--durationTime that was used for the animations
was an integer. This was created extremely fast
animations for x1 and extremely slow animations
for x3. This fix changes that by setting the
durationTime in the qml side to real type. And
by that we are setting the following pragramatic
speeds which create a very good experience.
x1 = 1.65
x2 = 2
x3 = 2.35
the above can be updated a bit based on the user
feedback and experience
--ListView is anchoring its children very strange.
This was creating circumstances that the children
were anchoring themselves wrongly e.g. when removing
them and in some animations. This commit introduces
heuristics (workarounds) for these cases. The
broken anchor situations are protected by introduced
correct anchors from our qml side in listview
child items
--by taking account the libtaskmanager way of doing
things. Latte is trying to delay the removal of the
launcher in order for the animation to play correctly.
At the same time if a window or startup is added is
not shown if there is a waitingLauncher(animated launcher)
until this launcher completes its animation
--import launchers and use new architecture,
an new record in settings is appearing called
--this patch works only from plasma 5.9 and above
--it gives many improvements such as the "pin" feature
and the explicit launchers can be placed even
between global launchers
--this patch supports activation through shortcuts
--Meta+number, activates the relevant task, for
groups by default it activates the next available
window in the group
--Meta+Ctrl+number, create a new instance for that task
or launcher
--the user should know that must first enable these
shortcuts at plasma global shortcuts configuration
--the only way I have found to show correct
tooltips is to hide and show the previews
window with some small delay, all the rest
workarounds do not work, they create different
-- there is a conflict between preview windows
and highlight effect, it creates a crash when both
are activated during hovering. So we enable in each case
only one of both
--the user can alter this behavior from the tweaks
page. So the user can add launchers as plasma applets
by disabling the relevant choice in the tweaks
--adding a plasmoid in taskmanager does not appear
an add cross
--trying to add launchers outside the taskmanager
appears a message over the taskmanager indicating
the real Launchers Area
--this a big fix for the painting mechanism.
Introduces a new direct rendering phase in
which no delays are happening on drawing.
This commit contains also the fixes in various
places in order for the new rendering to work