--use DoubleClick to change ShowInMenu
--dont change Activities when Activities combobox
loses focus, only when the user has really clicked
an element
--select user-set backgrounds properly when showing
the combobox backgrounds popup
--in some systems that layouts are readonly when
copied to user "latte" directory were still
read-only. We are fixing these permissions with
this patch.
--the old architecture that was trying to keep
an internal separators record couldnt catch up
and at the same time could create issues with
internal separators at different activities.
-- under X11 it was identified that windows
many times especially under screen changes
dont end up at the correct position and size.
This vailidator(timer) will enforce repositionings
and resizes every 500ms if the window hasnt end up
to correct values and until this is achieved.
--because focus is lost from dock tooltips the
dock settings window was closing. We take into
account that case in order to not close the
dock settings window in such case
--different hardware can have different delays
in order to inform for screen changes. The tracker
(an internal timer that is) informs Latte after
a specific interval in order to track these changes
and respond accordingly.
--by default now Latte supports the KWin Edges mechanism,
this way the following issues are fixed:
fix#935, fix#721, fix#687, fix#512, fix#514
--improve dock behavior when the user user touch
--fix #144, support KWin bright placeholders
--this behavior can be disabled if the user prefers
the old one from the Tweaks page
--in !compositing no more is shown a 1px line at
the screen edge when the dock is hidden
--support KWin Edges in Multiple Layouts state under
--recreateDock is used when the visibility mode
changes and as such the window must be recreated
in order to work correctly. Any remaining code
found for such function in corona and layoutManager
is removed.
--exhausted to discuss this so often so in the
end it may be my perspective wrong. Quit button
in dock settings window changed to Close button
and the Quit option moved to menu bar of the
general Latte settings window with shortcut
-- changing name of layouts should have a visual
indicator and at the same time the Switch and
Remove buttons should update their states
properly. A Switch or Remove action shouldnt
be allowed after a layout rename until the user
has confirmed the new name for the layout.