--used a video demonstrating multiple panels at the
bottom edge with padding between them
--max/minLength and offset are changed to float values
--max/minLength and offset can now be adjusted with
Ctrl+Wheel over their label in Appearance tab page. Clicking
the previous mentioned label will round the values
--introduce an autoSizeEnabled value in order to block
auto size mechanism when it becomes annoying. Such issue
appears more often to Latte panels
--block MenuZ from Latte icon heuristics
--improve types and references and add types splitted
at better places. So now we have
- LatteCore.Types that are global for all components
- LatteTasks.Types that are private to tasks plasmoid
- LatteContainment.Types that are private to latte
--use a more logical organization for types. LibLatte2
is split to become LatteCore library and Latte types
are now moved to application level. The Latte Types will
be split even more... Tasks-Only related types will
become Latte.Tasks types
--applets can now use the screen edge margin value
in order to follow Fitt's Law for floating docks/panels
if they want to. Latte takes case all applets of
course but in case an applet would like also to
to use also the space between the gap of the view
and the screen edge, it can so.
--when option "Hide Background when not needed" is
used on its own activates or not the forceTransparentPanel
code path. So when that option is enabled and any
window is touching the Latte::View then the force
transparency codepath should be disabled. In such
case the user background settings are applied.
--The user from Tasks,Badges can choose a more prominent
color for notification badges (usually reddish). In case
the user has not enabled that option(default) then the plasma
theme highlight color is used which is also the default
option of Latte v0.8
BUG: 408955
--when the desktop background isBusy and
the user has chosen full transparency when
no window is touching the View then the
user can set the Busy Opacity to define
how much panel background opacity wants
--based on the current indicator there minimum
thickness and indicator padding can be altered.
Providing some visual feedback for the user to
understand these limits is a good practice.