--in Justify alignment and normal mode, setting the applet
to have as parent the root qml Item it creates a stack in
a lot of cases... By setting the applet container item
directly to more proper parent fixes any issue.
--the check in order to identify if a maximized window
overlaps with the dock wasnt always been executed. That
was the case for multi-screens environments.
--this also fixes#908. Everything was ok except from
the fact that in Single layout mode the needed
lastUsedActivity variable was empty and thus it couldnt
be tracked to update the needed wallpaper correctly.
--when the user changes wallpaper there is a chance
that the lastScreen has the same value with the old
one. In such case the wallpaper must be updated.
--enhanche the dynamic background feature and
in ordre to improve contrast with the underlying
background Latte now calculates the luminosity of the area
underneath the panel and based on that chooses the
best color to create contrast. The colors are chosen
only between textColor and backgroundColor.
--when the user has disabled the panel background
but has enabled a solid background for maximized windows
then in such case the panel background must be enabled
for when it is needed
-- in dynamic background it might be important for
the user to increase the contrast because the textColor
from plasma theme and the background might not provide
readable contrast. This feature adds this by giving
to the user the choice to have as monochrome layout
when the panel is transparent to theme.backgroundColor
--the GhostWindow which is used for AlwaysVisible mode
under wayland during startup there was cases that its
geometry was exceeding the maximumGeometry sent.
BUG: 390017
--the wayland interface couldnt orchestrate correctly
with the corona and the application exit. The whole
architecture changed and the window manager now is
provided by corona and corona is also responsible to
keep only one instance of it and close on exit.
--remove the Plasma Label that was used to set
the Latte trademark based on Tangerine font that
was distributed from app source code
--remove the Tangarine font from source code
--this gives the time for docks to close and also
to not create any rare crashes because qml settings
window calls this code path from its Quit button.
--when we are able to force solidness even though
the plasma theme may never provides that, because
the svg file has some tranparencies in it. Then
for such cases we support it. Such is case is when
the panel is behaveAsPlasmaPanel and maxLength=100%