Commit Graph

4522 Commits (dfbf83b4a1cd9fccf52e3552bf31879b3ac64171)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Michail Vourlakos c5d7b787f4 do not update view location when already correct
Michail Vourlakos 9092e54fc0 enable Multiple Layouts mode in wayland
--enable multiple layouts mode partially and
try to provide at least one central layout
combined with a shared layout
Michail Vourlakos dec2860d5f synchronizer:improve freeactivities layout semantic
Michail Vourlakos b799950ddb corona:remove editing windows earlier
--it minimizes warnings during exit
Michail Vourlakos fed3194ca9 multiple:unload central layouts after the additions
--this way a shared layout that unloads its only central
layout is not unloaded at all if a new central layout exists
with it
Michail Vourlakos 84858ff529 editing:update/fix button groups behavior
--new single instance editing windows revealed
an issue with buttons groups that use ExclusiveGroups
in order to identify their property. All such
implementations have been adjusted in order to
provide a more concrete experience
Michail Vourlakos 8ccc3660e9 block mustBeShown events when hideThickScreepGaps
--especially for Latte Panels that has used Positioner
midSlidingAnimation() to reposition the panel
Michail Vourlakos 37a682e5bc rename property to hideFloatingGapForMaximized
--this property hides any floating gap when there
are maximized windows
Michail Vourlakos b92ece0f8e rename option for floatingInternalGapIsForced
--that option from Behavior page is now renamed and
also its behavior has been upgraded by enabling
three possible options:
   1. Disabled always
   2. Auto - which is enabled for Docks and disabled for Panels
   3. Enabled always
Michail Vourlakos e323f31645 use universal inAdvancedMode for edit settings
--for all view edit windows are now using the same
flag in order to identify basic and advanced level
for editing their settings
Michail Vourlakos 3ce1eb06bd justify:move dropped applets in correct position
Michail Vourlakos 0bcc45e633 use KWin slideouts when switching layouts
Michail Vourlakos 61e77063ac do not deny hiding inRelocationHiding
Michail Vourlakos a3989d1c2a improve semantic for inRelocationHiding view phase
Michail Vourlakos 105b14de38 layouteditor:improve activity/shares edit behavior
--situation has improved vastly for users for activities
and shares when trying to change their values. The menus
that appear now contain Ok/Cancel buttons in order to
accept or ignore the changes. If the user just hides
the menu without clicking Ok button then the changes
are ignored.
Michail Vourlakos 3f1e788885 details:fix checkboxes options
--use one single checkbox for its option and
align an much as possible previous radiobuttons
Michail Vourlakos b808fa2559 reduce minimum hide timer interval to zero
Michail Vourlakos 95cd703333 slideout real floating panels on startup if needed
--after view startup real floating panels that are hiding
their thickness because of maximized windows must reposition
themeselves in order to have a valid visual state
Michail Vourlakos 11d5429a10 fixes,ExclusiveGroups with button/comboboxbuttons
--various fixes in their behavior
Michail Vourlakos 7e4791fdbc fixes for hiding/showing signaling
Michail Vourlakos 8c1d0d34e5 rename internal containments to subcontainments
--applets that act as internal containments are now called
subcontainments because they are containments inside
main containments
Michail Vourlakos 59878a3f28 details:update window title based on layout name
Michail Vourlakos a623858d78 details: give layouts their background badges
Michail Vourlakos 72fa5cdd9c rename background delegate of layouts editor
Michail Vourlakos 39fb0df8dc remove background cmbbox deprecated code
Chase Lau 659d6d554c Update for Fedora/RHEL
Michail Vourlakos c3e430e356 fix crash when unloading layouts
--when unloading layouts applets are deleted
and subsequently all the heuristics for identifying
expanded applets are removed. In such case
there were rare cases that applet()->id() was
trying to be accessed and that was subsequently
creating crashes because applet did not exist
anymore. AppletQuickItems probably are deleted
after applet has already been destroyed.
Michail Vourlakos b512517997 Proper ExclusiveGroup support for ComboBoxButton
--fix some issues with ComboBoxButtons that choosing
options through ComboBox did not update properly the
assinged ExclusiveGroup
Michail Vourlakos aa3dd59cbf Behavior tab separate visibility modes to groups
--each visibility mode is now hosted in each one
group in order to expose much better how the
user can access them.
Michail Vourlakos c64354c048 update CustomIndicator button onParentView change
Michail Vourlakos 45d09b2cd4 editdock:support indicatorsuimanager
--the new approach is much more memory efficient
as the same indicator config ui is used for ALL
views and anything related to config uis is now
handled by the manager instead of each diffent
view on its own
Michail Vourlakos 5d1edfe68d fix layouts model original data discoveries
--original data indexes may not be consistent with
current layouts data. If a layout is removed from
current layouts then many original layouts data indexes
are totally different. This commit fixes this.
Michail Vourlakos c1fc7b77f0 settings:clear new fields during duplicating layout
Michail Vourlakos 582de7afe3 each view now keeps one indicator configui
--curent view indicator config ui is not deleted
when the PrimaryConfigView changes its parent view.
For each view there is one indicator config ui
that is kept available to be shown when appropriate.
This way we avoid unnecessary recreations of indicator
config uis when the user cycles between different views
Michail Vourlakos 1c0f5acde8 call KIconDialog with default getIcon()
Michail Vourlakos 676e648ca3 layouts editor:fix shared layout icon badges
--when the shared layout has user assigned icon
then that icon is always preferred
--choose which icons are drawn for shared layout
based completely on what icons are already chosen
for the assigned shares (central layouts)
Michail Vourlakos 28bcc973c0 details:add layout icon property
--expose icon properly at details window
Michail Vourlakos 437c04cf92 details:add icon_clear behavior
Michail Vourlakos c3fd137032 details:add clear pattern button
Michail Vourlakos 0286966cab use properly default custom background values
Michail Vourlakos 1ee03fe92d disable Layouts BackgroundColumn ediatability
Michail Vourlakos 04305205ca details:add Ok,Cancel buttons
--delete details window properly after has
been used from the user
Michail Vourlakos 835c24cbcb provide default custom background values
Michail Vourlakos a787567bf2 settings:apply new background properties properly
Michail Vourlakos 72a70c7da7 details:add backgound settings functionality
Michail Vourlakos d8b339ac7b details:add colors functionality
Michail Vourlakos 3c94aa8d75 drop sub handler detailsoptionshandler
--drop the sub handler detailsoptionshandler
because the new design wont have tabs like the main
settings window does. Views table will be provided
through a new sub dialog.
Michail Vourlakos 029090a2de details:provide colorcmbbox delegate
Michail Vourlakos abc0cbc389 remove slot from deprecated signal
Michail Vourlakos d7b56b9316 containment:use static dragoverlay
--do not create/destroy it, its time we get
into rearrange widgets mode