--this class will be the replacement for layout::storage
and will be responsible for any containment actions for
all layouts either loaded or offloaded. Through this
refactor loading and checking CentralLayouts should become
lighter and also memory efficient
--all storage functions are now taking place into
the same Latte TMP directory that is introduced
for layouts. So no more .bak files are needed from
~/.config folder.
--implement things simpler by using the same
CoreTypes header file both for LatteCore.Types
import statement and App c++ implementation.
Let's leave in the future to decide if
a LibLatte is really necessary.
--use a more logical organization for types. LibLatte2
is split to become LatteCore library and Latte types
are now moved to application level. The Latte Types will
be split even more... Tasks-Only related types will
become Latte.Tasks types
--the new infrastructure can remember settings between
CustomBackgroundStyle and ColorStyle in order to
help the user to not have to reassign values
when changing backgrounds, between predefined
colors style and custom one.
--the new code can understand ALL applets that are
inside an internal containment style applets such
as plasma, nomad systrays and group plasmoid
--Latte can now support multiple Views in the same screen
edge. Views as separated in THREE Layers of priorities.
1. Views from Shared Layouts have highest priority and they
are first to occupy a screen edge
2. Views that are set OnPrimary screen occupy a screen edge only
if there is NO other View from a Shared Layout applied already
3. Views that are Explicit to specific screens occupy a screen
edge only if there is NO PRIMARY view already loaded
--when as Always Visible view was unloaded from
a CentralLayout because its Activity was closing
it was creating a crash. This patch fixes the
situation by releasing sensitive view signals
--occasionaly when the user was switching
layouts it could get some crashes. It looks
safer to unload first the Latte::Views objects
and their corresponding containments afterwards.
I tried in my system to switch multiple layouts
in plenty different configurations and I could
not get a crash. This patch should fix the
mentioned crash report if that was the root
of the issue.
--instead of reading the kwin values all the time
when needed from user actions we now read them
only on startup and when the kwinrc file was
--the new report identifies for all your layouts
when a screen has not been assigned any docks/panels.
That can help user to clean up the ScreensConnectors
if wants to
--when the user uses Meta+A to cycle between the Views
configuration windows then in such case when NO Config
window is shown the LAST ONE USED should be shown again.
IF a Config View is already shown then the NEXT should
be shown afterwards
--fixes to signals in ViewParts in order to avoid
crashes. Currently the recreateView approach is used
in order to reload indicators runtime dynamically.
The "View::setSource" approach does not reload the
indicators properly
--any view and view::containment() signals that
are related to layout are now moved in the
View::setLayout() in order to be reinitialized
properly when the view changes to another
--no reason to load Mutiple layouts linked file
as a Pseudo Central layout. This way no needed
checks can be removed and things are still working
as before.
--update function to use new validViewsMap() function
in order to identify which views must be presented
and where. The validViewsMap function can be used also
from subclasses in order to indetify the Layout occupied
edges without applying the final map state to actual
--huge refactor in order to split the logic of the
Layout file. One of small steps in order to end at
the following logic:
PresentedLayout, that will contain references for
one ActiveLayout and one OnTopLayout and will
act as a class to provide useful information to
layoutManager and all other classes that want
to work with Views.
GeneralLayout will gain a storage object
for all STORAGE properties that require
a CORONA to work
--when monitor from an explicit screen was closed there
were cases that docks were moved at another monitor from
the window manager and that was preventing them to be
delete properly. This patch fixes this by considering
as valid explicit screen only the one provided by the
BUG: 405687
--onPrimary flag is considered from layout file directly
only for containments that are not already loaded to
latte views
--location flag is accessed directly from containment object
-- for each layout only one dock should show its configuration windows
otherwise we could reach a point that because a settings window
is below another Latte View its options are not reachable