--This is a HUGE FEATURE and so important for multi-screens
users. It is introduced as one single commit because it
reimplements plenty of infrastructure changes and it will
be easier to identify newly introduced bugs.
--Users can now choose for their docks and panels to belong
at various screen groups. The first two screen groups introduced
are AllScreens and AllSecondayScreens. In the future it might
be possible to provide CustomScreensGroup that the user will
be able to define specific screens in which a dock or panel
should be always present.
--Current solution specifies an Original dock or panel and clones/copies
itself automatically to other screens. So docks and panels in other screens
are just real docks and panels that reference themselves to original
docks and panels.
--Clones are destroyed during layout startup and are automaticaly
recreated. It is suggested to export your layouts through the
official Layouts Editor in order to share them because in that case
clones are not included in the new generated layout file. If in any
case you do not this and you share your layout with any previous
versions then your clones will just appear as separate docks and
panels that belong to specific screens.
--Automatic syncing was introduced in order to keep up-to-date
the configuration of Original docks and panels with their referenced
--Automatic syncing currently works for all docks and panels settings,
for all normal applets configurations and for all subcontaiments
configuration such as systrays.
--Automatic syncing does not work for applets inside subcontainments
such as Group Plasmoid. In such case it is suggested to configure
your applets inside your Group Plasmoid in the original dock or panel
and afterwards to trigger a recreation for the relevant clones
--Manual recreation of clones is easily possible by just choosing
the dock or panel to be OnPrimary or OnSpecificScreen and rechoosing
afterwards the AllScreensGroup or AllSecondaryScreensGroup
--identify correctly for vertical panels in right edge
when they need to draw or not their top and bottom borders.
This is enough in order to position properly these docks.
Since we already require 5.71.0 as min version of KF , it is meaning less to keep old checks for lower versions in code, this will make code more and more cleaner
Since all plasma using cpp17 and we recently switch to cpp14 think that it may be better to keep it more up-to-date and match with plasma
--ignore docks and panels for availableScreenRect(s) etc.
when they are in startup and they are painted offscreen
--plasma is not ready to accept availableScreenRegion(s) because
after startup moves desktop widgets to the left even though
it should not
--fix availableScreenRegion calculations for Centered and Justified
docks and panels
--introduce enable/disableAutostart from command line
--accept import-layout from command line when latte is already running
--introduce --suggested-layout-name to be used with
import-layout in order to provide a preferred layout name
e.g. latte-dock --import-layout /blah/blah/mywhat.layout.latte
--suggested-layout-name MyAwesomeLayout
--dbus:introduce "setAutostart" function
--dbus:introduce "importLayoutFile" function
--showing settings dialog too early before layout(s)
are loaded can possible create crashes. Settings dialog
is considering that everything is in place and ready
to be used.
--Corona::availableScreenRe.. functions now ignore
visibility modes from views that are almost always hidden
such as SideBars and AutoHide panels/docks
--in the past a delay was needed in order for
docks panels to slide out nicely, this is not
needed any more because kwin takes responsibility
for this.
--Move in a simpler layouts approach.
--Single Layout mode loads ONLY ONE Layout for ALL Activities
--Multiple Layouts mode loads any combination of Layouts based
on the following settings:
-- OnAllActivities
-- ForFreeActivities
-- SpecificActivities
--implement things simpler by using the same
CoreTypes header file both for LatteCore.Types
import statement and App c++ implementation.
Let's leave in the future to decide if
a LibLatte is really necessary.