Commit Graph

866 Commits (7c3aab9b988ceb8b7745dee2b3feb21b8526a180)

Author SHA1 Message Date
l10n daemon script 7c3aab9b98 GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction) 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 64f036dadd improve layouts elements interaction in config
--use DoubleClick to change ShowInMenu
--dont change Activities when Activities combobox
loses focus, only when the user has really clicked
an element
--select user-set backgrounds properly when showing
the combobox backgrounds popup
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 55c373a9e1 RTL fixes in settings windows 7 years ago
l10n daemon script 8356c6ba68 GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction) 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 78ebe6e258 dont apply containment changes when locked
--if the layout is locked then dont apply any
containment config changes
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos a87d094986 fix crash from ghostedge in X11
--when unloading a layout under X11
when MultipleLayouts are used sometimes
a crash was occuring.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos dd296cdf9c fix #980,support locked/unlocked layouts
--layouts can be read-only and in such case
any settings changes arent saved.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 20c38f6f22 improvements in layouts editor painting 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos ece4d55f1c add lock layout button in settings 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 136a0f322b add missing license headers 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 675bfe284d fix #980,support lock icon in layouts editor
-- when a layout is read-only then a lock icon
appears in its layout record.
7 years ago
l10n daemon script 403117e044 SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
In case of conflict in i18n, keep the version of the branch "ours"
To resolve a particular conflict, "git checkout --ours path/to/file.desktop"
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 1e2b996a9e support lock/unlock in layout
--identify if a layout is locked and
support lock/unlock for that layout
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos b02628de3f update file permissions in more places 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 75ab4e9cf0 fix #980,update layouts permissions after importing
--in some systems that layouts are readonly when
copied to user "latte" directory were still
read-only. We are fixing these permissions with
this patch.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 745b9ea075 dont apply too early blur effect
dont delay the corona destruction under wayland
because that creates a crash with kwin effects

BUG: 392890
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 94fa4177ac set hidden ghost window mask to minimum 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos e9b3cf2ed7 Use a new architecture for internal separators
--the old architecture that was trying to keep
an internal separators record couldnt catch up
and at the same time could create issues with
internal separators at different activities.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 5e4134b1ee improve visibility should consider per screen
--maximized windows shouldnt provide solidness
at docks using improve visibility in different
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 27715435a9 update README links and titles
--remove Translators record as from >=v0.7.3
all translations are done through the kde
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos f287d37ac0 add a dock geometry validator
-- under X11 it was identified that windows
many times especially under screen changes
dont end up at the correct position and size.
This vailidator(timer) will enforce repositionings
and resizes every 500ms if the window hasnt end up
to correct values and until this is achieved.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos fa2bc5bae9 increase maximum value of screen tracker 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos ba2acef2c1 fix warning 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 0712d62a3b dont lose focus from dock tooltips
--because focus is lost from dock tooltips the
dock settings window was closing. We take into
account that case in order to not close the
dock settings window in such case
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos bd211c9d29 disable blur under wayland 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos f41395abc3 use new plasma way of detecting platform 7 years ago
Yuri Chornoivan 2f107ad4c7 Fix minor typo 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos dd617d43c8 track primary screen change from qt
--this way we make sure that we track the
primary screen change for wayland also
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 83bad3374e expose screen Tracker interval value
--different hardware can have different delays
in order to inform for screen changes. The tracker
(an internal timer that is) informs Latte after
a specific interval in order to track these changes
and respond accordingly.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 6163cecb6b [wayland] add a protection for updateEffects
--Blur effect under Plasma 5.12(wayland) creates
many crashes. As it appears for 5.13 this has been
greatly improved.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos fb8063cdee fix #946,improve kwin screen edges under X11
--make sure that the kwin ghost window ends at
the correct geometry at all cases
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 9e8406c419 reenable blur for wayland
--as it appears the crash and the support
for blur has been fixed for Plasma 5.13
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos da5cb9c61f fix #946,improve kwin edges support
--make the behaviour more robust and be more
precise at geometries used at all times
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos a6a98f3ac7 reduce hide dock and applets numbers interval 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 3ea40954fc fix #942,show dock when dragging at kwin edge
-- enable showing the dock if the user drags something
on it and the dock is hidden at a kwin edge
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 51e4477499 disable MultipleLayouts for wayland
--KWin in wayland doesnt support yet Activities
and Virtual Desktops. In order to protect the user
we disable the MultipleLayouts
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 1f0acbc3b5 Support KWin Edges mechanism
--by default now Latte supports the KWin Edges mechanism,
this way the following issues are fixed:
fix #935, fix #721, fix #687, fix #512, fix #514
--improve dock behavior when the user user touch
--fix #144, support KWin bright placeholders
--this behavior can be disabled if the user prefers
the old one from the Tweaks page
--in !compositing no more is shown a 1px line at
the screen edge when the dock is hidden
--support KWin Edges in Multiple Layouts state under
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos a93ecfe65d change default show delay to 0ms
--the reason is the plasma default behavior
for touch gestures under X11. Many users
report that Latte isnt working correctly
with left edges. Latte isnt responsible for
this but the plasma touch gestures implementation.
By changing the default for our Show Timer to
0ms then the situation is improved a bit more
for such cases and the user of course can
always alter its value from dock settings


7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 9e03f2732a remember the download window size
--Latte now remembers the last used window size
for the Download dialog
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos d1320f692e wayland,hide dock config wins from taskbar 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 616b8139ff use recreateDock directly
--recreateDock is used when the visibility mode
changes and as such the window must be recreated
in order to work correctly. Any remaining code
found for such function in corona and layoutManager
is removed.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos f257512a44 increase the layoutSwitching timer
--in order to give time for the slide-out event
to play correctly
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos eb3feb4a4e fix #934,change quit button to close button
--exhausted to discuss this so often so in the
end it may be my perspective wrong. Quit button
in dock settings window changed to Close button
and the Quit option moved to menu bar of the
general Latte settings window with shortcut
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 7dae5e6f41 fixes for update Switch and Remove Buttons
-- changing name of layouts should have a visual
indicator and at the same time the Switch and
Remove buttons should update their states
properly. A Switch or Remove action shouldnt
be allowed after a layout rename until the user
has confirmed the new name for the layout.
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 48a788c33d improve DefaultsBtn behavior at Layouts Editor 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos fecd61ea06 improve button states at Layouts Editor
--dont select active layout in each layoutsChanged
--improve the buttons states at layouts editor based
on what the user can do or not
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos b8a2a7ff38 dont update selection on each layoutsChanged 7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 5d97242918 improve layouts editor headers
--dont highlight the layouts header and
dont allow to sort the contents based on
the columns
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 04bae04d56 restore defaults to second settings page
--restore default values to options found at
second settings (PreferencesPage)
7 years ago
Michail Vourlakos 4cf4351b80 improve all luminance calculations
--provide more accurate calculations for luminance
based on algorithm at:
7 years ago