--update issue #957 in order to take into account
semi-transparent panels. With semi-transparent panels
contrast could be a puzzle. The changes that
introduced with this patch are:
1. Enable Improve Visibility when also case [E] from
#957 is enabled.
2. When a semi-transparent panel exists in combination
with Improve Visibility option then add a threshold
in order to indicate if the Colorizer will be applied
or not. The threshold is 40% in order to indicate if
a semi-transparent panel is solid or not.
--when the plasmoid is hovered when the
applets hoveredIndex should be initialized
and when an applet is hovered then the plamoids
hoveredIndex should be initialized to -1.
--the directRenderDelayer is used during first
entering in order to delay the activation of
directRendering. The cons of previous fastEntering
implementation added the necessity for this
--in Justify alignment and normal mode, setting the applet
to have as parent the root qml Item it creates a stack in
a lot of cases... By setting the applet container item
directly to more proper parent fixes any issue.
--enhanche the dynamic background feature and
in ordre to improve contrast with the underlying
background Latte now calculates the luminosity of the area
underneath the panel and based on that chooses the
best color to create contrast. The colors are chosen
only between textColor and backgroundColor.
--when the user has disabled the panel background
but has enabled a solid background for maximized windows
then in such case the panel background must be enabled
for when it is needed
-- in dynamic background it might be important for
the user to increase the contrast because the textColor
from plasma theme and the background might not provide
readable contrast. This feature adds this by giving
to the user the choice to have as monochrome layout
when the panel is transparent to theme.backgroundColor
--previously directRender was activating also when
from the first entered element the mouse moved fast
enough to the second element. But this could happen
also accidentaly some times. This improvements indicates
also the mouse position in the second element to be
near the center of that element
--the new kde activeWindowControl becomes active
when is showing menus. That conflicts with Latte
internal heuristics in order to not show or show
dynamically panel shadows, active indicators etc.
--window previews were lowered in order to touch
the task for which are presenting issues. This way
the mouse confirms alway the taskContainsMouse flag
--title tooltips are shown only when the dock has
ended its sliding-in animations
--issue #852, when directRendering is activated
some of the tasks could be in restoreAnimation,
in such case they stop their animation are moved
to directRendering mode
--issue #852, improve how the two states of zoom-in
and directRendering are indetified and triggered.
The initialization of hovering indexes now is
trigerred only for window mouse out events.
--consider reverse Lines and show glow case in order
to add this in the thickness calculations
--consider the applets shadows when shrink thickness
is enabled
the dynamic background feature is enhanced and
becomes smarter. It understands snapped windows, windows
that touch the panel edge etc. The criteria in
order for the background to become solid are:
- any active window that is touching the panel
edge (that includes krunner)
- any inactive window that is snapped and touches
the panel edge (concerning its geometry: quarter-snapped or half-snapped)
- maximized windows
- an inactive window but keepAbove is touching
the panel edge (this catches also the yakuake case)
- panel popups
--there were cases that window previews/tasks context menu/
title tooltips were shown at the same time. This patch fixes this
by adding timers to catch these case and show the above on
priority. The priority used is tasks context menu/window
previews/title tooltips
--disable direct rendering when a title tooltip
becomes hidden and the mouse isnt in the dock.
This fixes an issue when the user enters the dock
and the parabolic animation wasnt playing correctly in
some cases
--do not show a title tooltip if the dock !containsMouse.
This way some tooltips that were still shown when the
mouse wasnt inside the dock is fixed.
--following issue from #730 more qml code
was found that wasnt releasing connect signals
properly. That could create crashes because
already deleted qml objects could receive such
signals. That was observed after qt>=5.9.2
--this works similar with transparency with no-maximized
windows feature but on reverse. e.g. transparency for
non-maximized windows and solidness for maximized ones
--opacity to 1 when applet is active
--when the user uses a semi transparent panel for
un-maximized active windows and the user activates
a pop up for an applet a better visual effect is the
panel to not have any transparency
--improve translation strings and options order
--when the dock is hidden or in animation no mouse
wheel actions are accepted
--laucher: only the up action is accepted in order to
activate that launcher
--window: up action shows the window, if it is shown
nothing happens,
down actions, minimizes the window, it is is already
minimized nothing happens
--group: up/down to cycle through the windows