During dock sliding-in because the parabolic
effect isnt trigerred immediately but we wait
first the dock to go to its final normal
place we might miss the activation of the
parabolic effect. By catching that signal
we are trying to solve this.
-- disable the use of PlasmaCore.WindowThumbnail
under Wayland in order to fix a crash that was
appearing after a while when the user was using
BUG: 392865
-- when removing a task and there are surrounding
separators then the hidden spacers are updated
immediately for the neighbour tasks. In such case
in order to not break the removal animation a small
margin must applied.
--the old architecture that was trying to keep
an internal separators record couldnt catch up
and at the same time could create issues with
internal separators at different activities.
--when only launchers are shown and the user
has chosen to disable any active indicator
then the plasmoid should behave only as
a smart launchers list with no window
--when the plasmoid is hovered when the
applets hoveredIndex should be initialized
and when an applet is hovered then the plamoids
hoveredIndex should be initialized to -1.
--the directRenderDelayer is used during first
entering in order to delay the activation of
directRendering. The cons of previous fastEntering
implementation added the necessity for this
--previously directRender was activating also when
from the first entered element the mouse moved fast
enough to the second element. But this could happen
also accidentaly some times. This improvements indicates
also the mouse position in the second element to be
near the center of that element
--window previews were lowered in order to touch
the task for which are presenting issues. This way
the mouse confirms alway the taskContainsMouse flag
--title tooltips are shown only when the dock has
ended its sliding-in animations
--issue #852, improve how the two states of zoom-in
and directRendering are indetified and triggered.
The initialization of hovering indexes now is
trigerred only for window mouse out events.
--there were cases that window previews/tasks context menu/
title tooltips were shown at the same time. This patch fixes this
by adding timers to catch these case and show the above on
priority. The priority used is tasks context menu/window
previews/title tooltips
--the user now can add an internal separator and set
its position also by taking into account in which task
the context menu is shown
--the user now can remove any internal separator wants to
by showing its context menu options in editMode