--the user can use applets such as
plasma icon-only taskmanager to alignments
Left,Center,Right. In previous versions
this was possible only for Justify alignment.
--the feature was added in order to be ready
to reorganize all dock settings options.
The plan is to remove Tweaks page and use
only Behavior/Apperance/Effects/Tasks
at the same in advanced or expert mode
the dock settings window will increase
its height
--the secondary configuration window can be shown
either inline or at its own window. In order to
be shown at its own window, that window must not
overlap with the main window. The new implementation
validates this at all cases.
--plasmathemeextended is going to provide all the
functionality that current plasma theme infrastructure
does not. Such as roundness and dark/light color schemes
--applets can have different main elements based on their
implementation. In such case we use a depth of 2 in order
to search for elements that contain variable isInLatte
--this item is fully responsible in order to
communicate the latte containment with any
underlying applet. A protocol specification
is used in that item in order for applets and
latte to exchange information.
currently supported:
ingoing parameters (to applet):
bool isInLatte // is in a Latte dock
outgoing parameters (from applet):
//deprecated from disableLatteOverlay
bool disableLatteParabolicIcon
bool disableLatteOverlay //dont use Latte overlays
--in order to overlay properly the panel background
a roundness option was needed that takes into account
which borders should be drawn. In an upcoming commit
the user will be able to adjut the current plasma
theme roundness. The Colorizer is using now the
CustomBackground in order to draw the background
when the user wants to draw the contents based on
the current active window color scheme.
--support painting based on the active window scheme.
Added a schemecolors class for this and updated
abstractwindowinterface to provide tracking for windows
color schemes.