--plasma themes because of their svg nature can
have a minimum padding under which they are not
drawn correctly. In such cases background shadows
overlap and background internal drawing overlaps
in the center. That property protects from
such case by introducing a minimum background
thickness at all cases. Good example of the issue
is observed in behaveAsPlasmaPanel(s) that are
floating and have very good round corners.
--AppletItem::clip was introduced in order to
avoid circumstances that applets exceed their limits
and as such still events from surrounding applets.
Because of that change applets should now apply
their layout properties as valid all the time
--I have managed to solve most of the issues that were
preventing a live demonstration of applets layout
during InConfigureApplets mode... Things are more
intuitive now are updated correctly between different
layout areas... enjoy...
--container fill calculations are now tracked much
better when they are applied.
--as an improvement fill calculations are now taking place
at all edit mode states. So inConfigureApplets mode
the fill(s) applets do not throw out of screen
applets that are the layout edges
--used a video demonstrating multiple panels at the
bottom edge with padding between them
--max/minLength and offset are changed to float values
--max/minLength and offset can now be adjusted with
Ctrl+Wheel over their label in Appearance tab page. Clicking
the previous mentioned label will round the values
--introduce an autoSizeEnabled value in order to block
auto size mechanism when it becomes annoying. Such issue
appears more often to Latte panels
--block MenuZ from Latte icon heuristics
--improve types and references and add types splitted
at better places. So now we have
- LatteCore.Types that are global for all components
- LatteTasks.Types that are private to tasks plasmoid
- LatteContainment.Types that are private to latte