--fixes to signals in ViewParts in order to avoid
crashes. Currently the recreateView approach is used
in order to reload indicators runtime dynamically.
The "View::setSource" approach does not reload the
indicators properly
--the previous approach was disabling the background
contrast effect at all times except when the background
opacity was 100%, the new approach considers the background
opacity value and provide mid values to be applied.
That means that 0% background opacity disables the background
constrast visual effect, 100% applies the background contrast
visual effect at its maximum values and in between the mid
values for background contrast effect are applied
--View::WindowsTracker now provides all the time
information about CurrentScreen and AllScreens!
This way all consumers (Latte::Containment, Applets etc.)
can choose whatever suits them best.
--when dragging a new applet over the view
the responsiveness is now improved vastly
--the new architecture uses two different
DragAndDropAreas. One which is the old one
and is used when dragged launchers, urls and
separators. The second is used only when
applets are dragged into the view
--the visuals for adding launchers/applets have
been improved and a circular visual is preferred
now instead
--fix all events identifications from DragMove and
DragExit etc. in containment::qml part and all drags
flags are calculated only at DragEnter! This fixes
the DragMove signaling and all DragMove signals are
sent correctly.
It needs to be fixed also for Tasks plasmoid because
every time the mouse hovers the Tasks Plasmoid then
the DragMove signals are NOT SENT as they should.
--any view and view::containment() signals that
are related to layout are now moved in the
View::setLayout() in order to be reinitialized
properly when the view changes to another