--add functionality for layoutManager
--add widgets action and alternative layout action to
--remove more functionality that belongs to globalSettings
--when changing layouts/old sessions from the Latte Tasks
Context menu, Latte was crashing very often. Add the switching
code into a Timer to make its execution asynchronoushly
--the session functionality is not removed only from
globalsettings class which is just waiting to be removed
tottaly when its functionality moves to the new classes
--the new layout is loaded without closing
Latte and with properly loading globalSettings
and screen from the layout file. The layout
new files are updated when Latte is closing
--users reported that when activating an external screen
as primary and at the same time disabling the original
screen e.g. the laptop one, latte wasnt showing docks at
all. This could also occur on startup. This commit
fixes this and improves more the multi-screen code in
various corner cases
--the new implementation possibly fixes two crashes
that could occur occasionaly. First it is ensured
that the new dock in created after the old one has been
removed. We also use directly the containment instead
of using a reference for it which could create a crash
in some cases. One more fix, setting dock visible to false
had no reason as long as it is going to be deleted either
--this was a rare crash when changing to default
session from the alternative one through the context
menu of the Tasks plasmoid there was a crash sometimes
--improve the signaling between the configuration window
and the dockview concerning freeEdges for current screens
and docks count. Now the docks counting is different
between screens and in general
--the new algorithms are using QScreen* values
from dockviews instead of the containment screen()
which can not be trusted at the first minutes
of a dock creation
--this commit is the last for this to be supported.
It checks if the globalLauncherList is empty and in
such case when syncing is enabled the current dock
launchers are used
--doing so fixes a wrong loading issue that
was creating shadows for secondary, third dock
and losing also the focus out event to close
the configuration windows
--draw the wayland surfaces for docks and config
views earlier. That way we are certain that the
signals wont mess up the experience. This way
positioning config views and getting the focusOut
event works correctly
--disable in waylandinterface any x specific code.
In order to be ready that class to accept only
wayland centered code
--in X11 now the globalshortcuts class takes into
account if the user presses any modifier in order
to hide the dock
--if the dock is hidden whenever a relevant global
shortcut is triggered the dock is shown and number
indicators for the tasks are shown
--the global shortcut class now identify if the user
has release the shortcuts modifiers and then release
the dock to hide. The code was found first in the
plasma activity switcher
--the globalshortcuts class contains all the relevant
code and includes also some functions that were used
from corona to trigger changes into the Latte Tasks
--disable quiting the app when there are no windows
shown. There are cases that between states some
windows may not exist. E.g. when changing sessions
and when activating/deactivating screens
--all the functionality concerning the internal separator
is moved completely into the plasmoid. Now the add/remove
of the internal separator can be found through the Tasks
contextmenu as long as we are in editMode (that is showing
the configuration window)
--improve applets shadows, now the shadows used
are using the backgroundColor when a transparent
panel is forced
--identify better when shadows should be drawn
--after Qt 5.8 the way the ungrabMouseItem works
has changed this introduced a bug:
plasma devs found a solution for this, that this
commit provides. The issue occurs when a user
right clicks (creates a context menu) and to
release it, he clicks in alternative area
outside the QuickWindow that created the previous
--update translation scripts to include translatable
metadata for the appstream file. new dependencies for
the scripts are:
- xmlstarlet
- itstool
--added also greek translation for the appstream file