/* * Copyright 2016 Smith AR * Michail Vourlakos * * This file is part of Latte-Dock * * Latte-Dock is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * Latte-Dock is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import QtQuick 2.0 import QtQml.Models 2.2 //trying to do a very simple thing to count how many windows does //a task instace has... //Workaround the mess with launchers, startups, windows etc. Item{ id: windowsContainer property int windowsCount: { if (isLauncher) { return 0; } if (isGroupParent) { return windowsRepeater.count; } return 1; } property bool isLauncher: IsLauncher ? true : false property bool isStartup: IsStartup ? true : false property bool isWindow: IsWindow ? true : false property int lastActiveWinInGroup: -1 //states that exist in windows in a Group of windows property bool hasMinimized: false; property bool hasShown: false; property bool hasActive: false; Repeater{ id: windowsRepeater model:DelegateModel { id: windowsLocalModel model: tasksModel delegate: Item{ readonly property string title: display !== undefined ? display : "" readonly property bool isMinimized: IsMinimized === true ? true : false readonly property bool isActive: IsActive === true ? true : false onIsMinimizedChanged: windowsContainer.updateStates(); onIsActiveChanged: { if (isActive) { var winIdList = (root.plasma515 ? WinIdList : LegacyWinIdList); windowsContainer.lastActiveWinInGroup = (winIdList!==undefined ? winIdList[0] : 0); } windowsContainer.updateStates(); } } Component.onCompleted: { rootIndex = mainItemContainer.modelIndex(); } } } Connections{ target: mainItemContainer onItemIndexChanged: windowsContainer.updateStates(); } Connections{ target: root onInDraggingPhaseChanged: windowsContainer.updateStates(); } //! try to give the time to the model to update its states in order to //! avoid any suspicious crashes during dragging grouped tasks that //! are synced between multiple panels/docks. At the same time in updateStates() //! function we block any DelegateModel updates when the user is dragging //! a task because this could create crashes Timer{ id: initializeStatesTimer interval: 200 onTriggered: windowsContainer.initializeStates(); } function updateStates() { if (!root.inDraggingPhase) { initializeStatesTimer.start(); } } function initializeStates(){ windowsLocalModel.rootIndex = mainItemContainer.modelIndex(); hasMinimized = false; hasShown = false; hasActive = false; if(IsGroupParent){ checkInternalStates(); } else{ if(mainItemContainer.isActive) hasActive = true; if(mainItemContainer.isMinimized){ hasMinimized = true; } else { hasShown = true; } } } function checkInternalStates(){ var childs = windowsLocalModel.items; for(var i=0; i= childs.count) { nextAvailableWindow = 0; } if (nextAvailableWindow === -1 && lastActiveWinInGroup !==-1){ for(var i=0; i=0; --i){ var kid = childs.get(i); if (kid.model.IsActive === true) { prevAvailableWindow = i - 1; break; } } //the active window is 0 if (prevAvailableWindow == -1) { prevAvailableWindow = childs.count-1; } if (prevAvailableWindow === -2 && lastActiveWinInGroup !==-1){ for(var i=childs.count-1; i>=0; --i){ var kid = childs.get(i); var firstTask = (root.plasma515 ? kid.model.WinIdList[0] : kid.model.LegacyWinIdList[0]); if ( firstTask === lastActiveWinInGroup) { prevAvailableWindow = i; break; } } } //no window was found if (prevAvailableWindow === -2) prevAvailableWindow = 0; tasksModel.requestActivate(tasksModel.makeModelIndex(index,prevAvailableWindow)); } Component.onCompleted: { mainItemContainer.checkWindowsStates.connect(initializeStates); } Component.onDestruction: { mainItemContainer.checkWindowsStates.disconnect(initializeStates); } }