; } } } } discoveredshadowsize = (firstPixel>=0 ? qMax(0, lastPixel - firstPixel + 1) : 0); m_shadowSize = qMax(themeshadowsize, discoveredshadowsize); //! find maximum shadow color applied int maxopacity{0}; for (int r=0; r maxopacity) { maxopacity = qAlpha(pixel); m_shadowColor = QColor(pixel); m_shadowColor.setAlpha(qMin(255, maxopacity)); } } } } void PanelBackground::updateRoundness(Plasma::Svg *svg) { if (!svg) { return; } if (hasMask(svg)) { qDebug() << "PLASMA THEME, calculating roundness from mask..."; updateRoundnessFromMask(svg); } else if (m_parentTheme->hasShadow()) { qDebug() << "PLASMA THEME, calculating roundness from shadows..."; updateRoundnessFromShadows(svg); } else { qDebug() << "PLASMA THEME, calculating roundness from fallback code..."; updateRoundnessFallback(svg); } } void PanelBackground::update() { Plasma::Svg *backSvg = new Plasma::Svg(this); backSvg->setImagePath(QStringLiteral("widgets/panel-background")); backSvg->resize(); updateMaxOpacity(backSvg); updatePaddings(backSvg); updateRoundness(backSvg); updateShadow(backSvg); qDebug() << " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: " << m_location << " | roundness:" << m_roundness << " center_max_opacity:" << m_maxOpacity; qDebug() << " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: " << m_location << " | padtop:" << m_paddingTop << " padleft:" << m_paddingLeft << " padbottom:" << m_paddingBottom << " padright:" << m_paddingRight; qDebug() << " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED :: " << m_location << " | shadowsize:" << m_shadowSize << " shadowcolor:" << m_shadowColor; backSvg->deleteLater(); } } }