--the criteria in order to track when an applet can
be zoomed or not have increased. The limit is now
specified from (iconSize+thickMargins) for applets
--fix separators, spacers corner cases behavior
--dont apply hidden spacers for separators and
--remove the plasma panel spacer reference which
is deprecated and not used any more
--this is side-way path for mouse events and
more specific the mouse pressed, released
events to be sent from parent window to its
qml containment part. This way it is possible
to keep the original plasma applet behavior
such as original plasma tooltips and provide
Latte specific functionality such as animated
clicks from indicators.
NOTE: An investigation - testing took place in
order to check if this approach could be also used
for mouseMove events to be used for applets parabolic
effect. The result was that this was not possible because
there were too many signals and too much calculations
too identify for which applet the signal belonged to.
The parabolic effect was not fluid in that case and
could not catch up.
--providesHoveredAnimation, in order to disable
the Latte one
--providesClickedAnimation, in order to disable
the Latte one
--needsMouseEventCoordinates, in order to know
when the mouse pressed e.g. creating animations
like the android way
--fix how applets are identifying their index when the
user switches alignments from Justify to Another and
vice versa. More specific this patch helps in order to
not break the parabolic effect between alignment changes.
--there is a combinantion of settings that enables
plasma original applet behavior.
1. the applet is locked and is not using parabolic effect
2. the zoomfactor === 1 and the user has not activated
title tooltips
--introduce a new class called level which contains
all the needed information concerning indicator level
and at the same time the bridge that provides information
for the specific indicator states
--indicators now support both Back/Front
layers. Back layer is the usual layer
behind the current Item and the Front layer is
a layer above the current Item (overlay)
--update Unity to follow new architecture
--first commit to restructure editMode in order to
support livemode under editing. Live mode means
that all options changes during editMode will be
available to be tested directly
--use plasma way to layout the applets. With this
fix all the applets layout is improved vastly
especially concerning more the plasma indicators
trigerred by applets.