Commit Graph

427 Commits (c7d163fdb6e0c01c967bffee43ceb39e39cedd5f)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Michail Vourlakos 76ec713c9d update for thin tooltips and auto size behaviors
--make their behavior more understandable and predictable
based on dock and panel types
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos a3989d1c2a improve semantic for inRelocationHiding view phase 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos e92f168abe show vertical systrays propertly
--do not enforce hidden applets for preferredLengths
that equal zero
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos e4437b7f66 abilities:introduce UserRequests 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos f5cc1f8f81 abilities:provide animations.requirements
--applets animations ability can now be used to
provide a zoomFactor that is needed from their
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 2ba90621f7 fixes for Applets Indicators sizing
--indicators should take into account the current applet width
in order to take up more space that it is needed
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 2ea8d389ec dont block length margins for EdgeSquare applets 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos edb943db6b fixes for spacers and positioning of behaveAsPanel
--fix positioning for Right/Bottom alignments when
View behavesAsPlasmaPanel
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 271089ef33 more improvements for Tasks applet 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos f3df399f55 update some parabolic effect functions 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 2343933408 remove Container ParabolicManager
--this is not needed any more from the container.
All its functionality is provided from various
Container Abilities.
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 05bc900a6d fix multiTasks global shortcuts on position
--multi Tasks now work properly with global
shortcuts on position even when only one of them
is stealing them for its own use.
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 7176febb09 move badges tags in PositionShortcuts ability 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos fa4ffbf521 use PositionShortuts Ability for activate/new 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos dc78257962 improvement for Container::OnPositionShortcuts
--bind On Position Shortcuts Container ability
with View::ExtendedContainmentInterface implementation
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 3c73bff0ac use Indexer Ability for shortcut badges 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 949b2a4c3b AutoFill applets must never exceed maxgivenspace
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 737f680853 fix more binding loops for AppletItem 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 12d6302fc3 fix binding loops and warnings 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 5ea28513c2 respect applets thickness properties 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos bac3502f2c fix bindingloop from Applet.lengthAppletFullMargin 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 419b2bfb6d fix binding loop for Applet::layoutThickness 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos c9caa408ea update Layout preferred values for Tasks 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos fe4704e355 block par.effect for applet popups 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 6ae1613f87 fix some Bindings loops for AppletItem
--a nice check for Binding is too check is
latteView is provided. If it is null, e.g.
during exit Bindings can be blocked.
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 55c856d4f5 rename Applet property parabolicEffectIsSupported 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 707fc8bca9 improve AppletItem.layoutLength binding
--it is now lighter and is executed only
when it must be updated
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos afb5217fe8 remove debug message 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 84003f3c35 protect latteBridge setting 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 55506fd20a automate AppletItems length calculations 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 9fcec2128a support min/max length and alignments beautifully
--applets that use auto fill calculations to gain their
length work really nice now for all alignments and values
very similar to plasma panels
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 7b1f2f2ef2 update AppletItem::Wrapper implementation
--new implementation is using length/thickness
semantics and not widths/heights. This way things
are much clearer and easier to extend
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 407cef9488 rename AppletItem property to maxAutoFillLength 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos e83dcfdc92 fix invisiblity of Separator applets in rare cases
--when the user was using applets separators with parabolic
effect there were cases that did not appear at all. This
is now fixed.
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 0c5fb4957e rename applet property to isAutoFillApplet 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 2268d7ca12 more improvements for Layouter different alignments
--trying to find a workable layout case for all alignments
when they contain Fill(s) applets
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 4fa11ab3d8 use maximum length for normal alignments and fills
--when Left/Center/Right alignments contain a fill
applet then they should use the entire max length
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 61ce906ef9 dont add margins for fitt's case in fill applets 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 2ef0cdd944 introduce Layouter ability 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 66f8cce6d9 introduce Layouter Debug mode
--really handy and beautiful in order to confirm the
calculations that are valid. Already a bug was found
for ParabolicEffect. There is 1px difference between
hovering Tasks and Applets
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos e83f7e551e redraw panel shadows after !visible workarounds
--use a single slot when View triggers its workarounds
for the kwin issue that kwin hides panels when an activity
stops. In such case the view shadows are also redrawn.
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 344a7b7f53 smoothen up glitches inConfigureApplets mode 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos dd4e4fb79d rename all Background.MultiLayer values
--much better and understandable names are now used
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos fe370bf885 improve all binding for containment
--use the Binding.when property in order to identify
when a binding is triggered or not
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos e64921d2bf rename Indexer ability clients properties
--include also a fix for Tasks addingarea
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 28ec313bd2 track container fill calculations better
--container fill calculations are now tracked much
better when they are applied.
--as an improvement fill calculations are now taking place
at all edit mode states. So inConfigureApplets mode
the fill(s) applets do not throw out of screen
applets that are the layout edges
5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 30aa8963cb fixes for Fitts Law applet margins 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos a9425409d0 improve Indexer Container/Bridge implementation 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos df4df914ca introduce Indexer ContainerAbility 5 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 87ffc22f6a remove AppletsRecords container ability
--use the all new much better infrastructure
to track applet abilities requirements
5 years ago