--this way any part interested to know the
real type of Latte::View it can access the
all new type() property
Test Plan:
test view settings that indicate correctly
the panel/dock type
Reviewers: trmdi, #latte_dock
Reviewed By: trmdi
Subscribers: plasma-devel
Tags: #plasma
Differential Revision:
--use plasma way to layout the applets. With this
fix all the applets layout is improved vastly
especially concerning more the plasma indicators
trigerred by applets.
--do not delay updating the tasks indexes and counts in
Latte plasmoid in order to avoid inconsistent values
during startup. Now entries activation works immediately
after startup
--activeIndicatorEnabled, applets can use it in order
to enable/disable the Latte Active Indicator for them
--parabolicEffectEnabled, applets can use it in order
to disable Parabolic Effect (zoom) for them
--When the user has chosen a solid background when
there are windows touching the Latte panel then in
such case windows that are touching the panel not
just at the edge but at the at any point of the latte
panel are also considered as touching windows
--The "snapped" term that was used before in the
visibilitymanager was changed to "touching"
--when the user has enabled the monochrome colorizing
in that case in applet options there is now a new option
in order for the user to choose if wants or not that
applet to be colorized. Such an example are colorful
applets that lose their proper appearance through
monochrome option.
--the new improvements are trying to make Latte panels
and Plasma panels to look and behave almost the same.
This way implementing applets for any of them wont be
needing adjustments or workarounds to work properly
for both.
Summary: Fix minor typos in messages and comments
Test Plan: No major changes to prevent compilation and usage
Reviewers: mvourlakos
Reviewed By: mvourlakos
Subscribers: plasma-devel
Tags: #plasma
Differential Revision:
--the luminas functions didnt work well
for all cases. Latte is now using brightness
functions as described at:
this patch fixes all cases mentioned in the bug
that Latte contrast identification did not work well
BUG: 402115
--when the colorizer informs the applets to paint
themselves based on the current plasma theme some
of them (e.g. Window Buttons) may still need access
to that color palette through the schemeFile variable.
To support also this case Latte provides the default
theme scheme file at all cases.
--enable shadows by default on startup otherwise
the FrameSvgItem sets is imagepath to "" and that
can create a crash during loading/unloading a
-rename also to shadow to innerShadow for
better naming. This shadow is used when the
shadow is drawn inside the window from qml
side, such examples are the dock case and the
editVisual case
--improve how the applet size is calculated for fill(s)
applets when such applets are used in Left/Center/Right
alignments. This also fixes the bug that the plasma
taskmanager was not updating its size properly when tasks
were added after the initialization phase.
BUG: 401456
--the user can use applets such as
plasma icon-only taskmanager to alignments
Left,Center,Right. In previous versions
this was possible only for Justify alignment.
--applets can have different main elements based on their
implementation. In such case we use a depth of 2 in order
to search for elements that contain variable isInLatte
--this item is fully responsible in order to
communicate the latte containment with any
underlying applet. A protocol specification
is used in that item in order for applets and
latte to exchange information.
currently supported:
ingoing parameters (to applet):
bool isInLatte // is in a Latte dock
outgoing parameters (from applet):
//deprecated from disableLatteOverlay
bool disableLatteParabolicIcon
bool disableLatteOverlay //dont use Latte overlays
--in order to overlay properly the panel background
a roundness option was needed that takes into account
which borders should be drawn. In an upcoming commit
the user will be able to adjut the current plasma
theme roundness. The Colorizer is using now the
CustomBackground in order to draw the background
when the user wants to draw the contents based on
the current active window color scheme.
--support painting based on the active window scheme.
Added a schemecolors class for this and updated
abstractwindowinterface to provide tracking for windows
color schemes.
--fix also a case that the user hasnt enabled to
show panel background at all from the Show option
and the shadows where shown because they were
chosen before it was disabled by the user
--do not consider preferredWidth or preferredHeight
for applets when that value is <=0 otherwise that
applet it may become invisible. Such case is the
plasma analog clock when it is locked at a vertical
BUG: 398098
FIXED-IN: 0.8.1
when the plasma theme was not supporting shadows then
Latte was double drawing the panel background when
the user has chosen that wanted shadows
BUG: 397980
FIXED-IN: 0.8.1
--many plasma themes provide a different panel
background per edge, with different styles or
transparency levels. Latte now respects the
plasma theme concerning the panel backgrounds
found in a plasma theme.
--the background contrast effect should be applied
only when the dock/panel is visually solid otherwise
it may block the transparency settings
BUG: 397431
FIXED-IN: v0.8.1
--with this commit now Latte is able to identify what are
the global shortcuts used for each activation entry and
also to not show at all any badge for activation entries
that are disabled from the user
BUG: 397128
--removing the option to check blurring
based on whether a panel is solid or not
and also check !compositing. Blurring doesnt
make any sense at !compositing environments
BUG: 396955
FIXED-IN: 0.8.1
--trying to combine dock mode, panel mode and
parabolic effect with plasma applets current implementation
can create such issues. Removing the zoom=1
criteria to activate the Latte MouseArea. The
user can still lock plasmoids that want the
Hover Default Plasmoid behavior or use the
Latte protocol to understand when they are in a Latte
FIXED-IN: 0.8.1
--in multiple layouts environment the user
may prefer different settings for its global
shortcuts, in some may wants to use global
shortcuts for its applets and in another
layout may not.
--when an application launcher exists, Latte can show
a "Meta" badge for that applet instead of the global
shortcut action number. With this patch we take also
into account when the assigned application launcher is
in different dock/panel and show it accordingly
BUG: 396753
--v0.8 introduced unified global shortcuts for all
cases, that means that applets are also taken into
account for Latte activation/new instance global
shortcuts. A new parameter is introduced with
the patch at Latte global settings file called
"unifiedGlobalShortcuts", the user can set that
parameter to false before Latte startup in order
to use only global shortcuts relevant to the
Latte plasmoid.
--a visual indicator in order to show which plasma
applets have been overloaded from Latte. The overloaded
mechanism is a way in order to make these applets work
properly with Latte parabolic effect